Should we put a tracker on our teens phone?

Because of his brother? Lol weird but ok.

Haha your husband sounds a lil over the top
Turning on like the location or whatever for safety reasons maybe. But just kind of in the background and in the back of your mind for JUST IN CASE. Not for your weirdo husband to project what his brother did onto his daughter ?


Absolutely not , I’m a mom of a 24 yr old daughter and 13 yr old son. My kids have always been honest with me , now Im not stupid they both have done things they shldnt have without me knowing However I cld never violate their trust like this . Then when the big things DO HAPPEN they wld feel as tho they can’t talk to me .


No hopefully he drops it because if he keeps pushing for it then it will cause a wedge between you all

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Tracker is totally acceptable especially in today’s society… but I will say if you are too hard or strict with your kids they will tend to act out & do things behind your back, the thing is you needa create a safe space where your daughter can come to you guys with anything that’s bothering her or something she is interested in doing without knowing there will be judgment and backlash, the harder you are on your kids the wilder they will tend to be. If she’s willingly handing over her phone then I think you don’t have an issue, she obviously isn’t doing anything bad or she wouldn’t give it to you willingly.

Yep!! Just because you have the ability to go view it, doesn’t mean you HAVE to. However, in the event that you NEED to, then you can.

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My daughter had a really bad accident when she fell asleep driving. Had it happened 4 miles sooner she would have ended up possibly in an area no one would have seen her. She’s 24. She, my sons and I now have Life360 on our phones. It isn’t to “spy” or “track” it’s just a safety net just in case. The world is ridiculous now. If you decide to do it then the whole family should do it.


in this world yes especially if she drives sex trafficking is so real

If she didn’t have a phone how would you spy on her? What about trust? Do you read her diary also?SMH


My mom had me download life 360 and told me to always have my location on

I keep my kids phone tracked in case something happens and she do t come home.


We have life 360 but that’s in case something happens we will know where that person is. But not bc we don’t trust them.


You have to trust her. She sounds like she isn’t hiding anything. Don’t make her start. Don’t let husband ruin the relationship.


My kids put themselves on the tracker, that way I don’t worry.

I personally made my kids share their location. My youngest was horrible about remembering to let me know she was alive :sweat_smile: God forbid anything happened, I didn’t want the police to ask me where’s the last place she was and have my answer be idk.

We have family link. I rarely open it on my side, but it’s there. I can’t see the websites they visit or specific texts/calls. Just the location and the amount of time spent on each app.

My husband, my best friend and I use life 360


Yep. I have one on all my kids phones. It’s not a trust issue. It’s a safety issue. What if your teen doesn’t come home, runs away, lost, kidnapped. You’d know where theyre at. I can’t stand people harping on invasion of privacy or lack of trust.
They don’t need privacy unless they’re doing something wrong.
And even the most trustworthy kid can break your trust you don’t know what they’re doing when they’re not with you. I’d rather know where my kid is then have to identify his body in the morgue

I would let her give me a really good reason first

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Tracker yes…unless she gave u reasons of mistrust don’t b a snoop

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The biggest plus to a tracker is if she gets kidnapped you can find her. Besides if you put a tracker on and she proves to be a good girl then you have an “I told you so” with the hubby. We all kniw how fun thst can be.


Ask her if you can put her on Life 360 because you worry about her and it would give you peace of mind. Get it on your phone not your husband’s. That way she’ll be able to track you too.


No but I would have life 360 :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:

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My kids are not old enough for phones yet, but my husband and I started using life360 last year when my twins were in the NICU. I stayed with them an hour and half away from home. I’d get lost, so we downloaded it and have used it ever since. For us it is reassuring that he can see where I am when I have to go out of town. We don’t leave them on all the time, but only when when one of us is out of town. Especially if the kids are with us. It’s reassuring that if something happened, we would know exactly where we would be within an emergency❤

It actually helped me today, I was out of town with our oldest and I wasn’t sure what exit I should take because the gps was trying to make me exit way too early, so I called if to locate me and let me know​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Personally I would do it for safety reasons not to invade her privacy. Life360 is a great option :heart:


No, he’s talking about tracking what she’s doing not where she’s at. And that’s not OK. It’s borderline illegal without her knowledge.


I would talk to her about the importance and safety of a Location Tracker, but one to go through her texts and apps is Very much so an invasion of privacy

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These days it’s not always about how much a person acts out. There’s some really iffy people and horrible things happening to people who never saw it happening to them.


I have 3 Kids 17, 13 and 7. The older 2 have iPhones and they both have Life 360. It is great. Any kid who lives in my home will always have it if they have a smart phone. You can set specific places that alert you when they arrive or leave. School, home, work etc. so you know they arrived safely. It also monitors the speeds they drive and shows you a map of where they drive to so you can monitor their driving. You also have the option to see hard braking, rapid acceleration and phone usage. It will also alert you if they are in a crash. It even lets you know what percentage their phone is at so you can remind them to charge it if needed. I honestly think everyone should have their location shared with atleast one person now a days just to be safe. It’s not an invasion of privacy. It’s safety.


Nope I wouldn’t. It’s a massive abuse of trust

It’s not spying, it’s for their safety!!! I’m not saying snoop through every message but location is important.

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I say yes for their safety because the way this crazy world is…

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I’d say do it. I remember being that age and doing some sketchy stuff my mother would have deffinitly not approved of. Just let her know it’s for safety measures.

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She shouldn’t be “punished” for her honesty, lack of bad behavior and hubby’s insecurities.
Absolutely not! She’s forthcoming and she shouldn’t be told she’s damned if she plays by the rules and damned if she doesn’t. Honestly, that kind of BS is what drove a lot of my rebellion - if I’m gonna do the time, might as well do the freaking crime.

Life360 is different from a app that shows you her messages and web use. :roll_eyes: I have 360 and it’s a mandatory thing for my kids
But as to invading privacy no

Life 360 is the reason my kids got phones . i don’t look at it as an invasion of privacy its my job to know where my kids are at…


Dont see how a tracker will stop her doing "bad things on her phone ’ and knowing where she is wont stop her getting up to mischief. Trackers only tell you where her phone is not where she is . Police can already get locations from providers in case of emergency
Shes 16 . Shes a good kid so far…dont make her close down her relationship with you because she thinks you dont trust her.

It’s your job to keep her safe from all things , if she has nothing to hide she will not care if u track her , it could save her life one day

The tracker so you can see her location is a good idea I think. Spyware so you can read every message and see every search is more of an invasion of privacy. I kind of look at it like this. I have the right to know where my child is at all times. But I don’t think I have the right to know their every single thought


Honestly I wouldn’t be sneaky about it, trackers are beneficial to both of u, if she were to ever be kidnapped, harassed or put in any position that’s uncomfortable u would have her location, u could also set up like a ‘password’ phrase or emoji she could text u to let u know if she was ever in danger or an emergency, be honest with her and talk to her about it


My Daughter has something called 360 on her phone & knows exactly where her kids are, as long as they have Their Phones on them!

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If it’s just to see location (not private messages/photos etc) I would guess it would be a good safety tool. Especially when they start dating people with vehicles or the tendency now to meet people off the internet. My teens don’t have trackers or anything on their phone but have offered to for peace of mind. Having not grown up with that technology it seems overkill however we didn’t have all the dating/trafficking apps either lol.

I’m all for this IF she’s given you a reason to believe she’s up to something. If she hasn’t done anything & you guys start treating her likes she’s hiding something, she’s going to start hiding things.

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We have life 360, the kids know. We’re all on it so they can see us too. My daughter’s are 16 and 19 and we’ve been on it a few years.

i agree with the tracker to know where she’s at, you have to explain that to her so she can understand. I don’t agree with spying because that’s invasion of privacy in my opinion. You need to communication with your child if you feel like something is wrong.

Get life360 it’s what me and my kids have, great app!!

The invasion of privacy will cause a lack of trust, you’re daughter will probably start doing bad shit only then she will learn to hide, then if she does get in trouble, you’ll have no trust with her, she won’t come to you for help and you won’t be able to find her because she made the effort to hide. As someone who was an unruly teenager just because I had overbearing parents, which looking back, had me in TERRIBLE situations, do not break that trust with her. It sounds like you guys do have a good trust built up, if she’s willing to hand you her device at any time. The location wouldn’t be a terrible idea, for if something happens, BUT I wouldn’t do without talking to her and making sure she’s okay with it. And like I said, only using it in emergency, not to spy.

With todays world. Yes. To many kids are being walked away & never seen again. Even in their cars they should have a tracker. I think one should be able to switch to go in their clothes to.

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Life 360!!! I cant control WHAT she does but at least I can see where she is at and if the people she rides with speed or if they’ve had an accident. She’s 17 and i have had this app for her for the past 2 years. She can also see where i am at the same time so its not one sided. Its for saftey not to be controlling

If you pay for it, it’s not a bad idea.

If anything it will push her to want to “do bad things”
People are gonna learn through doing- teenagers especially.


I find it hard to believe it’s the hubby because I’ve seen multiple posts now throwing dads under the bus . Getting common . It’s 99percent the mums stop saying dad men aren’t one bit worried with mum dealing with shit like that . And you even go as far to use his brother as a reason.stop gagging out crap talk do what you want to do you have more of an idea what young girls get up to not him you make the decision. Why do woman find these decisions so hard is it because they don’t won’t to hurt the child’s feelings omg tuffen up or the kid be telling you what to do

I don’t think that right to do that to her tbh

Didn’t even read through details. Yes track your child’s phone! I still track my 21 year old son’s phone. I’m referring to location not content.

Oh I mean I think you should put a tracker like know where she is at all times but maybe not her entire life if she’s a good kid! And if she gives it to you right when you ask she probably isn’t hiding anything but track her as in her location than heck yes!

Our family of 4, two teenagers 13 & 16, we have the Life360 app to see each other’s locations. Highly recommend, not an invasion of privacy at all to know where your kids are. As for tracking everything they do in their phones, that’s too much.

Life 360 app highly recommend it ,I have it for my girls and my self it’s just for safety, as for tracking everything I disagree with that unless she’s given you a reason to do so ,phone checks from time to time yes I do that to my teen as well .