Should We Keep Going?

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"I'm 19 a freshman in college , I have been dating the same guy since sophomore year of high school and up untill the past 4 months we were great. The story: he graduated in 2020. He went to community College. I graduated 2021 and went to a university.. I now live 30 minutes away from him instead of 10.. we just dont communicate anymore.. we barley speak anymore. I don't have feelings and I dont think he is. We haven't texted in 3 days.. is it worth it to keep going?? I already have feelings for someone else..."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I would talk to him about it. Ask him how he feels, share how you feel, see where to go from there. It sounds like you’re both on the same page but it’s always nice to end it mutually & nicely"

"If you don’t have a feelings then you already have your answer hon."

"U need to do what’s best for u chick. But u need to meet up with him and do it in person not by text"

"Why would you keep going if you have feelings for someone else? Talk to him, give him a break up so he can find someone else too."

"No honey, time to make that relationship a friendship and continue to grow in other ways! Just because you won’t be romantic anymore doesn’t mean you have to never see or talk to them anymore!"

"You know, you just haven’t accepted it. Move on, you’re both still young, still growing and still changing. Find a love when you’re grown and enjoy being young for now."

"leave this love behind and move on to the next"

"If you have feelings for someone else sounds like you ended it a while ago"

"You are young. You should be living life, not worrying about some guy even if you have a history. Go be free, girl."

"Its better to just end it civilly and mutually so there’s no animosity. Y’all were young, as u get older and grow feelings change thats normal and ok. Don’t stay BC its comfortable, this is a time in ur life to have fun and experiencing as much as u can, the both of u."

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If you already have feelings for someone else … then you know the answer. Good Luck!