Should you buy someone beer if you are pregnant?

This doesn’t mean the alcohol is for you? You are a grown woman. You can buy your husband alcohol.

Seriously you find this an issue? Lol
That’s like you asking him to pick up tampons and not wanting to because they may think it’s fishy…and why if you buy beer is it anyone’s business? Your both adults and you don’t need to explain to anyone why you bought it or for who you got it for.


I’ve done it for mine :woman_shrugging:

I did for my husband. It’s not for me and idc what others think of me. I’m getting it for my man

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I totally understand the not wanting to, because clearly you’re not supposed to drink alcohol while pregnant so they’ll probably assume that it’s for someone else. But… if you have a self check out, wear a big shirt so they can’t tell :laughing: in reality though, they’re not supposed to ask and you’re not obligated to tell them. Even if it was for you, they can judge all they want :v:t3:

I would feel uncomfortable as well.

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Go get the beer if something is said than respond hey the yeast we’ll help my bun in the oven smile and walk out

I just bought myself wine at the local vineyard for after I’m pregnant!! They only released 700 bottles of one of my favorites so it was buy it now or miss out!

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Question does he jump and buy your cravings when asked if he does than buy him his beer but if he doesn’t and drinks a lot or makes you do it often id quit and start reconsidering what this relationship is especially if he does drink alot but if he only asked this once go ahead and just get it Bc he’s in for a long road ahead of being your errand boy towards the end of your pregnancy and after babies born


My 21st birthday I was 9 months pregnant (ended up having her 9 days later) I went in and bought my husband a beer

I went to the liquor store for my husband while pregnant. Very visibly pregnant. Could see dude kicking and grooving. :woman_shrugging:

I went to the bars on my husband’s 21rst birthday! I was 3 months pregnant.

I’ve gotten it for my husband while heavily pregnant I knew I wasn’t drinking it so that’s all that matters.


It’s like being a non smoker buying cigarettes… or someone trying to quit buying for someone else; it feels rude to me

Seriously? I’m sorry but we have fire flood and a fn war I don’t think anyone really gives a shit what U buy

Nope not at all but. U know ur truth fuck what they think. Js. If they want it that bad they can get it themselves

but men buying tampons is considered normal ?


Ma’am lol use your voice when you go to the register and tell them if it makes you uncomfortable.


Oh lord. Yes. You can buy a bunch of things without being the one to consume or use them. People stare, people give eyes. They will whether you’re pregnant, not, three heads, or perfectly normal.

Stop caring what others may or may not think. Normal people know that you could be grocery shopping and grabbing it for the person who gave you that belly.

It’s not like you’re at a bar ordering a drink. Calm.


Lmfao. Is this real? I bought alcohol for mine when I was pregnant.

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I would feel the same way. It’s make me uncomfortable yoo


I went into the liquor store to buy bottles of wine for thank you gift baskets for the ladies who threw my baby shower. It’s not a big deal :roll_eyes:

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Ummm yeah…if you’re that worried about it when you get to the counter just say “btw it’s not for me” most people could care less anyways

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Some people will refuse to sell it to you. But I don’t think trying to pick it up is a big deal. You can always say “don’t worry it’s for the hubby not me”

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I understand feeling like you shouldn’t be seen buying it while you’re pregnant, my ex would send me to buy drink constantly while I was pregnant and you do get looks and comments. At the same time you know its not for yourself so fuck what anyone thinks, I used to tell rude people that would comment that it was for me and I had a big party planned and would even invite them along. I like to mess with people that way because they go out their way to make me uncomfortable so I do it back but not everyone is like me so each to their own. Fact of the matter is if it makes you uncomfortable simply don’t do it.

Biggest mistake is trying to impress people and not your life (husband) is part of your life. Those people you trying to impress don’t even care at all but im definitely sure your husband does care for both of you and the baby.


Uhm, yeah. What’s the problem with it?

I buy my husband beer I’m pregnant. I don’t drink it & that’s all that matters. It’s comical if people are skeptical or judgmental cause its not even for me, that’s their issue.

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You’re overreacting ! No matter what you do somebody gonna judge


I wouldn’t buy alcohol or cigarettes while pregnant. Too many judgemental eyes. Edited to add that no one is obligated to do anything for another adult. If it makes you uncomfortable he should understand. If some other pregnant lady doesnt mind doing it for their husbands, good for them. But you aren’t them and it’s ok to be uncomfortable doing that. Especially since beer isn’t a need, it’s a want.

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Fetch the man some beer and shut up

Let the lazy man buy and wag his own beer.

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It’s really no one else’s business :woman_shrugging:t2: I get where you’re coming from but buy it. Let them stare, let them whisper like little old gossip ladies. You know you’re not drinking it

Nope, my ex asked me too when I was pregnant to go buy him cigarettes. I couldn’t do it because I felt uncomfortable also. I made him go get them. Not alcohol but I know I’d feel the same way about it

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Who cares?! They don’t care what your buying. This gave my childish vibes. Makes me think about people embarrassed buying pads/tampons or condoms


Uh…yes? He bought me stuff I wanted when I was pregnant. If he asked for beer while I was out, I bought him beer. It didn’t matter if I was a month or nine months. I’m not sure why it would be an issue. You’re not at a bar or chugging the beer in the parking lot.


Stop worrying about what others think. It’s what you do for you and your child that’s important.

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Your shopping for your family should not be a problem

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I work at a liquor store and have preggers come in to buy beer, wine, liquor. We don’t even bat an eye, we know it’s not for you mama :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s crazy! What difference in buying cigarettes while ur pregnant? As long as u the one not doing it,it shouldn’t matter!


I felt the same way so I wouldn’t do it. Made him go get his own beer lol.

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There is nothing wrong with buying alcohol while your pregnant. It shouldn’t matter what other people think anyways. My dr told me to drink a beer a day when I was pregnant because I kept getting kidney infections and it helped.

I honestly felt so awkward buying my husband beer while pregnant by at the end of the day I know I’m not the one drinking it and I don’t care what others think.

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I am not a big drinker so I feel weird buying alcohol when I’m not pregnant but I get the feeling when you are but personally who gives a shit what strangers think and if a stranger has the audacity to tell you something while you’re buying it I would punch them :joy: jk but tell them not to worry about it. (I also make sure I’m on the phone when I’m buying it and very loudly talk to my husband about what beer he wants and stuff… lol ima. Nervous Nelly)

I bought my husband beer when I was pregnant. I did tell cashier’s that it was for my husband.

Girl I feel you. I’d tell him to buy it himself but in the meantime just get it for him at the drive thru so I wouldn’t be judged! :rofl:

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I’m 24 weeks pregnant and I go buy my spouse beer or even a bottle :joy: I think your overreacting lol

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Overreacting. I bought my husband beer while pregnant, even ordered a few at the bar for him on nights out. Only you are thinking that much into it.

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I bought beer and cigarettes for my husband while I was pregnant. People can think what they want. Hopefully they’re smart enough to know that I am not drinking or smoking cigarettes while pregnant.


I’m the same way :sweat_smile: but my husband would never have me pick his beer up for him especially being pregnant


He had a cheek let him do the shopping and buy his own beer put your foot down beers are heavy and I bet he wants more than 1 can so look you have to take it off the shelf in to the trolley on to the counter off the counter in to the trolley in to the boot of the car!!!

You’re overreacting. Who cares what they think anyways.


If it makes you uncomfortable, you do not have to so it!


Yes you are over reacting.

Buy that man some beer! Lol

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I bought beer for my husband and sister-in-laws while I was pregnant. Yes I felt a little awkward and judged, but people that want to judge would just find something else to judge me about.

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Yes, very much overreacting lol girl get that man some beer

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Oh gosh lol you’ll live :roll_eyes:

Over reacting mama. I did this for my husband

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Who gives a darn about ppl opinions but I do understand and if you feel uncomfortable then don’t do it


She’s not over reacting. If she doesn’t wanna do it she doesn’t wanna do it and that’s okay :clap: he can go buy his own beer he’s grown


I always did :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m not the one drinking it lol

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I’m really starting to wonder if this group is satire


I did it its beer and if im out doing a food shop and he asks for beer he’s getting beer, i bought him a vape too not the end of the world

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Yes you are people shouldn’t be judging and it sounds like you would be judging someone who did that for you to feel like others would judge you

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I wouldn’t mind. BUT - no one must ever ask me to buy them cigarettes , THAT IS A STRAIGHT NO

Anxiety is a real thing. And a lot don’t seem very understanding of that. It’s completely acceptable to do so, but it also depends on how comfortable with the situation you are put in. If you feel like you won’t get pass the judgment easy mentally, then by all means he can get it hisself. If you feel like you may be judged but you can shrug your shoulders to it, then go ahead and do it. You aren’t overreacting. Your feelings and mental health matters, and something like that may be small to some but can have a big impact on others. And that’s okay :heart:


Is this a serious question?!


You’re not overreacting… I will NEVER buy beer in my life. I’m almost 39, I’ve never bought alcohol in my life and I never will. I don’t care if you give me money for it, pay me to do it etc I will never walk around holding a case of beer… sorry, get off your ass and contribute to your addiction yourself. I won’t be.

No your friend is crazy if he drinks he can pick it up for himself

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I wouldn’t do it either. If he wants beer he can go get it himself

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What??? So bartenders shouldn’t work when they’re pregnant? Mom’s shouldn’t do all the grocery shopping if they’re pregnant??
I’m a nurse. Should I not give out narcotics if I were pregnant?
That’s ridiculous!


I get what your saying and people will look and make all sorts of assumptions about you that can be uncomfortable, but thats the unkindness of human nature. Its smugness for some and a trigger for others. They dont know you and You have no idea what triggers people nowadays. You might need a placard or a tee shirt " Move on folks nothing to see here"

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I understand because I am the same way about both buying alcohol or tobacco for someone else. However, if my husband asked me, I would. Also, if you’re worried about other people, you could always go through a drive thru liquor store?

No do not buy him beer

I bought my husband alcohol for all 3 of my pregnancies. It didn’t bother me one bit. If someone assumed I was the one drinking it that was their own issue.

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Are you worried people who don’t know you will judge you?


I get it… when I was pregnant with my first child, on my wedding day/night during the reception we needed more alcohol… being as I was pregnant, I was the only sober adult so I went to the grocery store to buy more alcohol… the looks I got from everybody in the grocery store were horrendous and made me feel really anxious and uncomfortable… in the end the cashier asked if I was the one planning to drink the alcohol, I told them no it was my wedding night and we’d run out of alcohol for the reception, he thought I was lieing and refused to sell to me… I left empty handed, feeling completely unfairly judged and really terrible overall… I cried all the way back to the reception… your thoughts and feelings are valid… and IMHO if you’re pregnant, he shouldn’t be asking you to buy him any sort of alcohol, cigarettes, Marijuana, etc. … best of luck

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Unless you plan on falling over the register in a drunken stupor with a pregnant belly I wouldnt worry about people judging you lol

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Girl, I bought my fiance beer while I was pregnant. If anyone assumes it’s for obviously pregnant you, they are showing their crazy and you have the right to put them in their place. How gentle you do that should depend on how rude and judging they are to you. Buy the beer. Life is too short to second guess shopping choices.

If the reason you aren’t doing it is because you think people will judge you, that’s silly. People judge you everyday for other things. You will be judged with even more scrutiny as a mother-might as well start now not caring about the judgement of strangers. If it’s because you don’t support his drinking, then don’t support it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Get the man some beer! Lol

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I did it a few times. I didn’t have to carry anything most the time because someone would offer to carry for me

I bought kegs 9 months pregnant :pregnant_woman:. Seriously??

How many women ask their men to buy tampons or pads?
Are we worried about what others think of us?
You can buy anything in the world without using it.
Think about that.

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No your not I’ve been asked that numerous times while I was pregnant even to get cigarettes and I didn’t like it one bit because it really makes you look bad honestly you could tell him to go get it him self

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Is this page even real anymore :roll_eyes:


Who gives AF what people think!

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You are not the first, nor will you be the last, human in history to buy something that is not meant for you.

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Ya your over reacting. You’re being judged with or without beer in your hand

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My husband will pick up my monthly flow supplies with no issues… They are definitely not for him but he does it anyway… Buy the man beer geez.

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Who cares what people think :woman_shrugging:t4: youre man wants beer. Not crack. Thats like him saying hes not comfortable buying you feminine products because hes a man :roll_eyes: