I really hope this isn’t a serious question… honestly. You can not seriously be that close minded and think your kids are never going to be in contact with people outside your belief system.
This can’t be a genuine question right?? Not in this day in age? And children have a right to choose if they want to follow your faith or not, you can’t force your lifestyle on them.
Any "religion " that has you thinking this way, means you have a convoluted idea of just what it is ( and yup I’m a Christian). I feel sorry for your children who are going to grow up thinking this way as well.
Just goes to show that you don’t actually know what you believe. Christianity is actually a mix of a lot of other religions. Much of it from pagan tradition.
Absolutely we’re muslims and I allow our children to play with anyone they like from any faith or any ethnicity if they’re nice children from a nice family I have absolutely no issues what so ever with this.
When I was a child a Christian family moved into the neighborhood they were the only Christians but their parents let their 2 sons play with all of us kids. They still went to their church and their private school is kids never talked about religion
How about you let kids be kids & play??? Use it as a teaching experience if they start asking you questions. Do they go to public school??? I mean
What you’re saying isn’t exactly Christian is it??
Not to big of Christians when you are sitting there being judgmental!!!
As a pastor I’ll say this:
Your kids are going to have outside exposure/influence of other religions whether you want them to or not.
Their kids aren’t going to “hurt” your kids by talking about their “god” but it may open the door for some real honest and transparent conversations with your kids.
If the primary principle of the Christian faith is to love your neighbor telling your children not to be friends is actually antithetical to the gospel.
I’d spend some time studying the pagan faith so you can have educated, open ended responses to any questions that arise. I’d also spend some more time studying your own faith because is a few friends can derail your home it doesn’t have a very good foundation.
God bless.
Why are people still forcing their kids into religion these days? Your children have their own choices on what they want to follow. The way you talk in your question is all wrong, your not bashing but you don’t want the witchy kids hurting yours with views like yours how will your kids learn that other people’s life choices are okay. You are not being a very good role model for your kids and your also not a very good Christian either
Encourage your children to surround themselves with people of the same faith as there is a spiritual battle in this world. There are more evil doers than there are people who love the Lord in this world. You have every right to protect them. You can teach them to be tolerant and accepting as a Christian but it doesn’t mean that you have to be cooperative or involved in anyone else’s belief system.
Have you been asleep for the last 200 years? Hope this is a joke. Do you let them play with children of other races or are you afraid they’ll change into that race?
How fragile is your silly little religion?
Just let them be kids for heavens sake.
This can’t be serious
I bet you guys are racist too lol… I thought Christian’s weren’t supposed to judge others ? Or did you skip that part in the Bible ?
Is this serious??? My son was always taught you leave no one out!!! Let your kids mix!! Thats how they learn!!
Get a grip why are you asking this your children are young and need a childhood not being brainwashed with crap as you have doubts like a child is going to be sat there speaking about religion, I think you need to take a hard look t yourself and re-evaluate your own opinion on people as you seem to have a problem with “other people”
I can’t imagine kids having this conversation…
*hey my god is the real god. …
*odin shall spite you
*Allah says no
*wait who’s that…oh krishna…stop waving…
I mean… you can’t be for real?
You don’t mean for your children to travel the world then? Because…ya know. The Pope…the head of the church …is a Catholic…
And not to mention protestant …because Henry the 8th didn’t fancy Anne of cleeves…
I’m so confused by this post.
Wow, the self righteousness here. I wouldn’t want my child playing with yours because you sound way too judgmental with your holier than thou attitude. Why would you WANT your kids to discriminate? Teaching hate is SO ugly. How very christian you are.
wait! I thought you just said you were Christian
Tell the other parents that you’re a self-righteous buzzkill who’s scared of how fragile your own faith is. The pagan parents deserve to know so they can keep their children away from horrible people like you.
And don’t let your kids read the Bible or they might be influenced by the Jewish main character, some guy named Jesus, I think?
Who cares? Your kids need a mind of their own. Most likely thevother kids won’t influence them to change religions. Let them be kids. That is wrong to not let them play because of a religion.
Christian mentality
Wow, just wow. Have you asked your children not to influence them with your “god”? This is 2022, are you scared your children will learn what a con religion is and that it is the root of most evil.
Your the type that what’s wrong in this world!! your an absolute joke if you really think that’s okay, And real Christian’s don’t judge people you’d know that being a real Christian.
The last thing we need I’m this world is more division
Will your child ever interact with people of another faith? Or will you just keep them locked in your house till they die? People have different faiths. Being so closed minded is one of the problems in this world. Teach your child to accept others. Would you say, “We got neighbors of a different skin color next door. Should I let my children play with them? I dont want their skin color influencing my children.”
And for the record our family is Norse pagan. Most of their friends are Christian or Mormon and I gotta say my kids dont mention their gods and neither do my husband and I. They get told by their Christian friends the most that they’re wrong and their Christian friends try to push them to your God. So really sounds like your family would probably be more likely to “hurt them and talk about your God” than the other way around. YOU are part of the problem.
I’m speechless…this is the most ignorant thing I’ve read in my whole life.
Talk about ignorance
You should be teaching them that there is different religious anyways.
Omg seriously I’m speechless,
This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read
Time to be blunt.
You’re garbage. Honestly. Don’t raise your children to be judgmental people like you, please
Doesn’t matter what religion ANYONE is, we are all HUMAN. Imagine being on your high horse thinking you’re better than someone else because you judge people based on religion. Ew…and you think your going to heaven? Lol
I can’t even with this post, so I won’t!
Is this a joke post?
Hurt them???
You do realise that pagans are very gentle people, right? We don’t actually sacrifice babies to satan!
You’re a disgusting individual! Christianity says love thy neighbour - it doesn’t say “love thy neighbour but only if they fit your idea of perfect” it also says God will judge them, not you! So wind your neck in and let your poor children experience life until they’re old enough to get away from you!
I’ve been Christian my whole life. When I was a kid I met a girl at school who wasnt Christian. We argued about our beliefs but looking back, neither of us at the end of the day lost our faith because it was real for both of us.
Broke my ankle running to the comment section!
I feel sorry for your kids… let them be friends with whoever they want! It’s not about you! Judge much?
You are what’s wrong with the world…
I mean I’m christian but I don’t look down my nose at anyone having different faiths. My niece is into wiccan and I let it be. If you’re going to be like that I suggest you re read through your Bible.
Perhaps others feel the same about you? Raising your kid with an iron fist about religion is going to create pushback from your kids eventually. Best of luck
What in the hell? You have automatically jugded a whole family based off a bumper sticker? You are a true winner in the eyes of God. Smh.
Is this a joke post? Surely no one would actually post this and mean it
Let the kids play they probably don’t give a hoot who’s who an just wanna be kids…
The ignorance in this post is fucking disgusting. I feel bad for your children. Let your kids explore and learn what religion THEY believe in.
Dear poster…
Here’s what you do in this situation, seeing as you asked.
1)Take your kids and all their belongings over to the ‘pagans’ house.
2)Introduce them to the satanic cult that you have created in your so called Christian mind
3) Leave your children there and allow them to be brought up by parents who will encourage them to live a life without judgement and prejudice.
You’re welcome
Christianity at its finest. Half the reason I won’t attend church.
Let the children be children!!! Let them play!!!
Love another as I have loved you. You cannot judge other people at all. I’m a Christain and I do just that. I’m friends with people who believe different then me
Stop teaching your children to judge others so quickly - there’s no reason they can’t be friends with anyone of any religion
I’ve never read the Bible or gone to church, but aren’t you refusing to live what you preach? Judgement against mankind? Honey, you are what is wrong in the world today. Your post is your sin-you made your bed. Shame on you.
Yes!! We are muslim and my children play with all children at school and in our neighbourhood. Doesnt matter what religion they are, matters what kind of people they are.
My children love having discussions with other children about religion
Umm this is a joke right? You know Easter and Christmas and all of those holidays that you celebrate as “christians” are actually pagan holidays right?
Jesus interacted in the temple if your kids are rooted and grouded in faith then maybe they can be like Jesus and be a testimony there’s always going to be worldly influences you can’t always shelter them and you never know maybe those kids will come to know Jesus through your kids
This is why I’m afraid for my children to be friends with Christians. Prejudice and rude.
Seriously you are the problem I don’t care about my daughters friend religions they are kids and want to play grow up your ridiculous
Oh my. Your poor kids.
You can not be serious. If this is a real question… I feel sorry for you.
“Leviticus 19:18 - Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.”
If I was the other parents I’m not sure I’d want my kids around some fucking wackos. It’s great you’re so open with your mental illness though.
The way you are so strict about your religion… hopefully your kids dont grow up and rebel against it all. I’m not a religious person myself…but I thought alot of that was about love and acceptance…clearly not…the way you teach it to your kids…your religion comes out as hate.
A true Christian would never make such a statement if the children were acting out or harmful to your children that another issue.Your children can not live in a prejudice bubble the best you could do is teach diversity.
People are people no matter which “god” they believe in.
I personlly don’t believe in any, but I certainly wouldn’t deprive my kids of having playmates because of it.
BTW - isn’t your god supposed to love everyone?
I wouldn’t want my kid playing with the kids of someone so close-minded and judgemental anyways.
Children usually don’t talk about their religion while playing. Actually most adults don’t mention it to each other. If it gets mentioned and your kids ask you a question then take the opportunity as a teaching moment. People can be different or believe didn’t things and still be neighbors/friends.
In the UK our schools learn about every faith as part of the curriculum.
My children attend a faith school and even children whose faith is not that of the school are welcome to school there and they still learn about all the other faiths.
My dad is a preacher and let us play with children of other faith because they are kids. Kids don’t care what fait or religion you are because all they care about is having fun. I doubt those kids are going to sit around talking religion depending on their age.
I’m sorry but there’s only one god. These are kids. Let kids play. This is the problem with today society, who cares what colour they are or what they wear or what they drive, they all came into this world the same way you did and will leave the same as you will.
I hope your kids grow up to be gay pagans
I raise my daughter in a Christian household, she goes to a very small Christian school, we only listen to Christian music, etc BUT with that said… I also raise her to love EVERYONE. I don’t care if someone has a different religion, belief, sexual orientation, it doesn’t matter, we are supposed to LOVE them. It’s so important that we teach our children not to judge but to treat everyone equally whether you believe what they believe or not. How can we be a positive example of a Christian if we can’t do those basic things? My daughter is only 7 but we have open talks about these things. Teach your children God’s principles but also kindness, love, compassion and respect for others.
Let kids be kids me personally think.a.child.should.make there own judgement on religion (nothing against it) x
You want what’s best for your kids by brainwashing them??? True Christian’s LOVE EVERYONE regardless of religion, race, politics, etc…
Tell their parents your views and I don’t think they would want their children around you! Do you also discriminate against eye, hair or skin colour if it differs from your own? You should allow your children around all people from all walks of life instead of showing them how to discriminate!
Let your fucking kids be kids & play. You’re not acting very Christian right now, what an example you’re setting for them.
Are you serious…its ppl like you who cause problems in the world…let the kids figure out who they play with…
I’m Christian and this is ridiculous. As a child we played with anyone and it didn’t change us. This is ridiculous, you are teaching your kids hate. Very sad
I’ve never heard kids when playing talk about ANY religion.
You should shove your religion further down your kids throats so they never stray from YOUR path…
You’re a self proclaimed Christian because an actual Christian would not be asking this question. Did Jesus pick and choose or did he love everyone?! Is there not a commandment that says “Love they neighbor”?! This question being asked, if this is serious, is sad and disturbing.
I’ve never once asked what the religion was of my children’s friends, because part of being a Christian is LOVING your neighbor as yourself. Their religion has absolutely zero to do with you. If you’re raising your kids right, they shouldn’t be judgmental or even care either.
You better pray or talk to your preacher girl. Hopefully your kids won’t pick up that you think they’re better than everybody else
Cannot believe this is even a consideration !
Aren’t Christians supposed to love thy neighbor not judge thy neighbor? Or and also by just saying you don’t want outside influences of other religions on your kids means you’re trying to choose their path in life for them. It won’t work. Your sheltering your kids and it’ll only make them to be sneaky teenagers. Signed, a atheist. ps. I hope your kids grow up to be pagans.
Don’t push your agenda on ur children… let them be kids… you cant be serious that you only want your kids around other Christians… I mean seriously… this is the pure definition of discrimination!!!
They r kids …let them play …kids dont c skin color or faith or appearances …they just love as is .kids dont judge…its the adults we have to worry about
Isn’t love thy neighbor one of your biggest quotes
As a Christian it’s your job to witness to the unsaved and be an example of what it means. As a parent it’s your job to raise kind well rounded individuals who can stand strong in their faith in the face of opposing views.
Seriously… this is what a pagan would ask. Not a Christian…
You sound ignorant. I hope you plan on homeschooling your children….Sincerely, a preacher’s daughter with 7 children.
Seriously? I’m pagan and I have sent my children to church so they can learn about other religions. I make sure my kids know that what’s right for me may nit be right for them. I encourage them to learn as much as they can from different views and go with their heart and I would NEVER tell them to stay away from another child based on their beliefs. Your child will have outside influences regardless unless u keep them locked under house and key.
I can’t believe this is a thing in 2022
Is this for real? As a Christian you aren’t suppose to judge. They are kids let them play and be friends. I never once thought about this as an issue for my kids.
So you are teaching them segregation, hatered,racism…you are not teaching being Christians like! I’m not sure which religion you are but your churches teaching of Christ Jesus is wrong! " come to Jesus as a child" you really need to look at your hypocritical life,church and yourself. You and your religion are dead wrong! Jesus is every where. And you are to love your neighbors as yourself! That means everyone. Judge not as you shall be judged! You are the problem with Christianity, you,your churches bs,and your bs religion. Read your Bible, not listen to earthly men who interpret the Bible wrongly,as you are doing!!! Go get damn help!!
Be more humble like Jesus.
If u are truly whatever u say u are do wat Jesus would do. Which is play with the other children. Which u should kno already instead of asking worldly FB?!?!? I’m being nice but I think u need a lot of prayer and maybe find a different kind of Christian church that actually will teach u something
If your faith is so fragile that the slightest outside influence from a child can shatter everything you’ve built than I would say you really don’t have much faith to begin with.
Love thy neighbor… Enough said
Spoken like a true Christian!
The Bible says to love everyone and not judge others Jesus loved everyone no matter their religion, background or whatnot everyone sins even people who are christians Jesus came and died for everyone so whoever believes he died for our sins and rose again and that he is Lord and Savior should not perish but have eternal life. No matter what religion you are if you decide to accept him . Plus not letting your kids play with someone elses kids because of religion is bieng discrimnitive sorry if i did’nt spell that right hard word for me to spell. Its not right to judge someone because of there beliefs. To each their own but treat everyone with kindness you want to be a christian than thats how you do not judge treat everyone with kindness .
In Islam your neighbour’s hold a very high rank no matter what religion or what they believe in. We are taught to love thy neighbour. Your kids are going to exposed to all sorts of religions when they grow older anyway.
Jesus loved all the children.