My husband likes watching videos of girls half-naked, and now I saw that he finds Porn stars on Tik Tok and then watches their Porn at late hours in the night! Do some married women find it okay that your man watches Porn and likes to look at other women? I don’t know what space I am in right now or how to feel!
Nope I’m not ok with it and if my man feels like he’s going to do it anyway…good fucking bye
There’s nothing wrong with watching porn.
I don’t care that my husband watches it…sometimes ill watch it with him
Watch them with him, for me it’s ok
No I almost left my husband cpl years ago bc of it
Depends on you really I mean you should talk to him about it
Doesn’t everyone watch porn?
Ugh who cares they are woman that your men can never have, majority of men watch porn, if you are insecure about it speak to him he won’t know unless you speak up about it, my partner watches porn I could care less, good on him haha
In my marriage I believe that as long as he’s not choosing the porn over me then it’s fine. I’m not like excited about it but I also don’t mind as long as he still wants me ya know?
I watch it so I don’t think I would mind
No point in crying about it. He gonna do what he wants
Unless he’s interrupting your marriage with it or your lives with it it can be harmless. Watch with him or see what he’s searching and become the things he’s looking at add a little spice to things change it up a bit
I’m not ok with excessive amounts of it. I feel ok with my husband watching in moderation because I do it too. I do believe in making sure your partner is completely satisfied mentally and physically before engaging in “self satisfaction”, even if it’s just looking.
I’m okay with my man watching porn but when you are going out of your way to look up porn stars and such it gets a little too much for me personally.
i don’t care if he watches it . our rule is as long as they can’t talk back and have a convo with said person it’s fine like cam girls and only fans is a no for us
I don’t care as long as it doesn’t interfere w sexlife ie not able to perform w wife
My husband watches stuff like that hell I even have him send me the videos he finds and I’ll send him some I find because I know at the end of the day he’s sleeping in my bed with me and coming home to me and only wants me and besides I like looking at girls too
Offer to watch it with him… is he hiding it, or is it something he does openly?
I’d prefer him to watch porn than to go out and sleep with randoms
I did at first but had to tell my self. He’s with me…loves me… it’s just fake stuff. At the end of the day I’m the one in his arms.
I watch it, so why judge him
As a man I personally feel if it’s going to offend my wife I’m not going to do it. That simple…
Lucky for me she likes porn more then I do so no problem here…as for her watching porn without me, what ever, rather her look at dicks on a screen then in person…just saying.
My husband and I watch it together
Ummm what? It’s perfectly normal. Controlling what he gets to watch is not.
Hell 2 the NO …doorway to trouble
It depends on you. Like how does it make you feel? Talk to him about it and see what he says. Me honestly I dont mind as long as it’s constant. My ex would watch it at work at home while in bed next to me on his lunch breaks I mean it was non stop i talked to him and he would never stop. My husband now he will only watch it if I want us to watch it together. But just talk to him.
Aslong as it ain’t paid 4…or if he would rather watch it than 2 have sex with his partner that would be a problem…but bro if they’re searching them on tick-tock following their shit or anything else he’ll nahhh
Hey if he’s watching it behind your back is one thing but if he asks you to watch with him is another. MB he wants to try new things but in all reality if he’s not working with you in a relationship it’s time for counseling and you çan figure it out from here. Good luck and follow your heart and gut
Just had the same problem w my husband. IM nOT tolerating that shit !!!
I mean my opinion is the more he takes care himself, the less I have to. Lol. As long as it doesn’t effect your intimate time then it’s not a big deal. Most men watch it just to watch it!
Nope just divorced mine because of this
It should not be a hobby for a grown married man to sit on social media and search out for porn. But it is completely okay for anyone to watch porn to satisfy themselves. But there is a line, especially if it’s randomly on his phone on social media at any time. There is a time and place not to mention you have a partner. But if you’re randomly walking by while he’s on Instagram and hes been scrolling for hours on specific half naked people and just literally spending his free time filling it with porn, I’d have a problem also. But no, watching porn yano when you want to take care of it yourself is fine. But constantly always having it on your socials and watching when you’re just sitting or hanging out, isn’t cool to me.
It depends on your boundaries. For some people it is okay for others it is not.
He watches, sometimes I’ll watch too.
Unfortunately guys like this stuff . They all do it . I’d rather he look at porn than have ideas about cheating . Tbh
It’s completely okay if it bothers you. You don’t have to like or accept it. Sounds like it’s effecting you and your marriage so it’s a problem.
I watch it too, long as he doesn’t interrupt me. I won’t interrupt him.
Find a way to do it together
We watch it together XD married, common law married, but still
I’m 37 weeks pregnant with our third child. I can’t do that type of shit right now. I honestly couldn’t care less if he does or doesn’t. For us we are pretty open. He’s never sought out another female. He’s not bringing someone home or meeting them to have sex with them. It’s an image on a screen that is turned off. If he can watch and still find you absolutely attractive and not lose the spark let him.
Honestly I encourage my husband to check out other females. “Babe look how cute she is!” Or “ babe am I shaped like that?” Or “babe check her out”. In my honest opinion we have a great marriage and it’s only getting better.
Have faith in him. He’s ok.
I’ve never understood why this is a huge deal. I know by bf/husband isn’t crawling into bed with the person on the screen. There are guys I find attractive that look nothing like my husband, but I’m not going out of my way to sleep with other people. I was very insecure with myself. Does your husband make you feel loved? Are you happy? Is he comparing you? Maybe watch what they’re doing and see if it’s something you’d be interested in trying with him…
If you have a great sex life, he’s purely watching it for amusement. I promise you, it’s just curiosity. They’re like cats that just wanna see what’s going on.
Personally, idc what he looks at on his phone. When he changes who he is, is when I start to question. But never has he watched a porn and just looked at me in disgust afterwards. Also, from my experience he’s just trying to picture if it’s something he CAN do. Finding pointers for himself. Maybe he’ll start doing something he saw in a porno and you’ll love it.
This is really sad. No, porn is not ok. I’m so disturbed to see so many women saying it’s ok. If he is looking at other women, he is cheating on you. That is cheating.
You don’t have to accept it just because he is “going to do it anyway”. It’s not right. Porn kills love.
Sorry to hear you are dealing with this. I hope you don’t feel like you just need to suck it up after reading the majority of the comments here. You deserve so much better.
Shit I watch more porn than my husband does. Nothing wrong with it at all unless it becomes an addiction. It’s unrealistic to think your partner will only ever look at you for the rest of their lives
Hes a male, they are going to be attracted to more then 1 female, thats normal. If hes only watching I dont see an issue, people are allowed to have fantasies. I wouldnt make it a huge issue bc it has zero to do with you honestly.
I think it is normal to watch porn. I’m not sure about taking the time to find them on Tik Tok though… I think spending hours a day look at porn stars and or watching porn is a issue but not looking at it in general.
No, they should not watch adult videos. Your marriage should be between the 2 of you, not between you, him, and the girls he fantasizes about. Marriage counseling could help.
It’s not a big deal … watch it with him
I wouldn’t worry about him watching porn. Now if it’s GAY porn you might have a problem… Hahaha !
It depends on your boundaries.
We both watch it so it doesn’t bother me. We actually watch sometimes for new things to try. I will even watch it without him and I’m sure he watches without me. Sometimes it’s just hilarious and we will just watch it and laugh but it’s on something like porn hub. He isn’t watching girls on TikTok or in anyway to actually interact with them. I think you need to talk to him though and establish some boundaries on what makes you both comfortable.
My ex use to watch it all the time it became a problem in our relationship and you have every right to feel the way u do talk to him tell h how u feel
Have you tried talking to him about it ? About how uncomfortable it makes you that he watches it? He may surprise you. Best of luck
I’m ok with it but if it makes you feel weird the day something. I say there’s nothing wrong with admiring other human bodies. We’re human it’s natural to find other humans attractive. Also I watch way more porn than my partner
I wouldn’t mind as long as he isn’t looking at people he can meet up with. Let him get all worked up and enjoy time with him. If you don’t like it maybe look into getting dome sexy pictures done of yourself for him
Why not ? There’s nothing wrong with watching porn
Should married women?? Who cares🤷🏼♀️
I don’t mind, so long as he isn’t neglecting my needs for it. I also taught him how to delete his browser history because I don’t want to know about it. It’s not like he’s going to meet up with them or anything
It depends if it’s an obsession or casual /sometimes if it effects you’re shared intimacy the amount of watching probably should be considered
It makes me laugh that woman on here actually think they’re husbands aren’t watching porn
No. Studies now show that porn alters the brain over time. Please research this for yourself.
Basically regular porn usage ruins your brains natural reaction to real sex, porn becomes an addiction and real sexual intimacy is not enough anymore.
In my eyes it’s just depends on you some women don’t mind because it’s just a fantasy and most ppl now a days are attracted to more than one person atleast it’s just videos he can Pursue anything with the women. In other cases some women don’t like it and it ruins their relationship because they don’t feel like there doing stuff right for him or doing enough or pretty enough. Etc… it all depends on you
I think it all depends on your relationship. If there was ever cheating that occurred then I would understand the bad feelings towards it or even how you were both raised. Lots of people try to make it seem bad or a form of cheating. Some people get heavily addicted to it and that’s not ok. If it bothers you so much maybe you should talk to him about it. I’m not saying try to ban him from it but express that it bothers you that he doesn’t come to you first. Maybe you could spice up the bedroom alittle and you can reenact something he often watches. If he’s neglecting your sexual needs to watch porn you will have to speak up, more than once, to get him to hear you. Good luck!
No one can tell you how to feel. Your feelings on it is your own. Some people don’t care some do. Don’t feel bad for being worried, some people get addicted and it causes long term problems. Talk to him about it.
Yep, and watch them with him!
I would rather my man watch the videos than go out and cheat.
My husband passed away in December but I would only be concerned if his watching impacted our sex life.
I don’t agree with it
Depends if he is neglecting you and all wrapped up in porn to where it’s becoming an issue then tht should be a concern I personally don’t mind as long as my needs are met and he isn’t hiding it from me
I say it depends on the man. Some are loyal and it’s only watching. Some others like my ex step out of the relationship and try to cover things with the porn when really were talking to people they were cheating with
If my husband does… I’ve never seen it or know of it.
We watch it together…actually, she just corrected me. She apparently watches it more…
I’m female and i watch it
I’m ok w/ it because more times then not I prefer to not be bothered. However if it bothers u… like for instance u also have a high sex drive and wouldn’t mind him waking u up at random hours of the night to fulfill both your desires then I think the conversation should be had… personally my sex drive has been shocked and my man taking care of himself w/ a women he couldn’t stand a chance w/ is ok w/ me. Hell sometimes when I’m drunk and lonely I love porn however, if ur not comfortable w/ it then u need to talk to him about and go from there….
I don’t have an issue w/ it but, again I’m not u and what’s ok in my relationship may not be the same w/ urs….
Boundaries…. I can’t state it enough!!!
It’s really all about boundaries. Talk about it. If you’re asking the question it could mean you’re not necessarily against it. How two people view their intimacy and sexual habits are their business. That being said if you discuss it and it’s acceptable, set the boundaries. It also means if he can watch videos of women and you’re okay with it, you can watch videos of men. It’s all about communication.
My husband asked me to look something up on Google on his phone the one day. I found out his NUMBER 1 SEARCH was porn!!! I was so upset. Still am! Felt like i wasnt good enough. He claimed its “normal” but it made me feel SOOOO insecure! Still does!
It’s up to your boundaries. If you wouldn’t do it, then talk to him about it, and tell him how it makes you feel. Communication is best.
Watch it together
I personally don’t care bc if I wanna watch it he doesn’t care but if it bothers u talk to him
If he’s obsessed with it+not you then it’s a problem, otherwise pull off your big girl panties +watch them with him😉
I don’t care if he does. As long as he comes home and does his thing with me.
If he doesn’t do it obsessively then I’d let it go. He’s married, he’s not dead. Expecting your spouse to literally shut their brain off to being attracted to someone other than yourself is unrealistic and setting yourself up to be hurt. Men can be completely in love with their partner, totally attracted to them and STILL find another woman attractive. It’s not a damn crime.
It all depends on the relationship. In my house we don’t. My husband did at first until he suffered a huge addiction that almost ruined our marriage and we had to go to counseling.
I’ll tell you what she told me. It doesn’t matter about anyone else’s relationship. If it’s uncomfortable for YOU then set that boundary in y’all’s relationship for it to not be okay. Express you don’t feel comfortable with that and you’d rather it be not allowed in the relationship.
Then if the boundary is crossed again, it’s an issue. It’s considered cheating.
Communication with him girl is key. Don’t just accept it because others do, because you will still feel uncomfortable and start to resent it and/or him for doing that. So just talk to him about how it makes you feel and that you aren’t okay with it.
Maybe suggest y’all make content together or you make some for him.
And if he can’t put a want above your need, (meaning he refuses to stop knowing how it upsets you and makes you uncomfortable) then he isn’t the right one. Good luck queen!
I wouldn’t mind too much…(key words there)…if I was invited or involved…but when its about being sneaky.?!!
Every woman is different and every relationship is different. One woman/man may be comfortable with one thing that another isn’t. You can’t adjust your comforts to others. If you don’t like it, that’s okay. If someone else does, that’s okay too. Set boundaries and find mutual agreements on things. Everyone is into what they’re into, just make sure there’s respect about it.
Try it with him and see how you feel, might make you feel included and you might actually like it. Dunno til you try
I’d rather that then cheating yk but It’s all about your personal boundaries, and give and take of course (healthy situations/things of course) if you still don’t agree, communication and honesty are best
good luck tho
There’s no issue with it at all.
It honestly just depends on what boundaries you have in your marriage if it makes you uncomfortable bring it up to him. If not then maybe try watching it with him?
It doesn’t really matter what other people do in their relationship. If it upsets you tell him. If it’s a boundary for you then he shouldn’t do it. Out of respect for your feelings. Some are ok with it and some aren’t. You are allowed to have your own feelings for your own reasons.
If he likes porn and you tell him he can’t watch it, he’s gonna do it behind your back. Any women who thinks their man used to watch porn and stopped because she didn’t like it is delusional.
It depends on the relationship I guess there is no right or wrong.
When I was very very young I was against it.
I an more secure in myself, and now I’m happy to watch it aswell
As long as he tells me otherwise idgaf.
I’d rather him watch porn than go out and look it for it somewhere else. Plus we have watched it together, and to be completely honest I myself watch it at times too. No shame.
He’s getting off to another women. Just cause he’s not physically cheating doesn’t mean he’s not mentally cheating. It’s wrong and for him to go as far as to follow their TikTok’s just shows he has an addiction or something wrong.
In my relationship I’m fine with it, I know my wife sees me as absolutely gorgeous. We watch (spicy) stuff together too. My wife is all so polyamorous and I’m not and I knew she was when I got with her. Yes there are times when my jealousy can kick in but then I just get extra attention and let her know amd she always reassures me I’m always #1
It dont bother me at all. Hell, if hes relaxed I’m relaxed. And we will send raunchy videos to each other but we are alternative lifestyle. We frequent clubs, dungeons and meet ups with one another so we are a lil less modest.
Ladies, remember this when you’re reading “Fifty shades of Grey”. Or watching the movie.
I don’t see any issues with it.
Men are allowed to find other people attractive and watch “adult films”