Should my boyfriend have to cover his exes name tattooed on his body?

How long into a new relationship should someone cover up their previous partners name on their body (tattoo) ? When do you stop asking for them to do it because it’s pretty clear they are not going to and should I just accept it ?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should my boyfriend have to cover his exes name tattooed on his body?

I need a cover up and it’s been 7 years. :-/ I keep forgetting it’s there.

Everyone comes with a past and that’s something we have to accept. My ex had his exs name on his ring finger. I paid for him to get it covered up. It wasn’t an issue.

How long have you been with them? How long were they together? Does he have MONEY for a cover up? Are you paying for it? It’s not like that’s a cheap thing… shit happens, it’s just a tattoo and if they know it bothers you and it doesn’t change what they do about it or won’t talk to you about why they haven’t… … maybe you should re think things :woman_shrugging:t2:

I meannnnn if my partner told me I HAD to do something, I wouldn’t - and they wouldn’t be my partner anymore.


His body, his tattoo. Leave him alone :roll_eyes:


Why does it upset you? That’s what needs the fixing.


I mean its just a tattoo… But I also would never get someones name tattooed on my body


You do realize even if you insist it’s covered, the past and the memories still remain? If it bothers you, offer to pay for covering/removing. It may not bother him, bc like I said it doesn’t change his past, it doesn’t change his present (YOU) and if he doesn’t and it’s still an issue for you, then let it go or him go.


Define new relationship. Maybe his thought process is until he knows he has a definite forever with somebody, he’s not doing anything. I wouldn’t push it too hard or you’re going to be the next ex


Lmao it’s been 14 yrs an my bd still got my name tattoo on him an he also has an other Ex name on him an he engaged for last 5or 6 yrs


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Chk This—>>

You should probably just accept it and let it go.


No , it’s a part of their history and their past and it’s up to the individual who’s Body it’s on. If it’s a deal breaker or an issue either deal or leave that simple


No!!! He should get them permanently removed!!!


YOU should never ask or insist they do anything with THEIR body
You can’t erase the past and body autonomy goes both ways


I think u need to fix urself like wake up b happy he is WITH YOU… yes he got her name tattooed on him geez he ain’t the 1st guy do you have problem with insecurities only fixing needs to b done here is u otherwise your jealousy and way you thinking will destroy any relationship…


You are just boyfriend and girlfriend… He has a past just like you. It seems you are fixated on something irrelevant


This girls name MUST be Amber Heard :woman_facepalming:

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That’s his past and it’s NOT your place to make him cover up any tattoo. YOU AREN’T the one for him and need to move on.


equality means the same as a woman his body his choice!

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Who gives a shit! That is part of his past. My husband had his first wife’s name tattooed on his calf and I never even cared or mentioned it. HE wanted it covered, so HE made an appointment and had it covered. He felt relieved. I could not care less one way or another….:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:



You knew that tattoo was there when you got with him ,? Why did you stay


He should want to remove it. But it’s time to dump him, he’s not over her.


Well, if they don’t want to have it covered and they can afford to cover it, it’s more likely bc there’s still a chance of them getting back tg. Or if it’s an ex that has passed, that’s a memorial tattoo. Most people have the name of an ex covered once they know that the relationship will never be.

I still have my exes initials on my back from highschool(almost 20 yrs ago) and I got my wedding ring to my first husband (he passed away) tattooed. It’s a part of my history and I won’t get rid of them


I hope he realizes how controlling you are before this relationship goes any further …it’s his body his tat his past …not your place to demand that he gets it covered


It’s just a tattoo he’s with you now. Offer to pay for a cover up tattoo maybe he will

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Yikes! I hope your boyfriend realizes how controlling and insecure you are. His tattoos, his body, his choice. End of discussion.


Offer to pay for it if your so concerned. Cover up or removal is not cheap for quality work.

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My husband and I are 11 years into our relationship. He wants to remove their wedding date…we just have had more pressing financial obligations

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Not your body not your choice regardless.


My fiancé has his ex’s name on him. He hasn’t got it covered because it’s in an awkward place right under another tattoo. If people ask him about it he says it was his pet bullfrog :rofl:


Girl you are JUST his gf. When he’s ready or wants to he will do it on his own. Either way you cannot tell him to do it. I’d understand if you were his fiance/wife but you are not.


I have my exes name tattooed on me & I don’t intend to have it covered or removed. That was an important chapter of my life, a previous chapter. I won’t be with anyone too insecure to accept that.


Offer to pay for it :woman_shrugging:

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I still have my wedding ring tattoo from my first husband. My husband is not bothered :woman_shrugging:t3: I plan to get it removed one day, but I’ve been pregnant, nursing, or both for 4 years and it hasn’t been in the budget. My husband has never even mentioned it.

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Just accept it… if and when he’s ready he may cover it… my sisters been married over 17 years and her husband never covered his exes name tattoo


My husband had his exes name on his arm. He had it covered on his own right after we married. I didnt care to much,.,her loss was my gain.

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It’s HIS body & his tattoo. There is nothing you can do about it. Live with it or break up with him. Those are your only options. Nagging at him will only end in tears.


It’s just a tattoo. There’s a reason he got it. It’s part of his past. If you accept his past and accept his for who he is then you have no right to ask him. If he wants to cover them then uts his decision.

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Never unless they want to. It’s his body.

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Didn’t bother you when u started dating. Stop changing people


Oh hell no!! That’s unacceptable!!!

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It’s more like, tattoos were cheaper and now it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg to cover it. Too expensive :woman_shrugging:t4:


Are u for real? Are u paying for the cover up?


Why would you cover it up? Seems a little insecure to me🤷

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Not ur body so mind ur own


Just change your name :joy::joy::joy:


Its a part of him and what makes him who he is. Accept it as that and move on. She’s an ex. Who cares.


When he puts a ring on your finger, then and only then should he do it. If you’re that insecure then you need to spend some time working on your self.


I have my exes name on me and my husband accepts it. It is part of my past.


Tell him to add your name above hers :rofl:

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You shouldn’t even ask him to until you’re married in my opinion. Maybe he will when he can afford it and figures out how he wants to cover it. You should be comfortable enough in the relationship for it not to bother you.


Lol no. My ex has his exes name tattooed on his wrist. Not my business at all. I also have queen tattooed on my hand and my ex has king on his :woman_shrugging: mind your business.


He is your boyfriend, not your husband. Get a grip on yourself.


I had my exes name on me for about 3-4 years into my relationship. Never did he pressure me to cover it. I did when I knew exactly what I wanted to cover it with.


If he doesn’t want to, then you have no other choice but to accept it or leave him.


His body, his tattoo. Replace him or get over it. He is apparently with you and not her, so what does it matter?


Childish and immature. He had those when yall met so you accepted them when you accepted him.


They won’t until they’re ready for whatever reason. I got my ex husbands name on my chest in 2012 and I finally got it covered up in 2020, 5 years after our divorce. But in my defense, I wanted a whole chest piece to cover it and was terrified since my sternum tattoo hurt so bad. :joy:

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Married 27 yrs still has the name Becky on his arm …
My name is not Becky .:frowning:
However …it no longer bothers me …
It’s a reminder for him what an idiot he once was .


I have my ex still tattooed on my back and I’m not covering it up. Just accept his tattoo, it’s a memory. If it bothers you, maybe reconsider your relationship.

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Accept it , no big deal, just cause it’s a ex doesn’t mean he hates her. I’m still friends with my exes

I would cover it just bc it will be embarrassing to have it when we ain’t no longer together🤷🏻‍♀️

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My ex has my name tattooed over his heart…

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My fiance, we bave been together for almost 11 years, he just barely 2 years ago got his ex wifes name covered :joy: just accept it. It will eventually be covered if yall last :woman_shrugging:

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They shouldn’t have to cover it up


You wouldn’t tell him to get rid of his child with an ex why would you have him cover up a tattoo? Where’s my body my choice now? If it bothers you now and you’re only a bf/gf relationship maybe you should reconsider your relationship.


Take a sharpie and draw over it every night while he sleeps. When he complains say you did it for him since he hasn’t done it yet. :joy: keep going till he goes to a tattoo artist to get it done lol


Change your name to hers…


Are you offering to pay for it?


He NEVER has to cover it. It is a tattoo. Don’t like it. Just move along


Should he have to? No. Should he anyway? Yeah. You can either accept if he won’t and move on or deal with it.


If you can’t accept that he has a past, & people he loved before you, then you should get help growing up before you attempt any other relationships with grown ups :grimacing:


You shouldn’t have asked to begin with. He had it before you met him. So why should he change it now?


Not your body, not your choice.

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Offer to pay for something to cover it up.

I got mine covered up 2 weeks after we broke up.
I have two ex’s that got my name. 1 got it covered up. The other still has it and it’s been 3 years since we broke up

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Tattoos tell stories ,like scares ,stretch marks ect why try and force him to rewrite his history, if he wants he will choose a cover up - its not your place to demand he covers it,its on his body not yours .


That’s his past, y’all are only dating. You had no right to ask. :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


His body his choice, and you are controlling

Very simple. Don’t date someone with an exs name tattooed on them lol.


His body. He doesn’t have to

I will never understand why people get other people’s names put on their body.
But ultimately he’s with you, is he not? If it bothers you that much offer to pay for a cover up tattoo, or the cost to remove it (whatever he wants, since it obviously bothers you so much).
If he still doesn’t want to get rid of it, decide whether or not you can get over it, & move on, or if you need to call it quits on your relationship.


Grow up… the past is the past for a reason… but you can’t just throw it in the trash and be done…
Be an adult about it, or move along and find yourself a “boy” girl…

Tbh it’s expensive. Even before now, but it’s double the price. I have 3 I need cover up for (not names though) but old tattoos that I just don’t want anymore, but dammit I can’t afford it right now. Sigh

I’m 10 years into my relationship and still have my exes name tattooed on me. It’s a tattoo. It meant something when I got it but means absolutely nothing now and I have more important things to spend my money on than a cover up. I say just learn to live with it


I’m not dating anyone with some other broad’s name tattooed.


I have my ex husband and my daughter with him on my ankle (young mistake) I have been married to my now husband for almost 12 years, we have a daughter together. Id like to get it covered up at some point but thats expensive and it doesnt bother him, if it bothers you, dont date him.

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Oh you mean he doesn’t want to permanently alter his body for a relationship, again? Imagine that :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:


His body he doesn’t have to do it…


It’s his body and his choice. Lol.


Yea, probably a good idea. He’s moved on.

You guys are so sensitive and dumb. It’s a tattoo. Gtf over it and grow up


My ex had his ex’s name on him for a while, he had an attempted cover up on it already when I met him but you could still see it … I would ask him to make a better one but at the end of the day they had no contact and I could tell it meant nothing to him… eventually he saved up enough to make a whole sleeve and completely erase it for good… he did get my name long before that so maybe that helped me not be bothered :woman_shrugging:t2:

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