Should I worry that my daughter cries when her dad leaves?

Hello. So I have a two-year-old daughter. Her father and I are not on good terms, but my parents let him come to our house. Every time he has to leave, my daughter would always cry. I am worried that this might have a psychological effect on my daughter. Any advice or answer if there is a psychological effect. Thanks.


Best you can do is assure her that she will see Daddy again. My daughter had the same issue at the same age. Her dad was in the hospital for months and she wasn’t allowed to see him. When he finally came home, she became extremely attached. He couldn’t even go outside to smoke a cigarette unless she was distracted otherwise she’d throw a fit.
It’s similar to when parents drop off baby to daycare for the first time. That anxiety of “oh no my parent is gone and I don’t know if they’ll come back”.
Assure your child that everything is okay and both Mommy and Daddy are there for her. I don’t know the issues you two are having but I hope you work through them and can develop a health co-parenting relationship. Good luck!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I worry that my daughter cries when her dad leaves?

Separation anxiety. It’s normal.


She will get used to it. Try and get your relationship with him on ok terms so she can see her parents not together but coparenting x


Unfortunately that’s going to happen. Kids don’t understand separations as well as we dom.


My three yr old twins cry if I go to the bathroom…
Like full blown lose it.
It’s definitely normal…and just separation.


It gets easier within time. At first it’s going to suck and be hard on all of you.


She misses him. Nothing wrong with it. Talk to her about. “I know you miss him. We will see him again real soon.” Maybe help her draw a picture for him.


No you shouldn’t worry she just loves her dad n doesn’t understand y he has to leave


Simple: kids flip off and on like light bulbs with moms and dads. She will be just fine…its when they get older and start pushing buttons on each parent to get their way

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No smh. You want them to have a good relationship? I would worry if she cried when he came only.


Really some of these questions…ask a therapist not us idiots


It’s normal for the age. Give it time.

When he leaves and she starts to get upset, redirect her attention to something fun… She just misses him when hes gone. Once she realizes that he will come back soon, she will be ok. It takes time for them to adjust.

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My son cries everyday when I go to work. Kids just know your going somewhere and can’t play with you esp since your not together and only seeing him occasionally will be harder on her but it’s normal emotions

Lil one and dad need time apart just like you and lil one need sometime apart

My kids 7.5 almost 5 and almost 3 all have issues when daddy leaves them with me it me with daddy they love both their parents… they do this with grandparents also and mostly just anybody they like having to leave. It’s normal … actually most kids do this to varying degrees even if parents are together but one leaves for work.

I was 4 when my parents divorced and there was period of time that I cried every single time I talked to him on the phone. I just missed both of my parents being in the same house every night. It will get easier. 41 years later and no ill effects. I love both of them equally.

Is she not allowed to miss her dad. Dang. Stupid.


It absolutely effects them. My daughter suffers from separation anxiety horribly from it and thinks any time anyone leaves they are going to be gone for a few weeks…

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:woozy_face: kids miss their parents. Its normal. If youre concerned, ask a therapist. Not Facebook.


It is normal but for the sake of the child when mom and dad are around each other dont argue and fight. Get along like best friends when together. Never let her hear yall putting each other down or each others side of the family down. Dad his her hereo no matter how much you despise him and same for you, you are her hereo too no matter how much he despises you.

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She cries because shes bonded with him & loves him. It’s no different than you crying if you leave a parent or SO knowing you won’t see them for months or years. To a 2yo a few days is like months.

She loves her daddy. Nothing wrong with it.

Completely normal for your 2 yr old to cry when her father leaves her!!! My son cried when I drop him off at daycare and I work in the same place (different room) it’s normal for her to miss her dad!! She doesn’t understand time or what’s going on!! My son who sees his dad n lives with both his parents cry when one of us leaves there’s nothing wrong with that! Your child isn’t getting ruined unless your putting her dad down or telling her that her dad is horrible things!!! Don’t fight or anything with her father in front of her that will hurt n damage the child more!! Co parent together for her!!


Guess I need to quit work since my kids cry when I leave


It’s called separation anxiety and she misses her daddy.

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It’s normal… my daughter would do that when her dad would go to work everyday :roll_eyes: and as soon as I’d start cooking she’d be at the window waiting for him because she knew that me cooking dinner meant he was gonna be home soon.


Let her see him more. She wants him.


It’s normal when my husband leaves for work my son cries and wants him and when his grandparents come over and leave he does the same thing except throw a bigger fit lol they just love and want them around all the time

I’m 25 and I miss my dad when he leaves still. Kids are supposed to love their parents! It’s NORMAL.


It’s normal love
She misses her dad and doesn’t understand why he’s leaving
Next time dad’s around you could let her walk him to the car when he leaves, hug him bye and then you both can reassure her, she’ll see him again soon


She is TWO and probably loves and misses her daddy.:roll_eyes:


I just wonder… does it make people feel good about themselves to be rude on these posts? Like, what’s the point? Are y’all just miserable and bored?


Is this a joke?

She’s allowed to miss her dad. Most kids cry when a parent leaves…


She just misses her daddy. I had one who would cry when she had to be picked up. One who would cry and drop off and wanted to stay with me. She will adjust


Normal. My daughter does it to

If it was the other way around no one would care because " awww the baby misses mommy it’s normal" but god forbid the child crying for the dad , " they need consistent parents, that’s traumatic for the baby, that will make them depressed" :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I’m so over these double standards


Kids need their daddies too, idk your situation but if he’s a good dad to her, you guys are split up, at the end of the day, him being a good dad is all that matters. If the situation permits, sit down and have a civil talk about coparenting, put the problems between y’all down, they’re in the past, now it’s just about her. Good luck Momma.


My daughter 5 years old used to cry everytime her dad went to work golf anywhere. She still gets sad she has attachment issues from other things but its normal for her to miss her daddy and cry. She loves him

Let him take his kid for shared custody then and fix your relationship with him so you can be able to speak about your daughter.
You dont have to like each other…just talking terms.
Its obviously what your kid needs

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No that’s normal just as if when you went to work she would cry for you. Or when you leave the room or what not. Same as if you were together and he went out or to work she would cry.

No it’s normal and it won’t affect them unless they don’t see their other parent for prolonged times and then see them 1 year later. If it’s consistent it should not be a problem :heart:

My daughter is five and still cries when her dad leaves for work every day!

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Its normal. Its not unusual for kids to cry when someone they care about leaves.


Mine barely stopped crying when I would leave. He turned 3 in Feb. Now he tells me, “I’m gonna cry for you mama,” but then he doesn’t. Just says it so I know he’s gonna miss me. :blush:

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my kid cries when I go down to the car to bring stuff in no matter how many times I tell him I’m not leaving I’m only going to the car to bring such and such in lmao. kids just want their parents it’s a healthy attachment as long as she settles down after a few minutes


Grasping for straws to find a reason to alienate? Please don’t do that to your daughter. Get some therapy.


Nope, it’s normal. Kids cry when someone they love leaves.
At 2 she may even think crying will make him come back, lol. Be happy she wants him there :heart:

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I can’t even go to the bathroom with out my littles crying….

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Maybe keep dad there till she goes to sleep…she’s missing her daddy

LOL you worried she likes her dad more…? What’s the issue here?

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my question is what is being said in his absence by those who “tolerate and allow him” to see his children? Are threats being made? Is someone talking badly about him? Like grandma or grandpa or… perhaps you? Is there a reason she might feel like she won’t get to see him again? If so, you better nip that in the bud now!

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Maybe he should take her to his house for more time since she misses him so much. I’d see if that’s something he wants and then she can be more on a schedule and see him more often and not feel so sad when he leaves bc she knows she will see him again

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My bb girl cries when daddy leaves, too. :slight_smile: It hurts to watch, but they’re OK.

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It’s normal. Parents leave for work all the time and their kids cry.

My 8 year old occasionally cries when her daddy leaves for work at night , usually if he’s been off work for a week or so and she’s got use to having him home … it’s normal .

I feel like this is pretty normal at this age. My 3 year old cry’s pretty much anytime I leave. Even when I go to work. She just recently started crying for her dad but she never did before.

My daughter cries when I leave to work daily it happens

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I worry that my daughter cries when her dad leaves?

My father used to beat me so I would cry when he was there. she’s a lucky girl.

Sounds like separation anxiety which is perfectly normal for her age. She just misses him

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I worry that my daughter cries when her dad leaves?

It’s normal behavior for the age of child and for the particular scenario. As long as the child is receiving unconditional love and support on all ends then that’s all that can be done until the child becomes old enough to properly express her feelings and thoughts verbally.

Make the most of those precious little cuddles now! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: they don’t stay little for long.

Normal for that age, mine still does that at 4 years old now and her dad lives here lol. But she is a touchy psychological type. She choked on bacon once and would not eat for over a week, to me that was in her head and it took a lot of work and time to come back from it. Id say just take the time needed to re train re think or take her mind off him leaving. It should pass though.

This is not unusual. Children often cry when either parent leaves. Children cry when left at daycare or with a sitter. It’s a type of separation anxiety. Once they are old enough to understand that the person comes back, they adjust, and the crying stops. This is not harming her at all.


Anytime you’re going through a separation it’s going to be hard on the kids . There is going to be an adjustment period. Let him visit as often as he wants. As long as he is a good dad and helping care for your daughter don’t make it harder than it has to be. Using visitation to punish your child’s father will hurt your child don’t do it. The problems you and he have nothing to do with your child. On another note if dad is a sorry pos that only comes around when it convinces him that is another story all together. I don’t believe in allowing absentee parents come in and out of a child’s life whenever they feel like it. It isn’t fair to the child in this case you have to protect your child, put your foot down tell the other parent to either be there consistently or get lost period. This doesn’t sound like the case in your situation

It’s normal for that age group even if he was just going to work or you were it could happen the same. But… coming from a divorced home, it’s still going to be hard on her having to split time between you both. So as long as you keep allowing them to spend that quality time together and never use it as a tool of manipulation or anything against the other parent, i think it will be a healthy thing for everyone. But given her age and having a 2 year old myself who cries when i just leave to go to the store… its a normal behavior.


I wouldn’t worry about her crying. It just means she misses him because she doesn’t get to see him as much as she sees you but that doesn’t mean she loves you any less. My daughter is 7 & her daddy & I are still together & she cries for him when he leaves to go to work because she doesn’t get to see him as often as she does me. But she’s still crazy over me as well & she tells me that herself. Now in my case with my dad, I cried because I didn’t want to go with him because he wasn’t in my life for the right reason. As long as he’s active in her life & doing it for the right reason, that’s all that matters. Crying when he leaves is nothing to worry about. :slightly_smiling_face:


My husband and I have been happily married and consistently together for 20 years. My little boys still cry when their dad leaves for a regular work day. I’d say this is totally normal. Even for kids with both parents in the home .


She’ll be okay! Me & my babies dad broke up 2 years ago, she’s 5 now & still cries for him. She just misses her daddy & that’s okay.


Try to focus your language on the positive … instead of missing daddy, oh daddy is so looking forward to seeing you next time, ooo let’s go and make daddy a picture and give it to him next time. I know that doing and saying things positive is hard when there are negative emotions involved but this is far more positive you your daughters mental wellbeing which will help 10 fold in the long run. Xx


Separation anxiety is a thing even at this age. I would say that its normal. It just sounds like she’s a daddies girl.

Little girls need their daddies as much as their mommies, and dads deserve to be with their children as much as moms. She loves him, and it sounds like you don’t live under the same roof, which can cause the little girl stress and anxiety. The two of you need to make up a reasonable schedule for them to spend time together, preferably on their own. NEVER speak ill of her daddy in front of her, no matter how mad he makes you. For the girl’s sake, be cordial to one another when you are all together. Be the adults in the room. She will thank you later.


It’s completely normal, it just means that she loves her Daddy and she misses him. It’s great that you’re being civil with her Dad, that’s the best thing u can do for her! Keep doing what you’re doing, she will get into a routine soon xx

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It’s normal. We have a two year old, dad lives in home and she still cries when he leaves sometimes. I would maybe get a visitation schedule so dad can keep her more and have one on one with her.

I wouldn’t worry too much. It’s normal at that age. My son use to cry everytime I dropped him off at his dads to visit. Or when I dropped off for daycare. She loves her dad and misses him. She’s little, when she’s a little older she’ll understand better. Just make sure she sees him regularly

My daughter cried every​:clap: single :clap:time​:clap: I left for work until she was 6. It was heartbreaking at first and then frustrating. I finally had to sit her down and tell her that I’m coming back home when I leave for work. I had to tell her that for months. Then I would literally pray in my car before I left work that I didn’t get into a car accident.

Separation anxiety is normal. But if he just comes randomly and not often she will probably be scarred… If she sees him regularly I’m sure it’s fine :pray:

I wouldn’t worry about psychological affects, I would say it’s your wake up call to ensure you are facilitating and encouraging lots of contact


Separation anxiety is absolutely normal, but sounds like she doesn’t spend as much time with dad. I’d work on him having overnights as long as it’s not an abuse situation


It’s normal in the early stages. Just have him talk her through it and you reassure her she will see him again. Maybe make a little calendar so she knows when to expect him. Iy gets easier as they get older. It’s good for her to get used to this now…and it is even better he wants to be involved. Kids need their fathers too.

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Let your child have a relationship with her dad seriously do you think she wouldn’t cry when you leave if she didn’t get to see you often? Reverse the roles then see if it’s something that you should be asking


Maybe needs to spend more time with her daddy…some one on one time.she loves him and misses him… talk positive about her daddy to her.

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It’s normal. She probably is missing her dad, but also there’s still some separation anxiety also for toddlers. I would encourage a healthy and consistent schedule for them to see eachother so it will get easier. If the schedule is unplanned and chaotic, she may have a harder time adjusting.


She misses her daddy. Just because your not on good terms with the man doesn’t change this fact. Such mistakes are made because parents don’t realize this. You don’t have to be together or care about each other but don’t put your child in the middle. Maybe if he’s a good father try letting her spend more time with him.

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Sounds like she loves and misses her daddy. I think it will just take time for her to understand that even though she doesn’t have both of you 24/7 she still has you both. Does she have a good relationship with both of you and a good environment at both homes? As long as she has those things I think it will be OK. If you and her dad don’t get along then it would probably be more psychologically damaging for yall to be together.

Probably a sign she needs to be spending significantly more time with her dad


Yes it’s going to take a toll on her. She just doesn’t understand yet. Just always reassure her that daddy loves her too and when he will be coming back. Overtime she will understand and won’t be so upset about it.

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Of course she cries. She is sad that he is leaving. She will be ok. Comfort her and reassure her that she will see him again!

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When my daughter was around that age her father would visit then go home. We would tell her,” he has to go to work”. As she is a little older now and can comprehend a little more we tell her and explain to her that her daddy lives at a different home but she lives with mommy.

I’d just like to give props to the Damn. He’s apparently a loving father :heart: props to you also mom. You’re being a adult about the seperation. Y’all are doing great!

This happened when I was going through a divorce, my son would cry every time either one would leave
We switched it up…dad would pick him up at my house and leave with him and I would do the same, it worked perfect!! No one was leaving him behind, he was the one going

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Nope. Wouldn’t worry. We all get sad when we miss someone. Your 2 yr old is just expressing it how she knows how. Toddlers and kids have big feelings that they haven’t learned how to regulate yet.

Sounds to me like you are looking for a reason to use your child as a pawn, which is NEVER okay.


I always cried when my dad had to leave for work (he worked out of town most of my life) it’s just because I loved and missed him. Completely normal

Very normal as others have said. Mine did it and is just fine. It’s great he comes and sees her. Eventually she will get used to the routine.

Mine cries when I leave her at daycare. She is going to be 4.

My daughter cries when I leave her with the sitter also cries when dad gets home and he leaves the room. She’s 13months