My hubby and I are extremely against little kids with electronics. However, our little guy is 1 1/2 and doesn’t want to learn anything unless it’s standing on a table yelling animal sounds, counting when he’s getting in trouble so he counts back, or running and bouncing around while doing abc’s. Do you think it’s a good idea to get him a tablet and only use it for like an hour every day??? Does anyone recommend a certain tablet or learning programs for toddlers? Yes, we know each kid learns differently and at their own pace but this mama is exhausted trying to keep him entertained while learning.
Leapfrog has a few different kids tablets that you can get, and they are specifically for learning. My kids loved them
I wouldnt do it! Hes a year old. Hes not going to sit and learn like a 7 year old. Let him be a kid before he becomes addicted to electronics!
I tried teaching my son with flash cards and games, he wanted no part in it. He saw my friends son with a tablet so we got him one, he is now 3 and knows ABC’s, 1-40, animals, adding and subtracting. He still plays outside and with his toys and loves to get dirty.
A kids amazon tablet would be perfect! Lots of educational apps and just limit his time on it.
He’s a year old…let him be a kid and learn without a screen in front of him.
That’s just his age I would hold off on the tablet for now you will be playing with it more than him they have such a short attention span at that age🙂I would suggest a mommy and me group at the library or pool to get him socialized with other littles and practice sharing ect I have 3 kids and possibly pre school
We are getting our little one this for Christmas. Comes with different activity books.
Pbs has a cool tablet out for kids
He doesn’t need a tablet. let him play outside and play in the dirt with his toys and learn his colors and count his toys. He needs to learn to play by himself and TOYS.
My daughter got a learning tablet after she turned one and it has taught her so much. She’s not even 2 and she can count to 10 and say most of her ABCs. I love it
The kids Amazon Fire Freetime tablet is amazing.
My son’s speech therapist said you want toys they will encourage them to do things on their own not toys that will talk or do the work for them. My personal opinion is don’t get them a tablet this young
I wouldn’t do it my kids where about 5 before they even got a game system to play and still don’t have tablets to use. Also they only are allowed video game time on the weekends
My grandson started with his parents phone, they download learning games. He was 1 1/2 , that way they monitor everything. Now he’s 3 and knows how to work the fire stick. Lol
Nope. He’s 1. He’s supposed to be nuts with the attention span of a squirrel.
Quit putting so much pressure on him.
No not a good idea. My nephew just turned 3 never had one and can do all of the above such as abc, counting, naming animals.
Let kids be kids and don’t ruin them with technology too early
Nope… so I downloaded a kids learning game on my phone. Figured when we are sitting in doctors offices or a couple times a week for like 10-15 min I’d let him play with it. Works on sounding out letters and other learning activities. He is really great kid but when I would say time to shut it off he would freak out and scream bloody murder. Then he started asking for it all the time and every time I said no! Same thing. Lots of screaming and crying for long periods of time. I can say no to anything else and he listens and does great, but anything to do with an electronic and it’s the end of the world. I wish I never showed him that
I’m not against tablets, but my son didn’t get one till three for educational purpose (timed) at one they should be doing way more hands on learning than tablet learning. Only time I had a tablet on at one was ok the car for my son because it was the ONLY thing that prevented him from getting carsick, remaining occupied with baby Einstein’s
Get him a leapfrog. Their awesome for kids to learn.
It could work for your son to learn and play games, however we tried to use a tablet for our son as well to learn to talk but it completely backfired. That one hour limit worked for us but the temper tantrums he would throw when we took it were not worth it for us at all! Now he gets an hour of educational tv but nothing he can hold and throw! It may work for you but our son did not have the temperment to handle it… Also I’d say if he’s acting out when he gets in trouble then I would say youd be in the same boat as us and it may get worse if you introduce an electronic.
I would say no. At that age they mostly learn by observing and mimicking. Read up on the effects of screen time. And, if you do get one, understand that also is going to require you to also limit your screen time if you want setting time limits to be effective.
Mine ran and jumped and acted crazy…never had a tablet until they were about 7… hes just acting like a toddler. It’s normal. My little got leapfrog around 2.5-3 yrs old. Dont stress so much…the kid is only 1.5 yrs old.
At 1 he’s not really going to understand how to use it. We got our son a kids kindle fire when he turned 3. He loves it
He’s learning by playing. A 1.5 year old doesn’t need a tablet. And they don’t sit still very long but they’re still learning.
Not to be a debbie downer, but they say screens cause more anxiety, difficulty with social cues, quicker to depression later in life…i think if you can keep him off the screens for as long as you can the better truly. I wish I did with my son
I only let my son use his tablet to watch Disney+ an that’s it
If you’re worried about his bouncing off the walls, a tablet certainly isn’t going to help in the long run. Lots of studies done have proven electronics too young add to adhd in kids…
My girl has a tablet and has lots of educational games. She plays baby bus and ABC mouse.
Give him anything he can learn from that will keep his attention.
Do not get a 1 or 2 or 3 year old a tablet… they’ve cited studies that it is effecting attention levels/ability and also academic performance. I have a 3 and 5 year old. They get screen time they watch movies they play on ipads. But one and two is too young for this type of learning. It’s been said by APA and doctors the best type of interaction and learning for that age is hands on and direct with an adult talking etc. Even if they’re not responding yet.
No get your 1 year old toys for their age… when child gets older there toys will cost more an you will wish you had did things differently
A tablet won’t help.
He’s more likely to break it at this age than learn from it.
How can you all say that he “shouldn’t have electronics this young?” Personally, I agree but televisions are no different & tablets/apps are interactive. My daughter watches educational programs on my electronics. She’s absolutely brilliant because of it. You just put a time limit on it so they don’t get consumed by it.
My son is almost 2 and I have already started 30 minutes on the leap pad and 30 minutes with flash cards and books per day. Find a routine that works for you but, one that keeps electronics and TV time to a minimum. I also do plenty of our side time with water, mud, painting and just letting him come up with games on he’s own.
Get him better toys. Like Montessori toys or toys that encourage independent play. He doesn’t need a tablet at this age.
Tablet helped my son learn so much on top of reviewing things with him when he wasnt on it. He knew all of His shapes,numbers ,colors, and letters by the time he was 2! This is his first year in kindergarten and he is so smart that he gets to take classes with the first graders a few times a week. The tablet we had was a learning tablet at the time I think it was a leap frog one and eventually got him a regular one even YouTube videos of counting and colors help so much. Some people are so against them but they really did help my son a TON!
No, it’s not a good idea. Let him run around like 1 year olds do.
Yes the kids amazon tablet is perfect for little kids I bought both of my grandkids one and its unbelievable what they have learned
If u get him one. He will become addicted. You will have to deal with a screaming child everytime u say he is done using it. Read him books, buy him a bounce house, find other toys. There are tons of learning toys out there.
Ours loved it probably around 18 months and now 2 yrs old and cam turn it on play games and watch youtube
I vote no. He doesn’t need to learn traditional things (abcs, shapes, or numbers) at this age. Developing motor skills, sensory exploration, and language through talking with adults is far more important.
No. A child needs to learn to be a social being(socialize) more and use their immagination more than electronics at that age
No hold off as long as you can!!!
I’m getting my 2 year old an unactivated for Christmas
NO!!! I can not say that strong enough it is not healthy for kids to have a tablet or a phone or any electronic before 3 and then only limited. You think you have your hands full not you give him electrons it will be worse because it messes with their developing brain. Look at the research about kids and electronics use the research based information over parents who use electronics to babysit their kids. And yes I know I most likely offended people but it is NOT healthy for their brains and you will have more issues in the long run.
My son has one which was originally to fly and keep him busy… but then i discovered all the early learning apps! They are awesome my son is advanced and in JK now.
No get him a fake baby toy tablet.
What do you expect a 1 year old needs to learn how about letting him just be a kid.
and perhaps just limit the time spent on it…
I got my son a tablet at 1 1/2 years old. He has learned a lot from it but he also has learned a lot at daycare. But theres things on his tablet that he has learned that surprised me! I definitely would recommend a amazon fire tablet kids edition with the case. My son has dropped it as well as me, stepped on it, sat on it ect and still works great and no cracks on the screen.
My daughter is 8 and she had a tablet at 1 . Shes been a straight A student since. I only downloaded learning games . She reads books at a 5th grade level and loves work books.My son is 3 plays a ipad but hes a busy body and stays moving. So I say give it a try only you can tell if it helps.
Umm your child is ONE the majority of children aren’t capable of learning numbers and the alphabet until between the ages of 2-4
Let your baby be a baby
My daughter is 2.5yrs old and is so smart. No tablet and she won’t get one for a long time. Pinterest had alot of great ideas on different ways to entertain and teach your child. Don’t give up and just hand him a screen.
Isn’t that just lazy parenting. My son is 2 in March n I learn Him things through every day life
I honestly was that mom that was against electronics. But my two year old has an iPad and we do abc mouse and homer. She watches Disney plus on it. She even will actually put it down and play with other kids. Your that babies momma stop taking advice from others and do what’s beat for you and your child. FYI it didn’t destroy my child’s brain she knows how to count to 10 and her abcs and she has known them since she was 15 months old
We’re doing an Amazon Fire tablet for our almost 2 year old. I really want her to be able to use it while traveling in the car since we have a half hour commute to and from daycare everyday.
I don’t care for that kind of stuff. I didn’t grow up with electronics and did extremely well in school. I don’t think it’s necessary for kids to have.
My son is two and we are getting him an amazon kindle 7. My daughter has one and we signed her up for ABC mouse when she was 2 it was great for her hoping the same for my son
Don’t do it. My son got addicted and would be very VERY pissed when we would try to take it away. Don’t do it.
I disagree with everyone who says no. In school these days so much is taught on the computer and kids use tablets at school etc. There’s nothing wrong with limited and monitored screen time. Read a long sites and apps the read books to kids have done wonders for my dyslexic daughter. My older daughters have phones but they also play outside everyday and they do arts and crafts and other stuff. Nothing wrong with managed screen time.
Actually, there have been several studies done that actually prove children don’t learn much from electronics. They memorize the content but don’t really associate the information to things they encounter in life. They learn more from going to the grocery store than they do an app. They are also unable to process sounds from electronics, they retain language from other people
Get your kid some books… The original tablet…
Mine is 2 and plays about 15-30 mins on it. Usually ends up putting it down on his own. I have
Can you get leap frog ( pads )or baby
Einstein learning toys
We have the 7" Samsung kids edition. It was about $100 and 4 years later, still works great! Comes preloaded with educational apps and you can use play store or samsung kids app store.
My son is 2 and a half and has the leapfrog. YouTube colors for the win.
Omg get books. And if your child doesnt want to learn anything unless it’s on a tablet he’s going to have one hell of a time at school. And obviously that was taught to him. Babies dont just say naw fuck this I either have a tablet or I refuse to learn. Doesnt work that way.
Please don’t. Take them outside. Play with playdoh, color ,paint, create something. Let them use their motor skills.
We are getting our 2 year old a tablet for Christmas, but will have screen time set so he can’t be on it all the time. I don’t see anything wrong with kids having them as long as they aren’t on them all day long.
Try grabbing some learning toys from the store or good will. We used blocks that had different shapes, learning balls with sorted colors, verbal word games, old rhymer songs we sang and danced to. This really helped our LO. Take your kiddo to the park, play with bubbles, read to him, have a dance party. The more you interact constantly with your LO the more he will be motivated into listening and learning. We did learning shows for an hour off of Netflix in the morning when we first woke up so that I could get chores and breakfast going. And then started our day. My LO loved “word party”, and other little toddler shows.
The nabie was awesome and its educational just limit screen time either way
Our daughter was 4 yrs old. When she was 8 yrs old, we took it away 100%. They are garbage. Spend time with your child. It goes quick.
I was adamantly against a little kids with electronics when my son was born. There is so many things out there that say it’s bad. However, I finally broke down and just made sure he only watched educational content, he learned a lot, and fast. He just turned 2 and he knows most of his numbers 1-9. He still mixes up a couple and his nearly his entire entire alphabet. He is also learning sight words. However he does have a hard time working the fire tablet we finally got him for his second birthday, so it’s barely used. I would say it may be a good way to go just make sure you get something more child user friendly. If you want to be able to use it to though the fire tablet is nice as long as you don’t mind having to operate it for your child.
Don’t. Get those leapfrog toys and the leap frog stuff. My ex got our daughters tablets. I so wish he didnt and actually got upset.
Electronics are so freaking bad for developing brains. Don’t do it
We did ABC mouse with our kids at a young age. About an hr a day.
Nah they don’t need a tablet that young. A few tv shows in moderation I think is fine but no on the tablet. They’ll have plenty of time for that when they get older
Turn them into a couch potato as soon as possible kids need to use their own imagination.
Well thats what normal 1&1/2’s do. Sure you can get him a tablet. I would suggest taking him to a park or a least craft time outside at home . Sounds like he needs to be let out to roam not pacified with a tablet.
Things have evolved… kids are playing on tablets at daycare and school. Teachers have been recommending apps to download at home since my daughter was around 2. The colors and sounds are engaging for them. I think we had a leapfrog or Nabi tablet at that age.
Try it out. If not, he’ll use the tablet in the future.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a limited amount of tablet time. This doesn’t mean she isn’t coloring, going outside and socializing… some people are just ridiculous…
Get the tablet and let your child, who is going to grow up in a world running on electronics, enjoy it. He can learn a ton on it. He won’t become a psychotic zombie because he got a tablet
My nephew couldn’t sit still but learned and became a teacher
No. Biggest mistake we ever made was allowing someone to buy our 2 year old a tablet. It was like an addiction. I said no but it was purchased anyway. Nothing but problems. We eventually put it away and it been there for well over a year.
I also use a tablet to keep them off my cellphone on a minimal basis because they see other kids with them
Play, read, and do age appropriate arts and crafts with your child. That’s how they learn.
Leapfrog Epic.You control and download the apps yourself,you can adjust the age as your kid grows too.
Children do not need to be constantly entertained & stimulated. Let them use their imagination.
Don’t give into this irrational fear of electronics. They’re a part of the future and our every day lives. Just like anything else do it in moderation. Easy
I don’t recommend. Use that money and get a play kitchen or play toolbench or something. Let him pretend. They don’t recommend screens for children under 2 at all… my baby sometimes watches Sesame Street but every time I take my phone out she tries to grab it. It’s so attractive to children and it’s not healthy for them (or us). Prevent the addiction as long as you can!! It’s not too late for your child even if we adults are already hooked in.
My son had a tablet since 2. And hes beyond his grade level with reading, math and English. He learned so much
If you extremely against it. Why are thinking about doing it
I refuse to let my 1 year old get a tablet or anything like that… they’re just gonna want to play on that instead of play outside when they get older
I got mine free with a special from tmobile. The only time my daughter gets to use it is on long car rides to keep her occupied.
No there is no need for one, we grew up with out it. The only time my 6 yr old uses one is at school. We don’t even have one for our selves because we know how much trouble it will cause
My son. Has a tablet. He is 2 and it is the worst decision I ever made. He throws a massive tantrum when I take it away. He became more aggressive and now I’m wanting him off all electronics for the rest of the year but there are other individuals that live under the same roof that give him an iPad or their phone even when I say no. so it feels like I’m losing this war. But I wished I never allowed it.
Any electronics are not good on kiddos brains. They are very addicting and can have terrible effects.
I won’t let my two year old have any electronics. She already watches tv too much which is my bad lately because I’ve been watching a lot of Disney plus. We’re trying to learn colors and stuff by just asking what color her toys are when she plays with them and we count going up and down stairs and sing abcs when we wash our hands and read books every night.