Should kids be forced to play sports?

Always teach them, it’s about enjoying extra curriculum activities.

Every kid is not an athlete, if you force him to play he wont be no good at it, and then youll have to watch him fail in front of everybody, maybe hes a reader, does he like to fish? Ask him what he likes

Try music… guitar, drum lessons or something like that

It’s totally not worth the argument every time you have to leave for practice. Choose your battles.

No, don’t force it. Not all kids are the same.

Music? the arts…, dance etc…?

Don’t force him to do something he doesn’t like, instead find a hobby he does like!

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They shouldn’t be forced. Find out what he is interested in and ask him what he would like to do. Music? Art? If he is doing something that interests him you can tell your partner that is keeping him out of trouble :rofl:

I get what the husband is saying. If you let him chose his own activities that’s one thing but letting him chose to do nothing shouldnt be an option.

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What sports are you trying? Maybe he likes a different sports than the ones y’all are putting him in. I agree that children should be put in activities to keep them occupied outside of electronics. Find out what he is interested in…. Piano or an instrument perhaps?

They can still get into trouble

Why sports? Why not theatre, chess, art clubs etc?

Don’t force it on him. He will get into trouble just out of spit.

Look into other things he might be interested in. A lot of high schools have ROTC. It is fun, a clas during the day, after school stuff and competitions and can travel with the program. On spring breaks we went Virginia one year toured the navy ships and educational things. Went to California and to Disney another year and also toured base there. It teaches a lot of self discipline too and hard work. Kept me and my brother out of trouble.
But there is so much that he can do that isn’t sports. Look up some things and see what he is interested in. You will also learn a lot that you didn’t know about him and his interests a lot more too.

Forcing him to play sports wont keep him out of trouble. He can still associate with the trouble kids during school anyway…plus if he dosent wanna be there it’s just a waste of money and time imo

they don’t have to play sports, but it’s very important to encourage your kids to take part in peer activities. help them find their nich and their people

Keeps them out of trouble and keeps them active do you want to be that mom that has a 40 year old son living in the basement playing video games never had a girlfriend or a life. Just lazy and plays video games. Dont have to be sports can be something else

In my house they need to go something. He needs an activity outside the home. Art/sports/ music something

Forced? No, but encouraged to participate in activities they actually feel passion for , absolutely.

No; don’t force someone to play sports if he doesn’t want to!!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! Should kids be forced to play sports?

Find out what he is into and do that🤷‍♀️

Sign him up for sports!!!

No they shouldn’t be forced to play sports

You shouldn’t force them to play sports…find out what he is over into and invest in that

No not at all. Some are into them and some aren’t. Have you asked the 13 year old what their interested in or just trying to forcing something they don’t like? The kids old enough to tell you what they like

What is he into? Whatever it is support that. Whether its art, band, gaming (he can take tech classes to learn how to create a video game), swimming, reading, investigating and researching mysteries whatever it is he loves support it in a way that will lead him to bigger and better things. Obviously a kid in front of the TV all day and night isn’t progressive. But find out what it is hes watching or playing and encourage an activity that dives into that more in debth.


Definitely not, you shouldnt force a child/teen into anything they dont like, for so many reasons! I remember as a kid being forced into doing things that i didnt enjoy and it made me have such bad anxiety. Besides not all kids like sports and thats perfectly fine! Encourage them into activities that they really do enjoy, it will help grow their confidence, help them develop skills that they could use as an adult and also it will strengthen your relationship with them becausw they will appreciate you for helping them do something they like rather than resent you for forcing them into something they hate


I avoided PE like the plague, and I turned out fine. I mean yeah now, 10 years later out of school I know do pole, but I got no enjoyment from traditional sports at all.

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Maybe think about a different type of sport. It is so important for kids/teens to be active. I hated sport as a kid because (I found out later) I had a lazy eye so had no depth perception and couldn’t catch a ball. I absolutely hated team sports because I knew I would always let the team down. I wish I had been given the choice to do something more individual like gymnastics or dance. Luckily I rode my bike everywhere I went and stayed active. I did martial arts in upper high school and loved it. Moved on to weights and running in my 30s and now pilates and pole dancing in my 40s. There’s a sport out there for everyone… you just need to find what works.


No, figure out what he enjoys doing and try to get him into classes or clubs at school for that activity. Don’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do, eventually he will resent that activity or even your husband/you for making him to do it.

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No. But he should definitely be doing an extra curriculum within an area that he has an interest/passion about. My daughter doesnt do sports she absolutely hates the thought of having to play seriously she’ll play sports at school thats it. But shes a theatrical child so shes part of theatre and when shes involved with shows she learns commitment, defication, hard wprk paying off and is part of a cast of all ages which gives her essential life lessons as she grows. Shes only 7 going on 8 and i have no plans to get her into sports unless she asks in the future

No I wouldn’t force the child to play sports. Find something that they are interested in.

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There are other activities to keep your kid “out of trouble” that don’t involve kicking, throwing or batting a ball or running in a circle. Find out what the kid is into and look into something that allows him to do that activity, if you make him do something he doesn’t want to do he’ll never want to do that thing again and may even find ways to avoid you, actually raising his chances of getting into trouble

He can do other activities besides sports There are plenty of other clubs I’m sure your sons school has that he can join

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Don’t listen to all these participation trophy parents. Sports are good for kids, teaches them discipline, respect, and that you can achieve things if you work hard. Or be detrimental to your kid’s life.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! Should kids be forced to play sports?

Yeah Shaylyn Vebber nailed it! It’s important he finds something HE likes to do that he will enjoy and can develop into. Forcing him to do something will just make him resent it and the one forcing him into it

Can’t like it if you don’t try.

I don’t think he should be forced to but definitely encouraged. There’s plenty of sports out there maybe he just needs to find the right one


What are his other interests!? I can see him needing to be involved in SOMETHING. I think lack of physical activity is detrimental to mental health these days, especially with my children.


Forcing a child to do ANYTHING unnecessary they don’t want to do will only do more harm than good. And probably get them into trouble more.


Trying an “activity” once wont kill anyone. But the kids is old enough to pick the activity. Just set parameters that aren’t hard to stick to regarding the "activity he chooses. Think about why this is an important issue to you and lay it out for him. Shouldn’t have to be a sport. Not everyone is interested in sports and forcing someone into sports will just leave a bitter taste in their mouth most likely by this age.


I don’t understand all the forced as a small child to play sports or “strongly encourage.” I would have broken my own arm if my parents did that. :grimacing:


Never force a kid into an extracurricular they themselves didnt want.
They will be miserable. And they will make everyone miserable around them. All just to please a parent. This is more likely to cause trouble because they’ll be acting out of an attempt to take control of their own life and it will make them resentful of the parents responsible.


No, you will be wasting your money if he/she doesn’t want to play. They won’t be putting there best effort into it. If they say they want to do a sport you should at least let them try.

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He doesn’t necessarily need sports, but something he’s into so he finds his own people and interests. :woman_shrugging:


Forcing a child in to an activity they do not want to engage in forms a sense of betrayal and insecurity. Find his talent or passion according to his desires and go with it. Do not be discouraged if he starts and stops many activities till he finds his niche. Support him n his exploration of the right fit


My oldest son is not a sports kid… He’s just not he love reading and science. So that’s what we do with him bc that’s what h d passionate about. But my youngest is really into sports. So we put him into the sports he wants to do or try. We have yet to force them into anything. I let it be up to my boys vs me picking and making them like I was as a kid. But just bc that’s how we do it doesn’t mean anything. Everyone does what they feel is best.


I don’t fell like forcing him would be the right answer. Get him in other activities (art, theater, band, orchestra, choir or something along those lines.) would be a better option in my opinion.


Swimming is the only thing I believe a child should be “forced” to do (this also only until they know how to swim)!! If they aren’t into sport that should be fine, they’re an individual!! Maybe ask them what they like eg music or arts and let them do something that speaks to their individuality!!


No, find something else that he is interested in and actually wants to do even if that is something that he does from home if there is no local group for it. Kids are all different and have their own interests and that should be encouraged.


Why a sport? Why not art, theater, band, student council, choir, ROTC? There are a million things that aren’t sports to keep you out of trouble.


Encouraged to try them? Yes, but forced to play if it isn’t their thing? Absolutely not, however some physical/social/team activities to take place.


I had my kid in swim classes since she was 8 months old. She is 11 years old and practically a lifeguard. I’m glad she is confident in her swimming skills. She dabbled in soccer, golf, tennis, but her real talent is dancing and content creating. We figured that out by asking her what kind of summer camp she wanted to do and enrolled her. Not all kids are into competitive sports but there are other positive hobbies they can get into just got to try them all.


When I was middle school age, if my school offered a sport, my mom would insist that I try it for one season. Mostly because I think she wanted to ensure I was getting some kind of regular physical fitness. But, once the season was over, if I didn’t like said sport, I didn’t have to sign up again the next year. It was very much a “try everything so you can learn what you do/don’t like”. This was also before sports teams were very expensive to be a part of. I think it was like $30 a season for uniform rental fee (except for cheer, which I loved) so not nearly the investment that lots of parents are making nowadays. Good luck! Not every boy has to be an athlete!


There are other ways to stay out of trouble while cultivating his interests and exploring potential interests. Figure out what he likes to do and find groups that support any interests he has or that he is possibly interested in. There are science camps, writing and nature programs and outdoor social groups. He can also volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and build houses for the poor or for another community cause. Colleges like volunteer work and ppl who have shown interest in their communities. It will broaden his perspective and allow him to cultivate interests.


I think encouraging them to try something at least once before they make the “I just don’t like it” speech is good way to open their minds as they get older . Along with sticking to it till the end . It it’s not soccer the gave them choose something but nothing is not an option .


I dont think a child should be forced to play sports, but encouraged. If not sports there is band, choir, theater, art, school committies, and tons of different clubs. I was in band all of schooling since 4th grade and had a blast. We all have different interests <3


As a young child they should be forced to play different sports to see if they actually like it and want to play. They can be involved in music and other activities so they know what they want to do when they get in middle school and high school. They definitely need something doesn’t need to be sports but it can be music, 4-H, drama, electronics, dance or art. Are many things that they can be involved in. As a parent you need to encourage the child and sometimes forcing to do it because they won’t otherwise. But they do need to be involved or they could possibly fall into the wrong crowd.


I think that forcing a teenager to do something only ensure he goes off later and tries to assert his independence. Usually with bad ideas and habits. If he chooses not to play, that choice should be respected.


Lots of activities that keep kids out of trouble… Forcing a kid to do something they are really not interested in is a disaster waiting to happen… He will for sure end up resentful and probably in trouble at some point anyway. If he is so worried about his kid getting into trouble then maybe he should look at his parenting… I never worried my kids would get in trouble because I taught them myself to be good and kind and caring… It’s not rocket science… By sounds of it dad is already pushy and doesn’t listen to his kids. Sounds like he doesn’t know his kid very well either…


Don’t force him to play, but instead encourage him to play. If he still doesn’t want to, leave it at that. Some kids just aren’t as athletic as others, and may wind up as a “benchwarmer” or picked on by his teammates. Find another activity he might enjoy, such as art classes, theater groups, or music. There are lots of stuff out there for kids to take part in, it doesn’t necessarily have to be sports.


I think it’s important for kids/teens to be involved in some activities. Maybe his interests lie in the outdoor, hunting, fishing, skateboarding, skiing, etc. Perhaps music, art, theater, writing photography?

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I think they should be encouraged to take up a hobby but it certainly doesn’t have to be sports, it could be a musical instrument, baking, a kids club…there’s all sorts


Find a good hobby that the kid likes if the ultimate goal is to “keep him out of trouble”, but don’t force him to play sports. There are so many engaging, meaningful hobbies besides sports he might enjoy more.


Not all kids enjoy sports! There are other clubs, groups and interests that can be pursued. Not all kids are social either so you have to find an interest they can share with other kids with similar interests.


No! Find what your child is interested in and support them in that! My kids were both involved in music - oldest in choir (also Special Olympics swimming and Challenger baseball which he loves) and my younger son is in college and still involved in marching band - which should qualify as a sport! Let them find their passion and they’ll stay out of trouble for the sake of their passion, and they’ll make lasting friendships with likeminded kids.

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What should be taken into account is what he wants to do and supporting him in that.


My personal opinion on this is Sports is as important as studies and on that note your second son must also be encouraged to take up some form of sport cos this will teach him character building and self discipline which is an important aspect for his future endeavors. This in my view.


And it certainly doesn’t have to be Sports to keep him out of trouble. 2 sons two different personalities. One Maybe athletic and the other Maybe a scholar. The other may enjoy band, Fine Arts, or any other thing that’s not Sports.


Not every kid enjoys sports. As long as he lives a healthy lifestyle with some kind of physical activity, let him be. Try to help him find some kind of interest or hobby to occupy spare time that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a screen all day. :blush:

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My oldest was in cub and boy scouts and soccer, youngest dabbled in it but wasn’t for him, I was a little worried too so we asked him what he would like to do, so he took guitar lessons for 3 years and then went in to welding college while in highschool and he is just as successful as his older brother, it doesn’t have to be sports!

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Find anything that interests him. Any community organization involvement helps keep kids busy and gives them a sense of belonging. It doesn’t have to be sports. Our kids have to be active in some sort of program during the school year. Teaches them responsibilities and how to be a part of something and giving back to your community.

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I was an athlete growing up. I was so excited to sign my older boys up for sports. When baseball came along they hated it. Never wanted to play. I kind of gave up on the idea of them really getting into sports and began to search out activities that they enjoyed. If their heart isn’t in it they definitely won’t enjoy it and forcing them to attend is wrong. Find things that interest them for things to do but definitely don’t force something on them. Living in a small town has made options pretty limited for us.

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Kids should find some activity they enjoy. If not sports, then music, volunteer work. Let them make the choice


If he’s not into sports there are lots of activities. Check out all the different 4-H groups- archery, small animals, shooting, cooking, and I think there are Stem groups now also. Just about anything someone might be interested in. Also is there a job/career path he might be interested in? Maybe there is someone you know in whatever field he’s interested in right now that can mentor him?


While I agree kids sh be involved in extra curriculars I firmly believe they should be of their interests. Forcing something they’re not into is literally a waste of money and time. Find out what he likes and go from there.

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I know he’s only 13 but a rule we are doing in our house is that our kids need to either have a little part time job when old enough or they need to be in some kind of extracurricular.

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Had 2 brother 1 was in the band the other did sport somewhat. Band brother retired from navy as CPO. 2 sons 1 excelled in sports. He was 13 years in army. The other was so so but does good for himself. I’ve got grandkids and could go on, but my Point. Offer any thing but never force. There’s too much in the world to do!!

I have a friend who’s parents made her do sports…dont do it… it’s a honorable thing to do to them and they Wlll resent you guys

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I understand wanting your child to be well rounded, but forcing them to pick up an activity is disrespectful. Their heart isn’t gonna be into it. However, give your children options and let them try the activity that at least peek their interest. If something else seems better for them, move on to that. If you force a child in do something like that, they will just end up resenting you. Ask your child what they want try or do.

No don’t make them. I have 3 very successful boys. None liked sports, loved music and Boy Scouts.all over 6 foot. All collage graduates.

Some kids just aren’t interested, maybe look for something he is into like karate, boy scouts, swimming, drama club. Music. There are plenty of options out there

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I think participating in a physical and team activity is very important for adolescent development. I got mine from marching band.

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No. Kids should not be forced to play sports. If your husband is worried about “getting in trouble” perhaps he should spend more quality time with the 13 year old. There are a lot of hobbies and recreational activities that don’t include organized sports.

Doesn’t need to be sport. What are his interests…chess, glee, art, music, debate, drama…what is the child interested in. If he doesn’t want to play, forcing him is your worst mistake.

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No. Why would you force your child to do anything like that? They can also be injured in sports, a likehood that is increased if they do not want to be there. Why don’t you ask your kid what they are interested in? They could take an art class, volunteer, take music lessons, be in a play. They could also just exist and not have to do something performwtive so your husband can feel better about the hypothetical situation where they might get into some kind of trouble? That sounds like your husband’s problem, not your kids, don’t make them suffer for it.

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Not everyone likes sports. Maybe scouts. Many activities out there. Let the child decide. Forcing sports will only cause resentment… I know because I do. I hate sports but I love my bike and swimming. Just not competition. To much of that in life already.

Forcing someone to do an activity they don’t want to do sure seems like a good way for them to get into trouble and rebel against it. Literally the worst thing to do to “keep him out of trouble”.

Also, just that phrase is an outdated understanding of your child’s developmental needs. It such an incorrect cliche.

No, but find something he enjoys and support him. Art, get art supplies. Reading, but him books. Cooking/ baking, let him prepare a.meal a few times a week.

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Get him involved in what he likes to do. If he likes music, get him music lessons, art…art lessons etc. there are so many other things he can do besides sports. If you make him do something he doesn’t enjoy, he’ll resent it, you, and will probably end up resisting and acting out anyway. Help him find his passion and go with it!

Encourage but not force. If it is a sport they are being forced to do that they really can’t do they could get hurt.

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Let him choose his own activity. Something he actually wants to do. Letting his father force him into playing sport is not right. He’s supposed to be a father not a bully.

There are literally 100s of interests he could pursue to stay put of trouble, not just sport. Or he might just be a ditherer like me, wants to try a bit of everything ? He’s definitely old enough to pick for himself. Forcing a kid to sports when they don’t want to seems like it would cause trouble, rather than keep him out of it

Ask ur boy what he would like to do … he maybe into music or gardening… but one thing I know for sure …is that all children should know how to swim and lessons should be through the school for free so all kids can do it

Find other things they are interested in! Sports are not for everyone and being forced into doing something doesnt seem the appropriate approach. Encouragement to try it out though is never a bad thing because they may end up enjoying it!

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If they want to play great but not every child enjoys sports. Leave the one who doesn’t alone. He may end up an Einstein, you never know

I understand keep the kids busy to stay out of trouble. Therefore he should be doing something, but it doesn’t have to be sports. Find something that interests him.

There’s many activities for children to do besides sports, find something hes interested in and find a club for him

He doesn’t have to do sports just to keep out of trouble, there are so many activities he can do. Find what suits him that he will enjoy!

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