Should we allow our kids to play with kids of a different faith?

This can’t be real. Are you really debating this? You’re going to meet a LOT of people in life who aren’t ‘christian’. Limiting your child(ren) to only Christian folks will harm them more than anything.
Besides, children don’t talk religion. They just play.

Get out of this mindset immediately.

From what I’ve learned in life is that some parents who just constantly push their religion down their children’s throats learn that their kids don’t always follow the same path that they would like for them to with that being said let your kids be kids and play with other children

You are the reason why People are very turned off from religion. 


They’re kids religion and race just doesn’t matter let them have friends who cares what religion or race.

Oh look another judgemental Christian. I swear Christians are the most judgemental religions out there that follow a man talking about how to NOT judge others​:laughing::roll_eyes::woozy_face: please let and allow your kids to play with others that have different views. I promise, your children won’t burn up if you do.


It’s a big world. You don’t think they will have influences. Weather it’s a neighbor’s or school. It’s going to happen.

Wow :expressionless: there is no way to stop children from having outside influences if you are raising them right. If you do your part they will know right from wrong. Too many times I’ve seen people claiming to be christians and then spew hate, racism, bigotry, and judgment. You can’t call yourself a Christian and hate everyone that doesn’t think like you :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Let them be kids! Children aren’t born with beliefs or judgements, they aren’t born racist, homophobic or sexist. They’re taught it by their parents. Maybe teach them to be kind, considerate, approachable, inclusive, compassionate and let them make their own minds up about wether or not they wish to follow a religion as they get older. Too many children are forced to believe certain things just because their parents are. Let them make their own choices.


How dare you expose your children to the world!!! How dare you let your children have friends based on the goodness of their hearts and souls!!! Children are so influential, though. You should probably just keep them home and not allow them to form any meaningful bonds with other kids. That way you can maintain an unhealthy amount of control and completely twist their world view and their view of “love other’s as I have loved you”. Very Christian of you.


Please keep them inside. Those poor pagan kids deserve better play friends than your kids who have been taught not to respect or value other peoples life experiences.


Im not here to judge, but being a Christian should give you the answer. Do not judge your neighbors and let your kids play. They will have outside influences as they grow and when they have doubts or questions, you can help guide them. But please do not keep your kids isolated from others who have different beliefs. Show them young, to accept everyone for who they are.


I’m sorry to say your not a true Christian if your judging people. Jesus does judge he loves. So your wrong for the way you’re a teaching your kids. remember Jesus said do not judge other! For you judge me.

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My best friend is a JW & if I had to label my faith, it would be Christian. We have been bestfriends since 4th grade, we graduated in 2012, we have never pushed our faith on the other & we respect each other’s religion. Our kids are also friends & are the same.

I’m sorry do you thing every non Christian spends their days literaly hammering sorcery and blood magic into their kids head? No they teach them to count. To wipe their ass. To NOT JUDGE OTHERS, you are the one making this issue. And for the record, what religion has record high rates of child abuse and SA from trusted members of the church? Hmmmm

You know, not all pagans pray to their dieties the same way or as often as we do.
You could sit down and have a one on one with the parents and see if praying period- be it at your house or theirs- just does not happen when each other’s kids come to visit out of respect, same with any other rituals.

They are still people no matter what religion. Why would you think those kids would influence your kids? It’s a pety reason for your kids not to play with their kids.


If u want what’s best for your children let them be associated with different kinds of people. Just because they are a different religion doesn’t mean anything they are kids maybe u should go outside and play with them too since u are acting like the child in this situation. Let me guess u only let your kids play with their own race too :rofl::roll_eyes:

You kids SHOULD have friends of a different faith.

Let your kids play. Let your kids decide for themselves if they want to be Christian and if they believe something else then you support them, no questions asked because that’s what they need.

This is a weird post. It’s supposed to be a religion, not a cult.

Does your Bible mention not speaking to those of non Christian beliefs?

How are you on social media with a multitude of people of different faiths? Should you not also be held to the same bizzare standards?


The kids just want to play together. You will have plenty of time to force your religion onto them while still allowing them time to just be kids and play. Whereas if you give the children the chance to learn about all different walks of life, you may find that they actually grow up to be good people who accept others for who they are, not just which god/s they believe in.


Wow I swear this isn’t real! But then again I was raised in the same type of house these kids are being raised in and guess what…… I despise church. I haven’t stepped foot into a church unless it’s a funeral since I moved out. How judgmental of you! Isn’t to be a Christian is to be like Christ? You are not better than your neighbor because you are claiming to be “Christian”.


And… this is why the world is the way it is. People of all races, religions, beliefs… doesn’t matter, we are going to interact with each other. We all live here on this place called Earth. We should respect each other and understand that there are differences in each person.
Just because you put a title on it, doesn’t mean it’s true. Like claiming to be a Christian but judging others :woman_shrugging:


Sounds kind of cultish imo. Are they never allowed to leave the house? You do realize most kids in school aren’t heavy into religion at 6-10 years old. Your setting them up for a really lonely child hood. But Atleast they have Jesus right? If you are good at teaching Christian values to your children then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Lmao fear the pagan children. :joy: For God sakes.


Tracy Carter lmfaoooooooooo



You give religion a bad name! How dare you cast the first stone! You are the problem, not the solution. Shame on you!

The real issue is here is how about you teach your children some respect and to value other peoples life because not everyone is Christian. I wouldn’t want my kids around yours :woman_shrugging:t3: judging other people because they aren’t Christian doesn’t make you a very good Christian person. Just saying. Grow up.


This can’t be real. :woman_facepalming::cry:

As I was the kid growing up like yours… trust me… let them play now and learn what is out there in the “horrible” world and then actually talk to them when they have questions or topics come up. If you don’t… you will lose them as they get older and realize that there IS more to life.
If not, keep your kids at home… those other children don’t need your misled influence.


This was probably the wrong page to ask this :weary: I know of a few Christian mom pages

If you truly believed in your faith and what it teaches you should be confident enough to expose your children to other religions, beliefs, practices…etc.
Your question alone tells me you are questioning what you have learned. Besides if any of what you suggested does happen, it can be a way to help guide and teach children through acceptance and understanding…not fear and control.

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You feel sheltering your children will help them grow. However what you’re not understanding is your children need to be acclimated to outside influences otherwise you’re getting them ready for a long, confusing and painful life. The world isn’t going to not influence your children, but it will make them not trust you.


Well being a Christian and all, you should teach your kid’s to appreciate other religions.


Aww, you’re encouraging prejudice and religious shaming. How not-so-Christian of you. :upside_down_face:


Wow this makes me so sad. I am a Christian, born and raised in a Christian home all of my life. My husband and I are also raising our children with Christian values. Unfortunately for things like this is why the Christian faith is frowned upon and mocked. You should teach your kids and be an example to them by sharing the love of Jesus with everyone. Don’t teach them to be perfect because “we all have sinned and fall short” in some way or another. We can disagree with other peoples choices and lifestyles but we are to love and respect everyone. Jesus died for ALL humanity not just for you and your family. You sound like a Pharisee, the same people who crucified Jesus- and you don’t even know your neighbors. Take the time to talk to them, get to know them and welcome them to the neighborhood. Let the kids play and please change your outlook and attitude on the situation. Allow your neighbors to see Jesus in you!


you are a terrible parent for judgment like this… they will run away from you when they get the chance, believe that.
and i wouldnt ever let my children play with yours if i knew you where such a bitch about keeping YOUR religion the only thing they are allowed to know
it’s truly disgusting that you people live like this

You need to have respect for other religions my girlfriend Jewish and I’m Catholic…
you are selfish the way you were teaching your children you need to value other people‘s lives not everybody is the same… 


Kyra Van Anda well that’s not very Christian of them.

I understand your fear of outside influences. I have many fears of my own of the outside world trying 2 contaminate my children because I am so head strong in my faith. But u can not protect your kids from everything. If u instill the love of Jesus Christ in your babies and live your life as 1 they can look up 2 as an example then that is the very best u can do. Your child has a chance to share their light within with other kids in the world.

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Yikes now come on. First, this is the exact opposite of what God meant when he said to love thy neighbor. I was raised in a very Christian household and my mother would absolutely never try to judge someone off a bumper sticker. I’m not my mother though, so I’m judging you pretty hard rn lmao :woman_shrugging::rofl:


Smh. This has to be a joke. You should teach your kids to respect others regardless of their faith. Don’t shove your religion down their throat. Plus there’s no harm in your children learning new things. This is ridiculous.


Let your children explore other cultures, religions, and practices. They will grow up open minded without prejudice.


And this is why I’m atheist but encourage my children to know about ALL faiths.
We are supposed to teach our kids HOW to think. Not WHAT to think.
Stop brainwashing your child.


Damn lmao, no at least to you, keep your Christian “love” away from my child, because it’s like they say, no hate like Christian love.

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I am A Christian, however I believe that children should be able to play and learn about other people’s religion as well

In this day and age, Christians are literally the worst when it comes to religion practices. Why would a religion that preaches tolerance not have tolerance for everything else in this world?


If your children are going to follow in your steps they should be educated on other religions for many reasons the most important in my opinion is so they can actually make an educated decision and not just being brain washed from a child.


This post is disgusting, so you don’t welcome other religions? You only going to talk to people of the same faith as you then? Cant believe ive seen a post like this in 2022 :roll_eyes: shocking


Last I checked Jesus loves ALL his children regardless. But I guess if you’re “Christian” you have the right to chose who deserves respect and who doesn’t. Just kidding… what you’re expressing right now is not Christianly and you should be ashamed. Just because you’re of one faith and they’re another, doesn’t mean they are going to “harm” or cause a poor influence on your children. For all you know, no mater how “well” you think youre raising your kids, your kids could be the poor influence- SHOCKER PLOT TWIST.
Also, I have a statue of Anubis around my altar at home as well as a catholic crucifix with Jesus on it because I was raised Catholic, but I love magic, vibrations, other gods and religion etc. Am I a bad person? No. Do I deserve respect? Yes. Will I be a bad influence on others? No.
Stop judging. You’re 100% nothing special that deserves a high horse to judge other people for a different life style choice that
Is absolutely NOT causing anyone harm other than your own disgusting egos.


I just want to know what makes your religion better then there’s? I’m catholic I have friends who are pagen and Christian never really felt like religion was the game stopper to not becoming friendly with someone god likes all his children


You’re an idiot and what’s wrong with our world nowadays. We’re in the 20th century not the 1700’s :roll_eyes: let your kids play and explore.


Wow, I feel terrible for your children. This is a horrible post.


I’m a pagan. Was raised in a Christian household much like yours. The hypocrisy and judgement is what caused me to leave the church. I am raising my children to choose their own religion. Honestly, that kind of thought process you have is so close-minded but :woman_shrugging:t2:


I didn’t even read past the question, I am agnostic and my friends are religious. Religion has nothing to do with who you are as a person and honestly judgements like this because of a religion have always irritated me and is immature and close minded.


And here we are in Utah being judgemental as always. This is exactly what turned me away from the church in the first place, but it goes so much deeper. :pensive:


What great Christians you are judging another because of their religion. Your parents failed by teaching you only one religion mattered so you want to fail yours? Your kids need to learn about others not just one that has honestly become a joke because of how people like you act and carry themselves. Your kids should learn and respect other religions like a decent human being. You still have time to better yourself and learn as well. Grow and do better for yourself and your kids. You can still correct the wrong your parents did to you.


Oh wow that is ridiculous. Christians are the most judgmental ppl out there.


Id start by educating your self first. Most true pagans don’t worship a “god” but mother earth herself. And it that threatens you or your children you need to reevaluate yourself


Apparently you need to read the Bible again im pretty for sure God says your suppose to treat everyone as equals it did not say you can pick and choose


You are NOT a Christian. Go back and read your Bible about what it says about “Love thy Neighbor.” Study Jesus and live his word. It’s people like you that have driven me away from Christianity. I have seen first hand how member of the primary church in my neighborhood treat those who aren’t members and how kids are treated cruelly. I will never understand how parents think it’s ok to teach their children hate under the guise of “Christianity”.


Only if you want them aware of diversity. Which is life

How are they gonna ‘hurt’ your children?


What do you think will happen once your kids are of age and move out? They will be SLAPPED with the reality of life, MANY different people with different walks of life. You can’t shelter them forever, they will grow up to resent you. You have to teach them the way you believe, but you also have to let them know that there are other religions out there and their practices so your kids feel confident in the religion that you believe in. God says to love ALL, even those who believe otherwise. You can’t be a practicing Christian when you look down on others for their beliefs.

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this makes me so sad… YOU are the problem, lady. heaven forbid your children actually experience life. take it from a sheltered child, NOTHING about your parenting in this situation is going to be good for your child.

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If your own faith is built upon a rock like the wise man’s house, then what do you fear? If your fear your children might be swayed or confused by people of other faiths then the fault is with yourselves, not others. Are you afraid you’ll fall short when tested by God?

This makes me sad. My daughter has been bullied for not being in the same church as most our neighborhood (as have i but it’s harder on children). I teach my kids to love all. No matter their race, religion, etc. Please teach your kids kindness and acceptance, rather than judgment. The world would be a better place.


I’m Christian and don’t care what others faith is. I have pagan friends, atheist friends, Christian friends, Muslim friends, and many others. You are not giving your children the opportunity to learn and choose what they believe. You are being very closed minded.


Hopefully your kids don’t learn to bully and judge those children based on what they believe in, cause sad to say that’s how it usually pans out… imagine how the neighbours feel knowing you practice Christianity…

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I “claim” no religion and I and my children explore them all together, not because we care to believe about some guy in the sky that gets to decide who gets to go to hell and who gets to go to heaven but because their all interesting. But I wouldn’t let my kids play at your house based off this post, your kids could come play with my kids but absolutely not at your house. Your attitude is ew. If you want to keep your kids in a bubble you better just go lock them inside the church now. :joy::woman_facepalming:t2:

There’s no HATE like Christian LOVE


I grew up in a very religious household, one of my grandfathers was a preacher. I would never not let my kids play with someone just because they dont have the same beliefs. I wasn’t brought up that way and im not bringing my kids up that. I feel sorry for your kids

Wow really this is so ridiculous u can’t choose who ur kids are friends with religion or not it shouldn’t matter that’s so messed up

Honestly what is your fear. I have never heard a child speak about religion let alone try to sell or brainwash another child into a religion. I think you are putting your fears ahead of logic

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As a Christian, you can encourage your children to be Christian but you can’t force it. Your job is to show them to love everyone regardless of race, gender, disability, or religion.


We cannot pretend other people’s beliefs to not exist. Education is key!! and your children may grow up do chose another path and you will have to be okay with that. Also telling your children that other peoples beliefs are wrong or incorrect is creating a bias and its toxic.


Doesn’t sound very “Christian like” of you :roll_eyes:


Really :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming: first you need to sit down and read what you just wrote…Just because someone believes different than you doesn’t mean you should avoid them and not allow your children to know them…

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Children don’t bring up who they believe in.
Children don’t bring up race when they speak about a friend.

Kids play. They don’t think more into it other than it’s fun.

You need to pull your head out of the clouds and know your Children will see the world for what it is.

You teach them values and morals. To be the kindest and understanding person.


There’s a reason this was posted anonymously. Lmao I hope your kids choose satanism. It’s really actually I nice religion compared to yours.


The last thing kids are gonna talk about is their faith…they are going to play and have fun. Your child will have to learn about other faiths eventually so teach them to stand firm in their own.

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This is how hate snd intolerance is bred. Smh. Stop breeding.


Teach understanding forgiveness and acceptance…thats the christian way i think. Dont let haters posting negative replys get to you. I understand where you are coming from. But it comes down to what you preach and practise at home. Goodluck

This is life. They will ALWAYS be around someone who has a different religion/view of everything.


The best thing for your kiddos is to be exposed to all sorts of different people in their lives so they don’t grow up closed minded.


Not very Christian of you !!!


Big mistake! You are not to judge others!! Revisit your Bible.

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How many kids do you knowbthat talk to each other about religion? I know none.
Stop being living in fear and keeping your kids in a fucking Jesus bubble.


Most kids don’t talk about religion when they play. And honestly, you can’t keep your kid in a bubble forever. They’re going to be exposed to other religions because there are a TON of religions out there that are not yours. I’m curious if you also keep them from other versions of Christianity? Because there’s not just one version of that either….


As Christians we are taught to love everyone despite their beliefs. Outside of that, isn’t that being judgemental? Judgement isn’t our job.


That’s not very “Christian” of you, in all honesty other parents should keep your kids away, overly religious nuts aren’t great examples to set and you’ve already come across as judgmental and rude :woman_shrugging:t2:


If you really think your ideas have merit then they should be able to compete with other ideas and win. If your ideas can’t win when competing with other ideas, you may want to rethink them.


Eat a snickers bar Karen, you know when your fake and shallow you’re nose in the air really shows.

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Yes how do you show God’s love for all his children if your teaching leaving someone out. Just because they are different doesn’t not mean they will be a bad.

“Love thy neighbor as long as they are like you” is what Jesus would do. Pretty sure.

Jesus has the worst fan base


There is no hate like Christian love


You I have your kids grounded as you should, there shouldn’t be any problems.
I’d be more concerned with them being around the other parents, not the kids.

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As Christians, would you have an issue with Catholic children playing with your children? What about Muslim children? Where do you draw the line? They will not be surrounded by strictly Christians in adulthood and quite frankly as a parent now would be the perfect time to have them play together and have time to discuss how dofferences are okay and acceptable by God himself and therefore they should be no different, acceptance is on of the first things you learn from the Bible. Try practicing what your preaching.


I don’t understand other beliefs or cultures, and I don’t want my children to either.