Should we allow our kids to play with kids of a different faith?

So, just so we’re clear: You want your children to live in an echo chamber and only interact with those of like mind, lest they get offended by a different perspective.

There’s a certain term the right likes to use for that phenomenon. Starts with an S and is weather-related. It’s on the tip of my tongue but not coming to me. Someone help a brother out here… :snowflake:

Are you serious right now!? This is how hate and intolerance starts. We are all people. Good grief.


I believe it’s best to start young. I don’t think they’re gonna be talking much about their religion while they’re playing. Ask yourself what would Jesus do.? He said love thy neighbour like thyself

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Well then you better never let them leave the house. There is cultural influences everywhere.

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Oh my …this is why christians get a bad rep…u absolutely cannot keep your children away from other people who believe differently…if u think u can …u cant mama…im not going to bash u …but isnt being a christian abt …others around you witnessing your good testimony …and helping others come to christ??? …i think you need some studying out side of your religion as well …especially if you think (pagan ) means a bad evil person who is going to worship other gods around your children …if u only let your kids play with church kids …they r going to grow up just like you …with your one minded thinking …and just bc your christian and someone else is not …does not mean your above them …sometimes religion seems more like a cult …( love thy neighbor) …i grew up in a christian family …but it wasnt in church i found God…wht does being a christian mean to you anyway …bc you should hear how you sound right now . people are laughing


This will be life for them, being around different faiths. If you instill good values and morals along with your faith I think your kids are a great influence to other kids. Kids don’t always follow their parents beliefs, inspire other people, don’t be scared to be around them!Plus,they are kids I think they are more worried about who has the coolest toys. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

They will talk about their gods then teach your children to talk about the one true God.

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The word Catholic means universal …

Seriously? You make real Christians look bad


Is this seriously a question? SMH.

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Your one of those judgemental ones. You sound absolutely ridiculous


If you live by Christian Values, then you should know you allow anyone and everyone to your table.
You should encourage it.
Kids are playing, they aren’t sitting in the sandbox witnessing to anyone. Let your kids be kids. You are doing them a massive disservice shielding them from the world.
They will have to learn to work alongside and do life with people of different faiths, ideas, and backgrounds.
Being a Christian doesn’t automatically make you any better than your neighbors.
Get to know your new neighbors. “Love thy neighbor.” Maybe God is testing you. :thinking:


This is an opportunity for you to explain to them about all the other religions in the world and why you choose to believe what yours is. We’re all tested every day by outside temptations so of course our children will be. Answer them honestly when they ask about these things but don’t always just assume that children will openly talk about their religious. And even if they do and you don’t believe what they do, you should listen and wait for an opportunity to kindly Express how you believe. Have faith in your children the way you say you have faith in God. Because no matter what you want or how hard you try to force what you believe on your own children they will ultimately make their own decisions about it…maybe this is what you need to be praying about

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Well clearly you aren’t doing what you think you are doing.

This is very bigoted thinking. Tied very nicely with one of the 7 deadly sins, Pride.
You are no better than your neighbor, get over yourself. And stop trying to over control and indoctrinate your children. Its disgusting.


The only bad influence on your children seems to be coming from you hun!


Short answer: yes
Long answer: often “Christian values” don’t match what they teach. Jesus would have never thought twice about welcoming in nonbelievers warmly. So with this type of Christian mindset I worry more for the other kids than I do yours. They’re the ones that’ll likely not bring religion up in the first place, (because they’re KIDS they just want to play) and they’ll likely be the ones getting told their beliefs are wrong or shamed for believing differently. If you do let them play, it would be best to have a talk with your kids and let them know that not everyone believes in the same things, and they should respect that and just focus on being kind and loving. If kids aren’t taught about differences they end up bullies.


Seriously…. :joy::joy::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
If that’s the case, don’t ever let them out of the house, go to school, walk into a gas station, have a phone, get on the internet… watch tv… like nothing but sit in their room and look at a wall….
There is hundreds of different types of religion… it can’t always be avoided and to take it out on kids is selfish


Make sure to include those quotation marks when you’re talking about your God too!


This didn’t go the way you expected, did it OP?


Jesus who hangs around Samaritans, Prostitutes, Tax collectors while actively hating the Rabbis and the Pharisees:

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This is why we can’t have nice things. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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If you want what’s best for your kiddos you won’t force what YOU want down their throats and show them to play with other children no matter what their religious beliefs were. For such “good Christians” who are supposed to be so loving and accepting of all you’re not being very Christ like.


There’s No Hate Like Christian Love


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. My parents are catholic and not once did they tell me I couldn’t hang out with anyone of a different religion. Kids don’t even talk about religion or even care to converse with their friends about it. Chances are when your kids are older they will choose their own beliefs. They may be yours to raise while they are young but they are not yours to dictate how they will live their own life. You are a backwards Christian. Supposed to be non-judgmental and kind. Pfft. Look at you. Worried someone else’s God is gonna out influence yours.


Growing up, I had a neighbor who became my best friend at the time. She was from Turkey. I’d walk in their house and the aroma of the foods her mom would cook would just about knock ya over. They had prayer rugs on their living room floor and at certain times of the day, they would stop and go pray.
At 6, I would stand silently and observe as they prayed. It wasn’t how I prayed. But even at 6-7 years old I could appreciate how beautiful their culture was. I felt honored that they opened their home to me whenever and felt comfortable sharing their culture. If you continue sheltering your children from others, eventually their curiosity will win and you may just lose touch with your own kids.


You’re in trouble then, one you need to teach them that there are different religions in the world because unless they go to an all Christian school they’ll figure it out. Two those other kids are not gonna hurt yours in anyway. You are gonna have to open your mind and heart a little and stop crying about your kids making friends with other kids of different religions.

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Your children will meet all different kinds of people in their lives. It’s important to teach your children to respect others, while sticking to their own values.


As Christian’s we are to go and spread the good news of God… Even Jesus talked to and helped nonbelievers. Show the love of Christ no matter what.


Now think about it from their perspective….do you think they would want your children “hurting them” or “talking about their God?” It goes both ways hun. It sounds like you and your children need to learn to respect other people’s religious beliefs.


pagan sitting here eating popcorn just so you know I am an amazing person and I help others. I am trustworthy. I DO NOT WORSHIP THE DEVIL. just so you know neither do Satanists. They don’t have a God. I am accepting of everyone nonatter what they believe. Who’s really the worst religion right now? You are teaching your children intolerance which breeds hate. You do you though I guess


What I read:
I’m not trying to bash anyone but let me tel you why I don’t their devil kids playing with mine

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So its ok for your kid to talk about your God to anyone? But you don’t want any other Gods discussed with your kid? Talk about entitlement… heres the thing… i grew up in a christian church and school to 6th grade and i don’t see anything wrong with pagans… God gave us all gifts, pagans choose to let you see those gifts in use… you are the problem if you think you can keep your son from the outside world influences… must not have much confidence in your God or your son if you think others have that kind of power… jesus said “i call their name and they know my voice”… where is your faith?


Let them play with them I have good friends that do that I don’t do it.Its there business if they try to talk to them about just say I would appreciate if you wouldn’t talk about in front of my kids

The uptight Christian throwing stones at others be cause they’re different. And you probably believe you are better than them. Thats not very Christian. Its bigoted and small minded. Read a book or google paganism if you’re concerned. It’s a just bumper sticker at that.


I’m not sure where to begin, I’ll try to keep it short. Regardless of what you do or do not believe, if you shelter your children from everything you don’t agree with you’ll be setting them up for failure. As adults they’re going to encounter people of all backgrounds. They need to be able to 1) Stand firm in whatever they choose to believe. 2) Have open minds. 3) Accept & love others even when they don’t share the same lifestyles.


Brainwashing your children to believe in YOUR religion should be considered a form of child abuse. You have no idea of the issues you are causing these children. I said what I said.


I am a ministers daughter and I just came here to say that that kind of parenting and thinking backfires. I now refuse to attend church and our children will be learning about all religions.


Wow , I hope the good lord above reaches down and slaps you . Talk about not bashing anyone . I went to church every Sunday and not once was I told I couldn’t play with any ones kids because of there “ gods “ . SMH


You started off with you are Christians !!! Do you actually read the Bible ? Christians are the most judgmental beings on the face of this earth! How are you supposed be a witness !


Introduce Christ to the neighbors. Children know the difference.

Alyssa Kia Shindel Thearosen Isagarson


Are you kidding me… :rofl::rofl::ok_hand:t4: get your morals straight. Because I’m sure their parents aren’t criticizing you, hoping you don’t speak of your God to their kids and ruin their beliefs. Let kids play with kids.


Mind. Blown. This makes me sad.

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What’s best for most people is to embrace all humans regardless of their religious affiliation, it is very likely your children may not even maintain religion after they leave your home (or maybe they will, who knows). If you are truly Christian you are displaying it in a manner that is not very Christian-like. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Of course a Christian would ask this question :roll_eyes:.thanks :blush: :blush:

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Ummm let your kids be kids :expressionless: also doesn’t it say somewhere love thy neighbor :woman_shrugging:

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Don’t push your issues onto your kids

By what u said u will cause more harm pushing your beliefs onto your kids I wouldn’t be worried about other kids :expressionless:

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I will only tell you a quick story, I once had to have my daughter in Foster care , I was broken and my daughter was troubled so I asked for help she went to a Foster home that didn’t believe in God , my family was upset and thought she should be moved but I had faith God had planned it , instead if worrying abt how they would influence my daughter I felt God had sent her to influence them to shine his light , she thrived there and graduated high school and is still in touch with them . Btw my daughter is a God fearing wonderful young lady so just be strong in your faith and teach your children to shine his light .

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How about letting the children be children and make friends and play together? Who says that your children won’t be the ones to bring them to the lord?? Stop being so judgemental and realize you have the power to share the gospel with others!


I think the neighbors kids are better off staying out of your brain washing home.


So, you’re not a Christian because this is actually the opposite of what a Christian would do…start there…sit with that


Wow I find your attitude absolutely disgusting honestly. This is one of the many reasons I hate religion. And fyi, forcing your views on your children will cause them to go the exact opposite of what you want. It never works out in the end.


Wow is this a thing ? I am a Canadian Hindu and the first thing my kids have to learn here is that everyone has different roots- culturally, religiously and linguistically.

We got an Usborne book that talks about the various kind of “family” set ups people could have.

Time to dive deep into books and teach kids everyone has different roots and that beauty of a modern and educated society- peaceful co existence.

And if your kids ask questions about paganism, it would be a leaning moment to learn about something new and find the positives in it.

Poster children for ignorance


OMG. Let them play. What is wrong with you.


Just because the parents are pagan doesn’t mean theyre instilling that into their children. Plus i tend to find kids dont really just talk about their faith with one another when their young. If you feel you’ve raised your kids to be good Christians then outside influences shouldnt really sway them. If they ask you questions about another faith have an open conversation about it but reinforce your own beliefs as well. There’s nothing wrong with kids asking questions


It’s amazing that we have the same “devil” but different Gods :grimacing::thinking::roll_eyes: let them kids play with the other kids.

Are you freaking kidding me … This is why I left the christian church way too judgmental… News flash there is more then just the Christian religion in the world … They are kids can’t they just be kids and have friends of all walks of life… if they are good people and treat your kids with respect then what’s the big deal …

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Wow, this is so unchristian. So much hate in Christianity.


No. Here me out: those kids were raised with proper values and come from a good family. They didn’t judge your family based on your faith. The kids asked to play with other kids, NOT come to your church or take part in your religious activities. Do you live in a village in the Appalachian mountains? There are people of other faiths in the US. It seems you might be the one hurting them. So, in order to protect their kids - no.


I love that my child has a relationship w God yet has friends who believe in other Gods. To date they ( the children) have never discussed this only we parents have as we like to learn from each other. My child is 10 and you are the family I’keep clear from.

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Isn’t your whole thing “love thy neighbor?” Lol. I’m pagan, my kids are being raised with knowledge of ALL faiths.


you don’t know the family yet I know you have concerns, but remember you have raised your kids in a loving and Christian home have faith your kids all will be ok don’t say anything to your neighbors, you haven’t got to know them yet and if it doesn’t work you will find a way not in front of kids giv it a chance first

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6 NIV

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34 NIV

As a Christian, God wants us to obey and follow his word, have a relationship with him, love like Jesus did and BE A GOOD INFLUENCE.

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God bless you :pray: and your neighbors also

That’s absolutely not doing what’s best. You are teaching your kids to be close minded and refuse to be friends with someone just because they have a different religion.

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Id say they shouldnt want their kids playing with yours because christians are the ones who push their “god” onto others.


Yes. As Christians, we aren’t supposed to hide in our churches away from non believers. They are our neighbors and we should love them regardless of what they believe. Our lives should be a witness to others.


If you put up a tree for Christmas, put out wreaths, give gifts, have a large dinner “feast” you’re celebrating a pagan holiday (Yule) congratulations you probably aren’t much different than your neighbors in reality. So if that’s your reason for not letting them play together you better tell your kids Jesus’ birth is the only holiday in December Santa isn’t coming and they aren’t getting anything.


And what about school and the store and friends. Your kids throughout their whole life will encounter people of different religions. And the fact you wouldn’t allow them to have a friend because they have a different religion is absolutely insane.


Please tell me this is a joke? I’m not religious (mostly from bad experiences with religious people when I was younger) but isn’t there something in your religion about loving or accepting everyone?

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From my experience, kids don’t go around talking about their religion to other kids. Kids want to play and have fun. I am a Christian woman. I am open-minded. I think outside the box. My best friend is atheist. My kids will play with whoever they want as long as no one is being bullied.

There are no boundaries when it comes to friendship. I am muslim, my best friend growing up was Christian. She would spend Eid day with my family and I would spend Christmas with hers… Neither of us were influenced into praying differently or changing our religions. We respected and embraced each others beliefs and differences and more than 30 years later, we’re still friends despite me relocating to a different country… My son is almost 12, his best friend has a Chinese Christian mum and an Indian Tamil dad… He is always at my home to the point that we joke he is my 2nd son. It is really unhealthy to raise your kids with these notions, they will grow up to become very narrow minded and judgemental adults in return…


I am a pagan who grew up in a strict Christian household just like the post above, and honestly it was living in such a suffocating and contradictory life made me curious about other religions and I became a pagan. By acting so hateful you are only harming your children and might push them toward the very thing you fear.


They are just kids. Let them play together and if their “god” comes into talk and you get wind of it just let your kids know there is many “god’s” for many religions. My kids know that there is many and we don’t shun no one for believing in whatever they believe in.


This post is not very Christian like. Let them play. They are children. And from a Christian, your children might grow up to hate you and your faith if you force it. Accepting a religion is ones own choice and belief. As long as everyone gets along and treats one another with respect whats the problem?


That is not a very Christian like thing to do. You’re judging kids who may or may not have chosen the same faith as their parents. Kids usually don’t sit around and discuss religion they play. Let those kids play and get to know your neighbors. This maybe God’s way of putting both families together. And stop judging. Lord have mercy.


Yes faith is contagious :kissing_heart:

I’m a Christian and my man is a pagen. He respects me and I respect him. Pagans are actually very nice people and they don’t judge you like most Christian’s will and like you are right now. You’re suppose to love your neighbor. Let the kids play together. If religion ends up coming up in conversation be respectful and listen because most likely they will too. I never judge someone based on there religion, I’m friends with people that are in different religions too.

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You need to respect each and everybody religions. U need to let your kids grow not saying they should not listen to you but you raise your kids for other people n not yourself. They need to. Decide for themselves this is a new generation not old days.

Kids are kids thats why big people are so messed up because they involve kids dnt let that be there mind sets

My opinion its not about religion but the battle between good n evil

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Wow, I wouldn’t want MY kids around YOU :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes:


The thing that’s going to hurt your children the most is how small minded and in a bubble you are in.

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Not everyone that will cross their paths in life will be Christian. So you better get over this real fast. Let’s those kids, be kids !


Pagans tend to be more caring than Christians. Let them play

Also to add I grew up in a similar home to yours with similar values and I abandoned the religion as soon as I was old enough to know there were others. Don’t be so strict on it. I can tell you most the kids I went to private Christian school with ended up addicted to drugs or alcohol. Kids with strict Christian parents tend to act out the most.

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Is this real why is it christian’s that always shun everybody else I thought y’all were supposed to love everyone :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Just masking bigoty in concern is what I’m seeing

Um yes , you should. Christians are also not supposed to judge others and by even questioning if they should be allowed to play with another child just because of their faith makes me think you forgot that. Please dont raise your kids with the mentality that they can only associate or play with people of the same faith. And kids dont usually sit around talking about religion when they just want to play. Thats the adults that do the brainwashing there.

This shouldn’t even be a question!!! Your children deserve to live their lives outside of your bubble, not everyone is “Christian” and the Christian’s like you hurt my heart, everyone is equal, it doesn’t matter what faith, color, gender or sex they are, I wouldn’t want my kids impressed upon with your values but you all would be welcome in my home and guess what? I’m PAGAN!!!

As a devout Christian this makes me very sad. Bet you dont let them play with the Rainbow kids either huh. Unbelievable. Jesus told us to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. Jesus wasnt even Christian he was a Jew. Jesus loves us ALL. FULL STOP. NO OTHER INFO NEEDED. You must teach your child theres a wide wide world of religions while theyre young. Lest their faith be tested when they leave the nest regardless. We learn about all religions and respect them as we would like to be respected. My kids have grown into the most empathetic and caring teens. We MUST show Gods love through our actions in all instances. We must open hearted and open armed care for our brothers and sisters. Its why our light shines so bright as Christians. This post makes me sad AND ashamed. Why dont you make her a traditional dish from wheres shes from, invite her for coffee and just ASK HER what her faith is all about. Even Satanists are mostly decent people. Paganism is one of the worlds oldest religions. Its really not a bad religion at all. I am friends with several wiccans and sat in a couple times at a gathering and spoke with people. They were all very good and decent people. If you try to keep them away it will only push them further from you and from God. Show kindness and love, their faith will be forever strong.


They are just kids do you really think that closed minded? Let them play it doesnt make either God wrong.

Let them play with whoever what are you teaching them if you don’t?

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Ignorance at its finest. Judging someone’s CHILDREN by their parents’ beliefs…not very Christian of you.


Christians live as Christians . Love others as Christ loves you…that its all

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You can’t keep a bubble around your kids forever, especially when dealing with values or religious beliefs.

It’s things like this that push people away from Christianity. Love like Jesus :purple_heart:


Kids play with other kids. Religion doesn’t even get brought up most of the time. Similar to politics, it shouldn’t have any sway in friendships.

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I’m not even reading this. What a RIDICULOUS question.

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