You are seriously overreacting.
I bought beer, liquor cigarettes & condoms all when pregnant. Loved some of the looks i use to get
Lmaoooo. Two days before I had my 3rd son (scheduled c) I walked up into the liquor store and bought all my shit to make my drinks for when I got home
Don’t be a drama Queen
Wouldn’t bother me in the slightest
If it bothers you , you don’t have to do it
He’s capable of buying his own beer
Girl please. R u really asking this
You’re buying groceries for your family and that might include beverages- doesn’t mean you’re the one consuming them- and there’s no rules about it- seriously most of society ain’t that uptight and don’t care what you’re doing
It wouldn’t bother me. I know I’m not the one drinking.
Sis I still get hubbs weed from the store if I’m in town and he’s not. this is definitely one of those things you think people are judging you for and they could careless… most people use common sense that more then likely it’s for your husband.
It wouldn’t bother me…but if it bothers you then he’s a grown ass man who is perfectly capable of buying his own beer
Honestly I stopped letting letting things bother me a long time ago
Do what your comfortable with always!
But don’t ever do something or not do something because you’re scared of people judging you!
You’ll be judged no matter what we all are in some ways judged
So just do what your comfortable with.
Who cares what people think… you should only care how you and your partner feels…
This seems like a weird thing to be bothered by tbh but if you’re uncomfortable then you don’t have to
Yes, honey. Yes you are.
I’m always just the type that would crack a joke at the register lol I’d be like man this baby has the strangest cravings definitely fine to buy alcohol for someone else while pregnant lol people are gonna judge no matter what you’re doing
Uhmm. Is this a serious question? Like if it makes you that uncomfortable have someone else buy it… or just be an adult and buy it. I’m sure you’d rather have him home than the bar/pub. I have bought alcohol while heavily pregnant for my husband and everyone minded thier business like they are supposed to and didn’t say anything, store was busy as a bee hive that day too. Sorry hun but you are over thinking it way too much. Unless you have a previous problem with alcohol that known to everyone, no one is going to care that much
Seriously though, if you are uncomfortable with the purchase then let him know that you aren’t going to do it. You being comfortable while pregnant is important. I wasnt trying to be harsh but if you are worried about what people are thinking of you while you are buying it, you shouldn’t be. Honestly. Most people assume you are buying it for someone else unless you are saying you are drinking it or they seen you drinking.
I have drank energy drinks while I was pregnant and while I was pregnant with my second baby I was drinking alcohol
Im currently pregnant with my 2nd and i work at a liquor store so lmao. I buy my husband stuff all the time when we get something in that i know he will like.
You can feel how you feel, but if you’re worried about being judged for that just wait until everyone chimes in with how you should be raising your child after it is born.
I went to bars meeting up with people while pregnant. I knew the owner but still i drank soda and hung out too. buying beer isnt weird
If you’re uncomfortable momma, don’t do it.
I have. I even ordered a drink on my 21st birthday being 9 months pregnant with my first I was ordering for my step dad. I use to buy beer for my now ex husband at 9 months pregnant. Let people judge me idc.i have my medical card and bought legal Marijuana with my 4th kid earlier this year.
Girl you are being so extra. Go get your man’s some beer
Girl just go to the store and get your man a beer and fuck what anyone else thinks. Shit just to be an ass if I noticed I was getting funny looks from the cashier right before I collected my change and receipt I would be like “thank you oh by the way do you know where I can score some crack?” … ppl need to realize just because someone is buying alcohol doesn’t mean it’s for them
What makes you think anybody is watching what you’re doing
Shoot I look like I’m 6 months pregnant year round and who cares
Why do u think it’s a problem to buy alcohol when ur pregnant? I don’t understand the issue here.
Really? Wow. This is ridiculous. I agree with your spouse.
I promise you no one cares that you are buying your man beer
I drank a near beer when I was 8 months along at a convention, dont drink pop which is all they had besides beer. Should have seen the looks I got, lol I Frankly dont care that much about others opinions, Its my life to live and if someone is going to judge me without finding out the facts, they arent worth my time.
I was buying myself wine while I was pregnant so I’d have no issue buying my husband beer or alcohol
why would you feel uncomfortable about purchasing it? I understand about consuming it and agree 100% about that but a simple purchase, personally I wouldn’t have an issue with UNLESS there is more to it, like if your partner overindulges and it causes issues within the relationship or for safety reasons. If not an issue like that, I personally wouldnt have an issue with the purchase.
You’re definitely overreacting
Well you’re in & you’re out. Not like you’re sitting at the bar ordering lol.
Yes overreacting lol.
If someone looks at you funny, just say, its for your husband. No one will care. I used to pick up smokes and energy drinks for my partner when I was pregnant and didn’t care.
I would and I did. I didn’t like it though, I bought my husband cigarettes while pregnant. all I could think of is omg they’re going to think I am smoking while pregnant.
A bit overreacting I’d say. What’s so important about what others think? I mean it’s a grocery store…as long as you’re not drinking it yourself so what! They might frown on the food you’re buying or the sodas you’re buying or cleaning supplies. Being pregnant is not a time for vanity or caring what perfect strangers or anyone else thinks.
Girl I’m 34 years old and use to worry about other people feelings but now I’m realizing I’m grown and don’t care what anyone else thinks
I wouldn’t worry too much about what people think. I personally didn’t like buying alcohol or cigarettes heavily pregnant either, except when one cashier I knew fairly well was working and that was just because she knew I don’t drink or smoke. So I understand 100% where you’re coming from but like I said, don’t worry too much about people’s opinions.
Ummm not sure why it’s such a big deal
Yea. You’re overreacting. I did it all the time, and no one thought I was drinking it, they knew it was for someone else.
So when working at a mall a co worker bought me the biggest bottle of Jack Daniels he could find came in a huge metal tin and everything I was 8.5 months preggo my car was broke that week and I had to take the city bus home with this big belly and bottle lol best part I NEVER drink so that bottle is still sitting under my cabinet lol
Would you buy him tuna or junk food even though you’re not really supposed to eat it while pregnant? Just because you’re buying it, doesn’t mean you’re using it.
Who cares what others think. Should you not buy soda because you aren’t supposed to drink that or should you not buy coffee because of the same reason. It’s not insensitive to ask you to buy things. It’s just an errand.
You’re buying it, not drinking it. It’s no ones business what you’re doing and it none of your business what others think of you.
Go to the store and buy your man some beer, I mean they do put up with alot when we’re pregnant lol.
When you get to the teller if you get looked at by them or people in line say something sarcastic like, “These damn cravings I tell ya” Haha who cares girl. I flipped out on jamba juice when I was pregnant because they refused to sell me a smoothie with a vitamin shot and energy powder shot.
I used to buy the beer and cigarettes while running errands. Got some looks but IDGAF about anyone else’s opinion of me. I wasn’t using them myself. No biggy to me. x
I baught my then fiance alcohol while I was pregnant & we also did dates and I baught myself none alcohol drinks and baught him bears while dinning
It’s no big deal F**CK what others think
Everyone is good at judging everyone for something tbh
I’d do what I want when I want
Give them something to chat about aha and of they are talking about me they are leaving someone else alone in my opinion
Why wouldn’t I buy my SO beer or Any alcohol? Does buying him it hurt our child or me? Definitely overreacting. Just get the man his beer if your out.
I honestly do not care what’s in the cart of the pregnant woman in front of me in line to pay. I’m paying attention to my kids trying to slip candy in the cart.
More like over thinking! Just buy it. If you’re over 21, there should be no issue. Say it’s a gift before they even assume.
I’m pretty sure no intelligent person would think you purchasing alcohol was for yourself.
I’ve bought my husband hard liquor pregnant and if people wanna judge and assume I’m buying it for myself then whatever, personally I don’t care what people think and if someone were to say something I’d just laugh at them
Yeah you’re overreacting. But you’re also allowed to express how you feel about it.
I got some for my husband when I was like 9 months pregnant I don’t care. I know I’m not drinking. My friends and family know I would never. I don’t care about random people
Yes. You’re over reacting .
Is this your first child? I ask because once you become a mama you will quickly have to learn to not care about what others think and do you.
Overreacting! It would be one thing if you were 9 months pregnant, walked into a liquor store, bought a bottle of Jack and chugged it before you made it to the door.
There are 9 million reasons to buy alcohol besides for you yourself to consume it. You’re buying it for your spouse. It’s for a baby shower. Bridal shower. Guests at a BBQ. Or maybe you just wanna be ready for when you come home from the hospital to down one after 9 months of not being able to.
Worry less about what other people think of you. If you’re bothered by what a cashier at a liquor store, who doesn’t know you and will probably never see you again, thinks of you, I can’t imagine how you worry about what people you know think of you.
Buy the man some beer!
I bought my husband beer and whiskey when I was pregnant ! But I know my husband isn’t an alcoholic
Uhm no it’s fine but if you feel that uncomfortable than just don’t do it
Definitely overreacting.
Yeah, you’re overreacting
By that reasoning you should not be buying: soft cheeses, coffee, caffeine of any kind, soda, junk food, lunch meat, or certain kinds of fish.
Um my partner has done liqour runs for me with out hesitating so it would be only returning the favor, plus as others said ur buying it nobody said u were drinking it lol plus I’ve had a few non acholic beers from time to time when I was pregnant .
I usually always pick up a 12 pack while I’m grocery shopping to have for my husband and guests.
We were at Busch gardens a couple days ago and I bought two beers for my brother and my husband while I was waiting for them to get off a roller coaster. No one stared or said anything, but I also didn’t really care
Girl I get where you are coming from. I would feel uncomfortable too. I would still probably do it but I would be saying something to the cashier about how it isn’t for me. Lol
I mean if you dont feel comfortable then dont do it. He is capable. But honestly would you refuse to buy lunch meat or raw sushi? Would you tell a sister, daughter or friend that you can’t get them tampons because your pregnant and that will just look weird? As long as you aren’t chugging a beer in the parking lot pregnant there’s nothing anyone can do. If you’re worried about judgment, then stop worrying because every time you go somewhere I can guarantee at least 2 people judge you for utter BS within an hour tops. Whether they think your to old to have a baby, to young to have a baby, your hair isn’t the style they’d choose etc etc. Just go about your life and quit worrying about others. If you’re still worried, get a shirt that says please don’t rub my belly. Im not pregnant. Im just really fat. Then wear it when you have to pick up beer. make people think twice about judging you buying alcohol
I have done it many times pregnant iv also gone out and bought friends shots
I really don’t want to be rude but yeah you’re overreacting. Even if someone were to be stupid enough to think you were buying beer for yourself, who cares? You’re not chugging it in front of everyone
People are being harsh on here and you can’t help the way you feel about something. Don’t feel shameful over this. Alcohol sucks anyway! Nobody should drink in my opinion.
Does he freak out when he buys tampons? Why do you care what other people think. And you will probably never see those people again and if you do they won’t remember.
I’m the same with cigarettes, I don’t smoke and don’t like people thinking I do.
I don’t think it’s a big deal honestly but you can tell I’m pregnant lol
Lol I never did when I was pregnant either bc I felt weird
I get it. I didn’t want to buy my husband’s cigarettes bc it “looked bad” lol
No - let him do your shopping - then he can pick up his own beer.
I do for my husband!! Just because I’m purchasing it doesn’t mean I’m drinking it!
If you’re that concerned you can say “this is for my husband “
Quit thinking about what others think. They aren’t feeding you or financing you so their opinions don’t matter.
I did, if I was at the store and someone needed it I bought it
I have. And I buy my SO cigarettes and cigars all the time.
I’ve done it for others… it didn’t bother me… BUT… it makes u uncomfortable and he should respect that boundary
Don’t send your guy to the store for period products. Total overreaction no one cares about what you buy.
I did!! I didn’t care. I felt like it was obvious it wasn’t for me.
I’d do it and just mention hubby/bf is lucky he still can enjoy
Been there, done that. I just yelled not for me as I was checking out. It’s only as weird as you make it.
Overreacting. Noone cares!!!
I got my husband beer whenever who cares what other people think.
“ other peoples opinion of you , is none of your business “
I did and liquor. I’m not responsible for what other people want to assume nor do I care. The same way I send him to the store to buy me tampons he will never use.
All throughout any of my pregnancies I have bought beer or wine or even made jello shots with liquor for parties. It’s not a big deal and your are overthinking this. It’s on my grocery list every week
No. Don’t buy it. If he wants it, he can get it himself.
U could have it delivered to u or just tell em who it for
IMO you are overreacting. Who cares what other people think
Way overreacting. Tbh nobody cares what we buying honestly. Just say it’s for your husband it’s that simple. Stop overthinking something so small
Jesus you remind me of my ex, shit like this is why she’s my ex.
If I could buy it somewhere I know the person working there so they know I am buying it for someone else.
Of course I would. Just because I made the choice to be pregnant and withhold from alcohol does not mean I would stop doing the things I would normally do.
You need to stop worrying about what people, especially strangers, think of you.
Waaaaayyyyyy overreacting