Should I worry about my friend and my boyfriend?

It’s time for her to move out. She doesn’t respect you or have any boundaries.

Her behaviour is not appropriate and I would kindly ask her to leave.

Sounds like she’s crazy af lol

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Her “omg what if I just walk in and he’s naked? Hehe”

Me… “well hun that’ll be the point where I beat the brakes off you and wipe the floor with your face but you go ahead and take your chances”

Boom. Just set a boundary


She wouldn’t even have had a spot to begin with imo, she needs to go. A true friend wouldn’t act like that

Why would you not think much of your “friend” saying she was gunna ask your boyfriend to marry her? Or trying to go in the bedroom knowing there is a possibility he could be naked? Or the fact that she’s calling your baby ugly? F that get her gone! She no friend but she is a wierdo and the type you shouldn’t trust around your child never mind boyfriend

This is a friend? I think not.

She wants your man. Get her out NOW!!

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She has to go ASAP. she’s not a friend

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You have all the red flags in your face so it’s time for her to go


Definitely weird asf kick her out or out her in her place. Also talk with your man and let him know to stop being so friendly


Huh? :pleading_face::pleading_face:

Can you tell me where to buy your level of patience, maturity and tolerance from please??? :pleading_face::pleading_face::expressionless::woman_facepalming:t4:


she is definitely crossing the line and more , tell her she needs to stop immediately or she can find somewhere else to go


Nut job, get her out.

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I wouldn’t call that a friend :unamused:


Time for her to acquire new accommodations. Your bf may not think anything about her comments, but they are concerning.


Tell her to LEAVE!!!

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yeah this is awkward and borderline lifetime movie

You talks about your boyfriend being naked, says she was going to ask him to marry her and was blatantly flirting with him, which you clearly caught on to bc you’re talking about it, and you STILL didn’t think anything of it?!? Home girl would be gone and he would be too if he didn’t change his ways towards her

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I would of never had another woman staying in the house at all , it’s just asking for problems. Idc what the situation is🤦🏻‍♀️ also there is a ton of red flags already kick her out


Hell no she would have to go

Don’t let the door hit her in the ass

Oh nooooo hunny she’d be out with some missing teeth to

That’s not a friend…that’s a serious fight waiting to happen.
Show her the door real quick…lol


That “Friend” needs to go!!

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That aint no friend. Get her out of your house


She shouldn’t have ever moved in the first place, kick her out now!

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Have her move the hell out. She’s wants him or has already had him. Time to go. I would also be speaking to him about how I felt.


Do you need any more signs other than the ones she has clearly flashed right in front of your face that she will move on your man in a heartbeat?! No, girl, please tell me that you see it now by some of these comments. I get that you may want to trust your friend and help her but your sister is spot on. Tell her to GTFOH.


Get her out of your house.

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Throw her out the door. He’s playing into it right in front of you

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Kick her out now!! That is not a friend.

She needs to Leave !!
She isn’t your friend. Sounds like she’s using you & your boyfriend and will do anything to get his help with getting her a car !!

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Get her out NOW!!!

Dead that friend now

I had this issue with my sister. She kept telling my things like “if you don’t date him I will.” Or she would walk around my house looking like a hussy. She lived with me before I got with my bow fiancé, but when he did move in, things got worse. I had to kick her out.

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Wow really. Get rid of her. She’s psycho

Id throw her ugly ass out the door

YES! She’s extremely in appropriate!

:bangbang:major red flags here…get rid of her

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First of all… your friend is a nut job. Who says that their own daughter is ugly?? :face_with_monocle:
Second… she has Zero boundaries, and is NOT your friend if she’s speaking to you about your boyfriend like that. :face_with_monocle:

Get her out of there

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Show her the door even if it means putting her on the street,she is liking your life and she is going to f… Your man

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She obviously has no respect for you or your relationship. You need to ask her to leave but if she receives mail there you will have to have her evicted through small claim court

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Giiiirl she wants ur man at least a taste😂even if you trust him not to do anything why would you want a friend like that around?she sounds skanky


Ohh girl!! Nope. She’s trouble and got to go. Like yesterday’s trash :wastebasket: toss her ass out asap and have big ol talk with him too.

She needs to leave she’s not your friend she’s a snake. Had a friend like that didn’t live with me but made comments to my husband except my husband always told me if he thought it was weird she still talks to him bit tells she’s afraid of me haha she knows

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My momma always told me no matter what, do not EVER let another woman stay in your home with you and your man. You’re setting yourself up for heartache. Get rid of her NOW


Get her gone! That’s absolutely inappropriate! Why would she think that’s even ok?! I have a best friend who is like a sister & she & I would never even dream of speaking about each other’s husband that way. This “friend” of yours is trying something devious & has no boundaries. Get rid of her entirely. Make sure your man is aware as well so he can protect himself as well. I’d get cameras as well.

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Man this is weird lol. I’m friendly with my best friends fiancé and comfortable enough that I could go to her house and visit the kids with only him there but this seems a lot more different. Would make me uncomfortable for sure

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She’s being disrespectful and crossing all kinds of lines. Time to go.


Not normal at all. She needs to leave asap

Your “friend” is after your man. You need to tell the chick to push on. And you need to talk to dude and let him know you won’t tolerate being cheated on so if he likes her advances and thinks he has a chance in hell of cheating he can go with her.


Woah um no she would be missing a few teeth and also homeless. You dont disrespect me and my relationship like that


Tell her it’s time to break up another family. Off you go!


Yikes she sounds like a in house red flag, I’d tell her it’s time to go

Kick her out why would you take another female to your house

Pack her bags, or put her stuff in garbage bags, then in her vehicle and lock the door behind her.

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She’s literally giving you a heads up she’s after him… kick her out now!

Yeah she needs to go back to the streets. I wish a bitch would try me like that.

Kick her to the curb. She does not have your best interest at heart. She only wants to mess up your life.

I wouldn’t call her a friend and I would surely tell her to get her things and get out of my house.

Yeah she needs to leave…That’s not a friend, that’s someone who’s trying some mess…Trust your gut.

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She could of hit the road when she call my baby ugly. Do not trust her and exit out of that “friendship” No true friend would make those kind of comments about your man especially right in front of your face.

Put her out. Yikes!!:triangular_flag_on_post:

A home is not big enough for another single female. If you want your man, tell her that she will have to find another place to live. Never leave them alone. You are too trusting. Saying something once is a joke, twice is NOT!!!

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Yeah she needs to go and you need to have a talk to your man about staying clear of her unless your around .

She’s got to go, guarantee they’re already sleeping together.


Big big red flag…she should move out.

Always throw out the garbage before it starts stinking.


Kick her out that’s crossing the line big time

She’s trying to take ur man!

Nah. She’s got to go. Don’t want to ruin your trusting soul, but from the sounds of her words, yup, they’re fucking. Cause she’s just so comfortable.

She needs to go somewhere else :woozy_face:

Ummmm why isn’t she already gone…also your bf shouldn’t engage when she says anything to him otherwise you need to put him in his place too…girlllll get her GONE!!!


She’s crossing boundaries and is being inappropriate with ur guy. I would have put my foot down when she was going to ask him a question while In the shower. I’d get rid of her she is obviously not respecting you and your guy and your home. She is just waiting for her moment.



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She would have been gone since yesterday like tf

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If I couldn’t trust a man around another female I’d tell them both to pack.
Might just be her sense of humour of course but id be asking her to look for somewhere else to stay

You’re being too nice by laughing stuff off.


Ever see the movie ‘The Hand That Rocks the Cradle’ staring Rebecca De Mornay…sounds
Ike your reliving the movie…

I would pack her bag’s

She’s already crossed boundaries at this point for her to feel so comfortable behaving like that. She has 0 respect for you. I’d kick her tf out. Your feelings are valid, even when people like this make you think you are wrong.


Time to move her on hunny.

Girl…if u want to keep yr marriage happy …tell her to leave …like yesterday…like the second she made that inappropriate very unnecessary comment


Ya that was to much red flags

Definitely strange and there are red flags. I would talk with your friend and boyfriend. Ask your friend to leave.


That “female” needs the boot… and fast!!

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Oh no. She’d be goneeeeeee… and that’s why we agreed that no one stays with us.


Tell her to leave your place now!!

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Your sister is right.


Yea sayin all those things r complelty inappropriate exspecailly I’m going ask him to marry me WOW u don’t say that unless somethin going on or she loves him


Don’t ever move another woman in your house! NEVER! I don’t care if its family!


Pack her bags and set them outside.

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If you are wondering… already know, sis!

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Get that crazy bitch out of your house. There’s a reason why she’s a single mom

Insists she leaves :flushed:

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Get her out… she’s after your man…


Girl, she needs to be gone. She doesn’t have any respect for you. She is not your friend. She wants your life and man and that’s it. I would’ve simply asked her to leave when she was obviously flirting with my person like wtf are you doing?


Think u know the answer she has to go