Should you buy someone beer if you are pregnant?

Go buy that man some beer…I’m sure u drinking is not what they thinking

Who cares what some random thinks about a pregnant person buying alcohol it’s none of their business and the day you stop caring about strangers opinions is the day you’ll finally see that they’re opinions don’t matter!

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I didn’t think twice about buying my husband some beers when I was preg with any my kids, I didn’t feel anyone looked at me as if they thought was me either lol x


Definitely overreacting! I bought my mom beer when she was visiting VERY pregnant

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Yep you are just buy it

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I did when I was pregnant cause my husband drank, no big deal…

My first legal drink I ever bought wasnt even mine :joy:. I was 5 months pregnant and my sister (25 at the time) forgot her ID :joy:.

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You shouldn’t care about what other people will think of you. The only opinions that you should be concerned with are those of the little one growing inside of you. So, do you, and if you normally would have picked him up beer on the way home had you not been pregnant, then just keep doing that and let the stupid people jump to their stupid conclusions. :woman_shrugging:t2: According to Albert Einstein, “Assumptions are made and most assumptions are wrong”.

Just buy the alcohol

It’s non of anyone’s business of why or who you are buying for

Yes you’re overreacting.


How ridiculous , I’d get him a pack of beer, wouldn’t bother me what people think,

I’ll go in and get my hubby his beer. IDGAF, I KNOW ITS FOR HIM…
Who cares what people think. Do they pay your bills, do they hold your hand at your Dr’s appts. No . So stop caring what others think.

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Never even thought about it to be fair. I’ve been pregnant 4 times and often grabbed beers for family parties etc… I once got asked for ID when I was pregnant with my third, I was 29 and was well flattered lol

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I’ve ordered my husband a drink while pregnant and walked away from the counter with it to take it to him

I used to have to get wine by the case when I was pregnant with my daughter bci was a chef and made sauces with it.
I also stocked up my friends wedding with booze while super pregnant. Bought about $300 worth of hard liquor.
No one batted an eye bc buying and drinking it are two very different things hon
And PS, stop worrying what others think before this baby comes out bc the judgement only gets worse once the baby is born.

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Overreacting lol I’m 33 weeks and buy beer all the time. :woman_shrugging:t2: my husband drinks while he’s grilling and we use it to cook. I don’t care what people think.

You’re pregnant, not dead. No normal person is going to assume that you’re drinking it.
The only logical way I’d say it would be okay to say no is if you’re asking an alcoholic (sober) to buy for you.

If you’re lactose intollerant and someone asks you to pick up cheese for them, would you?

I did it, I felt incredibly awkward and told everyone that looked my way it wasn’t for me lol but honestly I think I was super paranoid. You can tell someone who is pregnant is buying it for someone else.

I did it all the time when I was pregnant. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Yes, you’re overreacting. :woman_facepalming:t3::joy:


I personally feel the same way. I would feel uncomfortable as well.

yes i would buy him the beer or whatever while pregnantits not for me

You’re over reacting


I’m not sure why you couldn’t buy it unless you simply don’t want him to be drinking it.

If it makes you uncomfortable I wouldn’t. If he wants it bad enough he could go himself and not ask you to do something you have strong feelings of being wrong, while carrying his sweet babe :heart:

Theres been times while pregnant ive been out and about and grabbed my husband beer or smokes. Why am I gonna go home to watch the other kids just for him to leave to go get beer if I’m already out

Yes, you are absolutely, 100%, overreacting.

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Why do you give one fuck what anyone thinks? You know you aren’t drinking it.

Who cares who youre buying it for why care what people think ugh

I bought beer for my xMil while I was pregnant, if anybody looked at me sideways I’d just say “the baby loves it, it’s all he wants!” Lol.


I bought beer and smokes and even hard liquor all threw my pregnancy for my husband and our friends that came by. It made me laugh watching others reactions :rofl:

I’d say you’re overreacting. Just bc you’re buying the beer, doesn’t mean you’re going to drink it. I wouldn’t worry or care what anyone thought, and I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone.
I was 8mos pregnant on my 21st birthday (it’s st patricks day, too​:sob::sob:) but I bought my friend a beer at a gas station just bc I could lol.

I bought some for my husband and I was ready to pop. If anybody said anything I would just say it wasn’t for me. No biggie.

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Your being overly dramatic unless your entire self worth is what people in a package good store or bar think of you.

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I did it weekly for my bf when I was pregnant. It never bothered me.

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Just buy him the beeer lmao omg. :rofl:


Yes. You are definitely overreacting


I think you’re overreacting. It’s just a purchase and who cares what people think as long as you know you’re taking care of your baby


I’ve bought my husband beer alcohol cigarettes IDGAF what anyone thinks :joy::joy::joy:

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Overreacting just a bit

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You seem to care what others think wayyyyyy too much. I still went to the bar to hang out with friends when I was pregnant….the looks I’d get sometimes we’re hilarious


I would buy it, but yes I understand the discomfort with people around you assuming you’re the consumer. I wouldn’t worry about what other People think to much. People who throw stones usually live in glass houses.Its your life ( so no one else’s business).

Lord… it’s really nobody’s business what you buy. Just because we buy something doesn’t mean we consume it.


I felt awkward my first pregnancy, after that, meh. I bought wine for my family members for Christmas in 2020 while 7 months :person_shrugging:

Don’t be a lil bitch buy it.

Buying it is not harmful to the baby who cares what other people think it’s not for you…

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Definitely over reacting, it’s just a purchase

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yes, you’re over reacting.

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I was 8 months pregnant when I went into a liquor store to buy my husband a bottle for Christmas lol I didn’t feel any type of way! Who cares what people think… you know it’s not for you and people don’t need to know

Over reacting :rofl: I did it for my hubby weekly

Tell him to buy his own! SMH!


You have deep seeded insecurities around what other people think about you. Those opinions matter more to you than taking care of the people that you love. The person that you’re building a family with. Not only are you overreacting, and overthinking, you’re using it as an excuse to ignore a much deeper problem that you have.


Maybe you can go to a drive thru gas station/convenient store to avoid that if there’s one in your area?

Why would you bother about other peoples opinions on what you buy ? There’s a list of things you shouldn’t eat while pregnant…does that mean he does without those things too ? Just buy the poor guy his beer and ignore what others think…its not their business


I felt so weird when ever I bought alcohol for my husband and I got some nasty stares but just stare back :rofl:

It’s perfectly fine to buy it.

Definitely overreacting lol.

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Happened to me too , hubby wanted cigarettes and felt uncomfortable too as I was showing a lot, i did buy in the early weeks as i wasn’t showing but at the end i felt like a bad person or something :sweat_smile:

I did that last night for my boyfriend… Who cares what other people think you know what’s going on… You’re not doing anything wrong for you or baby so what’s the point of being uncomfortable…

If you have to ask this then are you old enough to have a baby??? Or mature enough?


When I was pregnant I went to my local bar every Friday because my biggest pregnancy craving was these fries I could only get there. So I sat at the bar all pregnant and ate my fries and drank my water lol


Yes you are overacting

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I think that’s ridiculous… There is no reason you can’t pick up some beer. Most people with common sense would assume it was for someone else in the household. I think you better grow up quite a bit and stop worrying about what other people think before that baby gets here or you’re in for a world of trouble…


I wouldn’t care less. I was DD and sitting right there in the bar with them both pregnancies, and with my son I was at a Disturbed concert and was treated like absolute royalty all night!


I feel like this when my husband sends me to buy his chew. I just tell them “My husband sent me a message to buy this gross stuff” that way they don’t think it is for me, lol :laughing: . But I figure if he can buy me pads than I can buy his nasty crap too.

Not if you don’t want to.

I was always super happy when my kids dad asked me to go get him some beer when I was pregnant with my daughter. It was the middle of summer and we didn’t have air conditioning in the liquor store had a walk-in beer cooler LOL that was my favorite place to be. :rofl::sob::rofl:


I bought my husband beer while I was pregnant.

I still bought cider (for my husband) when I was pregnant, I’m really not sure what the problem is here.

I bought my ex husband beer all the time when I was pregnant.

No one should question your choices. If you’re uncomfortable… Don’t!


you sound ridiculous

I bought beer and a pregnancy test once. The test was for my friend. Lol. Got some fun looks for that one :laughing:

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Your man is right you are overreacting I have been the designated beer run driver and buyer during 3 of my pregnancies for my man it was either that or he was gonna drive himself after he already started drinking

I can understand your concern, especially with a noisy, belly touching Karen in every checkout line. But, you absolutely can. I’ve hosted parties, done beer runs at sporting events, and gone up to the bar many times while pregnant. I usually make a stupid joke or ask for mocktail to prevent feeling like a bad mom. That being said, I was traveling for work during one of my pregnancies and the doctor in France told me to have a glass of wine in the afternoon to relax and the German doc I saw a different time was talking about an after work beer to help with anxiety. We’re one of the few countries that take such a black and white stance. Like anything else, the dose is the poison. Hope this helps calm your fears.

I’ve bought my husband beer while I was preggo lol

Lol if you know you’re not drinking what’s does it matter? I laugh about it I’m pregnant and my husband asked me to hold his beer when we were at a soccer game I said this looks terrible I’m pregnant holding a beer but we laughed about it in no way do I care what others think because they don’t know me if I know I’m not drinking it shouldn’t matter

Over reacting for sure

Yes your over reacting i was often in the local pub while pregnant i didnt drink alcohol i just loved playing pool

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No one has a right to judge you. If your uncomfortable don’t.


You are overreacting. Just get that beer and pay for it. So damn simple. The poor husband is thirsty. :grinning::rofl:

Ummm what? Your not drinking it so why does it matter

You’re entitled to feel however you want to feel about it. If he wants beer he can go buy it himself.


Definitely over reacting

I felt the same way :joy: and they do look at you a little funny but did it anyway

I bought my ex vodka while I was pregnant. But the liquor store owner knew us by name and he knew exactly who it was for because it wasn’t my wine. Lol

Yes you are over reacting

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Buy the beer! Definitely over reacting!!

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If you’re not drinking it… what’s the big deal?
I am currently pregnant and bought my step father beer for his birthday. If anyone said anything I’d tell then where to go.

But that being said you shouldn’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If the only reason is cause you’re pregnant and don’t want judgement… I think it might be a you thing more than an everyone else thing :man_shrugging:

I just explained (even though I don’t have to) as they’re ringing me up, “it’s not for me :rofl:
And they laugh with me haha. Idk eases the tension


My husband asks me to get cigarettes I tell him no I’m uncomfortable with it I don’t want someone to sit there and think I’m smoking I feel you!

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Haha i have bought it while pregnant (hosting parties!) and sold it to pregnant women.

I would do it.
I get it looks weird but honestly F what anyone thinks.
Pick your battles

What’s the big deal if anyone asks your building the babies tolerance early just small sips throughout the day


I’d buy my man some but that’s just me cus I know I’m not the one drinking. Ppl are going to think what they want in stores anyway so f*ck em. But for him to get mad is dumb honestly

Yes you are overreacting. You are nit drinking it and that’s all that matters. You should not worry about other people opinions…

Yes I often dis if I was out shopping

If you are uncomfortable, then you are uncomfortable. No one has the right to judge u or make u feel bad about that. He can get his own damn alcohol.

There once was a time when milk stout was prescribed to pregnant women to prevent anemia. Don’t stress about what others think, there’s always someone who will think you are wrong, and others who will think you are right.

I personally wouldn’t care. But everyone’s different. I still think your feelings are valid tho. Regardless if others think your over reacting.