Well you can’t be proper Christians then because Christian’s are friends with people of all faiths hopefully your children don’t end up like you
You definitely should. They are probably some of the best and moral people your kids could be around. You should also let your kids decide their own path, religion-wise, just encourage them morally. Definitely research paganism.
Organized religion is a cult. Let your kids be kids. Trust me the last thing on children’s minds is talking about religion with their friends
Gross. Absolutely gross. Indoctrination at its best. Let your kids be kids. Horrible.
You cant be serious
As a teacher, a parent, and a religious person… I truly hope this question is a joke
90% of your religion is stolen from paganism so idk why you’re so mad lady.
My parents would take my brother and I to church every Sunday, we were raised Baptist. As we got older my parents would stay home and drop us off. My & my brother’s experiences were not good during this time. We were told by “Grown Ups” our clothes were not good enough, our Tidings to the Offering plate were not big enough and we were looked down on. We would go home and tell our parents we didn’t want to go back, so my mother would find another church. This went on until I was 12 and my brother was 15. One day the when the plate was passed and my $1 and my brother’s $3 were looked upon as not worthy. We came home and staged a uprising. Telling my Mom enough was enough. I was over being told that “If I didn’t go to Church I was a Heathen, that I was nothing if I didn’t dress, talk, act and give tidings to a church who did not practice what they preach” Those upstanding people would then go home and do everything the “Church” said was Un-Christian" My mother called the church and told the pastor that my brother and myself will not be coming back to their church. To tell the Church Bus driver not to come anymore. Well, the following Saturday the Church Bus drove up to our house and a lady got out and knocked on our door. My Mom answered and they lady went on into a speech about how if the Children didn’t attend church that we would be going to Hell and that we were not proper Christians. My mom called me to the door and asked me why didn’t we want to attend their church. "I told the lady that I believed in God, In Christ the Lord, I believe that I should treat people as I wish to be treated, and be the best person I can be. What I didn’t believe was that I had to go to a building, a Church to be told, I don’t dress properly, give enough money to the church, and that I was not a “Proper Christian” Like she told me the week before. She started screaming we were all going to Hell and we were Heathens. My mom started after her and chased her to the bus all the while the lady screaming. After that, I explored all religions, I read, went to my friends Churches or Services and I chose my own path. To this day (I am now 64) I believe that as long as I believe in God, or a higher power if you will, believe in Christ, Be the best person I can be and help my neighbor, then that should be enough. Telling or trying to force any religion or believe on another person is wrong. That person should be able to look around and see what feels right for them selves. Take your children to Church, read or research with them, talk to them. listen to them. You will be surprise to find they will pick the right path.
What on earth are they going to do when they leave the home??? I don’t mean to sound judgmental but you’re foolish to think they’re not going to be exposed to people/ideas of faiths different than their own. How are your kids going to treat people who believe different than they do?
They will be perfectly fine I promise
Quick question, if you are so devout you dont want any other religious influence on your children, what do you think the purpose of missionaries is? Missionaries go to other countries and work with the local peoples. Local peoples who likely have a religion in place already. Do you think all missionary work should be stopped because they are another religion youre helping? Its a requirement for young men to give some sort of social service in our church. Either they mission here locally, helping feed clothe and take care of the elderly and sick OR they fly out to a 3rd world country and help. Service times are like 2 years. It is a requirement. The world is very vast love, you must prepare your children to make a difference in Gods name for ALL peoples. Especially those that need us the most.
A Christian is supposed to love everyone like how God loves us all and children aren’t gonna bring up religion
And you call yourself Christian? I hope when your kids are old enough to have their own opinions, because clearly they’re not allowed to at this point, that they tell you about yourself. Heathens and sinners and atheists, oh my. I hope they befriend them all.
Some Christians… judging people like this…from my perspective it’s sounding like you are trying to make it seem like you guys are better than them because you are Christians…we are all just people trying to navigate this crazy world…. Don’t teach your kids to be small minded because you are… we don’t need more of those in the world.
My kids are Christian and my oldest best friend is Muslim, my best friend is atheist I have practicing witches in my family, I still love them and we can all talk about our beliefs openly without fighting.
I can’t help but ask-How would their kids hurt your kids? I don’t quite understand your logic there. You don’t seem to be very Christian like either. I was always under the impression that if your own faith in your religious faith was strong enough then that was good enough. We’ve taught our kids about most religious faiths because of how diverse our world is, they are bound to meet people of every faith and acknowledgement is not acceptance. Honestly, I feel bad for your kids. You are hurting them more than anyone by not educating them. Good luck in this world, with that attitude. Letting your kids play with the Pagan’s kids would be the least damaging thing that you haven’t already bestowed upon them.
To answer your question: yes, you should allow your kids to play with kids of other faiths. It fosters independent thinking vs indoctrination.
As a pagan mama, I sincerely hope this is a joke. If it’s not, the only thing I can say is blessed be and hope that your children don’t learn the same judgemental behaviors towards others who are different from them.
My parents were like that and guess what? I’m now Pagan. Attitudes like this is part of why I denounced the Christian faith. Good job, Mom
I believe that the only way for them to confirm their own faith is to let them experience other religions. Otherwise, you’re just forcing your beliefs on them, not them making the choice to believe. My parents never discouraged us from being friends with non-Christians and I am very glad for that. Excluding people from your life just because they have a different belief system than you is not Christian… it’s selfish on your part and it turns your kids into bullies who will treat them as lesser beings. Let the kids play and be good friends to EVERYONE! Not just like-minded individuals.
If you have to ask this you’re not much of a Christian
Lmfao. IF this is even real, GOD is judging the sh*t out of you & likely disappointed you claim to follow him because you’re an embarrassment. You’re an exception. Jesus didn’t die for you. Take off warning labels on everything you own to help with natural selection please.
Are you afraid your children might learn something? Stop being judgey and allow your children to experience life as it is and not your idealized version of a Christian utopia.
You are not a true Christian if you even have to ask a question such as this. As a rule, children don’t go to another child and ask what his/her religious affiliation is. I’m an adult and I don’t. I’m friends with anybody that wants to be. What religion they observe has nothing to do with me. Let me tell you what I know for a fact, if you don’t let your kids socialize with anybody but their own “kind” you’re going to have issues. I know people that made their kids only socialize with religious kids and all those kids ended up with issues when they got into the “real” world. Unless you’re going to live in your own “community” (cult) your children will always encounter people with different religions. I personally like finding out about different religions and compare how,ours differs.
Regardless of religion and beliefs arnt we all gods children?Through his eyes all children are pure and innocent
Honestly I have no idea how Christian’s decided to come up with blood libel for the Jews when they’re the ones with a weekly ritual involving drinking the blood of a willing sacrifice
This is part of what is wrong with the world.
To be Christian means to be Christ like, and this isn’t very Christian of you. Kids are playing, not discussing religion
It sounds like you are in a cult, if you are afraid of other thoughts/opinions affecting your children. The only people hurting your children are you and your controlling ideas about what people should do/believe in life.
Let the kids play. Christianity came after paganism, and adopted a lot of their beliefs and traditions from the pagans.
Never restricted a person from learning even if it’s not your values I teach my kids about God but it’s their choice most all religions are similar to be honest
I would suggest taking with their parents, understanding pagan views (I’m assuming nordic - being as all non Abrahamic religions are labelled pagan, it could be Egyptian, nordic, naturist etc etc.)
Maybe then you’ll learn something about humanity before one sect took over from thousands of years of harmony with the world.
Omg is this real? Yes let your kids play together. Your religion isn’t the only religion out there. If they don’t experience it as a child they won’t know how to be decent adults. As a Christian you should be all inclusive to any religion or any peoples
This is what is wrong with the world we live in. It is people who think they are “better” than others because of their race, religion or gender. They are kids, who don’t have a problem with one another. Discrimination is “taught” not instinctual. Let them be
It’s people like you that made me want to leave Christianity.
It should not be about faith. Jesus mission was not to be with the saved, but rather, with the sinners. Kids just want to play.
This is a joke, right?
Is this real? People really can’t be that stupid !
Why not? Not a very Christian attitude to segregate children from other children.
As a mother and grandmother I hope you wouldn’t hold that against the child that their religion is different from yours. I to am Pagan I am Wiccan in fact, and I have friends that are in many different faiths and we all get along this would be teaching your children to be able to get along with people of all religions
and nationalities too.
Well, I mean, Jesus did. So yes.
Give your kids a solid foundation. There’s no way in normal life to separate severely.
You can’t keep them in a bubble. It’s gonna happen sooner or later. Unless you move to a Christian island.
Seems to me if you are not letting your children associate with children of different faith you’re teaching prejudice and how far does that go? You might want to reflect on what real Christian values are.
Let them play, ask questions and answer theirs truthfully, sheltering them from the outside world only leads to a even bigger shock when get out on their own!
You can’t isolate your kids. When I went to school, there was a Jewish boy in my class. That didn’t affect my firm grip on Christianity. Make sure your kids have a firm foundation in Christianity. They will keep it. They may have questions for you, so make sure your foundation is strong. But let them play. Their beliefs probably won’t even come up.
Let kids be kids don’t hold a bubble over them. Let them play together get to know the parents
Umm yes please let your child have outside influences. Having faith is pointless if they don’t come to it themselves. God tells people to read the Bible and come at their own standing. If they just follow the pack they’re no better than sheep.
Playing with children who have different religious beliefs than theirs is not going to hurt your children. Jesus socialized with all kinds of people and so should you and your children if you are truly wishing to be and raise Christ like individuals. If your children see or hear something they have questions about regarding the other family, it is your job as a Christian mother to guide your children and answer those questions with love and respect for your neighbors. If you have given your children a good foundation in their faith there is no need to keep them in a bubble.
When I was young I wanted to go to church with a friend. We went to church every Sunday as a family. My mom wouldn’t let me go because they were of a different religion. I was so upset.
Spare those kids from your kids.
As a Christian, you’re supposed to share the love of Jesus and you can not do that if you shun people different than you. Jesus loved ALL!!!
People like this are dumb like 1. Kids should learn about every religion so they can chose their beliefs 2. Shitty parents are the only ones to segregate
Careful they may change ethnicities also if you let them hang out with a Hispanic child…
Pathetic question .
Lol what kind of question is this? Hopefully satire
What would Jesus do? That is what a true Christian would do!
Good grief how is this even a question. I feel sorry for your children
Indoctrination at its finest
Just wow… I’m a bit scared of your”Christian values”
Oohh good lord! Are you kidding me right now!
This is how it begins.
Instead of forcing your beliefs on your children, try just teaching them about your faith. You’ve either taught them enough for them to desire staying in your faith when they grow up or you’ve pushed them away.
Leave the kid out of this garbage kids are kids let them play we have done the thousands of years
This has to be a joke!!!
So expose your kids to other faiths! Let them live. Raise a child up in the way that they should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6. If you trust your God, then what’s the problem? In the real world when they’re grown and you aren’t around to guide them, what the heck do you think is gonna happen? Let them be kids. Respect their friends religious beliefs and if you don’t agree, pray about it. Jesus sat with the sinners and unbelievers. He did not “not play with them”
You need to read the Bible and really learn what a true Christian is it does not appear as you are yet in this world your children will encounter people of every denomination what will they do if their parents are so rigid.
Yes educate yourself that’s what’s needed and don’t force one religion on ur kids, oh and don’t be a judgemental Christian
Your imaginary friends can’t be friends but yes your children can be friends once you get over yourself… grow up before you have children please…
Wow just wow you look so stupid and insensitive and uncompassionate writing this everyone is aloud to believe what they want 
This is what America is all about free choice! Your kids will be allowed to choose what religion they want to practice! I don’t want to live in a place where I have no choice.
Honestly cracks me up how it’s these “good loving Christian people” that are ALWAYS the first to be spouting hate and prejudice on others
You do realise that NO MATTER how YOU were raised or what YOU believe- that doesn’t mean whatsoever that your children will too when their old enough to decide. Right?
If you think restricting and controlling them so they only know what YOU want them to believe in, is good parenting your mistaken. I’d rather let my kids play with them, I’m sure they don’t have a judgmental bone in their bodies, unlike you.
ummmmm. their kids won’t hurt your kids’ faith. Also, don’t determine your children’s religion for them. That’s going to hurt them more than anything. Teach them to be open & respectful of all religions, even if it’s not what you believe in. this advice might even help you.
This is a fine example of what is wrong with the world
If I were your neighbor I wouldn’t want my kids to play with your kids. After all they may try to influence my kids and become people like you. Vikki Shifflette-Towsey you r so right this is GROSS!
Wait til they find out how much Christian’s stole from the pagan religion
Kids raised in a bubble… that’s proven to work:roll_eyes:
what happens when they grow up and can choose their own friends?
Can’t believe you, as far as I’m concerned, your not a true Christian!
You ought to be ashamed of yourself ! Go sit and read the Bible for a while ! I feel bad for your kids you call yourself Christian but tho your teaching your kids hate ! Just wow !
Is this even a question? Its one of the most pathetic questions ive ever read, if you say no to this question im not sure you understand your god very well, im not even remotely religious and understand religions gods better than most of their followers
They’re kids. Let them play
Have you considered that they wouldn’t want their children to play with yours for fear of your children “poisoning them” with your God? I swear Christianity is the worst. If these are the kind of people they let in to heaven I don’t even wanna go
Ignorance on full display
If you’re teaching them correct principles and if what you’re teaching them is correct then trust in God to give them the correct spirit and direction. Isolation is not a way to save your children.
Take your children and move to a cult commune. You will be happier.
This is sounding very
cult-ish to me
Yes you should let them. Simple
My mom did this to me. Tried to shove religion down my throat. I became agnostic/atheist a few years ago, much to my mom and family’s dismay. I’m raising my kids without religion as well. I’m much happier this way and don’t regret it at all. It’s people like you that turned me off of religion. So judgmental and narrow/closed minded. Point is, stop forcing religion on your kids and let them choose your Jesus juice organically. If you try to control them, you’ll end up pushing them away sooner or later. Let the kids play!
For shit sake, I had religious neighbors like this. My kids ran around playing barefoot outside! And their kids told my kids, “Our mom said we can’t play with you guys because you don’t wear shoes outside!” Stupidest thing ever. Well my kids found more accepting friends while her kids played alone. My advice…. let your kids be the amazing, non-judgmental little humans that most kids are!
Isn’t your like main core belief is “love thy neighbor” just curious
Christianity took a LOT of what it has from Pagan tradition, yet you don’t want them to know that?
Your kids are their own people. I know you don’t like hearing that, but they will grow up and choose whatever faith they please. Deal with it. If you didn’t want your kids to be their own person you shouldn’t have had any to begin with. This kind of mindset gets you disowned as soon as your kids are old enough to move out.
Say what?! We are Christian’s… Thou Shall Not Judge
As a Christian myself, we are supposed to be welcoming and open hearted. We respect those who believe different. Raise your kids to understand there are different religions in the world and to accept it. They will be what they want when they are older any way. If they truly love and respect the Christian way they won’t stray from it.
Let kids have fun.
What in the actual F? I had to read that twice.
Wow this is why our world is so lost … I see it now
Yeah but as Christians we are supposed to love every one like God loves His church. We don’t judge one of another but we are supposed to love. Let them play with each other. God puts everyone in our life for a reason.
Which century u living in😳
If youre going to shield your children from people who have different beliefs than you, you might as well Keep them home.
There are many religions and beliefs out there. It is possible for people of different religions to be friends.
As a Christian I understand what you mean and how you feel. If the kids are young say under 10 or so I wouldn’t worry as children don’t discuss those type of things. I’m sure the bumper sticker is the parents perhaps a joke or belief system who knows. But as Christians our obligation is to “light the way”. Let the kids play and enjoy each other’s company they are kids. As for the parents be kind, do unto others. An apple does not fall far from the tree. Besides it may be a good teaching point for your kids.