My husband and I are christian, grew up in a christian church and have always lived life to christian values…we recently got some new neighbirs who have kids our kids ages and their kids asked to come play with ours. The issue is, we do not want our kids to have outside influences of other religions…their car has a sticker on it that says “pagan” and I don’t want their kids to hurt ours in anyways or talk about their “gods”…what do we do in this situation? I am not trying to bash anyone for how they live but want whats best for my kiddos
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should we allow our kids to play with kids of a different faith?
You open your minds and let your kids play with other kids.
IF this is not a troll…why wouldn’t you? Perfect time to teach acceptance of other’s despite differences
Your kids are going to experience other religions throughout there life. You can’t keep your children from everyone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you unless you lock them in your basement
They will be exposed to different religions in school on the playground. Sadly you can’t shelter your kids from everything that’s different.
This… this is like, a late April Fool’s joke, right? If not, OP, PLEASE, make yourself some friends outside of your cult, because, dang.
Doesn’t your faith copy paganism??? Maybe not copy their faith then try to deamonise them???
But what do I know I’m just a witch
Better not take them to the grocery store, a Buddhist might breathe on them. Haha you can’t sheltfer your child from everything or they won’t be able to cope as adults.
I think you could teach your kids that everyone has different beliefs and that’s ok, teach them to play nicely with others no matter what they’re family believe in. Just because they don’t believe in your God, doesn’t mean they’re going to hurt your kids.
Paganism is taking value in the earth and thanking the gods for what is provided.
A lot of christian practices are derived from pagan and wiccan origins.
I’d welcome your new neighbors and hope that they open your mind a little bit to the wonders of a beautiful new childhood friendship.
Your kids will learn about other religions somehow anyways so use it as an educational opportunity… don’t strip them of a potentially great friendship bc of religious differences…
Best advice I can give is you better home school your kids and don’t let them around any other people cause eventually it’s gonna be brought up with other kids.
This is exactly why I hate religion and don’t practice anything.
You can’t be a real Christian if you judge others for their beliefs.
Sorry, but some of y’all are otg
I’m sorry I can’t even believe this is a question. They are KIDS. Do you not have friends or even relatives that aren’t of your faith?? What kinda close minded question is this?
Yes the world is full of people who are different!! Accept differences and love differences, without giving up who you are!
Yes, you absolutely let them play with the neighbor kids! You have to teach your kids tolerance in the world we are living in today. Let them know that some people have beliefs that are different. What are you going to do when they are old enough to go off to college? They will be hit hard with reality if you don’t let them interact with others outside of your bubble.
If you are TRULY Christian you know the answer to this.
So what’s best for your kids is teaching hate? How Christian of you.
I swear most of these posts are fake
What an ugly thought process
Wouldn’t this make your kids judgemental?
What would jesus do???
We have to teach our kids to be accepting, understanding and to show Respect to Other faiths
Imagine the devastating effects When they grow up
What a perfect learning/teaching opportunity.
Let kids play with other kids. You should feel confident in your teachings. Can’t keep them in a bubble.
I don’t think the kids will be talking about religion while playing lol secondly if you are Christian then you teach your children we are all gods children right so why is this any different smh. I think you need to grow in your own faith before you worry about your neighbors
Oh wow, how to limit the growth and understanding of ur kids minds. They are exposed to all kinds of things on the daily, and u can’t shelter them forever and besides aren’t we supposed to teach our kids equality and accepting everyone for who they are and not discriminating .
If ur in the U.S then why wouldn’t u? We literally have a freedom of religion right so why would u judge someone based on their rights? U wouldn’t want them judging u for being Christian.
You cant hide them from that forever. It’s outta your control. What about the things they would hear at school, tv, reading books. Communicate is all you can do. Be acceptable to other peoples religions and beliefs.
Wow, why would you not let them
That’s how it starts. It’s not like kids are gonna force anything onto your kids. Such a shame, kids can’t be kids and get along. One love
Is this serious lol.
Thats exactly like racism telling your kids who to play with… your one sick individual
You are imposing adult issues onto a child.
Try teaching what your faith says, and love thy neighbor.
Christians!!! Nuff said!!
Yes. The more the better. The f ck.
Wow, as a Pagan, myself, you need to get over yourself and learn some tolerance for other religions that isn’t your own! Especially when Christianity STOLE some of our holidays to make them their own to gain followers!
Isn’t the bases of Christianity to love everyone? yikes this seems to be a very warped way to.raise ur children…
Ffs. Kids don’t know about this stuff. They just want to play!!! Just leave them to be kids.
it’s always the religious ones. Smh
Supervise play dates…
Nothing wrong with protecting them until they fully understand.
" Differences "
Jesus taught us to love as he loves. To love as God loves. And God loves all his children.
You celebrate Christmas right? Lmao
Its like saying oh don’t play with the white kid like wtf is wrong with you
If you are a Christian arent you supposed to not judge others and accept everyone?
You can’t shelter your children based on what you believe.
Jesus taught UNCONDITIONAL love, btw.
In case you forgot.
Of course you do! Let your kids be the light for those kiddos! I as an adult have lots of friends of various religions and have sense I was a child! Let your kiddos have fun with kids.
Considering most Christian beliefs and holidays originated from pagans, you’d think you’d be more accepting.
Kids are kids. They’re innocent. It’s the adults who are a problem.
I feel bad for your kids
You grew up christian, chose to be christian.
They may not follow a Christian lifestyle once they decide on their own - but they also might.
They will learn about all religions, its up to you how difficult it is. They can follow a Christian path and still be open minded to other things.
Bubble wrapping only makes it harder.
Surely this is a troll. If not then is it not best for your child to teach them acceptance of all? What’s best for your child is for you to let them play with the other children, if they don’t get on then it never has to happen again. Don’t be shaping your child’s brain in negative ways over religion of all things
And being a Christian u are supposed to live by the commandments right? That includes LOVING THY NEIGHBOR
Christianity is rooted in pagonism and if you take just a moment 5o learn if what it actually is and how the christians we’re once barbarians in time I think this can help to make your decision…also let kids be kids and learn you don’t know til you experience you can’t shelter them always.
Wow. Did Jesus judge those he associated with or did he try to be an example? As someone who grew up in religious home but lives a non religious life to isolate your kids is begging for them to rebel. Expose then to the world but maintian your principles and teach them that everyone is worthy and deserving of God’s love. just bc someone else’s God may not fit your description doesn’t make it any less valid. Let kids be kids and not have the carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.
You should probably just lock the kids in the basement then.
They are kids. Let them be kids.
If you going to live in public you might as well let them play,trust your kids and hope they will teach the neighbors kids what you have taught them.
Is this a serious question…
Wow so because they have different beliefs you wont allow your children to make friends? Im pagan and I would never shut out children of another faith.
What? Way to set your children up for failure
Ummm. We’re Christain & we teach basics about numerous religions. Islam, Mormon, Wiccan, Buddhism, etc. I’m teaching mine too respect other faiths.
For a “Christain”, you may need to reread that bible.
Is this a joke? If you are serious it’s time to explore what’s wrong with you. Sad for your children and you
Love all no matter what.
Being a Christian we teach our kids that God is bigger than anything else. You need to teach them there are other things in the world and eventually they will have to stand up for what they believe in.
Wow!! Is this a joke. This why our world is the way it is.
Are you going to force your child to live the Christian life forever? What if they want to do their own thing and not be Christian, just because you are, doesn’t mean they will want to live that way… let them learn and see how other people act, and they can decide what and who they want to be around. You are literally just teaching your kid to be judgmental towards other people who aren’t Christian…
Yes I will religion doesn’t matter we are all one in God’s eye
How do you know what faiths your children encounter daily at school or on a playground? You cannot control every aspect of every minute of every day for your children. Rather teach them to be good and kind human beings, to be tolerant. I wouldn’t even use it as an opportunity to teach them. Let them be children and make friends and have fun! They can and will learn about other religions and belief systems in time.
People like you are why I don’t want MY child playing with the damn neighbor kids
How will your children ever survive school with you being so close minded? They are kids let them be kids ffs
What planet is this person from? Have they never sat through a 2 hr DEI seminar. If your not going to go off the grid this is life. People coexist!!! Poor kids
This is why I personally reject religion. This post is gross.
You’re giving good Christians a bad name. Quit being a judgemental bigot and let the children play.
Literally in the Bible it says to love thy neighbor. Also paganism is a nature based religion and a lot of Christian teachings come from paganism. I highly doubt they’d try to push anything on your children… and I also doubt that children are going to be talking much about religion as they play. Also, do they go to school? Cause if they go to a public school, they’re around children who are not brought up Christian every day.
Yeah you should. They’re their own people and allowed to make informed decisions, or if even not that- be around people of different beliefs. The sun does not shine or set on your Christianity.
As a pagan, I can say we don’t try to push our faith on others. however your kids will learn about other religions and make their decision anyway. I’m proof of that since I was raised Christian.
What would be so terrible about that?!?!?
Raise them how u want to raise them. But don’t discriminate against others
They are kids,they will be playing,not having a discussion about religion,let them be kids
Okay so I’ma Christian and I will say this… the lord teaches us to not judge or hate… use this opportunity to possibly teach them about how great our God is! It’s okay for somebody to have beliefs other than yours all you can do use this opportunity the lord gave you!!
i’m a Christian and I wouldn’t want my kids near you or yours after reading this ridiculous ass post
Teach your kids to love for who they doesnt matter what religon they are this sounds so sad for you to even ask tbis question
Oh geeeezzzzz, are you kidding me??? Are you going to teach your kids to be as closed mind as you??? What’s next? They can’t play with kids because their skin is a different color or maybe it’s their hair??? And you call yourself Christian??? Or are you using God to hide behind so you can treat people like crap??? Smh
Andddd you are the reason we as Christians are known as the most judgemental religion. The basis of Christianity is to love everyone, despite their different lifestyles. Pagan children won’t hurt your children, they’re a peaceful, nature based religion.
They are children. I don’t think religion will be a topic
This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. So let them shine. I’m sure there will come a point in time where beliefs will be talked about but rest assured they will come to you, & in that moment you can help them.
Education is important and here we go with the Christians - no other religion or belief system is good!!! If you want your children to learn kindness, acceptance, compassion and to live a life that is not one of judging then allow them to play with other children. A child is a child…Learn about Pagans and you will learn that we are normal, kind, caring, individuals. Satan belongs in your religion not our belief systems.
This is cringeworthy.
Are your kids homeschooled? Do they have no outside influence EVER?! If so, then playing with the neighbors shouldn’t be a problem. I’m a Christian and so is my son. One of his friends at school is an atheist. You can believe what you want to believe and still be friends. Long as they not trying to question their faith or talk down to them about it I don’t see the harm. They are children for God’s sake.
All you need to do is teach your children that everyone is different. What is different makes you unique… everyone has opinions and that is also fine. Just prepare them for the real world because we all have to live in society where there are many many differences. It how how you react as a person to people’s differences that matters.
Ok putting aside that it’s utterly stupid to not let your kids play with other kids, how often do children sit around with each other discussing religion??
Unfortunately they will be “exposed” in life anyways so why not teach them the differences now. Who’s to say they will follow in your footsteps in the end.
Ya… Bible says you are to be the light unto the world, not hide from the world… geeze lady do you even read the Bible??
Christian here So being a fellow Christian you understand that we follow Christ’s teachings. Christ teaches us to show love and compassion. The Bible teaches us in our commandments to love thy neighbor. I would say take to your pastor, preacher, or priest, and start from page one and learn more about what it means to be a true Christian. God bless
If you keep your kids in a bubble like this, it will backfire when they are older. Part of your faith is acceptance of others. What you’re doing is a total contradiction in your faith. You’re not trying to “bash” other religions, but you are.
Unreal and you consider yourself a Christian??? Wow you must be joking. Teach your kids to accept people the way they are. Everyone is different and have different belief I am baffled by what I just read
Don’t be a shit parent… just don’t… how would you feel if it was your child the one being judged because of your faith
Teach your kids that it’s ok to be different and have different beliefs than everybody else. Not everyone has to be a certain way, or look a certain way, and that good people walk in all different types.of faith, and that it’s ok.