Should I worry about my friend and my boyfriend?

I have a friend who is staying with me who is a single mom. We were having dinner, and she asked my boyfriend, “so how was work, honey?” He blushed, and I just laughed. He went on to tell her that his day was good. Dinner was over; he went into our room to shower. She asked me something about a car he’s going to sell her. I said, “well, you would have to ask him when he comes” she smiled, got up from the dinner table, and she said, “omg, imagine he’s naked in there? Should I just walk in or knock” I laughed and told her that she needed to wait and that obviously, I didn’t mean to ask right away. Then she goers on to tell me that she was going to ask him to marry her but that she didn’t want to have more kids. My boyfriend and I have a baby, who she called beautiful when he was with us, but called ugly when he left the room. She even calls her daughter ugly, but I did tell her not to be calling my baby like that. My sister thinks this is weird, and I need to ask her to leave. I don’t think much of it. I don’t know what I’m asking here. Any advice would be great.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I worry about my friend and my boyfriend?

This was posted before and it’s a MAJOR RED FLAG. Kick her out


She needs to go, now and he needs to cut all contact with her.


She needs to leave !!


This was already posted


I wouldn’t call her a friend anymore. I’d tell her to keep her distance because that’s just weird…has she ever heard of boundaries or respect?


Her behavior towards your child and boyfriend is very inappropriate


Umm definitely weird… speak to her about boundaries… when she says something weird like about marrying him flat out ask what she means… maybe she has something mental going on… and my advice never allow another female to stay with u!!

Send her packing. There shouldn’t be two people in the kitchen


I agree with your sister, it’s weird and completely inappropriate, it’s like she is trying to test you to see how far you will let her go if that makes sense, to be fair though as soon as she called my child ugly she would of been out the door, that’s awful

Definitely not your friend.

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You’ve already posted and ask questions and you got the answers. Kick her out. I don’t understand why people need to ask obvious questions.

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Get her out of your house now.

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Flirt with my husband or call my baby ugly and she would be out on her butt asap

Well girl you just lost your man and your best friend


That’s weird af. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
Make her LEAVE.


Uhhhh …
Wut lol.
Boot her tf out lol.

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This can’t be real right?

She wouldn’t be in my house anymore…


She needs to go today


Get her out ya house before it becomes a bigger problem she already showing signs of being interested even if he’s not

She needs to go!!! My opinion straight to lock up…and I don’t think she deserves to have her daughter!!!

Your boyfriend needs to put the friend in her place.


Sounds like a bunch of hellno to me…


You need to say BYEEEEEE


I wouldnt put up with this

She needs to go and why isn’t he saying something…

I agree with your sister

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Flags girl. Flags all over this one. I would be through the roof. Thats not a “friend” shes tryin to slide in.


She’d be gone right this second and so would he

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She wants him get her out

You hv Lucifer in your house :house_with_garden:! Make her leave today n get some sage!!! :dart::person_shrugging::100:


I’d pack her shit My damnself and tell her to get the hell out and I’d be having a talk with yo man or he could kick rocks too

Make her leave NOW! Yesterday wouldnt be too soon!

She would be so gone in my house x

You need to ask her to leave. She is up to no good and obviously wants the life you have. That’s over stepping boundaries

Home wrecker alarm, she needs out ur home asap n that’s if not already going in

Probably already done something…

You don’t think much of it?!

Definitely ask her to leave. She way over stepping boundaries.

Kick that b***h out. Actually, kick them both out. It takes two to tango.

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She is not your friend!!

She would be in the hospital

Her @ss needs to go …now…she’s testing you by what she says. Bye Felicia

She’s trouble. Or at least has an attitude problem. Say buh bye and move if possible if she is of the stray cat variety. Her and her daughter need to figure out something else… and necessity leads to change and invention


Tell her to get the hell out of your house! And if he don’t like it he can go too!!

Tell her to bounce. She is walking around throwing red flags everywhere. Passive aggression isn’t working for you.

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This girl is not your friend and clearly is envious of your relationship. Remove her asap or don’t be surprised when you walk in on said friend and your man together.


kick that friend to the curb like yesterday. She clearly has some mental health issues you aren’t prepared to deal with, and boundary issues as well. Your sister is right, and I can’t fathom how you’re unable to see what’s happening right in front of you. Your husband may not be a willing participant now, but…… things can change - time to draw the line. At this point, I’d be scared to leave her in the same house with my baby…… something ain’t right with this one, must have been hit in the coconut too many times


Umm nope i’d fuck that bitch all the way up! Ain’t no damn way a “friend” gonna stay with me and hit on my man. And do it directly in front of me? Nope not at all.

Intuition… As soon as you get that feeling, end the arrangement.

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Kick her out, like yesterday. Make sure your boyfriend has no further contact with her. I feel sorry for her child. She needs mental help.


Your “friend” sounds delusional


Weird and get her out now


If you have to question it, you already have your answer.


She is mentally ill. Please be careful and get her out ASAP.


Nope it’s time for her to go

This sounds like a lifetime movie :see_no_evil:


No she’d be gone. That’s not right at all. And your man, she’ll likely take it as flirting with her. Sounds like no boundaries and she’s loving it

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Get her out!! She’s trouble brewing!!

To the left…and cut ties with her.

That’s not a true trusting friend.

Kick her ass out! That ain’t no friend to you. Homewrecker at its finest. Don’t be blind momma. Make her leave!

Get her the he’ll out your house lol not even a question lol

I am not so strict and such - or at least I don’t think I am - but it sounds like your gutt is already telling you to show her the door…yesterday. Why play with fire?

She’s crossing all sorts of lines and sounds toxic. There’s clearly no respect either.


One of you is superfluous, either you leave or she does. I think she is smarter than you and has no shame.

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girl she needs to leave now

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Throw them both away :woman_shrugging:t3:

Hell no she needs to bounce

Girl please. Out she goes.


You call her a friend???

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She is NOT a friend!! Time to go!!


Yeah I’m not the paranoid type or even the jealous type but she’s definitely throwing hints at you so I would take them


She definitely, and without a doubt, needs to go. Like the night she called him ugly and tried to see him naked. That’s just weird.

She sounds unwell :rofl: like she’s got it into her head that she’s living with him and theyre together :joy:


Get her out before its to late. If shes saying things like that then shes planning on taking your place.

Wow! Get her out of your house… or give her your man.

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I wouldn’t of even took the time to make this post. The time you took to make this you could of already told your “so called” friend to get the heck out and that if she couldn’t respect you and your relationship anymore than that-that she wasn’t welcome back. She would of already been out my door :person_facepalming::person_shrugging::rofl::roll_eyes:

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Shes not you’re pal tell her to gtfo

She’s after him. Give her the boot :boot:

Ma’am if you don’t get friend up outcha space cuz she’s looking to replace YOU!!! That’s no friend that’s an enemy playing right in your face and you cackling with the succubus :face_exhaling:

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Sorry to be blunt, but… If this is real you clearly don’t care much about your boyfriend… if anyone were to say anything like that to my boyfriend it’d be peace out real quick, with a smack to the face… She likes your boyfriend and your leaving the door wide open for her to slide right in… And I’ll be dammed if anyone were to ever call my child ugly they’d be knocked out immediately and would never come near any of us again

Yeah red flags. She needs to leave now and cut all contact.

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Youre gonna be posting about your friend sleeping with your husband soon…

Dec not a friend and her ass be on the street

“Bye bye bitch” is what I’d say haha, idk about any of u but if a bitch did that I’d be salty AF and showing it haha

Get her out of your home and life asap

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She would have done been up outta my house

She should have been told to leave yesterday. Trouble is brewing in your marriage.

Get her out of your house.

She’s a big red flag…time to go.

Wow! Tell her to leave IMMEDIATELY.

Ask her to leave now.

Yeah send her ass packing… she sounds like a serial killer

Omg :flushed: she is not a friend

Red flag don’t ignore it.

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I mean if you’re ok with her sleeping with your man then yeah just let it go but if not kick her out and kick her out quick. That girl is not being friendly, she’s testing how much you’ll let her get away with and trying to see if your man’s open to being with her.


Make her leave right away. She’s not your friend she’s after your husband.


oh hell NO!! she is literally about to take your man (if she already secretly hasnt) & your literally HELPING her to do it without even realizing it!! i would of walked her ass straight to the door & told that bitch to kick rocks if she felt bold enough to say about him being naked & all that else! i dont even have a husband but if i ever do i dont even need friends nomore cuz fck that, u cant trust nobody & double cant with ppl like her cuz shes lowkey telling u plain as day she wants your dude & prob. your life too and aint no REAL friendship in the world that requires that type of fckery & betrayal, nope and hes gonna blame YOU when u catch them cuz YOU didnt put her ass out when she was talking weird… good luck but u better tell that lotlizard to kick rocks too!!

She wants your man! Get her out!!!

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