Stop co sleeping… and no don’t use tv in the middle of the night that doesn’t help sleep…seriously… Why are you nursing a toddler in the middle of the night anyway? If they were in their own bed they wouldn’t expect to be nursed back to sleep. My baby hasn’t nursed at night since maybe 4 months old. It isn’t necessary. Even times she has woken up at night if she doesn’t go back to sleep on her own I can rock her to sleep and she’s 11 months old. What you allow to happen continues to happen. IMO don’t sleep with your toddler don’t nurse at night. You may have a couple sleepless nights but your toddler can sleep in their own bed and not nurse and be fine. Then you can both get a good nights sleep every night if you just stick to it.
First off, the baby should be sleeping in their crib, and secondly if you give the baby a little drink put a little bit of water in a cup and take it to them in their room. I don’t see why your husband has to get up with you? You turning the tv on the baby is going to think it is time to get up. Break the tv habit, put a night light on. If the baby is teething use a teething ring, it may help.
I mean it is respectful to leave the room so he can sleep and work especially if u are staying home all day
Get the toddler off the tit
Make him sleep in the living room being a stay at home mom isn’t easy and isn’t for the weak tbh
My bd said that a lot always throwing him working in my face… when he doesn’t know half the stuff I do 24/7!!!
If he’s sooo exhausted he can put ear muffs on and a eye mask
RESPECT his wishes and simply sleep on the couch until your son is weaned. If I dont want to sleep on the couch then let the baby have your boob so he can fall back to sleep and not be watching a damn movie or show in the middle of the night. That’s a routine you dont want to start bc it will bite you in the ass when he is 5yrs old and suppose to be sleeping bc he is in school at that point.
I will never understand why people think a stay at home mom is the only one responsible for the child. Yes, dad works, but having a job does NOT exclude you from parenting when you’re at home. I’m so glad my sons father wasn’t like that when we were together.
With that being said, you people are ignorant as fuck for attacking her for breastfeeding her toddler and for bed sharing. Where the child sleeps is none of your business and just because it isn’t for you doesn’t mean you’re better somebody else because it is for them.
I can’t believe I read this long arse whiney post,poor man needs his sleep kid should be in its own bed and why put the tv on in early hours that’s letting the child think it’s time to get up and play,if your going to be such a disturbance you and your child should co sleep on a single bed in another room or something be greatful your man’s out working to put the bills nd provide a roof over your head
I wouldn’t personally get into the habit of using screens as a distraction for anything or you’re going to create a new habit to break. Personally as a SAHM my husband does currently sleep in another room while my toddler sleeps with me so he isn’t disturbed. I do feel he needs his rest and it is my responsibility on work days. On weekends we need to share responsibility and he needs to allow me some time to myself to rest/recharge too. I can’t offer much support on weaning from breast feeding but my pediatrician said to wean night bottles cold turkey and the crying eventually stops because it isn’t about nutrition as much as it is comfort/routine.
Never let anyone guilt you into anything. I’m a stay at home mom too. He needs to understand that all aspects of parenting is a two person job. You work HARD too!
You have to able to function during the day just as much as Dad does. Speaking from experience, never let him tell you that his needs are more important than yours.
If you choose to go this route, I would try it over the weekend when he isn’t working ((pending he has a M-F job)) have him sleep in y’all’s room with the toddler and you sleep in another room until Sunday evening. Maybe suggest your husband sleep in another room the first two nights until you can ensure your toddler is weaned
The last thing you’d want to do is turn on the tv. Although he’s a dad too, he should do his part. Evenings and some nights at least.
Eh he can sleep in the sitting room or another if he doesn’t like it.
I’m having the EXACT same issue. I’m a stay at home mom with an almost 2 year old who still wants to breastfeed and a husband who works and gets upset if he doesn’t get his sleep. My only suggestion would be try to get your toddler to sleep in his own room in a crib. That way you can just go in there and try to get him back to sleep so your husband doesn’t get upset. But yes he should still help out when he can because I agree just because we’re home all day doesn’t mean we get to sleep we have other things around the house to take care of.
Try being a single mom that does everything on her own. I never comment on stuff like this but come one now…cry me a river.
To stop my children breastfeeding I just applied something to the area they would not like, such as fresh lemon or toothpaste.
Yeah I’d be sending your husband to sleep on the couch if he isn’t happy
Why don’t you both have a rough night and get your toddler his own bed to celebrate becoming a big boy
I’d be putting your child in their own room by now.
Our kids came in our bed after a nightmare when I’ll or on Sunday morning for snugs. The clue is in the title it’s yours and your husvands bed.
Definitely agree with your husband, I’d be fuming if someone put the TV on when I had to be up at 6.
Cant u tell ur child ur boobs are dirty as my friend was on antibiotics and it worked a treat said no dirty and never went back to boob but I wudnt be putting tv on at all that will have ur child wide awake and not fair on others who sleep my partner works 40 hours a week and I hate waking him unless its urgent
I hate reading this and the male attitude towards stay at home mums and their poor sleep and their poor job.
Ask him to reverse the role for two days, you get a full nights sleep and spend 8 hours away from the baby both days, I can assure you he would change his attitude very quickly.
Going to work will still be hard but it’s something he has for himself without constant needs and interruptions from a child and household!
I work part time and my job is busy but I still feel like the days I’m at home there are so many more physical and emotional expectations of me and you don’t get coffee breaks
Fire him off into the spare room and YOU do wot YOU need to do.
Have you got a bed in another room you can use? I don’t think it’s fair to put tv on in room someone else is sleeping in tbh
Buy the husband a tent and send him to the garden if he wants a full 8 hours sleep
Stay at home mum’s:roll_eyes: surely that is where a mother should be, at home with their children what nonsense:sunglasses:
Tell dad to sleep in another room then easy
Buy a garden shed to enable your childish husband to get a good night’s sleep
I’m really sorry that you feel this much pressure to do this by yourself. That’s a really shitty thing he’s expecting you to do and if that was my partner I’d be telling him to sleep on the sofa if he didn’t like it!
First of all, your child is BOTH of your responsibility, day or night. Just because you’re a “stay at home mum” does NOT mean you have to do this alone.
Just because he has a full time job does not mean his job as a dad can be dismissed - ESPECIALLY when you’re struggling with a million and one things aswell. It’s really not fair.
Second of all, I bow down to you for handling this. I do night feeds with my 2 month old but my partner insists I wake him if I need a break (he works full time also). If he ever told me to go in the living room so I didn’t wake up, I’d make sure I’d wake him up every bloody time so he understands how draining it is to do the night shift and still run a household and deal with kids all at the same time whilst running on little-no sleep.
I’m sorry to say it but your partner sounds really selfish for doing this to you. Why the HELL should you and your child be pushed out of bed just because you’re husband throws a strop about being woken? If he wants the full night sleep, he should sleep on the sofa. He’s not the most important person in this situation - you are (without sounding horrible). YOU are the one who has to feel okay to do a million and one things. You need to look after yourself in order to look after your child and household. If he has an issue with that then tell him where to shove it!
Being a parent is 50/50 whether you work full time or you’re a stay at home parent (although that’s a 24/7 job that you don’t get to leave at the end of the day). Tell him to grow up, stop stropping about not getting his “full 8 hours” and to get up with his child every now and then. Mommas need a break to and by the sounds of it, so does your child.
I really hope he pulls his finger out and realises that his attitude is not okay about this situation. BF weaning is HARD work and the last thing you need is to be waking your toddler up more by taking them into the living room and making them think it’s daytime. That’s a very dangerous game to be playing as their sleep pattern change can change so drastically, it can be really detrimental to their sleep…
Good luck x
just get on with it your his mother
Dad needs to suck it up I’ve exclusively breastfed two children while working full time within days of giving birth. A lost night or 1,095 of sleep is PART of being a parent. Good lord. Tell him to grow up and grow a pair or get out.
I’m so incredibly sad to see the husband bashing going on… this isn’t a matter for fb but a matter for your family to discuss in private…I understand the need to vent but not to strangers (this of course is only my opinion and has zero bareing on anything)… as for this predicament in my house when I stayed home and my husband went to work it was My job to do the kids in the evenings when he had to rise early, simply because his job is dangerous… with out the right sleep and mental awareness death or serious harm is the other option…
I stayed home for 9 months with my son. My husband worked long hours in the woods. When baby woke up, I went to the living room. I would never disturb his sleep.
On the weaning, I weaned my 21 month son over a weekend. My husband put him to sleep and that was that. It was done.
Ummmmmmm let’s teach our kids some coping skills. Including sleeping in their own beds, in their own rooms, and self soothing when they don’t get what they want.
You’re demanding he compromise and help you, but seem unwilling to budge on your own points.
It is a PRIVLAGE to stay home with your kids. Let’s practice some gratitude here and not set our kids or your marriage up to fail by not setting ANY boundaries for your kids.
If he’s happy to help with everything when he gets home from work, consider yourself lucky, and let him sleep. Many moms would love to have a husband like yours.
Seriously, your toddler needs his own bed. If he wakes in the middle of the night and cries which he probably will a few times, go in and comfort him for a couple of minutes, then leave the room. He probably thinks it’s playtime with the TV on, a sippy cup and parents awake. Maybe try putting him to bed a little later and see if that helps him sleep longer. A toddler who wakes up in the middle of the night should be able to self sooth and go back to sleep but it’s not going to happen until he’s in his own bed. Good Luck!
Bad habits here. Put the toddler in his own bed in his own room. NO tv if he wakes up in the middle of the night. Quiet music, lullabies, a book read quietly…calming things with emphasis on going back to sleep. An album of lullabies on repeat worked great with both of my kids.
He sleeps through the night, so will you. Sleeping with a tv on in the room is not healthy.
I’m not going to comment on your husband but if your kid is still breastfeeding the trick to getting them to stop biting is to press them into your breast rather than pull them off when they do while saying, “stop biting”. They get a bigger mouthful and learn quickly.
You are just asking for all the “perfect parent” moms to come out and judge you with all their judgments. Personally I think your husband should help. stay-at-home mom is like a full time job. And if he doesn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night with the baby then he can sleep in a different Room or on the couch in my opinion. In today’s day and age dad should help 50% with the child care even more so if the woman works too.
Selfish ! He needs his beauty sleep you are a full time Mom! It takes 2 to tango it takes 3 to help each other mum dad and that little one to stop howling at all parts of the day and night:face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Whuken sook!!! A mother, stay at home or not, will never have a decent night’s sleep again till she draws her last breath. A mother’s priority becomes her children.
And a man usually works 8 to 12 hrs. A mother works 24 hrs. Selfish prick!!!
Hey there- this is a simple answer: your husband needs to stop being a weak excuse for a human and man up. Just because you aren’t getting a paycheck doesn’t mean you don’t have shit to do in the morning. Your sleep is no less valuable.
He gave half the genes, he does half the work. He needs to help wean, period.
And by that I mean HE takes the baby to the living room and gives the kid a bottle while YOU sleep. You breastfed for a year, you paid your dues. Done.
My wife and I went through this same situation. So, a couple of times I got up and helped. My wife was still awake the whole time. The result: two people lost sleep, not one. Let him be at his best for being the sole source of income. And for all the people calling that selfish, how about the lazy selfish lifestyle of mom not working?
TV screens is a bad habit to soothe a baby and the blue light disrupts everyone’s sleep. No more cosleeping.
so much internalized misogyny on this post. he should help, period. working outside the home doesnt mean his needs are greater than hers. its sad and disgusting how many women dont see the value in stay at home parenting or believe that women ‘should’ sacrifice their needs to make their husband more comfortable.
Check out a great group on Facebook called Badass Breastfeeder. There is a lot of support there. I nursed both my children until they weaned themselves and it was at 3 years for each. I’m thinking having Dad take them away from Mom and the breast could cause some deep rooted animosity and resentment towards Dad that could be harmful to their relationship. Just my opinion. I once read “Baby them while they are a baby and you won’t need to baby them their whole life”.
He should sleep elsewhere. So should your toddler they sense the source is near and wake up . Perserver this way you all benefit . Hubby doesn’t get disturbed when you deal with bub
If the baby is a toddler he needs to be in his own room and should be sleeping through the night.
I think he has had it too easy for too long. Time for him to be a lot more responsible. And I know it will hurt,but that child needs to be in his own bed. I don’t say that to be mean. My own child had a hard time transitioning. It solved a lot of problems though.
I agree with him. With both my children I took them out of the room to handle stuff when he was sleeping because he had to work to support us. During that time it’s best to start putting the child in their own room (if you can) to help that process. Both of you need sleep yes, but without his sleep he can’t work properly to support the family. As tiring as it was it was worth it for me to move with the child and I think it’s rude as heck to turn on the tv in a room with someone sleeping, it ruins good sleep for a lot of people and can build a very bad habit for the child as well that will be hard to break when school starts.
As a fellow mom I hate to say it, but suck it up and do the extra work here because in the end toddler years go by fast and making sure your s/o can work to the best of their ability is just as important as the stay at home mom job you do.
Let your husband sleep. Ask if he will help on on weekends in middle of night. No sense you both be miserable. When toddler sleeps you need to sleep, so take a nap with him. Try to get your child to take longer nap mid day. You’re lucky your husband willing to help all the other times. It shows he really is a good spouse and parent. Don’t worry if you don’t have all your house projects done…. Sleep is critical for everyone and finding a way that everyone gets sleep is important. Ps. Keep your marriage front and center - have date nights. Hire baby sitter. Relax and enjoy this time.
Swop roles, you go find a full time job, he look after your child. He wakes you up at midnight looking at TV and you have to get up a 6am to go to work in the morning. It wont be to long and you will be complaining, I can assure you of that. But you wont, because you have it good, he is a good provider and has a good job. This stage in a kids life is only temporary. Make a plan to keep your house a peaceful one.
Sounds like you are being controlled and your child may pick up on how vulnerable you are to it. Perhaps your husband needs ,ore chores to do after working all day, if he thinks it’s your job to raise the kids.
I’m nightblind so I got up and fed baby in living room. There couldn’t be a light on in the bedroom, even the light shining under he door bothered him. It did bother me, but I kept quiet. After 20 years a light doesn’t bother him now, but I wish I would have been more vocal. I’d rather just do something different than have a conflict.
If your child is a toddler he needs his own bed! Make it special for him in a big boys bed have dad put him to be! As for breast feeding he is drinking from a sippy cup he is using your breast for comfort and it’s time to wean him! Time to be strong and just offer a sippy cup and nothing else!
No excuse to not help with the child to be fair… I went to work 3 weeks after my son was born. Need to stop co sleeping and wheening off just use a cup in between feedings till he completely done. TV makes the kids worst to be fair when it comes to night time
Why is it a Mothers job only to lose sleep? Both of you need sleep or both of you cant function as well as you should. A Mother cant be awake 24/7 for days on end its selfish to think otherwise! Take it in turns as people with jobs like Drs and nurses work long hours and still survive. He will survive with sharing the work load of the kids as its not just one parents responsibility its both so both parents stay saine and healthy!
I’m just gonna say he works and provides for his family so why would you keep a toddler in the same room as your husband when he’s trying to sleep for work that provides for y’all and you obviously don’t have to work so why be inconsiderate? Do you want him falling asleep while driving and having a bad accident? Or an accident at work? I just don’t get people these days…common sense is not so common anymore
Hold up… no one is doing you a favour by letting you stay home. Let’s get that straight. Childcare for a child under 3 years old full time costs as much as a minimum wage paycheck, more depending on where you’re living. You’d be working and coming home with nothing to show for it. The fact you’re at home means your son gets 1-1 care that he wouldn’t receive at daycare, you are at home to shoulder most of the housework, the cooking, appointments for the household, food shopping, paying bills, budgeting… I could go on. And this man because he lost a little sleep one day while you were trying to figure out the best way to not (excuse this…) have your tiddy ripped off with teeth has basically told you that you do nothing of worth? That your effort as a stay at home parent is some kind of joke and leisurely walk in the park compared to his idk 9-5? Nah. That right there is disrespectful. Yes, getting the toddler in their own room at this point would probably be the best solution for everyone. But the biggest problem here is the disrespect . Tell him to sort his attitude out.
I went thru this hes selfish asf. It doesn’t last forever! He can give u a break once n awhile especially considering the circumstances. Maybe have ur baby in his own bed that may work also. Seems like he’s all fun n games to make the baby then its on u for the rest. Nope. Not good. U will grow resentment towards him fast. Trust sis I did it.
In other words life would have been easier for you two if you didn’t have a baby is the truth
In my opinion. There’s a couple problems. One would be to start teaching your toddler to sleep in there own bed. It can be done. Children normally have a bassinet or crib. Then toddler bed. Breast feeding is going to be another challenge. But it too can be fix. And yes. Just having a TV on. Can be a disturbance to some. People
Time to ditch that husband. Parenting is a full time job, and 24/7 on call for a mum trumps hubby’s precious feels.
Yeah id say try to wean on a weekend where dad can help as he doesnt work the next day… and perhaps try to give kid sippy cup of milk or something when he wants the boob… ive heard of a mommy who got a pimple on her nipple and told the kid its a worm and he immediately left the boob and went over to bottle or sippy cup… and maybe try reward system for when he went a day without the boob and end of the week he gets a suprise or so? Depending on how old kid is…
I’m sure there are books about co parenting in situations like this might be a start to also avoid arguments and have a happy baby n home
So reality is the child needs he’s own bed and what’s his job my old man was a construction worker and yes I would go to the living room when the kids are sick so I didn’t wake him you can be lazy when you don’t have enough sleep he can’t inless you want him to lose his job my man always got mad I didn’t ask for help but soon relised I’m a stay at home mom if he sees I’m slacken and needs help he’s 100 percent there for me he’ll wake up on weekends with the kids so I can sleep in but you signed up for night shift when you became a stay at home mom and maybe you might resent him a bit but if you wanted him waking up and helping your child would be in day care so you could work nights…
I was lucky not to have that situation. My son started sleeping through the night at a couple months old.
Yall are a team! BEST FRIENDS TIL DEATH DO YOU PART! and right now? Yall cant afford for him to lose his job. I wouldn’t even mess with his sleep just so he isn’t grumpy and takes things out on clients or coworkers. Or falls asleep at work. That’s your income… as unfair as it seems? Sometimes we take turns doing the tough jobs. This one’s yours. I know it’s tough but it won’t last long. It’s time for the baby to learn how to self soothe. Look up videos about self soothing. Good luck mama!
You and your toddler need to sleep in another room.
It’s not fair to sleep deprive your husband when he has a job. He won’t be able to take a nap at work.
Also idk if this would help you, but I just saw this and thought it was neat!
Since your child is a toddler he should be sleeping in his own bed by now. Even though your husband needs his rest he had a hand in on making the child. Both my ex wife and myself worked full time jobs but if my daughter needed to be fed I would get her and bring her to mom to be fed. It’s just a short time in the scheme of things that your child will grow out of that stage. Too bad if your hisband has a high stress job. He’s the father and needs to get his lazy ass up and help with his son.
You never mentioned if you had other children as well. I can see the added stress on him if that’s the case. If it’s not then make him get up and help out. It takes two to make and raise a child.
So it is ok for you with a 24 hour job to miss out on sleep and not get a full 8 hours. But him and his how many hour ? Job has to get his full 8 hours sleep! See my problem in this! Just because you do not get paid monetarily does not mean your job is any less important.
I don’t really understand why you are still waking up middle of night to nurse a toddler but then again I have been told my children were not the norm. I EBF my oldest first 10wks before I had emergency surgery. My MIL was helping my husband with baby while I was in hospital and could not believe that at 10wk my daughter slept from 11p-6a. With my youngest I returned to work when she was 2mo and she refused to take a bottle. Her and my mom had 2 rough nights before my daughter realized I wasn’t there to nurse her so she could just sleep all night or take the bottle. At 2mo she started sleeping 10p-5/6a.
Both of my kids co-slept but by 3mo it didn’t matter if they had their head laying right on my book they still would sleep a solid 7-8hrs between bedtime feeding and breakfast.
Now I will admit my oldest gave me problem when she was 3yo and my husband decided it was time for the kids to have their own room. My daughter was use to the TV being on when we were still sleeping with her so I left that alone when I started making her stay in her room. I was still nursing her younger sister so I would turn the TV in their room and watch Disney or Nick Jr while I fed the baby. Some night she would want to sit in my lap to watch TV but more often she would take her doll and go sit on her toddler bed to mimic my actions of “nursing” her doll and would fall asleep… I left her TV on and put a baby gate to block her from getting out of her room. Not going to deny we had a rough couple weeks when we 1st started making her stay in her room. If she woke up in the night I would go to her, we were still dealing with bed wetting and potty training so I would take her to potty and change her pullup if needed but then we went back to the nursery. I would rock her in the rocking chair or I would sit in the floor beside her toddler bed and read to her until she went back to sleep. A few nights I woke up to her just playing with toys quietly so she “didn’t wake her little sister” and most of the time she would fall asleep in the middle of the floor if she had midnight playing. It didn’t take very long for her to understand Daddy and mommy weren’t going to let her into our bed and she started sleeping through the night again.
You have to do what you feel is right for your child but it really won’t help the situation to get into a fight with the other parent. I don’t see a reason for you to lose sleep either. Fix up a baby proofed room, invest in a twin mattress if it makes you feel better to be in that same room. Turn cartoons on volume low, only have cuddle toys available like teddy or a doll. You lay on the mattress in the floor and cuddle a stuffy, tell your child sleepy time and close your eyes. He will either play and watch cartoons or he will lay down and fall back to sleep… You want to break him from the breast then you sleep in layers. Solid sports bra with breast pads (nothing that clasp or zips in front) cover the sports bra with a solid t-shirt (again nothing that buttons or zips). If you are dressed in a way he can’t get to your boobs then it won’t take long to break him.
Time for the toddlers first bed and bedroom.
Stay at home is likèn having 5 jiobs Iits his child to. When do get a day for u
I don’t see many husbands commenting, so I will. First, I understand what stay at home moms have to do, my wife did it for all three of kids until they could go to a responsible sitter and off breastfeeding. I understand it’s hard for you get to sleep and can’t nap, but it can be done. Wien him now off breastfeeding. Once they can take a sippy cup, and start biting, it’s past time. Sleeping with you guys us a hard one for me as our youngest had to sleep with us because of seizures. Once we got those figured out, it was his own bed for him. Naps are required for him and you. Put him in his own bed, and put a recliner in their for you. Get a motion detector and set it up so you know when he wakes. But he should be taking longer naps. Toddlers need sleep to make them stronger, sleep helps the body and organs grow. Get him used to taking longer naps, and teach him to stay in bed or at least staying in the room until you tell him it’s ok to come out.
As far as your husband, on all three of our kids I was a 911 dispatcher, and later in charge of the dispatch center. I wake at the slightest sound, except for a tv that I’ve always had to have on, otherwise I can’t sleep. It also helped me to listen at several things at the same time as dispatchers have to do. As he is the breadwinner, then it’s strongly important for him to get enough sleep so he isn’t sleepy at work, or even tired. Especially in this day and age of people being fired, sometimes even if there isn’t a reason, (some states have laws allowing it) if he isn’t at top performance, he could lose his job, then where will you be.
First, if the child starts crying take him into the front room, or better yet, his own bedroom, lay him down and tell him he has to go to sleep. Be firm and don’t waver. Let him know it isn’t a negotiable thing. Stick with it and he will soon be sleeping all night, in his own bedroom.
As far as husband, sit down and like two adults, talk about this. No demands, no yelling, screaming or crying. Se if he would consider a meeting halfway. Maybe he can watch the child when he comes home for wish for say an hour, while you take a nap or take a hot bath. Then see if he would consider watching him at least parts of the weekend, so you can have you time. And also see if like every other weekend, get a babysitter on like Saturday night, and you and your husband have time for just you two. Maybe a dinner out, a movie, or both, or just something you two can enjoy without the kiddo.
I know this is long, but believe me, I and my wife went through this. As a member of law enforcement prior to now, for over 35 years, we see it all the time. This is the type of thing that can start fights, domestic disturbances and divorce. And your on your first kid. Bothered a lot of resentment, I’m sure everyone would agree reading your post. You both need to sit down without the kids, and talk this through. It’s worth it. Kids don’t stay kids forever. Hope you guys can straighten this out.
Is toddler sleeping alone in it’s room an option?
This would t be the problem if the child slept in its crib.
I’d tell him to do one tbh But putting the child in his own bed will help the matter x
Put the child in their own bed.
Your husband needs to get a grip,so he works full time,and what? He made that child too!! If he ain’t happy,he can sleep in a different room! A stay at home mum is a full time job too and when can you sleep when you want, I had twins and my guy worked full time,but he never got mad because they woke him up in the night, you have nothing to feel guilty about,he needs to learn real quick he’s a dad when he’s at home,work or no work…what a tool
Y’all should work together it’s both of y’all’s responsibility as a parent.
If he isn’t going to help then I guess he can go sleep on the couch
Let him sleep and provide support for your family. Don’t burn him out
I agree with the husband on this one.
Toddler is supposed to be in own bed in own room… definitely no tv during sleep time.
Out of respect for who has to be up at 6am, I’d not turn on the tv or disturb them. Toddlers generally sleep through the night. If yours isn’t, they may be ready for their own bed. Meaning ready for more space to comfortably sleep.
If you have another bedroom set it up so your toddler and you can sleep in that room allowing your husband to get sleep if he needs it it will also get the child used to their own room
He works… he needs sleep… not sure of what kinds job he has but it’s dangerous if he is tired on thr job I’m assuming… if your tired during the day you can chill for a min… can he? Maybe I was raised different but if the man or woman works hard … we respect them and take care of them… maybe switch the roles if it’s to hard on you… you go work
Put that kid in his own bed!
That’s just common sense, a no brainer, selfish, inconsiderate,unappreciative individual,
You are being ungrateful and disrespectful let him sleep or take your ass and get a JOB
You learn to sleep when the baby sleeps.
Guess your laughing becuase im a man? Men cant raise kids?
Sounds like he doesn’t view you as an equal partner, but as a servant to him,maybe a broodmare too. Sure doesn’t sound like you’re his partner and equal. My advice is take your weaning baby & move on out of there. He’ll get plenty of sleep and you won’t have some asshole judging you. Maybe that’s too harsh, but I’ve had it with asshole men this week, and someone needs to point it out before you spend your entire youth with someone who doesn’t care about you.
If dude loses his job you are both in a mess. You miss a nap, you are both ok. Let him sleep and put toddler in it’s own room
you should let your husband sleep since he works outside the home💁♀️ you going back and forth from one room to another won’t last forever. mom life…
I realized that the best thing ever for me was to not sleep with my hubby. I would breastfeed on demand, and he would get annoyed with all the waking up. My hubby is out of the house by 5:30-6am. When I wanted to wean the same thing I’d wake him up so I decided to go to the spare bedroom with out baby and viola everyone slept better and my child weaned easier.
You’re at home. It’s your job. Over the weekend he can help out. I know it’s hard. We all did it. So am sure you can too.
Take the kid to the other room. Kid can’t understand whats on TV at this age.
Get both of them a bottle of warm milk and go back to sleep.
Love all the dad shaming, always 2 sides to a story and no1 knows what he does and doesn’t do apart from what she has said. So over this poor me bs, damn how do u all think single parents handle all this and more .