Should you force a child to get braces?

Nope my son got them and did not like them so he pulled them off one by one


From an adult perspective, my husband wasn’t forced to get them and now 100% regrets that and wishes his parents made him.
I don’t think any teenager really wants or is excited for them.
My son didn’t want them and it’s not fun, but he’s doing fine. It will typically be 2 years and then his teeth are straight. It can really make a difference in how your face looks, your smile and your confidence as he gets older. It sucks but I wouldn’t make it an option.

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Yes if he needed them.

If it’s strictly cosmetic no but if it’s for jaw and tooth growth then yes

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Yes. I wouldn’t want him to come to his senses as an adult and too old to benefit from my health insurance and then have to shoulder that cost himself.


Not for cosmetic reasons, but yes if it was for health reasons

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If he really needs it because of medical reasons, than yes. If its only cosmetic reasons, than no. He needs to learn to care for them and braces are painful right after each monthly treatment so it is hard to care for them the first week every month. If its cosmetic, wait a few more years until he is mature enough to love his teeth enough to care for them.

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Yes. Your the parent. No kid wants braces


I cried and begged not to get braces, I cried while they put them on. So glad my parents “made” me get braces, they knew what was best for me long term, and I would now do the same for my children if they should need braces


No you force the issue he not gonna follow the rules or take care of them you just gonna create more issues

My mom left it up to me if I wanted my tonsils out at that age…. I said no. HUGE mistake!

My son has asked for braces. He’s 15 so I made the appointment and saw the dentist last week. She said she will put in a referral but he may not be accepted because he has a pretty boy face. I thought she was joking and laughed along with her until she said she was serious. She said ill probably have to pay private (which I don’t mind doing) but she said unless his teeth make his face look ugly or if he was ugly they would accept him straight away. I thought that statement was abit disrespectful coming from a professional x

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Try suggesting the clear ones like Smile Direct or Invisalign?

Yep!!! Im the parent they are the child. Why would i not get something done for my child that is helping them. Obviously there is a issue for the child to need them.


No. Because they won’t take care of them and their teeth will be worse off. Take the money and put it aside so if they want them as an adult, they can get them.


If it medically necessary yes if the dentist says it can wait then no it their body they have a right to be included in decisions. My 10 year old needs allergy shots I told her why getting them is better then not but I still left it up to her in the end. She agreed.

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Nope, something cosmetic should be left to them to decide if they are teenagers


Wish I kept it on for a another year n my teeth would b better but it’s way better then use to lol

Is it medically necessary or cosmetic reasons


Yes but I can’t imagine ever having that situation pop up with my kids. My 3 are beyond braises but prior to having them, they each wanted them.

Different perspective here, I’m now 29 and I’m finally starting my orthodontic journey i have needed since I was a teenager ( probably sooner) I wish I had them years ago !

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If it’s 100% needed yes but if it’s just for cosmetic reasons it’s gonna be a no chief.


No… it’s gotta be his choice or he’s going to remove them himself

No but I wouldn’t pay for it later on if they would want them after they had the chance :woman_shrugging:

I didn’t force my daughter to have braces when she was a teenager and now as a married adult she’s looking to align her teeth and says she wishes she had done it when I would have been paying for them! (her older brother had braces, but he never complained)

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I don’t think I would but I would tell him you have earmarked the money for him to apply when he is ready. Of course then he will have to pay the increased cost. Are there any family members that can tell stories as encouragement to do now.

Dentures. Just skip straight to dentures, it’ll be trendy and he nor you will have to worry about his teeth ever again. Hey, if you’re offering neglect as an option, mine is at least insightful. :slight_smile:

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Try to explain to him that he will be glad he did now vs. as an adult, especially if the dentist/orthodontist has expressed that it’s necessary, vs. just for cosmetic reasons

If it was necessary yes if it’s cosmetic and he isn’t worried about it then no

I was forced to wear braces for 3 years then a retainer for several years after. I hated it & resented my mom for it. They didn’t make a difference. My teeth went back the way they were.

Is he having trouble eating? Is he in pain? If not let him decide.

What makes you think he’s going to take care of them after they get taken off if he doesn’t want them in the first place?

No, because if he decides not to take care of them the orthodontist will remove them. Your money just went down the drain.

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No. I had mine as a teenager and I needed them again as an adult. Let him decide if and when he wants them

I believe teens should be taught body autonomy

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I didn’t want them as a kid out of fear, now I’m 37 with them and wish my mom made me back then :weary:

I mean yes and no, if they need them you’re only looking out for their best interest but then you run the risk of them not taking care of them

Depends on what the issue is.

Dental assistant here!If he doesn’t take care of his teeth while he has them his teeth will literally ruin. He’ll have spots on his teeth, etc. Just weigh all your options. Explain to him what’s going to happen if he doesn’t get them vs if he does and how he’ll have to give up certain things while he has them plus extra cleaning and brushing while he has them.

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If it is needed then yes I would

“Force” is not good. Explain to them why you think they should have them and why they would benefit them. Also he/she could decide when they’re an adult so its not a huge deal.

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Well,whose the child+whose the parent in the house?


No I wouldn’t force. My son had super crooked teeth but so did I as a child and young teen… I’m glad we decided to let him develop on his own. As he grew, like I did they naturally went straight. Not perfect like braces but straight and natural. Probably depends on the extent of wonkeyness tho. And if medically it’s recommend. Altho my son’s were pretty bad and dentist recommend braces … so was a hard decision, but the best :heart_eyes: good luck. Do what feels right.

Wish my parents had done my braces when I was a teen because now I have to get them as an adult and insurance refuses to cover adult braces, so I have to pay all out of pocket.

If they don’t want braces try Invisalign

I wish my parents “forced” me.

Encourage but not force

It would be nice, if the parent and child could talk respectfully, and the adult try to point out all the reasons why getting braces would be a good thing for him.
If you can do this……he will thank you later! :blue_heart:

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Small gap or minor imperfections for cosmetic purposes only… No… But if due to more serious issues overcrowding of teeth etc… Yes.


I wouldn’t force my child to get braces. They are painful & it’s his choice not yours. It’s his mouth not yours!!! Show your child some respect

I wish mine took me to get them, been trying to sort them myself the last few years and getting excited they will finally get done only to be told I’m not allowed now unless i find the money, which is obviously last on my list. I think if he needs them then it’s best to get them now or he could regrett not getting them when he had the chance

Our dentist will not put the on if a kid isn’t willing. He said it’s a waste of a
Everyone’s time.


Have a talk with him about why he’s hesitant. If he can’t be persuaded then I wouldn’t force him into it.

My 16yr old son has a chipped tooth & I had the money to pay for the fix so his tooth would look whole again. He refused. Said the chipped tooth was part of who he was :grimacing: Drove me insane but I let it go. On the other hand my other 13yr old son has gaps in his teeth & I offered to get him braces. He said “okay” & has been telling everyone he’s getting braces.

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if needs yes weather they like or not

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My son needs them. Their not gonna be a choice

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If he is having health issues because of their teeth then yes I would stand my ground but if it’s just for the sake of having the perfect smile and your son is happy in his skin then no, I’d talk to him about it and try to encourage but not force it. He will do it when he wants to if he does.

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Yes, he’s under your care for a reason to make such choices for him, he may be mad now but in the future he will thank you

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I wouldn’t. Most times after braces they require a retainer that if you don’t wear your teeth start getting bad again. If they don’t want to have braces then they won’t probably wear the retainer and it’d be a waste.

Since a lot Insurance companies considered it cosmetic, I’d say no. If it’s just so his teeth look good then no. But if something was seriously wrong and he was in discomfort then I’d encourage him. But it’s his body, he should have a say

My kids begged me for braces, even the one who did not need them!

Messed up teeth later in life will create more problems when they’re no longer under your medical plan and adult insurance won’t cover it without a huge co-pay
It’s one of those hate me now thank me later situations


My son never brought them up to me. But we’re starting the process this March. He knows the outcome will be worth it. Plus he thinks it’s common to get them if you need them? He’s also 13.

If he needs them - yes. No choice

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No. And if your kid says no respect him

No. It’s a long and painful process and should be their choice. I’m grateful I had mine when I did because I’ve had lovely teeth my whole adult life but if he chooses to have them later on in life that’s up to him too. My brother was offered to have them but didn’t because he couldn’t wear a mouth guard over braces for rugby.

Yes. He will be thankful when he’s older!


he gets them wether he wants them.or not.

Idk I’m torn on this. On one hand it is his body and that should be respected plus you can’t force him to take care of them. But on the other hand I didn’t get braces because my mom couldn’t afford them and have dealt with horrible dental issues because of it. My teeth growing crooked has not only caused pain but my teeth have started breaking because of the force from the other teeth

My daughter who is now 13 needed them last year,I made her get them,she did not want them at first but now she is happy I made her get them because you can already see a huge difference in her teeth

My daughter didn’t want them and left it at that

I sure would. He may not want them now but he probably would regret it later on in life. He could think it may hurt and doesn’t want to go through that. My son just got his on 7 months ago.

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Only if he needed them for medical / not cosmetic reasons.


Yes , In years to come when he wished he’d got his teeth fixed he’ll regret not fixing them .
Teeth are one of the first thing you notice when you meet someone and they can have a huge impact on their self esteem.


Do YOU want to be forced to do something to your body you don’t want to do? Use your brain!

Yes, I didn’t get them an a child and when I got them as an adult, so many more issues that could’ve been prevented. As mom’s it’s our job to do what is in the best interest for our children. With that being said, not everyone can afford braces. So that is a different story.

It depends.
Do they cause eating issues or medical problems?
If not, wait. Put the money aside so when he changes this mind, it’s there.
If you really want him to get them, get invisiline. It’s more expensive but there’s no hardware.

Nope. A kid that doesn’t want braces doesn’t want to go to appointments or keep braces clean. Why do all that fighting? Tell them why you want them to have braces and then listen to their answer as to why they don’t.

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Typically braces are put on to correct more than just how straight your teeth are. And it would affect them later in life with eating, talking, tooth growth, so yeah I think I would.

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No. I wouldnt force them.

Have you thought about the braces you sleep in?

Nope! If he doesnt want them, he will not do whats needed for them to work properly (brush properly, wear bands, retainers, etc.) You will be wasting your money.

At 13 my mum gave me the choice I said no as I didn’t want them and I knew mum couldn’t afford them as an adult I have so many problems with my teeth and I wish I had of got them. I wouldn’t force them but just talk to them about how much it can actually help now that I’m older eating is an issue and so is pain

No. 2 of my kids had braces and one didn’t want them. He lived for 14 yrs with his teeth as they were and no eating problems at all. The braces would be for cosmetic improvement. My child had no problem with his teeth the way they were. His mouth, his life, his choice.

As a former child who fought and cried and screamed about not wanting braces and my parents giving in I now deeply regret that they listened to me about that


Yes! My husband was given the choice and he regrets saying no.

No. My teens both need braces but neither want them. They have shown some interest in getting invisaligns but are not committed enough to be worth investing in.

Only if he would take care if them. If not, there is no point in getting them on because they orthodontist will take them off early.

My teen boys didnt want them either. Now they’re grown and wish i had made them…

Only if medically necessary. My daughter has braces but only because someone of her adult teeth wouldn’t come in until she had them.

No way would I force either of my kidsJust wait it out he may change his mind or he’ll simply have to pay for them himself when he’s an adult,then he’ll regret his decision.It’s a lot of money.My parents made me and I refused to go to appts all the time and didn’t look after them so they were removed and my teeth as an adult have given me nothing but grief.I honestly don’t see how you can actually force him to get them and look after them

No…. You can always get braces as an adult if they change their mind

As someone who needed/needs braces, don’t force it, but sit down and have a serious talk with them about how they can help and prevent serious issues as an adult. I now have an insanely large gap between my front teeth and people call me all kinds of names like “London Look”, “Bucky”, “Beaver” etc.
Perhaps have him have a chat with your family dentist about the benefits?

Yes. Your dental health is very important. He doesn’t realize it now but he would regret it later in life.

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My grandma didn’t force me to do it when I needed it, my adult teeth are fucked up now :sweat_smile:

If he doesnt want them… no ?

Would you want someone to force you to do something if you didnt want to do it?

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YES I DID! He doesn’t get a choice on things that will benefit him in life. That’s my call as a mother to do what ever I can to make him have the best of everything the world has to offer. Braces aren’t cheap and he has insurance now as a child. He might not have to opportunities when he gets older. The world changes every day. I’m saving him him money as an adult. Every body wants nice teeth I don’t care who you are. UNLESS having jacked up teeth benefits them in some way. Like famous, money or playing a musical instrument. My ex did tell him that his braces changed his trumpet playing. I would find out why he doesn’t what them. He is probably just scared of it hurting or being made fun of. Kids are cruel! Address the issues and fears. Explain that this is for his benefit and some times in life a little pain now can save a whole lot of pain later on. Fast forward 4 years later. My son who didn’t want braces and when asked why he still don’t know; he just didn’t. Is obsessed with his teeth and has a beautiful smile and very glad I FORCED HIM…he still loves me and has no self esteem issues. Also wanted to add my son did have a bite issue and I was afraid he would bite down wrong one day and brake his teeth or later on develop headaches.


Let him read these comments

My son, yes! He has crowding and overbites and crooked teeth that are literally hurting his mouth. Yes, he’s getting braces even if he doesn’t want them because it is medically necessary.


ummm yes, children don’t get to decide medical procedures. It can 100% impact them and their oral health if they don’t. Costing them pain, issues & money in the long run. 15 year dental assistant here


I had braces and I’m glad I got them as a teen, yes it was miserable at times but my parents were able to not have me have jaw surgery later in life otherwise

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I say yes. Reasons for not wanting them at this age may be people picking on him but if he can’t afford them when he’s older (he will want them) then he’ll face the same problems. Your in charge at the moment.