Should you charge a 16-year-old rent?

Opinion is on charging your 16 year old day rent? My 16 year old daughter has a job. me and her father work full time we have 3 younger children. Now she comes and goes as she pleases sometimes she’s goes for 4 days maybe a week she comes home eats showers doesn’t help around the house at all. sits in her roomHas access to laptop internet We cook for her pick her up take her places her attitude is absolutely disrespectful towards me as her mother looking for advise please? I feel she needs some responsibility


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should you charge a 16-year-old rent?

She’s doing all this at 16 :flushed: where’s her parents


She isn’t there to pay your bills. She is still a child. :roll_eyes:


She’s still a child… No.


Definitely NOT. Try talking to your child rather than trying to scalp her for whatever few bucks she makes as a 16yo working kid. :woman_facepalming:t2:


NO. I also would never let them leave the house for days at a time like they’re a grown adult, they’re still a kid. WTF.
Also what’s she NEEDS is for her parents to be parent and set boundaries. Stop trying to mooch off her. She’s a kid, she shouldn’t have to pay you rent or anything. You need to make her have a curfew and stop letting her stay out for days at a time. That’s not safe for a kid. Also take away stuff if she’s being disrespectful


No! She’s still a child, she’s not an adult until 18

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Teaching her respect doesn’t come from paying rent. She isn’t 18 so no. However I would say if she doesn’t pull her weight or be respectful she can find somewhere else to live.


No. I would never charge my child rent idc how old she is…the real why is your 16 yr old wanting to leave home so long and why a you are allowing it. What is she trying to get away from? I wouldnt even let my 16 yr old work.


Nope. I wouldn’t charge my kids rent even as adults unless I absolutely had to for one reason or another. And even then I’d only charge them the most minimal amount I could.


That’s ridiculous. She’s your responsibility at 16. 18 is another story.


Why is a 16yr old just doing as she pleases?
And no, charging a child rent is not right.


No but neither should she have that much freedom nor disrespect.


Coming and going as she pleases at 16? Be a parent. Not a friend.
Charge her rent? No. But you can have her pay for her own things, like cell phone bill, her hygiene stuff, car (if she has one) clothing, etc.


No. Give her some love.


Hell no! Paying rent is NOT a child’s responsibility.


We all parent differently.

I was as young as 16, when I started my first job. I was given the baby steps of “responsibility” for myself. Such as paying for my own health insurance, paying for my own clothes, paying for my own transportation fees or my basic necessities.
My parents never asked for a penny.


She’s a child at 16, sounds like she doing normal 16 year old stuff

Yes, I would say a small amount but, save it for her to go towards moving out (when she does) so she can buy house appliances or towards a car for her.


Um absolutely not. She’s is a minor. Tell her to stay home. I mean I know it’s not that easy but you’re the parent.
I would never ever charge my 16 year old rent. Not even when she’s 18

Personally no, and I think because we bring them into this world we shouldn’t expect them to help us pay our rent one day they’re gonna go out into this world having to pay their way, rent bills etc maybe if she was like 20 living with you? I mean I personally wouldn’t but if you want to go for it. I would rather have my child put money away to save for the real world for a house, college or whatever. I would want that “rent money” to go to something more useful for them in the future

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I’d be less worried about rent and more worried about her actions. You’re the parent. Keep her home!


Wait where does she go for ; days at a time ??? And your ok with that … I’m sorry but there needs to be rules… as to charging her rent no


It’s not her fault you have other kids to care for.


No she shouldn’t be paying rent at 16 & Ummm where’s the parents? You should not be LETTING HER do all those things. I don’t care if she works or not. She should have a curfew & help out around the house.


No, legally you are still responsible for her u til she is 18.


Why is this 16 year old allowed to come and go as she pleases?! Gone 4 days to a week??? Absolutely NOT! She needs responsible parenting… not to be responsible for paying rent.


No I wouldn’t charge her rent, but I’d definitely have her buy some of her own stuff like makeup, beauty and hair products, a phone bill, any extras that aren’t necessities. It will teach her responsibility, and she’ll grow up more responsible.:100:


Yep, if she has a job she needs to learn to pay rent somewhere…
As soon as my kids got a job they paid rent, it wasn’t much but it was, to show them responsibility…


No. She is a teenager and your her parent. Parents have responsibilities like providing a roof over your child’s head regardless of how many nights they stay there. This post is coming off a bit i’m a “narcissist parent and I want to control my child”

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She’s 16 yes? Where are her rules and regulations? You’re not her friend you’re her parent! Parent her!!!


As her mother… key words… tighten it up? Who let’s a 16 year old just not come home for days!? Why should she pay rent? She’s your child that you clearly have set no boundaries with… yikes :grimacing: again PARENT child!!


Yeah sound responsible . I paid my mum £10 a week from 16 i was only getiing £35 .

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No I wouldn’t charge rent at 16 but I also wouldn’t allow my kid to stay gone for days either.


No way. She’s still a child! Don’t force her to grow up too fast.

Maybe try being a parent ???


She is 16. Be her fucking parent. You’re in charge. Set rules, consequences and have her pay for extras, phone etc.

No … you’re supposed to do all that for her you’re her parents!


Yep definitely my rule with my daughter is if ya ant in school you pay rent… My 14 dose home schooling and works so don’t pay rent but knows if she drops out she was to just like in the real world … Also all kids should help out with house work… Kids need to learn how the world works…


Give her chores to do but let her learn and live. She shouldn’t be chastised for starting to have some privileges in life. Just teach her how to be thankful for them. You’re acting spiteful and that’ll only cause her to resent you.

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Yes charge her rent she’s living the life of a 21 year old therefore she must understand it comes with responsibilities

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Why aren’t there rules and boundaries in place. My child moved out independently at 17.5 years old. No way at 16, even when she had a job making 3-5k a month she would have no rules or boundaries


no it is not her fault that you have 3 younger kids and work full time she is still a child.


Absolutely. I really do believe it teaches them responsibility and the value of money. If they want to leave school at that age and and not go into some sort of education and get a job then yes they should pay something out if their pay each week :smiling_face:


Idk about charging rent but no way you should be letting her out for days at a time. Your loosing control


Why does she come and go as she pleases?


I helped my Mom out when I got a job. Back then $50 a paycheck. I also helped with gas because my Mom took me to work sometimes. Taught me responsibility and how to budget. She should also be responsible for her car insurance and cell phone. Its a lesson in life that I believe needs to be taught.


Yup, not in school & working…pay rent

I would not allow her to have a job and keep an eye on her. Maybe extracurricular activities. Gosh, How did you let this get out of hand?!


How about being a parent? Give her time and attention set boundaries and rules! 16 she is a child and still needs to be patented!


No but she shouldn’t be gone for days at a time. You need to control her and cut her off from everything.


Charge her “rent” and just put it in a savings account for her shen she moves out


I had a cousin who’s parents charged her rent when she got her first job, couple hundred dollars a month… put it in a savings account and gave it to her when she was an adult… I thought that was pretty cool


My 16 year old wouldn’t be coming and going period.


No not properly prepared to be doing this. I want my kid to enjoy and remember her childhood. Not an adult yet.


Why do parents expect their kids to pay rent just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you should take what little your daughter has


Yes she has to have chores she completes and Rent and a good attitude!!

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Seems like you waited to long to be a parent :woman_facepalming:t2:

Is she still in school? 16 is young to pay rent. But other rules should be followed. How much does she make? Most teenagers do above stuff except for the staying away from home. Does she let you know when and where she is? Does she drive? The disrespect and staying away need to be addressed. Do it when you’re not angry and good luck.

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Absolutely not she’s still a child she needs rules and boundaries no 16 year old should be gone a week out a time until she’s out of school and moves out your house your rules sounds like you need to stop being a friend to her and be a parent


The ONLY way I would ever charge my kid rent at 16 or ever, is if I was secretly saving it for them for when they move out. She’s your child tho, which I feel like she shouldn’t be charged to live at home until atleast 18. But I would definitely be concerned about her staying gone for days at a time unless I knew where she ways, and have her clean up after herself. Why should she have to help around your house if she’s not there?


If you want to charge her rent. Do it but put it away for her first car!

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yes, not a lot but i plan on charging my kids “board” but i’ll be putting it away for when they move out so they have savings. It teaches them responsibility. i’ll break it down, so like it might be $2 for electricity, $2 for water, $10 for rent … I understand difficult children, mine are only young and until your in that situation you don’t understand. I would recommend trying to get her some therapy and see if that helps.

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At 16 years old she shouldn’t come and goes as she pleases too begin with. You wander why she is disrespectful because she haven’t been parenting her. It takes more than putting a roof over head, buying her things, dropping her off at school for someone else to teach her educationally, you’ve failed on your duties to teach her the rest apparently if she gets away with the disrespect and acting like an adult. Let’s not forget you are the one LETTING, these things occur.


Honest opinion - rent should be the least of the worries right now. Is the child in school? Why doesn’t the child sleep at home? Where does the child sleep? Is the child safe? Why doesn’t the child have rules and boundaries? She needs structure, parenting and rules.


This is… concerning. She’s 16. You need to set boundaries. Also, NO. she doesn’t need to pay rent wtf. You’re her MOM not her landlord.


So you didn’t do your job raising her now you want to take her money bc of your life choices. She’s a product of you.

Don’t take her…don’t let her use internet into she learns

Uhhhh no you absolutely should not be charging your 16 year old rent…… she’s still a teenager……

“She has access to internet. We take her places.” You mean what parents are supposed to do for their kids and provide for them lol?

And why is she gone from home a week at a time……

I’d be more worried about the fact you have a teenager who’s gone for a week at a time, than being worried about whether she should pay rent.


I wouldn’t charge rent but I also would have rules to be followed and a curfew for sure

How is she allowed to come and go as she pleases?? She’s only 16!?! The world is disgusting and dangerous for a 16 year old girl. I’m not saying keep her in a bubble but set some rules and curfews. Wow you seriously gave up on that child. I hope and pray you are more successful and it’s the other little ones.


My 18 yr old will be a Sr next year and pay $100 month in rent when she’s working. I put it in an envelope for when she goes to college so she’ll have extra for food and bills as she goes along.


At 16 coming and going she headed down a bad path.


It’s ABSOLUTELY WRONG of you to charge your CHILD rent. She’s a freaking child for goodness sakes. She’s a teenager, so of course she’s going into be gone with friends, have an attitude and not want to do anything to help out at home. That’s what teenagers do!!! You’re her mother and that’s her home, home is supposed to be her safe place, a place where she can be her without judgement. Smfh.


Nah, I mean shes not even home for half of the week. However if you are treating her like an adult then she needs to at least be taking care of herself and her mess. I personally wouldn’t let my child leave the house like that though. If you do want to start charging her maybe put the money in a saving account for her to be able to move out. It sounds like she’s slowly going towards emancipation.

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This is just sad. She needs boundaries before she has a baby or a bond set. She needs a mother, not a landlord.


Young mother here! I was with my mother at the age of 16 years old and honestly i was a bad child in and out of the house 24/7, came and went when i pleased, i also had a part time job as well. I’m MY PERSONAL opinion no don’t charge her rent, why? Because it’s going to want her to move to a friends house your choice or not she will be gone. And once she’s 17 she can legally move out per the state of Arkansas (i worked at a sheriffs office i know a bunch of in and outs). I’d talk with her about her attitude and that if she wants to continue to be able to come and go she needs to fix her attitude until she loses every privilege she has right now. She should not have to care for her younger siblings because they’re your children and your responsibility. Oh and if any of this sounds rude in any type of way I’m absolutely not meaning it like that at all i promise! But ask her to fix herself and ask her what’s wrong and if she needs to talk because maybe you need to do something to help her out in the long run. Maybe she needs extra guidance in her life.

She is not legally an adult. Her job should not be working her strange hours. You are her parent. Why is your 16 year old allowed to be gone like that?


There are a lot of holes in this story. Why are there no rules? Why is she allowed to come and go as she pleases? What about school? Helping out financially and with chores is cool. But, the real question is who is the adult


A child under 18 should not be paying rent, but she’s definitely old enough to clean up after herself and do chores. She shouldn’t be coming and going as she pleases. She still needs parenting as much as her younger siblings.


I’ll never charge any of my kids rent

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No one’s fault she acts like that but yourselves. You are the one who allows her to act like that towards you. So deal with it lol or set rules, boundaries rent and chores

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Yes. The day I left school just before GCSEs started when I was 15 I had to start paying rent. I earnt £16 a week my mum charged me £15 a week

My question is why is she coming and going for 4 days at a time at 16 years old?!


I feel you need to be more of a parent than a friend. You make the rules. Not her. You don’t charge a 16 year old rent because you don’t want to be a parent. Your home shouldn’t have a revolving door.

Where is she staying for half the week?! Is she gone for entire 4 day weekends? Isn’t she still in school at 16? What parent is allowing someone else’s 16 yr old to stay with them 4 days a week… are they charging her rent to stay at their home? Is it a boyfriend she’s staying with? Is he an adult?
Is she thriving in school, grade wise?
Sooo many other questions need to be taken into consideration. Sounds like there’s other things going on… perhaps some drug activity!!! With the change in attitude, not coming home for days at a time, etc. are you sure she’s actually going to a job? :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yes, :100: it’s live skills that need to be learnt, things cost, but my advice is if you feel bad her her paying rent, put it aside and when she’s wanting to buy a car, move out etc then it’s a little savings egg bonus she won’t know about? I paid part of my wages from age 15-17 till I moved out

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She’s a child.
So, no.

She needs structure.


Depends on how much is she earning? And it shouldn’t be a lot. Teach her about bills or something. But don’t take most of her money. She is your responsibility not the other way around


That’s your child though, as a mom its our job to take care of them - Regardless of how much of an attitude they have.

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If she decided not going to school anymore and is working… Yes… but if she is in school… No…
But be prepared for every action there is a reaction…

Smh why should you charge her rent when it’s your fault that she doesn’t respect you. You allow her to do whatever so why should she?

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16? My SON is 16 and I couldn’t even imagine allowing him to “come and go” … And NO you shouldn’t charge her rent! Wth

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Charging her rent is far from a solution here. Rude disrespectful and goes and comes as she pleases? In what world is that ok for a 16 yr old ? How is she getting around ? Where is she going ? Who is she with? Why doesn’t she respect her parents ? How do your other kids view this? What does dad say? And how long has she been doing this

Why does your underaged child come and go as she please? Family therapy might be a start…and I say that as legitimate advice not sarcasm or to sound rude. A 16 year old’s behavior starts at home. You are her mother, not her friend. Get counseling as a family; maybe she doesn’t feel heard, maybe she feels neglected, idk…but none of that in MY opinion makes it okay. A 16 year old should be planning her prom for next year not paying her parents mortgage. But again, MY opinion. We’re all raised differently :woman_shrugging:t5:

No. Making a child pay does not help her learn to give respect… that’s responsibility and at 16 she don’t need that much responsibility on her. You are responsible for her till at least 18 years old. She’s not responsible for you nor your bills. You feel she needs to have responsibility but she has a job? Perhaps no going out till chores are done…

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If she wants to act like an adult and come and go as she pleases, not help around the house with chores and be disrespectful then you have 2 options. 1. Set rules for her to follow such as curfew, chores and an attitude adjustment especially if she needs rides to work and eats and showers at home. Or 2. Set her the same rules as above and charge her for rent or break it down as food, gas, utilities.  You’d be surprised how quickly she might changer her ways. Or the opposite can happen and she will just move out and couch surf.

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No. She needs structure and guidance

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Charging your child rent is not the answer…