Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?

Yes your ex does. It’s to help support the child. Do you stop have to paying rent when you go on vacation? If that is really an issue between you to, it’s petty and everyone needs to grow up.

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Take him to court. He would have to pay you regardless.

If he doesn’t pay his child support the DOR might snag his tax return for the amount he didn’t pay…plus interest

Get a court order so he can’t play these kinds of games. Honestly it sounds terrible but it’s better to have an impartial third party (judge or commissioner) tell him these things. They are not going to be manipulated by his guilt tripping.

Your expenses don’t stop because they’re with him for 7 days.

My ex works out of town and he gets our kids for a week at a time whenever he comes back in town. Because 1. He has them and those expenses for the week and I get a break 2. Because he doesn’t get a check that week and I’m not completely heartless. He has to survive too.


Nope. We had my SOs son and they stopped child support for the months that we had him.

You are nice to even ask that question!! You should receive support during that week…you still have the expenses it takes to raise children, they are not going to be cheaper…house, utilities, school, clothes, food…etc. he should at least be able to take them on vacation without taking away from the usual amount, or don’t take them!!


Honestly things like this should be consistent. He should pay that every week. It is an agreement. Anyone here who thinks differently honestly doesn’t have kids and if they do haven’t gone thru divorce or separation. He should absolutely pay the same thing every week. If you went to court to get it taken weekly out of his check the courts wouldn’t say oh but he’s on vacation and won’t be paying this week. They don’t care​:woman_shrugging: and before anyone opens their mouth my sons dad is 20k behind and I still get nothing so :woman_shrugging:


Go through the courts.

How about he pays you support like normal and you help pay the added expenses that go with taking kids on vacation. Even if he’s staying somewhere for free there will be extra expenses that come with any vacation. Especially a vacation with children.

If the kids are with him he will be spending his money on the kids. If you have ongoing expenses get a job it not his job to pay for your ongoing expenses just to take of his kids


Some of ya’ll never had to support your kids without your husbands paycheck and it shows.

If this was a court ordered agreement he would have to pay for that week. He has them substantially less than half the time.


Why should he pay you for the time that he’s going to have them? If petty things like this are going to be a problem, then you need to have child support set in court🙄

You definitely need to put child support through the courts. No misunderstanding that way. If you feel it needs to changed take it back to the courts. If the relationship with the father is difficult less need for contact that way


Yes he should pay just like he would if it was court ordered. I have my child 358 days a year except when her father comes back from Germany for one week out of the year and he still has to pay me child support. I dont think its unreasonable. Child support is meant to help support your children like paying your bills to keep a roof over their head, clothes on their backs, and food in the tummys.


No he shouldn’t do that. That’s an xtra expense on his part. U still have rent/mortgage and utilities for that week lol

Well, he DOES have to pay rent and LIVE too. Yes! He should NOT have to pay. You both had these children, so it’s you who needs to provide and not live off of your childs father. If he’s taking them for the week, then absolutely no need to pay when he’s paying for them for the week. You’re lucky that you even get anything from him with out a contract. Good for him. I’m with dude. :facepunch:


Yall are comical :woman_shrugging: none of yall apparently have lawyers or backbones…


I’m really torn with this one. If he’s been paying every week and good about it, I’d probably let him slide, depending on if I had the money for bills and what not. Should he technically be paying you? Yes. But maybe he’s trying to use that to make sure your kids have a fun time on vacation.


does the gas, electric and mortgage payment pause for those 7 days? Do their medical bills and insurance? Are they without clothing for 7 days? Of course he should pay … doesn’t matter where they are. It’s child support for the care of the child.


I’m wondering if all of you with the ignorant comments have kids or are just trolling around??


No, you wouldn’t expect to pay him while you have the kids would you?

I have a agreement with my baby daddy he take them fri returns them Sunday gives me. Weekly Amt if he doesn’t get them that week he gives me more if he decides to take them the whole week he doesn’t give me nothing me he has them !

you soumd greedy and jealous as hell…grow up, NO he should not have to pay for the time he has them…


Child support does not stop just because he takes them on vacation! He absolutely needs to pay you the support for that week!


No? When y don’t have the kids you don’t have that added expense as normal. He now does.


All the women saying take him for child support when he helps take care of his children is what’s wrong with the world what he gives is not good enough you just need more. Some women sit at home while the man pays so much in child support he is paying for their rent and car bills and everything in between while he struggles to make his payments then if he’s late on a payment you wanna throw him in jail. Get a job work for your own money.:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:


Shut up. U sound money hungry.


Yes…he should still pay. And you really need to go to court it make this all legal


Yes he should pay still. You still have bills.

Yes he should still pay!! If he can’t agree… take him to court.

Guess it depends on what he paying without a court order? That is between you and him! If it is not satisfactory to you go to court! All I know as a step mom whose husband paid through the courts and without the court! It is best to get it straight in court. My husband paid beyond age age 18 under a court order till age 21 within a court same amount. On his youngest! We both worked so paying child support was not an issue. Child support is for the children not to cover you. Asking for rent and utilities when they are there? Or food? Hmmm.

Set amount weekly. So if he has the kids for one week, why would he still pay you for that week? Those expenses will be going to the kids while he has them.


Get a child support order for what the kids are due every month not just when hevwants to

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Your an idiot! He may just decide to keep them and not bring them back. And you can’t do sh**about it. GO TO COURT!!! AND GET IT SET!!!


I mean if it was court ordered he would still have to pay it . He should still pay it but if it was me I’d just tell him to keep it and use it on the kids while they are on vacation. Its still technically being paid but instead of it going to you its going to the kids while he has them . Or tell him he buys there needs while he has them and let them have the child support money to have spending money.


Usually child support is paid monthly. To the primary parent. I know a lot of people that have their kids only during school breaks and for the summer and they still pay support for their kids during the time they have them.
Personally if it gives your kids extra spending money that week and you can get by without it I say go let him have it.

Prevention is better than a cure. So instead of this ever happening again take him to court and have it all written in stone. Then you can go from there.

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It doesn’t matter if he pays less than if he went to court. You agreed to a set amount weekly. If he has the kids for a full week and has to take care of their needs during that week, no he shouldn’t have to pay. The money is for the kids, right? Stop being so money hungry.


My daughter’s dad and I have an agreement without court… He has paid every month for 9 years without fail. He gets her summers and holidays and does not pay during summer which is like 3 months. When I get her back he helps with school supplies for the upcoming year… we live in different states.

If you truly depend on whatever he is giving you for the week for a bill then yes. But if he is giving you are hard time about it, I’d just let it be honestly. It’s a week. Just depends on whether you really need that weeks support.


You have them full time but he supports them financially and basically you aswell. How fucked is this world. Give him 50/50 instead of getting a free ride. Better yet. Support your own dam kids.

I don’t think he should have to pay if he is going to have them for the week. He is going to be feeding and caring for them.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: in case you don’t already know this … He isn’t responsible for YOUR bills at all ever. He’s responsible for care of the children & your post states he’ll be caring for them that week. Stop being so greedy. Let him use his money on those kids. Shame on you


I mean the kids need to eat, I’m sure he’ll spend more on them than you would not having them! I mean even if he did pay you you should split that money and give it directly to your kids so they have that money to spend not you!


Y’all get that kids have things like monthly expenses too right ? Like lessons, tutoring, phones etc etc etc . This right here is exactly y I go through the court for a set amount, for set time, for set everything. Because when we as mothers have bills and other expenses come up we’re still supposed to make it work yet when the dudes do it’s fk child support. When I as a mother take my kids on vaca I still have to provide everything monthly wise yet baby dad takes them and it’s forget the rest we had a vacation lol what. Ppl calling this thought money hungry but I call this my kids will get everything they deserve whether he likes it or not, shoulda chose a different baby’s mom I guess cause if my kid wants lessons for any damn thing they will have it, if he has to not get some Jordan’s for himself cause my boys want nice shoes well suck that shit up, I do not care. And yep I’m doing the same

I reckon half payment. You both have needs to cover and he has the added extra for a week. That’s what I would be doing


Just go on the vacation too !!!

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I’m thinking he shouldn’t have to pay while he has them, YOUR expenses are not HIS responsibility, the kid’ expenses are HIS and YOUR responsibility, maybe you should give him money while he has the kids for the week, that seems fair.


Ya I mean … if he pays you weekly , and he has them for that week , he shouldn’t have to pat you for that week. The money is for them and he’s with them all week sooo :woman_shrugging:


For one week you don’t have the kids and still expect him to pay child support while you don’t have the kids,why don’t you pay him child support for the week he has them ,that seems a bit more fair


Court ordered support does not stop just because the non custodial parent takes the children on vacation. Why should this be any different. It might benefit the children to get a court order just in case his situation changes and he finds it an inconvenience to pay. Make sure to address college expenses, etc.


If he has them then ur expenses are yours…

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My step kids mother asks for our working for families everytime she has her 4 kids for more the 2 nights which is only in the school holidays. She only pays child support for 1 because my partner isn’t on the other 3 birth certs. In the eyes of the law she does not share 50 50 so she is not entitled to it. But she still asks things like uniform power water clothing school needs and all she provides no extra towards that we get 160 every 2 months from her.

Why would he pay you money while the kids are in his care? Isn’t the money you get directly for them and not for your “on going living expenses”


Child support is for the CHILDREN…not you


“I have on going expenses” it shld be “the children have on going expenses”:roll_eyes: sounds like mom needs to get a better paying job. With or without a court order, Child Support shld NEVER be counted on​:woman_shrugging:t2: Plus taking it to court doesn’t always end well. Dad cld get more time which wld mean less $$ and mom wld still have all the same bills!


It doesn’t stop because he’s on vacation with them


Yes he should still pay. Child support is to cover expenses for the children’s needs. That includes your rent, mortgage, electricity, gas, water. Just because they are gone one week does not mean those bills do not need paid. You need to think about you and the kids and go to court. Get a court order.


If it was court ordered, he’d still have to pay. I would file for child support through the court if he’s going to play games. :woman_shrugging:t3:


No he shouldn’t have to pay for that week, he will have the kids so there’s no reason you should be getting child support for the week you don’t even have them


Technically and legally yes he would have to if you had an actual order. But, why not work with him? Give him a break for the week so the kids can have fun. :woman_shrugging:


Why would he pay for your expenses? It’s not about you, it’s about the children. If he has them and he’s taking care of them then he’s doing his part. You can do yours to pay for your expenses like he does his to pay for his expenses. Child support isn’t to pay your bills, it’s your responsibility to pay your bills, not him. There’s a lot of men that can’t pay their bills because of child support while women do great. Men need to be thought of in it to, they have the same responsibilities as you do.


He pays you willingly and without a hassle 51 weeks out of the YEAR, yet you are griping about ONE week out of the year?!
Girl, let him have the money.
If you are struggling that badly to where one week will throw off your entire year, either rewrite your budget or go back to school. It can be vocation school.
It can be trade school.
It can be a community college.
It can be a full college.
It can be a university.
It can be a fast track school.
It can be an online school.
Either budget better, get a better paying job (lots of sales jobs will train you, help you get licensing, etc and do so from the comfort of your own home or mostly from the comfort of your own home, for example) or get the necessary licensing, certifications and/ or degrees necessary to GET a job to where you do not HAVE TO worry about child support.
(And come on: imagine what it would be like to use the child support mostly for a college or travel fund when they graduate high school instead of relying on it for bills because cash is just that strapped.)

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No, support doesn’t stop because the has them for a week. Everyone saying her expenses are hers are completely wrong. Father is expected to pay a percentage of mortgage, electric, water, sewage, garbage etc… All those things are needed to raise children and although he has them for a week, she is still paying those expenses and will still have to maintain while they are gone. Especially, if he hardly takes them at all. He is already paying less because she didn’t go to the courts. She is being perfectly reasonable to expect no lapse in support


If it was court ordered he would still have to pay so yes he still has to


When the parents that pays the support has the kids you don’t get payment for the kids if it was in court she the mother would have to pay the father for that week he has the kids


I would say no, let him spend that extra money on the kids during their vacation time. Don’t be petty. Next week you’ll get the money to HELP take care of y’all children. The women in these comments relying on cs to pay their own household bills like they wouldn’t need to provide for their grown selves without a child are weak af. You’re better than that :ok_hand:t4:


Maybe you should just take it to court and have them figure it out, then this wouldn’t be an issue.


Let him use that weeks worth of CS on the kids


Yes he should still pay child support, granted that the kids live with you the majority of the time. If time is equally shared then he shouldn’t.


If the contract is voluntary it can be breach voluntary. Go to court. If prenup :joy:


Why should you get child support for a week that you DONT have them ?


Child support is for the children! So no, he shouldn’t have to pay that week since he will be supporting the kids.


Court ordered child support doesn’t stop when the non-custodial parent had the child(ren), so YES he should still be paying you child support while he is on vacation with them. Does you’re rent or other expenses you pay for your children go down the week he has the children, No?


You both need to grow up :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I say yes he does because you still have to maintain the home your children live in, even if they are away a short time.


Wow lot of greed in this one lord if one week that he has them and is spending time with them is that terrible then by means be a bad mother and person really grow up people dads count too we struggle too all this over one week


In a normal court agreement YES, he would still have to pay
But honestly if he always pays then why not cut him a break


No he shouldn’t pay it as he has his kids in his care for 7 days. Child support is to support his kids and it goes on how many days he has the kids for


Pay up dude!! Kids still live in the house amd bills still need to pay.

Maybe you should pay child support for when he has them


You need to go get a court order so you both know exactly what is expected. If the contract is clearly drawn up there there are no questions.
As someone else commented, if he pays 51 weeks a year consistently and skips one week (and in that week the kids are with him) then I don’t see an issue


Oh wow I would rather have him spend that money on the kids while they are away. Child support is for the kids anyway. Why make a big scene when I’m assuming it’s been peaceful breakup.


Get over yourself lady! He’ll be feeding and housing them that week! Not you! Let him have the money for them! Feed and house yourself! Don’t like it, then maybe u should get a court order


He’ll literally be using the money for the kids and trip!


He will still have to pay lol. I don’t understand why people think that all kids need is food or clothes. They need electricity and water. She needs a car to take them places. Apparently the only time he really has them is once a year on vacation…

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Yes he should pay unless you can get a job for the week that’s why there is child support to support the children and becasie you can’t get a full time job to support yourself

I dont really see a problem him having 1 week off paying and spending that money on his kids.He pays you each week I’m guessing without any issues.I think you are lucky you have that.For 18 years its been me supporting my kids.

If he has the kids to the whole week then no he shouldn’t pay.


Is child support your only form of income?
Either way, in my opinion…don’t worry about that. Let him have that week of support for the kids. Just enjoy your week of being kid-free. Pick and choose your battles…we as single parents have to really and deeply weigh sht out. Let it go and just enjoy your week without your kids. Some of us don’t get anything from our kids father(s) nor do our kids father(s) come get them…let alone take them on a trip…you’re blessed. Don’t battle over something like that when it’ll start right back up when they come home…many of us aren’t blessed in that way.


No way not the time he has them

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You know how expensive it is to take kids on a vacation?! Let him spend the money in them and just enjoy your alone time.


Maybe you should pay child support the week he takes them. It would only be fair


My ex was ordered to pay cs every week. I refused to except a cent when he had the boys for vacations. I think this is petty. Let him spend that money with the kids. Be an adult, and a fair parent.


I honestly don’t know what would happen if it was court ordered. I’d say if you can afford not to get it let him keep it since he has the kids for that week. If this is an issue I would get a court order so next time there isn’t an issue.

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Well the Mom still has to pay & provide for where they live, clothing, personal items, etc. Even if the Dad takes them on a week vacation, he probably only provides food & entertainment for that week… Mom has full custody & provides the kids necessities all the time…. These things don’t end even if the kids are on a week vacation…


Your worried about child support while your kids are spending a week with their dad? I’d been happy if my kids had a dad that was involved with them and was paying child support. I wouldn’t expect it, I’d be happy I had a week to myself and my kids had a week with dad but that never happens for so many of us


Take his tail to court period. He should pay yes. Court will make him.

If it were court ordered, he’d still have to pay. Personally, I would get a parenting plan through the court as well as court ordered child support. Then he can’t make you feel bad. The judge decides, not you!

Honestly it’s up to you at this point since it’s not court ordered. If he’s been good with paying you and on time every time I would give him a break if I were in the situation. But everybody is different so just follow your guts. If you feel like you need it even asking for just half should be fine but again it’s up to you and only YOU know the right thing to do. Don’t let these other miserable people tell you that you’re wrong because if it was court orders he’ll still pay unless he took them for the whole summer. Best of luck mama

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