I have my kids Full Time. There is no court order for support, only a voluntary agreement for a set amount weekly. He’s talking them on vacation for seven days and is trying not to pay me support for that week. I have ongoing expenses; he’s on “vacation.” Staying at his Mothers beach house for the week. No, I didn’t think about this when I agreed to voluntary support because I never even thought he’d take them for a while week, to be honest. I’m shocked, actually. Usually, it’s just overnight on the weekend, or once a week. Do you think it’s fair for him not to pay for that week? He’s already paying less than he would if it was court-ordered because he manipulated me into feeling bad for him because “he has to pay rent and live too”.
You honestly kinda sound selfish right now. Child support should never go towards your bills. Also if he’s taking the kid on a fun vacation leave him alone! Let him spoil the kid. You’ll get your “voluntery” money later. He’s taking care of the kid, you have no need for help when he has him right now.
What do you mean he manipulated you lmao no he did not. He’s right. HE has to live and pay bills too. And why is he paying YOUR expenses. Pay your own. Stop surviving off chikd support.
Yes. We pay child support for my stepson weekly, even when he’s with us for a week. Even when he’s with us for two weeks. The amount we pay is to help support him and supporting him costs more than half of what we pay in child support per year. Not just weekly but all the extra expenses that come from raising a child that fall mostly on the parent who has them primarily. Child support is reimbursement for a portion of what the primary parent spends on the child which goes far above and beyond the cost of feeding them for a week.
Oh sister! If he was court ordered to pay, he’d have to pay. Now all of you saying child support isn’t for bills, go into any court room or ask any attorney or judge, they will all tell you that paying bills with child support is perfectly acceptable and encouraged! Children use electric, water, cable, phone, etc.
You do realize if he was on court ordered child support, he would still have to pay child support. Child support is meant to go towards the care of the child.
“ **Child support covers a child’s basic need for food, shelter and clothing.”
If she is caring for children by herself and needs to use it for food and shelter, then that is what it can be used for.
I’m sorry that you are apparently wealthy enough that you don’t have to use it for that, but not everyone is fortunate enough to need that. I get a small amount of child support from my sons father and yes, it goes toward basic necessities for my son. I am unable to work due to the care my medically complex sons needs, so yes it’s used for bills, food, and his needs. If the kids are in daycare, she still has to pay the daycare bill even if they are away
THANK YOU!!! You actually understand how child support works!
Child support is there to help keep a roof over the heads of the child, feed the child & clothe the child along with extracurricular activities and health.
No he shouldn’t have to. The money he pays is DIRECTLY for the kids and not for your bills. Maybe you should pay for his bills while he has the kids? Sounds silly, doesnt it?
And before anyone comes after me, the CS isnt court ordered. Idc what ya’ll think it can go to when it’s not court ordered
If you had a court order, he would still have to pay while he had the kids for the week. Normally, the other parent has the children every other holiday, break and summer time, they would still have to pay you when they have the children.
So in my opinion, yes he should still pay you while he has the children for the week, as he would have to still pay with a court order. It’s an added expense on his part for the vacation, one that he wanted.
You should so selfish right now. You have expenses too? Get a job and don’t rely on another person to pay your bills. He is taking sole responsibility for the kids for 7 days. Why would he need to pay you when you don’t have them? Child support is for the KIDS not you(clothes, food for them, haircuts, toys, activities, medications etc). If they’re not with you then you don’t need it.
I personally feel child support is stupid. If you can’t afford a child on your own don’t have any. Pretend one day you won’t have help. If you will need money to care for them then you don’t need them. If you can support them alone then you deserve kids. Give the man a break for a week and allow him to spend all his free money on them and shut up about it.
I would give my ex some money just bc it is supposed to be for the kids… child support is that…. For the children…… but a week isn’t that long. We ha e my husbands daughter for 2 months and he still has to pay $1400 total and she didn’t send anything. I find that a little ridiculous especially considering the only bill she’s had for her them 2 months was a $60 phone bill.
Ummm, child support is actually for the living expenses associated with the child. As in, clothing, food, home, school clothes, supplies, blah blah blah. Yes ma’am, bills are considered a necessary expense. You really don’t know this girl’s whole situation, and she said “ongoing expenses”, that could be daycare, for all you know. Judgy much?
You still have to pay daycare fees, and bills are in there too. Y’all really don’t know about what it takes to raise a child. SMH
Girl, you jumped straight to attack mode. Lord have mercy. They made kids together, and she has every right to take him to court and let a judge consider the proper amount. Technically, child support is based off of what you and the spouse BOTH make. So, if he is paying anything less than $500 a month, she is letting him off easy. And where in the world do y’all get that this woman is living off her children’s support money?
Really need to get off your high horse, and look at some facts, jack
Lol I have kids and pay for everything myself.
Well honey I do have kids and raise them myself. I don’t need to rely on a man.
Get a job? He is not responsible for YOU! That week that you would usually be paying for your kids stuff you won’t have to because dad is taking care of it that week. You can use that money on bills you would make working. Plus if you make him give you money you don’t need that’s less money he can spend on your kids on their trip. Don’t be a bitter single mom.
No, he shouldn’t have to pay you for the week he has them. You may have ongoing bills, but so does he. His cost of living is higher when he has the kids, so he shouldn’t have to pay you for the days or weeks he has them. Especially if he is taking them on vacation. If it were me, I would want him to have the extra funds to be able to give the kids an excellent vacation!
Child support is supposed to be given to keep the child’s way of life the same way if was prior to splitting.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?
No he is taking them that week
You should file for child support through the court system. The child’s expenses don’t stop because they are on vacation.
Yes but you should get it court ordered
Yep. And if he wants to bitch about it, tell him you could always go to court and get it ordered…
Just because he takes them for a week doesn’t mean the bills that you inccur for a roof over the heads are going to stop for a week if they’re gone. So yes he should in my opinion. That’s what he signed up for.
Unless it’s court ordered, I would let it go. I am sure it’s frustrating, but it isn’t mandatory. I am sorry.
No. We get my stepson for 5 weeks over the summer and my husband still has to pay child support for those months.
Honestly, I wouldn’t. He’s taking them on vacation for that week and will have the expense of feeding them, doing fun stuff with them, buying souvenirs etc.
You should get court ordered child support and a parenting plan in place
Yeah he should still pay you but if he doesn’t I would just take the week away from the kids as a win
Get a court order and you won’t have to worry about this.
The kids still need a roof, clothes, and things that he should continue to pay for
I remember a time when my husband’s teenage daughter was acting out. Her mother had her come live with us for a month.
My husband didn’t send over child support for that particular month because we supported her the entire month.
His ex wasn’t happy about that decision.
She did still receive child support for their other daughter and alimony for the month. I’m conflicted.
You should go through the office of child support enforcement so he can’t weasel his way out.
Yes they still eat and drink and use toiletries. And clothes💁
I hope that you have a court order for custody. If not he could take them and not give them back. And from experience, it doesn’t matter how much he has the kids the support is still paid weekly. If it were court ordered he wouldn’t have a choice. If I were you, I would get a court ordered custody and support agreement.
You think it’s bad now by him trying to get out of paying for ongoing costs, give it time, it’ll get worst.
Take him to court. Get everything in writing. For your peace of mind. Don’t let him manipulate you a second longer. You don’t owe this man a damn thing.
You have to live, pay rent, feed your kids, pay for their things. It’s proven, we make far less than men. Also, we cant just get up and leave to go to work. We have extra responsibilities like “who’s going to pick up the kids from school and drive little Jimmy to basketball practice? But wait I need to make dinner and do laundry and clean the house….I need to eat too, have I drank water today?” Our job never stops.
Honestly, I don’t think he should for that week. He will have them all week and paying for everything they need.
I would also say pick your battles because it isn’t court ordered so legally he doesn’t have to pay anything at all on any week.
I have a court order for my son. It states if he stays overnight 4 nights in a row then he is not obligated to pay child support that week. I agree with that decision.
I wouldn’t make him if it were me. He may be on vacation by the kids still gotta eat and have things. He probably gonna spend more money on them this week than normal lol
No. He has them for that week, the money he’d be giving you for them, he’ll be using for them during that week. Let it go
Sadly, even if child support is court ordered they can pay bare minimum to keep themselves out of trouble (in the state of Georgia anyway)
If it was court ordered he’d still have to pay so I say yes but I also say pick your battles
Just be glad you’re getting child support there are some mom and some dads out there that don’t get child support at all I haven’t gotten child support since 2013 $18,000 so just be glad you’re getting child support I like some of us who don’t forget it and it’s court ordered but just to grow up and be glad you’re getting it
I would let it go for the week that he has the kids. Child maintenance shouldn’t be relied on as an income anyway.
Hes takin them on holiday an providing for them for that week, the money is for them not you ???
Be nice. That money would be nice for the kids to have a good time. With most people every dollar counts
If this is something that’s not court ordered, your lucky enough he sticks with it regularly anyways. Not to mention you shouldn’t just rely on child support to get through. They are gone for the week, so no he shouldn’t have to pay you, unless it’s a court ordered thing
Yea, perfectly fair.
He has the children for that week, you do not. It’s not his responsibility because you have on going bills. It’s not only his job to support the children.
If you don’t like that then go to the courts- but pick wisely because just because you think he would pay more, doesn’t mean he will.
I’d say no so he has extra money for the kids.
He has the kids. He’s paying to take care of them on his time…he shouldn’t give you anything. Get a better job to afford your on going expenses. How would you take care of them if he died and couldn’t pay you support…
if you are not currently happy with your child support agreement, then contact an attorney or the child support division in your state and have it set up through the court on the amount of child support he is to pay monthly, in our state it can be paid monthly, every 2 weeks, bi-weekly or weekly. while it will not help you now, it will have a future amount to be paid by him.
Lord no. Let him use the money FOR THE KIDS while HE HAS THE KIDS.
Well if you still expect him to pay for a full week he has them you better send them off with everything they need so he isn’t supporting them that week
Half support is that the law is here
Sorry but your not gonna have them that week. it’s for them not you. He’s gonna be paying for everything that week with them. Your expenses alone without them aren’t his job to cover.
It’s fair for him not to pay
Stop being a tight arse hes taking them away for the week isn’t that enough I mean hes gota feed them plus pay for whatever theyr guna be doing if you want child supoort for that week then keep the kids home …
He shouldn’t have to pay that week because he will be providing everything they need while they are with him
He shouldn’t have to pay you the week he has them
I would let it go for the week he has them. Child support should not be relied.on as income because its for your children’s needs.
Just be grateful that he is stepping up as a co parent.
You aren’t having to feed them that week. Think of it like that. He could do with the money for your kids. He providing everything and they get a cool week away.
Yes, you still have to provide a safe living area for your kids even if they are gone for 7 days. Like does your rent/mortgage give you a week off from paying if you aren’t there?
Lol. The answer is yes. All day long. Yes
If you want money for the week he has them you need to be sending them with everything they need for that week. Child support is to support the child(ren). Making him pay you when he has the children is gross.
Is this real life? NO. You have “on going expenses” but so does he and now he is going to have more mouths to feed plus whatever leisure’s they do will likely cost money. Cut the man a break! Also to say he manipulated you by saying he has to pay rent and live too is disgusting. He does have bills and shit of his own I am sure. Plus it is his responsibility to pay for half of what the kids NEED it is not his responsibility to pay your mortgage, utilities, care note, insurance etc. that is on you, as adults without kids have those expenses as well. You sound greedy af, and tbh you should be happy that he wants to take them and spend time with them and make memories.
He has them that week so no he should not have to pay
Why in the world would you Not have a court agreement on something that Important
He should want the kids to have their support! Only a cheap bastard would try an weasel that deal! Pay your children!
YESSSSS! You still have to buy them clothes, food, put a roof over there head, etc
Most court order child support agreements don’t stop or change just because the other person has the kids
If he has them for that week then no he shouldn’t. He’s paying for their support that week.
It’s fair not to pay that week
You should consider yourself fortunate he even pays you support. Why should he have to pay when he has then for a week.
He should pay, your rent or house payment isn’t decreased the week they are gone and other bills either.
He will be providing them with food, activities and caring for them that week so no he should not have to pay you. Your expenses are your responsibilities not his.
No. Child support is not about mom or dad, it’s about the kids. Maybe even sending a couple bucks to them while they are gone (to be sure they have everything) would be the right thing to do. Either way, try to remember that he doesn’t owe you. He owes them, as do you. I hope you have a great week while the kiddos are off having fun and take in all sorts of relaxation.
I would say yes. I’m assuming since they are with you 90 percent of the time that you sent the clothing you bought and you are the one that has the roof over their head the majority of the time. If you had agreed in court to this he would still have to pay.
If there was a court order for child support he would have to pay regardless of the time of year and plans going on.
Some dumb fuckers out there
Technically if court ordered he would still be paying… but honestly since its agreed upon let it go for the week… if you want to force him to pay even when he has them, go to court
Being petty over 7 days worth of child support is extreme. If it was me I would be happy he was taking the time to spend it with the kids. If he has them let him spend it on them. With this you’re taking away from your children not him, and its kinda selfish in my opinion. You should be able to go a week without him supporting you. Why take it if he can spend it on you’re kids like its supposed to be spent.
If it was court ordered he would have to pay if he had them a month
Umm no… u don’t have them.
If you guys had a court ordered child support agreement he would still have to pay that week so yes I think he should have to pay the week he’s taking them on vacation.
This is not going to get any better.You need to see a lawyer.
Child support is to HELP support a child and the child’s expenses. Not 100% support the child. BOTH parents need to be equally supporting and sharing financial responsibilities. No parents should be just living off of child support from their ex. It sounds harsh, but your responsibility as a parent is TO PROVIDE FOR YOUR CHILD, not live off the other parents wages.
This:clap:t3: is:clap:t3: why:clap:t3: you take:clap:t3: things:clap:t3: like
this:clap:t3:to:clap:t3: court:clap:t3:!! Of course he won’t give it to u. But court orders don’t stop. Good luck and file for child support
Just be glad he’s involved with his kids and will take them for any length of time!! My son is almost 10 and his donor wants nothing to do with him. He pays court ordered child support but only because they take it out of his check. If they didn’t, he wouldn’t pay shit!! But I wouldn’t even care about any of that if he was a dad and did dad things with him!!
Maybe you should spend that 7 days looking for a part time job to support your monthly bills.
If he has them for that full week no he shouldn’t pay you. He has the kids not you. Your not spending money on nothing for them
No. Pay your own rent.
Well he does have have to pay rent & live too. No he has them why should he pay you that week.Get a job support yourself
This has got to 100% made up surely
If it was court ordered he’d still have to pay it, so yes. But since it’s not court ordered it really depends on how you co-parent together… Hard call… But my personal opinion is if he does like you’ve agreed on for every other week, I’d let him slide. Especially since he’s taking the children with him on this vacation.
Yes we have to pay for the 2 and a half months we have our kiddos
Petty of you
Get a court order or pay your own bills
I can not believe the ignorant comments on here. Take him go court and get a court ordered amount. I bet you will get more from a court order then now and court orders are still paid even if he is on vacation. I think these comments come from jealous moms who don’t get support or moms who have court ordered support and none have compassion. Child support is to help keep a roof over the child’s header, utilities (heat, lights,phone, internet,vehicle to get them to appointments, clothe, ect.) Those bills are still there even though he took the kids in vacation. Custodial parents should not have to brunt the cost of everything and be known as the not fun parent because they are paying all the bills. Grow up ladies. She should still get the support.