I think people assume you’re getting it for your husband while out grocery shopping. I’ve done it and didn’t even think about it like that🤷🏼♀️
I bought my husband & my mom beer while pregnant & didnt give a rats a$$ what anyone thought.
I wouldn’t worry about what other people would think, but I also feel like your fiance is also very capable of picking up his own beer.
Yes. It’s not for you.
Your feelings are valid. If you feel uncomfortable, then that’s the end of it. You’re not petty or overreacting. Everyone has something they won’t do simply because they don’t feel right doing it, no matter how serious it is and that’s okay.
Nope I wouldn’t either
I’m currently pregnant & buy beer for my boyfriend any time. I don’t really care what anyone thinks. Say a cashier we’re to question me, I’d simply tell them it’s for my boyfriend & it’s none of their business. But I’m just blunt. To some you may be overreacting, but if you don’t feel comfortable then don’t. It’s not anyone’s place to judge you & say you’re overreacting. Do what’s best/comfortable for you.
If you don’t want to, you do whatever you are comfortable with
Whats the big deal, dont worry bout others thoughts I got my partner a box the other week im 8 1/2 months preggers. I even go shop and buy smokes. Stuff what people think. Buying a box of beers, isnt really an important advice situation.
You set your boundaries.
I would. Why not? You’re not the one drinking it so why would you feel uncomfortable
I wish I had some of the so-called problems these posters have…
Yeah I would cause who cares what other people think.
Who cares what anyone thinks. As long as you aren’t drinking it. That’s all that matters.
I don’t care what other people think. It’s liberating once you get to this point!
I bought for my husband a few times while pregnant. I got ugly looks, but screw them. It wasn’t for me. I dont even drink.
My dear… You are a Classy lady.Now a day hard to find.
I wudve done it… idc what people think anyways…
Hey, the appearance of evil looks as bad as doing it follow your boundaries and convictions doesn’t make you wrong cause you aren’t like every one in these comments
I’ve done it. Will do it again for hubby’s bday in April. No one’s business but your own. Jesus. Who cares who sees you buy beer while pregnant? I buy both beer and wine coolers for hubby and his friend’s who come over and we grill and chill for his bday. Get to a point where dont care what others think and it is a great place to be…lol.
Overreacting. I bought adult diapers for a parent, never worried the lookies would think they were for me etc etc. Why do you worry about possible judgmental strangers?
I never liked doing it either. But I did. Do what makes you comfortable.
In a word “Yes”. If your sister or friend asked you to pick up tampons would you feel too uncomfortable to do that? Are you really so insecure that you are concerned about what the clerk in a convenience store thinks?
Are you also someone who would expect him to buy you tampons if you needed them?…
Who cares what other people think?! I don’t think it’s a big deal. And honestly, if I saw a pregnant woman buying alcohol, I’d assume it was for someone else, anyway.
I mean its none of anyone else’s business anyway, but if it personally makes you uncomfortable then your SO should respect that and go buy it himself
I bought lq for my boss like 8 month pregnant people buy alcohol for all sorts of reasons…you could be cooking with it
Go through drive thru
If he wants beer so bad, he can buy it for himself.
I’ve done it. And I’ve also grabbed myself a snack and something to drink(non alcoholic) of course while at the store. Screw what anyone thinks!! But everyone is different
Is this your first pregnancy?? Cause if you’re worried on people judging you just for buying it for your S/O and not yourself… lawd. Welcome to parenthood. You’ll be judged for breathing wrong.
Overreacting. Yes, my husband drinks and I buy him beer during my grocery runs. The other day he asked me if I could go to the liquor store while I was out that way, sure. I’m also very clearly pregnant. I don’t think anyone assumes it’s for me and even if they do, it’s not and I know that so who cares?
I did it while I was pregnant for people. I would sometimes make the comment, “it’s not for me” and the cashier would laugh and say obviously and ask me how far along I was etc.
I did fit my husband til I got around 26 weeks and showing didnt feel comfortable doing it anymore. I told him I didnt want to anymore and he just understood and left it at that
You’re over reacting it’s no different than your bf getting pads for you
who cares you’re not drinking it
It’s your choice ultimately.
Me, I would buy my husband his adult drinks. Because I knew he would do the same if he was the one running errands and such. I did so, even while pregnant. Only if I could safely carry the case. If I couldn’t, I’d either look for something smaller or just tell him I could carry it. He’d understand and get it the next time he was out.
It doesn’t matter what other people think about you, it only matters what you think of yourself.
He is fully capable of getting his own beer unless his legs are broken.
Anybody looks at you wrong you say you’re stocking up for the celebration of giving birth.
No, I agree, if you are not comfortable buying it, then don’t. He is a big boy, he can buy his own.
Before I had kids I judged and felt uncomfortable selling pregnant women alcohol.
And being pregnant, I don’t buy it for anyone when I’m showing.
I’m not overreacting.
It’s just a preference of what makes me comfortable and my standards of what I am okay with.
If you don’t want to, then don’t.
You’re fine.
I am 8 months and just bought a BJ’s box of beer home for Dad.
I just had my daughter but I’d go in and buy my S.O. smokes and alcohol from time to time. Even up to a week before I had her.
I know its not for me. I know I’m not smoking it or drinking it. I know who it’s all for. And that’s what matters.
Why be so concerned about what others think? Live your own life!
If you needed feminine hygiene products and your husband said no, he felt uncomfortable…it works both ways.
I wouldn’t have done it either.
I do it and I pick up his smokes. You know that your not drinking,.so fuck people
I always felt the same way. I hated walking across the parking lot with a huge belly and a case of beer. I know it shouldn’t have mattered what others thought but I could stand having people look at me like that
I got some for my husband while I was pregnant and made a joke to the cashier. Just because you buy it doesn’t mean it is for you. Now if you order a drink in a restaurant then obviously things will get awkward
Ya your hormones are on point. First of all it’s nobody’s fucking business what you consume while pregnant. Second you know you aren’t f
Drinking it. Even if you had a beer or a glass of wine it won’t hurt the baby.
Yes. I have but I made it clear to the cashier that it wasn’t for me.
Pregnancy hormones are super awesome for situations such as these lol. I do think you are overreacting a bit, he just asked u to pick up an item while you were already out… in a man’s mind it was a simple ask. Beer, batteries, what’s the difference?! ()) My husband always thought it was hilarious to have me buy the alcohol when I was pregnant lol. I totally did it, it was pretty funny to see the reactions of people knowing I wasn’t participating i didn’t give a flying f*^!* what they thought, and kudos to them if they ever had the balls to say something to me lol. If my husband was busy or working I’d run errands for us and sometimes that included stopping at the store for a couple things for dinner or whatever, getting a 6 pack on top of that isn’t a big deal to me. Just like when he’s shopping and I call and say I need tampons, he gets them! Works both ways. Don’t let it get to u tho, pregnancy is temporary.
Why would any pregnant woman feel uncomfortable being beer??? I mean, I don’t get it but everyone can feel however they wanna feel. When I was pregnant I did not want to hang out with my friends when they were drinking cuz I wanted to remain friends with them when you’re sober, drunk ppl are soooo annoying!!
I would probably feel uncomfortable doing that too
When i was pregnant with my first baby, my husband loved it. Well go to bars every weekend because he had a designated driver and in exchange him and his bar friends would feed me all night
Yes I would… but I would told whoever looked me in the weird way that it wasn’t for me!
It’s not like smoking a cigarette
I bought my husband beer when I was pregnant. Obviously you are overreacting
Nope I agree… he can get off his butt. Plus, beer can be heavy… depending on quantity…
I bring my daughter with me when I buy alcohol so I don’t see a problem lol
I would buy the beer.
I can understand that. At the end of the day, it’s nobody’s real business so who cares. Unless you know them or go there often- it doesn’t matter who thinks what.
Thats so odd. I buy it all the time for my husband. Have wirh every pregnancy.
You are overreacting…. They are strangers who cares
You need to realize that you have absolutely NO control over what other people think it’s their thoughts?.. you only have control over how you react to what they say but at the end of the day people will think of you whatsoever they want. And that’s okay , now whether you choose to let something bother you is on you. You know that it’s not for you so don’t be bothered by the stink eye that u might get
I might be the odd one out but I went to a bar multiple times with my fiancé when I was VERY pregnant, I was DD and sat and hung out with friends long as I’m not drinking it I feel likes not anyones business
Definitely overreacting!
Who cares what others think of what you are doing? It’s none of their business period. Definitely overreacting. I even went to a couple of outdoor bars with my daughters father when I was pregnant and just drank water and played pool the whole time.
Stop caring what other people think!
People shouldn’t judge but I hear ya id feel same
If it makes YOU feel uncomfortable don’t do it.
I used to do it because my man had lost his id
Yes, I have def done that and would again
Hmmm yeah you can buy your hubby beer…btw everyone knows what you were doing to get pregnant to!!!
Tell him to get his own damn beer
I use to go to the bar all the time when I was pregnant and buy drinks for my friends and I would have lemon water. It pissed off someone but the bar tender handled it like a champ. Didn’t bug me one bit I told his what to go suck and walked off… I don’t see a problem with it but if you’re uncomfortable that’s on you not others
I would but I feel really uncomfortable with the thought of going to bars when I’m pregnant. My friends invite me out alot and I never go when I’m pregnant
Total overreaction. Buy the man his damned beer. Or is the real issue that your are jealous that he can actually have it and you can’t?
Who cares what other people think
Is it because you can’t drink it so you don’t want him to? I dunno sounds like you’re overreacting for sure
I used to feel this way when I got asked to buy fags , if thats how you feel that’s how you feel , don’t let anyone on here de validate YOUR feelings your entitled to have . Some of us get social anxiety and worry and over think about these things, telling her to just stop thinking it is unrealistic advice . Xx
I would but that’s cause I don’t care. You think they’re going to call on you and you get arrested? Not sure that’s how It’ll work LOL most the time I honestly think most cashiers knows it’s for the man anyways, at least how I felt
Yes, you’re definitely overreacting! Just bc you’re buying it doesn’t mean that you’re drinking it! Buy him some beer while you’re out. It won’t be the end of the world. The ones who judge you are the ones that need to be evaluated.
I felt that way at first but you know what…… you know what you do or don’t do and you’re all that matters.
Girl I went to the bar pregnant and drank water so I could watch pool tournaments that my son’s dad was playing in on Thursday nights people would ask me, “Aren’t you pregnant?” And I would say, “Yeah. That’s why I’m drinking water. Anything else?”
I brought grog for my partner all the time whilst pregnant, all 3 times , but if it makes you feel uncomfortable than that’s okay, your feelings and thoughts on the matter are valid
I used to but beer for my kids dad when i was pregnant. Frequently went to the bar and concerts too. Baby (who is now 9) is perfectly happy and healthy. Who cares what other think. However if YOU are uncomfortable with it, id say just let him know “sorry, that is not something I am comfortable with”
Yep you’re over reacting buy the man some beer
Yes you’re overreacting
Girl hush and go get your man a case of beer.
No you are NOT overreacting! You have feelings and they are valid! If you are uncomfortable, that should make HIM uncomfortable and why can’t he go and get his own beer?!?! That’s a question that should be asked.
If you don’t want him drinking, just say that. Nobody bats an eye at a woman buying alcohol. Normal people would assume you’re buying for someone else. You are definitely overreacting but you’re entitled to your feelings, as long as you’re honest. Be honest about it, it’ll get you farther.
Tell his lazy ass to get his own shit since its goin down his throat ur carrying enough💯if he was a gentlemen he wouldnt be asking u to do that ontop of everything else u probably do
Omg stupidest shit I’ve ever read ridiculous is all I can say
You’re definitely over reacting. It’s not like you’re cracking one open and drinking it right there…
You’re overreacting. People are going to judge no matter what. You and your fiancé both know you’re not drinking, others are going to believe what they want.
I would think he would be more sensitive to your needs & pick up his own beer…
Buy it at Walmart they’ve seen worse lol.
Your fine- buy the beer
I would feel uncomfortable too …just tell the cashier it’s for your husband
You’re over reacting. You know you’re not buying it for yourself. Who cares what others think or assume.