Absolutely let your kids play with the other children. Become friends with the parents. You may not be able to outright come out and share the gospel with them but they will see your patenting, they will see how you deal with adversity. Pray for them, call God close to them. Shine a light. Love them and in time share the gospel.
I know you’re trying to protect your children but think about what Christ calls us to do. We need to share the word with those that are far from Christ. Imagine if no one had shared it with you.
Also churches usually do a lot of fun stuff over the summer like VBS. Maybe have your children invited their children.
It’s wonderful you want to protect your children from the enemy but give these people a chance. You could save their souls.
Don’t shelter your kids. You’ll regret it when they are older. Unless you’re going to live in a cave away from civilization, they’re going to be exposed to other religions.
Aren’t Christians taught to “love thy neighbor”? One day your children will choose their own religion based on their own beliefs. As a pagan, I find it funny that you would judge people based on their religious beliefs and not allow children to play together for that reason. Isn’t that type of judgment also against your Christian beliefs? A sin, if you will.
Thou shalt not pass judgement.
Sounds like bigotry to me.
This has to be a joke.
The best thing for your kids to learn is that people can have different beliefs than you and still be good people. If they didn’t have a sticker on their car you wouldn’t know any different and that’s very judegmental which the Bible talks about NOT doing. I will say from experience, forcing your beliefs onto your children will only make them want out. I hated being forced to go to church, if I’m going to attend anything or be a part of anything I would rather it be on my own recognizance…if the children are going to go to public school, or if they do, do you truly think all the kids they come into contact with are going to be Christian?
Pretty sure the Bible says love thy neighbor
You want to shelter your kids from the world. Good luck. I grew up Christian than I learned that wasn’t the way I wanted to raise my kids. Teaching them that others are less than or somehow inferior. If this is the case, definitely don’t put your kids in school. Even a Christian school has worldly kids. Just saying.
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God has the worst fan base
Omg this is ridiculous on so many levels. If I was your neighbor I wouldn’t want my kids around you with this kind if thinking!
Let them shine in the darkness. Keep information lines open with your kids. Invite them to church. What does God expect us do. Maybe this is a test for you and your family. How strong are you. Stay strong. We all need testing to see where we are. Things will get worse than a neighbor moving in. Pray then pray harder. God bless you and your family
This is why I’ve lost Faith in humanity, people like this make the world much harder to live and grow in. Shame on anyone who would deprive another human, especially a child, of companionship and love. Stop being so “Christian” and open your world to include others as God intended.
I thought Christianity was to love thy neighbour as thy self
So ridiculous:rofl: apparently you don’t think your religion is compelling enough to withstand your kids maybe hearing a different view:rofl:Diversity makes us better!!!
it costs $0.00 to not be like this
París Arne Matlock hurry before the lock/dd happens
I actually agree with you not wanting your kids to hang out with those other kids. You are doing those other kids a favor by not associating with someone as bigoted as you.
Aren’t Christians supposed to love thy neighbor? And your kids need to get used to “outside influences” because they’ll always be around. And how do you know you’re a true believer until that is tested anyways? People are allowed to have other beliefs and you can still be friends with them.
This has got to be a joke, please tell me this is a joke ?! Dont want to bash anyone then proceeds to bash the living day lights out of them ! Prejudice much ! teaching your children that there is only one religion and anyone else are lower than they are & are wrong is a lie- nice Christian values ,you should be ashamed of yourselves- let your children play with other children regardless of their faith as they will play games that children do, not force or try and brain wash each others religion upon one another ! I actually feel sorry for your children.
Your job as a parent is to let your children learn from you and your example. We believe that there is only one God. Jesus Christ. With that being said, I do not limit my children or myself from being friends with people who hold different beliefs than we do. Do I want my children to be Christ Followers, of course. But, Im not going to get them there by teaching them to be Judgmental and cynical of other people. Love God, and Love Others. A lot easier said than done! If you shelter them completely, they will run wild when given the chance.
I understand this my kid told another that he was a bad kid and he was going to hell so of course you can only apologize cause it’s how he see thing
If you celebrate Christmas your celebrating a pagan holiday not for nothing and kids don’t generally stand around talking about religion
Is this even a serious question?
Christians are suppose to love everyone…so why would you not want them to play?
I’m Christian,and some of my best friends are Muslim.it’s called respect for one another
Well that’s not Christian at all so much for their values
jesus literally said love thy neighbor and youre having problems understanding that?
I’m a Christian and this is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a long time. Seriously!!! Your whole post just went against everything that Christians are supposed to be. If I was the other family in this case I wouldn’t want my children around yours if this is the way you are. Geesh with “Christians” like you no wonder it puts a bad taste in people’s mouths…smh
So. Do you send your kids to school?? Do you allow them outside of your house? How in the world can you expect them to go through life in a bubble? Do you not have FAITH that they’ll choose the way you’ve programed them? Or are you scared they’ll meet a new different person and automatically believe in what they do? This is a crazy question about sensorship. Wow
Christians, Love Thy Neighbor…sees a Pagan…holy nope, they will hurt out children!!! Do you see how RIDICULOUS that sounds??? Just because someone has a different religion than you, doesn’t make them bad people or people that will hurt you or your children.
Might want to go back to the Christian Values of Love thy Neighbor, because you are seriously slacking.
You are teaching your kids to be narrow minded, not loving and accepting of all. That is a big problem in this world today. What would Jesus do?
Do you know how dumb you sound?
This is exactly why I’m cool on going to church. Christians are some of the most judgmental ppl ever…
Christians really just pick and choose what they want to follow from the bible, don’t they Just keep your family away from the pagan children, they don’t need to be dealing with people like you
Why would the children of a different faith hurt your children? It’s ridiculous that you think this way. As a Christian you are supposed to love all??? If I were your neighbor I would worry about your beliefs and your children’s beliefs hurting my children. Live and let live.
You’re a “Christian” but you’re stopping your children from playing with other children. That does not exemplify Christian values. Cut it out and those kids be kids.
If you want to keep your kiddos away from other people’s religious influence I suggest moving to the Antarctic. That’s the only way to save them from the unholy faiths around the world. (Please hear all the sarcasm I intended that to have).
But for real, your Pagan neighbors have no intentions of swaying you or your children to their faith. You basically follow it anyways because Christianity stole alot of practices from the Pagans so, enjoy Easter. It’s originally a fertility celebration, so have an orgy or something .
This is a joke, right? Please say it’s a joke…
Mark 12:31 -The second most important command is this: Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself. These two commands are the most important.
Ummm I’m pretty sure your opinion of this situation is the problem. They are kids they are going to play pretend and house and tag and have water fun fights and draw with chalk. Not indoctrinate your children into a new faith. Also for clarification “pagans” believe in living in peaceful and healthy environments and allowing others to live their lives however they want a long as it harms none
Let them play .they are kids
Regardless of your faith you should never shut someone out because they have a different faith. Especially for children. That’s where the divides are coming from. Parents who don’t feel comfortable because a person is different in some way. Kids do not care about any of that stuff! They just want to play!
Stupidest question EVER!!! What does Faith have to do with, letting your child play/be friends!! Can you say “ hypocrite” just my opinion 
Yikes. What happened to love thy neighbor.
That comes with no boundaries. Idgaf if it’s crackhead Bobby, love them.
Pagan patty and her kids too. Ew. You’re no good Christian for sure.
Here’s my advice, are your children younger than school age? Like you younger than 8 ? Because if so I wouldn’t do play dates where I’m not present. My daughter copies everyone and whatever they say and do . If your children are this stage it wouldn’t be ideal for them to be influenced by someone else’s kid without you there. I understand to the world this sounds judgemental but to Jesus He understands your question. You can keep topics about their religion as a no go and your children do the same. The thing is we’re to be the salt and light so if you’ve taught them to be that, Jesus’ love will already be apparent by how they treat others and talk and carry themselves
Normally kids DO NOT talk about religion. They play. Leave the god discussion to the adults and stop putting things in their heads. Let them be kids. They have all the time in the word to figure out what THEY believe in
Wow! Reading these comments breaks my heart. Christians attacking Christians:( Sad day! She asked for help and she is being attacked. In my opinion, let your children be a light for Christ!! Know that what they have in them is greater than what is in the world. You never know….your children may be their way to Jesus!! Pray for them and let God do the rest. I assure you that your kids will be exposed to other beliefs in life. No time like the present. Equip them with a blanket of prayer and trust that God is in control;) I hope this helps.
Kids of all walks of faith can hurt your kids…yes I know it’s hard to believe but even your VERY OWN! We are human we make mistakes as long as they are not constantly pestering you to change your faith then I see no reason why you’d have an issue. It’s our job to teach them to stay strong in their faith why don’t you focus on that
I can believe you wrote this post/ to start you didn’t have clue what GOD you where going to be told about/ be a roll model that your GOD would like you to be/ all we have is the power to be nice
Judge not . In later years they will find their religious beliefs and not judge for yours if it is different. You live with a person of a different sex than you How has that worked out?
If you want to live in a bubble and don’t want your children to associate with other children maybe you need to move to a desert island someplace and get out of society. Maybe you need to go somewhere where you can keep outsiders outside. You live behind closed doors and it’s people like you that sow discord among people instead of love and I don’t believe that’s the Christian way.
It’s so sad but true. People hide their insecurities and fears behind a veil of Christianity and feel just by calling themselves good Christians.
As a Christian, I would say yes, allow your children to play with others of different faiths. To do otherwise would sow future rebellion, not only against you, but against the very faith you’re bringing your children up in. If they come to you with questions about the neighbors faith, then be prepared to answer with truth according to your faith.
And real answers too, not your run of the mill ‘because I said so’ type of answer because that won’t answer the question, that will create a power struggle.
If anything, this situation can not only be an opportunity to strengthen your faith, but it can teach your child to be a light, too, maybe even you. After all, did the disciples of Christ go out into the world ? As Christians are we told to hide in seclusion from all other faiths ? We are not. We are meant to go out into the world to be a light for Christ. Show love, not fear and hate. Because how you respond will be how others will come to judge your faith, and ultimately God.
Your gross…. You shoul allow your children to be friend with anyone religion doesn’t make them bad people….
Let them learn the different religions. Learning new religions are so interesting. Teach them to respect other’s religions even if they don’t agree with it. They also can choose what religion they want to follow when they get older
Wow is all I can say
I didn’t bother reading all the comments……but just wanted to say, How is this even a question???
Children don’t talk religion. They just want to play. God loves all people. Teach them right they won’t stay far. From that
Not very Christian of you
This is completely appalling and you seriously have something wrong with you.
No need to be cruel people.shes protective of her kids
You are exactly what’s wrong with this world.
So much cringe in one post
Religion doesn’t make someone a good or bad person…. Morals & values do. Children usually don’t sit around talking about their religion, and all children have good intentions & are innocent. You should allow your children to experience all different types of people, it is healthier for them & educational. Teach them that all people are different & that’s okay. These kids probably wouldn’t even be aware that they have different religion than eachother, other than hearing you (the parents) saying it.
As a Christian, I would say you are being unchristian.
As children, we hung out with Muslims, and non Christians as kids, and no one cared. We did not talk about God, we played.
Whats going to hurt your kids is you
So. Not sure if you know or not, but the Christmas tree was adopted from pagan ritual. Bringing in a tree, or log, from outside in the winter time was believed to ensure that spring will come again and to brighten the inside of their dreary winter homes with color. So if you celebrate Christmas with a tree, congratulations! You have adopted a pagan ritual!
What in the actual?! Kids are kids and should have the opportunity to be around other kids that are outside their faith. Do they go to a Christian school or public? If public, maybe you should homeschool so they don’t get exposed to other faiths. This is so sad, and I feel so bad for your children. I know what it’s like to live a sheltered life and it damaged me. Put yourself and faith aside, and let your kids experience all that life has to offer.
Just saying; shelter them now from the inevitable things they will be subjected to later and possibly have the reverse effects of what you intended. OR grow up and actually practice what you preach and quit judging others (especially children) off of things kids wouldn’t think about otherwise.
WOW! WOW! WOW! This question is one of the reasons I question Christians morals, values & beliefs. If your a true Christian, you wouldn’t be asking this question. Sickening!!!
Let the kids play. It’s like you want your kids to be racists. I played with kids of different race, religion & beliefs. We all believe in God but in different ways. Let them play. I let my kids play with all race and religion. I’m Christian
and my husband is Catholic so no discrimination here. God doesn’t like ugly. Quit being ugly. So sad your this way.
You are what’s wrong with people in the world you aren’t being being very Christian by just asking this…
It doesn’t matter faith race
Don’t you want to teach your child everyone is equal and special…everyone…not just Christians…u act like other people that don’t have the same faith as you…would ruin your child…wow you are the one who is gonna hurt your child…
This is why kids are the way they are these days…kids are kids
Let them all play together!!!
Pretty sure Jesus said love thy neighbor, not love thy neighbor that believes exactly as you do and ignore the rest. Do you also homeschool your children? Because they’re going to have other influences outside of the house so unless you keep them in a bubble you can’t protect them from other people’s beliefs. Also there’s nothing wrong with learning about other people and understanding their cultures and religions. This post was definitely not very Christian of you and is pretty judgmental.
To hurt your kids in any way or talk about their gods? Being a Christian is something you obviously do not know much about. God tells us to love like he did. To love unconditionally and that he is the only one that has the right to judge. If you keep your kids sheltered from minute things such as this… they’ll be the kids being suicidal because someone is bullying them. Sometimes we have to learn so we are not so sensitive when it does happen. Christianity has taken multiple hits and I think they grow in number every day. We make our stand, love others, and keep on going. Kids (at least when they’re very young) haven’t been taught all the hate, discrimination, segregation, etc we have… keep nurturing their compassion and love and building up their faith, but stop this petty nonsense. I promise you the other kids won’t convert yours
I guess we forgot that whole “love thy neighbor” part.
Let the children play. Keep an open dialogue and use it to educate your kids. But for crying out loud theyre kids….let them be little.
Such a stupid question . why you think your kids are better then other?
Not very Christian if you don’t already know the answer to your own question.You except everyone’s faith.Everyone is different.Your kids unless told otherwise won’t know what that other child’s religion is and even if they do they won’t care.Only reason they will ever know the difference is bc they r taught.And if they r taught that u treat others different bc they have a different religion then that’s when it’s wrong
Shame on you! What if “those” kids are a good influence? Plus not allowing them pushes them to rebel. Stop labeling people who are different then you! If your a Christian you should already know that!
Kids don’t need to follow a religion just bc you want them to either they should be able to choose what religion is best for them when they get to an age they know and understand it all
I can’t wait until your kids grow up.
Ugh… As a pagan I wouldn’t want my children near YOU and unfortunately playing with your kids means they would be near your closed mindedness. You’re really doing your kids no favors.
They are kids. Let them play. I am pagan and I let my kids play with whoever they want to play with… There should be no judgment, and we should not be teaching our kids judgments at such a young age. I guess that’s the difference between your religion and mine.
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Idk man, They will probably teach your kids witchcraft and how to put hexes on people. Especially you if you don’t let them play together.
For someone who’s not trying to bash others you sure are bashing them. You’re being very judgemental. Just because other people have different beliefs than you it doesn’t mean they’re bad people. How would you feel if their kids said they can’t play with yours because yall are Christian. That’s awful. Kids playing aren’t going to be talking about their gods let’s be real, they’re kids. Don’t teach your kids to judge others because they believe in something different.
What kind of Christian are you asking this? You’re giving Christians a bad name
This is why us pagans have issues with some Christians… Why does your god get to be mainstream and everywhere when we are not allowed to talk about our gods. I can tell you that 95% of pagans I run into are so much more tolerant than some Christians… And this is an example.
Like I said I’m a pagan. My daughter is 14 and chooses to be a Christian. I will NEVER judge someone based on their faith! Maybe you can learn something from them if you actually talk to them.
I think you need to look up the definition of christian because it doesn’t sound like you understand what it really means. It’s a way of life not just going to church and praying. And if you know anything about the Bible Jesus actually spent his time with the the sinners and didn’t judge anyone. If you do a little research lots of your christian saints and holidays actually have pagan roots.
How are you going to stop them from interacting with people who don’t believe as you do?
YTA. Let kids be kids…trapping them in a religious church and not allowing anything but that…wtf.
Wow. It’s sh💩 like this that make me hate most Christians. Smh you should be ashamed of yourself. Your God says to love all and here you are judging them. May the God & Goddess forgive you because I wouldn’t. Pagan & Proud of it
Teach your kids not to treat people differently regardless of beliefs…we’re ALL human remember that.
You are going to have a long bumpy road a head of you.
How will these other kids every know about God without being able to play with your kids? Jesus walked this earth right along sinners, disbelievers and murderers among many other things, and he never said get away from me your evil, no he TAUGHT, we are to love like Jesus and not judge as Jesus never judged. As Christians we are to show the Love of Christ, turning our backs on someone isn’t showing the love of Christ.
I have friends of many different religions… From catholic, Mormon, baptist, to atheist. Someone’s religious beliefs are theirs! And unless they’re trying to shove it down their throat it shouldn’t matter. And please let kids be kids and play
Im Pagan and don’t micromanage who MY kids play with. I have also gone to a Christian church. Bet your close minded self wouldn’t bother with anything like that. We do not shove our religion down others throats.
Did you know early Christians adopted pagan rituals and some beliefs and made them their own. Just think about that while you are being judgmental
I think the kids just want to play I’ve never in all of my 33 years of life have played with kids I just met as a kid and we talked about religion. We just wanted to run and play outside together. I’ve taught kindergarten, and subbed all of the grade levels in different counties and school districts, I’ve NEVER heard kids talk about religion (not even when a child has to be sent out of class during a class party because they can’t celebrate due to their religion. We don’t make it a big deal, only the student and adults knows why). I’m a therapist now, still don’t hear kids talk religion. Lastly, I’m a mama myself. I’ve NEVER heard my kids talk about religion with other kids while playing outside and my kids have never told me that another kid wanted to talk about their religion with them. Like ever! They all just want to play. Now, THE only time I hear kids talk about Jesus together is when we’re at church or we’re around family and friends who have the same religion and we’re praying over our food, over each other etc. That’s it. I just think at the end of the day mama, these babies just want to play. Monitor their play if you want. I don’t think the new kids parents are forcing their kids to play with yours just to force their religion on your kids. BUT at the end of the day, it’s your choice. You make the right decision for your family
I can’t wait for your kids to grow up.Are you going to home school them so they can be sheltered even more?
Are you going to keep them inside your home, with just you, forever?? Because there are many different faiths and religious practices here in the US. I can assure you they have already been exposed to folks who have different beliefs from you. That doesn’t mean they will be persuaded to change their beliefs. The more important question is, why are you so afraid of them being “influenced” by other beliefs or ways of life? Perhaps you need to start there.