Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?

Mmm I agree you have continual expenses, however you don’t have to pay for any food for them for that week, so perhaps a reduced amount?

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Im so fucking over these gross 5 minute daddies

What an ass, charge him double. Men or women should pay for their loss and their stupidity regularly vacation or not

If hes got them he will be providing that week just be grateful hes taking them…


Wow, the entitlement of women is appalling


Being a single mom, this would not even cross my mind. be grateful he wants to take the kids for a while so you can get a little break.


First world problems

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If he has been faithful in paying and there is no court order, i would let him skip that week.


You telling me you rely THAT much on child support​:flushed::flushed::flushed: get it together girl


I’m assuming they already have clothes and you’ve paid your electric and water and gas bill for the month what “0n going expenses” related to the children’s well being and maintenance do you have? If it’s needed that much perhaps you need to find a better paying job. Gas money to run around and go out while you don’t have the kids is a want not a necessity…


Typical expenses do not stop for 7 days. Basically the only thing she isn’t providing is food for those 7 days. So knock off a week’s worth of food off the child support.

Dafuk. You don’t have provide them food for a week you do t have to take them to and from school/daycare for a week your power will be cheaper… what could you need to provide for the kids for that week that requires his child support when you won’t have them? Child supports to provide for the kids not you.


Never do custody, visitation or child support on your own. It opens yourself up for him to jerk you around. Yes he should pay child support even if he has them. CS helps with their home expenses, insurances, etc. None of those go on vacation when they do. You can’t tell your landlord or mortgage company that you’ll be a week short because your kids were on vacation. However they will need a place to keep their belongings & come home to. File for child support in court. Take proof of what he’s been paying in case he tries to get the court to settle on a lower amount. Don’t sign anything less than what you have agreed on. Take it in front of the judge if they try to get you to.


If it’s court order , he pays even if he gets them on vacations. But if not then u both decide .

Does this man also ask to not pay rent on his home when he is away?
Go through the courts. Then he cannot choose when he pays or not and the courts would make him in this situation.


Court would still make him pay. My ex gets my daughter 2 weeks of the summer and still pays the whole monthly amount. Just take him to court at this point


Never rely on support to pay your household bills my husband is court ordered for his other 2 we pay no matter what child support is weekly even if he has the kids your best bet is to sit down agree on parenting time as well as payment weekly and have it court ordered how you both agreed! Courts love when parents come in knowing what they are doing and doesn’t have to intervene! We pay weekly and offer assistance for extra curricular stuff he holds insurance and remaining bills after insurance is after 6% moms pay 60 and we pay the other 40


I think personally I would let it go if he has them for the entire week and is going to be feeding and paying for the entire week. I understand the rest of the bills don’t just stop , but it seems as if you two have a civil enough Situation where the court isn’t involved yet he still pays you. I wouldn’t want to mess that up if it were me so I would give him a break. And if you are really that okay with one another I would talk to him honestly, your the only one that Knows how that money is spent so if it’s strictly on the kids and their expenses and you won’t be able to get by without his support they week then just talk to him and get on the same page. Maybe have him pay less since your not feeding them? I’m torn because I know a ton of situations where this can get taken advantage of but I know with my ex and myself while we do have a court ordered agreement, we are also friendly enough that I would talk to him honestly about it and see what he thought. At the end of the day the money is for the best well being of your kids so as long as you both are in agreement I don’t see why talking about the reality of your exact situation with him could ever be a bad thing. Good luck that’s a tough spot I do see both sides so I wish you luck and hope you get it cleared up quickly

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If he has the kids for 7 days and he is paying for the kids for those 7 days he shouldn’t have to pay you.


I swear… some mothers can act so greedy and self entitled :face_vomiting:
Hes taking the* kids for a whole WEEK. No doubt spending more on them in that week than what he would in CS.
He aint paying child support to support your lifestyle, hes paying it for the kids and thats exactly what he’ll be doing on vacation.
Stop being so petty :roll_eyes:


Go to see attorney general and that way you WILL NOT have to deal w/ this shit from deadbeat dads​:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::rage: so sick& tired of how they want to call the SHOT!!!

My god you should be lucky he wants the kids and pays too! He pays you every other time one week out of the year isn’t going to break the bank? He will be providing for them that week, trust me when I say leave the court out of it,first hand witness it makes things 10 times worse for you him and the kids, just be happy he pays weekly and let that continue,

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Sounds like you need to get an official court order. Child support doesn’t stop because the kids are with him…


Child support doesn’t stop when the other parent has their time.


Um go file for child support…


If you have the kids the majority of the time, he should continue to pay his child support while he takes them on vacation. It’s too bad he didn’t factor that into his plans, but that’s his issue. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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You should come up with a set MONTHLY amount , not a weekly. I’d just let it go , he’s going to have them that week any way.

My ex had our daughter in the summers and still paid… he didn’t mind that because he only seen her acouple times a year because he lives in Texas and I lived in Michigan… he even took her for a full year and he still paid… he was just happy to have her more than just summer time…

If it was court ordered he would have to pay. If he wants to be a dock forget it and go get what you should be

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You have no court order? Court orders aren’t just enforcement, they are also for situations were the parents may not agree. If there isn’t one he doesn’t have to pay any support including the weeks he has your child. My advice, get one in place so there is no further question of support.


I mean he shouldn’t be paying for your expenses. He should be paying for the kids. so no I wouldn’t be asking for it.


He’s right. He had rent and has to live too. He needs to also have money for his time with the kids when he has them. What would you do if he had more time with them? Still expect the same amount of money? What if the shoe was on the other foot and he had them all the time? Treat him as you would want to be treated as he should do the same to you. You need to coparent, not argue about petty things. Maybe the money he would’ve paid you this week is going for the boys vacation? Don’t they deserve to have fun with their father too?


Child support is for the % of time he DOESN’T have the children if he has the children for a week he shouldn’t be paying you he should be using that money to take care of the children for that week


I would let him spend that money on the kids that week.


He has them that week…so why would you still be entitled to support…it pisses me off to see these mothers that expect the father to support them…yes them.Half like you expect your bills n home to be paid for from childsupport like these men dont also have to live…mindset all f**ked up​:roll_eyes::person_facepalming:


I would let it go this week if he is spending the week with the kids. He will be paying for their food amongst other things I’m sure. I always ask myself, if tables were turned, how would I want things to be done if it were me on the other side, ya know?


I wouldn’t expect my child’s father to pay me child support if he had taken the kids on Vacation… child support is technically for use of the children… yet I do understand that you have bills, etc., but at the same time it’s not fair for him to pay you child support while he has the kids with him just so you can pay bills…:woman_shrugging:t2:


Does not matter if support is court ordered no or not. If it was court ordered he would still have to pay


:expressionless: Guess I’m unfollowing this page too.

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Child support is for the children. Not free money for you


his job is not to support you his job in paying you is to take care of his children


For a week u have no food expenses for them and other things! So enjoy the break and let it be


no why would he —-?! the kids are with him let him spend it on them


Ask ANY FAMILY JUDGE this question and the answer will be something like what my ex was told…“I don’t care about your $900 truck note but I do care about everything you have to provide for the kids down to the SOAP THEY USE AND IT DOESN’T STOP ON FATHER’S DAY EITHER.”


Greedy much?!? You’re not spending money on them that week…


If he has them then no To child support

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If he was paying court ordered child support he would still have to pay. It’s based off a percentage of your bills and medical that the child consumes and both your pay. But since you have an agreement it’s up to you. The child isn’t there that week not using anything that child support would be paying. I agree I would have him use that money on your child or ask him for the child support but give it to your child as spending money

Idk how it works the way you guys have it but my daughters Dad kept her
The first couple of months of Covid for me since I was working we didn’t want to get her sick so he just called friend of court and let them know he had her during that time so he didn’t have to pay but I was supposed to call and let them know and I didn’t so it swiped out all of his back pay that he owed out too but I wouldn’t make him pay when he has the kids child support is to support your children not pay your expenses when you don’t have them.

I can’t understand those of you taking his side. She still has to pay rent on a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment even though the kids aren’t occupying those rooms at the moment. And utility bills will still arrive even though they’re gone. Most expenses are ongoing and she can hardly move into a studio apartment for one week while they are gone.


We had every other weekend during school and week on week off during summer and it was always the same amount of support. Child support is for lights and water and food and clothes. Doesn’t matter it’s still the same if it was court ordered.


Court ordered support is averaged out across the year. So if he’s paying less than the State required minimum, he should definitely pay. You should get a court order.


You want him to pay child support while he has the children? It’s not spousal support, so I’d say no. Just my two cents.


Stop living off of child support :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: dont take out a mortgage/rent/car note based off of “oh I can afford it because my baby daddy has to pay me anyway”. Then you won’t be sitting here mad that he isn’t paying your bills while he has the kids for a week straight smh greedy af :woman_facepalming:t2:


She may not have expenses for “that week”, but look at the bigger picture. She may rely on it for rent or other MONTHLY bills to provide for the children. If it’s something you rely on and need, then by all means ask for it. If it’s something that you can live without for now, and he’s providing all the extras for the kids for their vacation, I would say let it go.


My sons dad asked this question lmao um yea duh like the lady said u don’t come close to what his mother does for him


We get my stepdaughter 2 weeks on 2 weeks off all summer. Court order states my husband doesn’t pay support for the weeks we have her because we have her, not mom.


One your ex shouldn’t be paying for your expenses. And another he is only titled to make sure the children are cared for and that is it. Maybe look into your budget and see what you can and can’t afford.


If you wanna be petty sure, but the right thing to do is not take it. It’s one week and he is supporting his kids this week.


Take him to court and he will wish he would have paid😊


The court wouldnt make him pay that week. Just saying.

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Child Support through courts is a percentage based on the time you have your kids, that’s why it’s set up for no matter the vacations, etc. (Unless specifically court ordered otherwise) If he voluntarily offers you support, I personally would just want my kids to have the 1 week to hopefully be less strained financially to actually enjoy the time. Regardless if it’s Moms beach house vs a rental. There’s always an expense to a vacation.
If it was an every time the other parent had the kid for a weekend that would be different…

Also. If you agreed to less support, that’s on you too. You can contact your local office and ask them to do an evaluation if you feel you need the $ to 100% support your kids needs. But let’s remember the child support doesn’t cover ALL needs because there are 2 parents, so 2 income providers (in theory)

I personally wouldn’t make him. But to each their own.

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Hell no. Money’s for the kid not the mom.


Girlllll this is why I tell people not to mess around and have the child support set up through the state. Because it eliminates all these arguments as the order spells out when he is entitled to a credit and when he’s not. In our state he is only allowed a 50 percent credit if he keeps the child for 28 days or longer. So he would only have to pay half his payment. Any visit shorter then that, he makes his normal payment. I would tell him if ya’ll can’t come to an agreement you can always go down and file for child support and he can argue it with the state.:woman_shrugging:t4: wash your hands of that argument.


This is a hard one, why not compromise. Possibly just ask him to pay half what he normally does if you can’t come to an agreement.

Child support is a set monthly amount. I’d get a court order.

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Its not court ordered. So nah. :woman_shrugging:t3:
Maybe you need to learn how to manage your money better.


How does he pay weekly? Usually it’s monthly…just because he takes them for the week for vacation usually he should be paying his normal monthly support. I don’t understand just because he has them a week on vacation he doesn’t pay a week…

It depends … if you pay daycare for the kids, and count on child support to cover that expense, I’d say talk to him about that expense. Daycares don’t care if you choose to take your kids out of daycare for a week … you still have to pay for that week to keep your spot at the daycare.

If there are other weekly expenses that you have to pay that week, ONLY child expense related, talk to him about it and explain it to him.

Do you pay him child support or help him financially during those times that he has the kids? Provide food or give money for activities?

It’s a 2 way street, and I think primary parents forget that the secondary parent has expenses for the kids, too.

If there aren’t any expenses that you have that week that are directly related to the children, then I say you shouldn’t expect the child support that week. Let him keep it to spend on the kids that week while they’re in his care.


Child support is not based on anything but the children, it has nothing to do with him taking them on vacation…why is this a question, what I’m trying to understand

Is it really that big of a deal? I’d let it go.


The mother carries the full responsibility of the rearing and upkeep of their children that the reproduced together as a once loving couple.Now the ex wiggles himself out of his responsibility.He goes on vaca to stay in his parent’s holiday home.Who foots the bill for the grandies??
Men systematically go from one flower to the next to reproduce.⚘:honeybee::honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:
Then the ex wife is nailed with the offspring while Daddy is missing in action.This Mum should be paid.She has to fork out money for rent,schoolfees,water and lights,furniture,FOOD AND DAILY CARE
That all adds up.If you as a man want to have children then either refrain or foot the consequences.


So he pays weekly instead of monthly? Well if he pays by the week and he has them for that week then no because he’s already supporting them for that week. Don’t ever rely on child support for bills or anything else it’s nice if you get it regularly great but make sure that if you don’t you still have covered.


It’s your job to pay your ongoing expenses. That week he will have to feed the kids, pay for whatever activities they want to do and the kids in general would be at his expense on whatever they want/need. I don’t feel he should have to pay for that week but to each their own :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yes he still has to pay. His holiday is just something he should of worked out on top of his weekly expenses. If it was threw child support they would make him pay.


If ur talking about giving the money back to him, that’s completely up to u. I’d based that off of does he do stuff besides child support.

no, he shouldnt have to pay that week, be fair. you dont have the kids that week and the maintanance is for them


Uh… can I ask why he’s paying SUPPORT when he will have the kids? Dang Don’t be greedy. It isn’t HIS JOB to pay your bills. That’s on you :clap:


Get child support amount in writing. No legal leg to stand on, otherwise.

But yes. If It was legal, he’d still have to pay you child support that week. That’s because it would be based on a yearly amount, e.t.c, placed into a weekly or monthly amount.


It’s child support not mommy support. If he has them for the week he’ll be financially supporting them that week so why does he need to pay you?


…… child support is supposed to go towards the child directly, not for you. I’d absolutely let it go.


Common sense he’s paying for his children’s expenses not yours, so if he has them for that week then no he shouldn’t have to pay the support just because u have expenses! Your expenses are not his problem, his responsibility is his children!


Before we had full custody we had ss for 3 months in the summer straight. We still had to pay child support during that time because it was an average of the year

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You’re all insane. Child support isn’t to pay her bills. She should be able to pay them fine. It’s to make up the difference for the children. They’re not using her water electric or eating her food. I doubt they need new clothes weekly so what exactly should he be paying for while the children are gone?


This is just pathetic. I’m so sorry to sound blunt but y’all have got to be reasonable. These men are not required to pay 100% of expenses for the children. Be fair. If he has them all week and he is paying for their food and activities why should he have to pay again? I would NEVER do that to my ex. However I have a decent job and I can pay my own way I would never want to rely on a man to pay my bills. I’m sure many will disagree but I truly think that you are wanting him to pay for your bills and also his bills


Why make it a big deal? If he is stepping up and being a good dad…give him a break.
Let him use the extra money to spoil the kids on their vacation.


He shouldn’t have to pay for that week is this a joke??


Child support is for supporting the kids. Not ongoing expenses


If the money is going towards child expenses sure but your bills should be from your money

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No he shouldn’t have to pay for the week the kids are with him. He will be using that money to support the same way you’re using it when you have the kids. Be real here and be fair. There are too many deadbeat dads out here so be grateful your kids dad isnt one of them. Coparent like reasonable adults and never try to fuss about things over petty stuff. Kids simply do not deserve that.


I have full custody of my daughter and her dad has visitation every other weekend and he pays a decent amount in child support. With that being said there are times that he will keep her a full week and I ALWAYS give him a chunk of his child support back when he does. He has never asked for it but I look at it as he had the extra expenses that week not me. Plus he always spends it directly on her taking her to do fun things or buys her new clothes…

Your child having a good dad is much more important than child support.


He is “maintaining” the kids that week so no he shouldn’t have to pay.

I personally believe it should be reversed that week if you want to be totally fair as he has the children who need "maintaining


My court ordered child support is based of off parenting time. I don’t think the other parent should have to pay while they have the kids :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I wouldn’t fight it. It’s just one week. My ex pays me nothing in support, but I get him full time and he lives in another state and I decided I would rather just not deal with it. It’s not worth it.

I wouldn’t bother making a big deal of it because it can cause drama and that can affect the kids more than 1 week of child support is worth. I think its fair that he doesn’t pay if he’s taking them for the week

So you basically think he should have to pay to spend time with his own kids when he has them for a week? What a joke


The money is for the child not for your ongoing expenses… you don’t have the child for a week he shouldn’t pay!!!


This needs to be redesigned in the courts. If a non custodial parent has the kid(s) half the time…every other weekend and 2.5 days a week there should be no support at all. If the child is with the non custodial parent for a week, why does the custodial parent need support for that week??? They are using water electric food and anything else they need for that time period with the non custodial geeez people are so money hungry it’s disgusting


Yes. He should. My ex still had to pay me in the summer for 6 weeks of the time he had the kids. Court ordered child support.


You still have to pay rent on the first, and electric, and taxables, so what does 7 days for to do with the same bills you still have. You have to keep your home for them so they have somewhere to sleep and play and etc. So yes he should still pay child support.
But if you can afford it and he could use the help then for your childrens sake deduct that week.

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