Should I give my 6 week old rice cereal? My 6 week is old has only ever had breast milk, either expressed or nursing. She was sleeping 3 hours or so after about 4 ounces. But, this last week she is taking 5 ounces and only staying satisfied for about an hour and a half. She spits up a normal amount now, but was spitting alot before, she was having a hard time with bowel movement but that seems to be better now as well.
Rice has no nutritional value. Your choice in the end
Nope. 6mths is advised to begin weaning. This is about choking and digestion
Hellllllsss to the no. The only way a baby should have rice cereal is if dr prescribes it for acid reflux and it’s monitored closely. It’s not ok. Especially at 6 weeks old. Thats a big big no
Everyone will tell you something different but in the end it is a choking hazard.
Yes you should it shouldn’t be a question
No, it’s just a stage of growth your baby is going through. 6 weeks is way too early in my opinion for rice cereal. I’ve Bf 7 babies and haven’t given any rice cereal. I’d imagine you’d be up with a crying baby do to upset stomach
Nooo wayyy too young. Their digestive system can not handle it.
No you shouldn’t. I highly recommend that you volunteer your pediatrician so they can advise you on healthy safe feeding options.
6 weeks sounds is too young for solids. Have you had her checked for acid reflux?
No I think it’s too young for the digestive system
Not at 6 weeks… way to young for his digestive system. Give him more breastmilk or supplement with formula.
Definitely not until 6 months old.
They shouldnt have anything other than breastmilk or formula before 6 months. (Unless theres a medical issue and adivsed by a doctor) .
Umm no why would u? She’s 6 weeks old. Rethink this when she’s 6 months old
Ask your pediatrician! I would say no
I gave it to mine. I had big babies with big appetites. They needed food so I fed them. They’re all big healthy kids/teen/young adult now
Everyone is going to tell you different but if the baby is already having issues with bowel movements the rice will bind more and cause more issues… she may be cluster feeding? They do the cluster feedings from growth spurts
That’s a normal time frame for growth spurts and increased feeding. Rice is binding, so if she’s already having trouble there, rice will make it much worse. Rice is also known for being high in arsenic. I’d do oatmeal if anything, with your peds blessing. It’s likely better to just increase breastMilk and things will even back out soon
Sounds like normal 6 week old baby stuff.
Please don’t give them rice cereal. Their digestive system can not handle it that young!
We did at 8 weeks due to the fact that he had reflux and under the care of a dr.
I’d always ask stuff like this to your baby’s doctor. These people commenting are nót professionals
Not till they are 6 months old
Talk to your doctor about it. All babies react different to rice cereal. And if you do it should still be the consistency of the formula dont make it thick at all
Go to the dr the baby maybe allergic or intolerant of something your eating. My son spit up after every feeding he was on formula but had to switch to soy
My pediatrician encourages it, but kinda soupy.
No! There is no need. It has no nutritional value. Baby only needs breast milk or formula.
I have two adult kids and both of them were on rice cereal at about 8 weeks and my pediatrician told me to. I was instructed to put a scoop in their bottles before bed. Now everything is different again. And in another decade it will be recommended again. Do what’s right for you and your baby!
No. Only breast milk or formula.
I started both of mine around 6 or 8 weeks. In their bottle. A bottle wasn’t enough.
No I tried with my first son and he ended up with wheezing due to the heaviness… Try and get baby a good formula if you aren’t able to express enough… All the best
This is a bait question, keep looking for interactions on your posts
I just took a kid I’m babysitting to an appt and I was told rice had no nutrition and nothing besides breast milk or formula should be given until at least 4 months old. Preferably 6mobths, but there are several ready and healthy enough at 4months.
In the end it’s your choice, but I’d definitely talk to doc before I make a drastic change like that. Best of luck!
Ps~ my son threw up every day, all day for months because we couldn’t find formula that his body would digest. We even tried donor breast milk and he rejected that too. Until a friend visited and made a bottle for both kids and it was brand I had never heard of and he ate 6 ounces and didn’t get sick! That was the best day! I was unable to produce milk at all. Done babies just have stomachs issues! I hope you find a solution
No, your baby will end up constipated and in pain. When changing foods for your child you really should talk to your pediatrician first, especially at such a young age.
No! Don’t do it! Their body is not meant to have anything but breastmilk or formula. She’s going through a growth spurt. Feed often and on demand
I’ve had 2 little ones, formula fed, 6 weeks is to little for rice. They will be up all night with a hurt tummy. This definitely sounds like a cluster feeding. If you are really considering it call the pediatrician and ask. They will call you back with a safe answer.
My kids are grown now, but I mixed the rice in with their formula. Of course, it was soupy, but they ever had any issues with it!
I gave all my children cereal at 6 weeks old and some baby food, they were all healthy, teens, and now they are all in their 50’s and still healthy !!
No solids until 4-6 months. Just keep feeding breast milk.
No, their digestive system isn’t set up for anything but chestmilk/formula at 6 weeks of age.
My son was 10lbs brought him home on rice cereal. Never experienced any problems. Of course, pediatric Dr. didnt agree!
Ask grandmothers and great grandmothers this question ! Today it’s all about CDC guidelines and “ new drs” info … We will say yes
especially if child is starving ! Overprotective parents will say no !
This is linked with digestive problems later on in life. Breast milk and cereal is for 6 months and up I thought.
Babies go through cluster feeding spurts. Feed when they show cues of being hungry. Do not add rice to bottle. If you need to try to burp more frequently to avoid the spit up. Maybe just getting too much air in tummy which is causing the spit up.
Dr told me no solids including rice cereal until 6 months old.
My babies were all huge, my two oldest I started adding cereal to their bottle at 6 weeks, pediatrician recommended, my youngest who was 11pounds at birth and 231/2 inches long I started at 2 weeks for him. they are 16, 11 and 8 now and all were and are just fine. Always check with your pediatrician, not Facebook. You know your baby better than anyone.
My son every 4 hours had a bottle of milk and cereal at 1 week old the milk was not enough we would be hungry every 2 hours
This is normal. Breastfed babies feed more to up production as they start growing. Feed on demand. Speak to a lactation consultant if you’re concerned but do not give your child cereal.
Digestive system isn’t ready yet. Baby may be going through a growth spurt so they eat eat eat.
I’d wait several months, their little bellies aren’t ready for that yet. It’s pretty normal to for them to cluster feed at that age, it’s tiring but definitely okay!
Hi momma.
Nothing but breastmilk or formula until 6 months minimum!
According to all major health organizations, babe should be a minimum of 6 months and meeting all signs of readiness before solids are given.
Feeding too soon can damage their digestive system and lead to other life long health issues.
At six weeks, there’s a huge growth spurt and babe will cluster feed. Download the wonder weeks app and it will help explain what each growth spurt, regression and leap babe is hitting and what to expect.
It depends my son was 8 weeks when the GI told me to add cereal to thicken his bottles because his acid reflux
There are reasons it could be indicated for a baby to have cereal before 6 months but it should be your pediatrician recommending it. 6 weeks is very typical for a growth spurt and cluster feedings. If you’re feeding breastmilk that was pumped during the day it has a different composition that milk expressed at night and could effect their sleep. Also if you’re nursing and they’re not getting the hind milk it could make them hungry faster.
You need to speak to your pediatrician about this. I wouldn’t ask advice on the Internet when there are resources for nearly everyone to speak with a professional after a baby is born. My son had failure to thrive and we had to do formula and cereal mixed together but that was with consulting his pediatrician.
No, baby’s gut isn’t ready and developed enough for anything other than breast milk (or formula). Sleep and growth cycles change rapidly in the first year so it makes sense that what worked last week probably isn’t working this week. Sleep cycles are erratic and can be exhausting and worrying for new mamas but this is normal and if you are concerned speak to your pediatrician.
No only breastmilk or formula right now.Their digestive systems are not ready for all the extra stuff and it can lead to problems down the road.Many people will say they gave their baby food and they were “fine” but you know better you do better and we know its not easy on their systems this early not to mention there is a choking hazard also.
Yep. Gave both of mine rice cereal in their bottles from week 2. They slept thru the night and were content and happy babies.
The doctors and everybody will of course tell you no but back in the day we all was getting the pinto bean juice and everything from day one. The rice cereal will not hurt baby. You can always try it out just put maybe a tablespoon in at first and see how it goes.
My dr told me I could add oatmeal, not rice. To put some weight on my back then little baby
Sounds like cluster feedings babies do that and baby may be getting a growth spurt so hungry more and the bigger baby gets the hungrier
why ask people on the internet questions like this? Ask the babys doctor!
Check with your doctor. My son stopped being satisfied with just milk at about 8 weeks old. We had to add cereal. Not a lot but that kept him satisfied 3-4 hours. Every baby is different and no one knows your baby like you do… Just consult with your pediatrician.
No solid foods at all till 6 months… not even rice cereal! It’s too harsh on their little guts
Talk to your pediatrician, not us. My son’s pediatrician recommended oatmeal in the bottle at 2 months because of my son’s excessive puking. Instead of rice, use the oatmeal. It’s better for their tummies.
No. Sounds like you have a normal baby.
I gave mine rice cereal in bottle but only at night my baby is now 4 months and loves mashed potatoes and beans smashed of course.
Sounds like baby is cluster feeding, probably because of a growth spurt. Both of my kids went through similar cluster feeding cycles around the 4-6 week mark. talk to your doctor before changing babies diet, I’m not a doctor so im not going to give my input on that, just let you know that cluster feeding during a growth spurt is completely normal!
No!! My mom and other people always told me to, but when I did they got belly aches
See a pediatric nutritionist, not your pediatrician. They will give you the correct and current recommendations. Which is no solids before 6 months of age.
No, 6 months. Sounds like you may need to look into pace feeding, baby should only need 3 oz tops.
5 oz is way to much for a breastfed baby. They will never need more than 4 oz at a time & should be pace feeding. Also, no cereal. That is a choking hazard in a bottle & their tummies can’t handle. If you want more correct breastfeeding tips, you can follow “expressions! Lactation services”
Nooo, no solids til 6 months with all signs of readiness.
Dr.'s will say no, but I did at 6 weeks. Not in a bottle but mixed it with formula. They are 11&9 and survived my bad parenting. Lol
Short answer: NO NO NO.
Long answer: What you feed your baby has nothing to do with how long they sleep, that is a myth. Babies tummies are not developed enough to process anything other than breast milk or formula at this age, and giving rice cereal can be harmful to their health with no real results. If you need help, consider talking to medical professionals, but don’t feed your baby based on urban myths.
When my son was two months old he was drinking 8 oz bottles every 2-3 hours. He would projectile vomit, and allergies and stomach problems kept his tummy upset. His Dr told me to feed him cereal, and fruits and vegetables baby food and when I started mixing a little cereal in his formula he stopped vomiting.
No try formula for hungry baby’s
I gave my babies rice cereal, a small amount because I felt they were not satisfied. My dad, who I was staying with suggested it after seeing how often I fed my son and was getting no rest and could pretty much do nothing but feed him or he was wanting to be fed. It helped amazingly and we were both happier. He’s 32 and no long term issues, same with my daughter who is now 30.
Each child is different, you gotta do what’s best for you and yours. There are so any dos and don’ts but at the end of the day, what’s right for one isn’t always the best for another. I mixed it with breast milk or formula.
I think thats too early
Everyone has differing opinions on this, this should be something you should call the pediatrician for
Consult your pediatrician. Never give something like that until your pediatrician says to.
Absolutely not. Baby is still way too young and rice cereal has absolutely no nutritional value what so ever. It sounds like your baby is cluster feeding which is normal!
Only if your pediatrician told you. I had twins that come home on rice in their milk due to acid reflux. We had to add it to every bottle per hospital pediatrician and then their pediatrician
Both my kids I was feeding rice ceral at 5 to 6 weeks…because they were always hungry… but that was 25 years ago. I know rules change. But do what you feel your baby needs. Both my kids are healthy.
Just ask ur baby’s doctor No two baby’s are the same Please
Unless advised by your doctor, I’d say no. Different babies have different needs. My oldest was taking a spoonful of baby applesauce before each bottle when she was 5 weeks old. Most moms would stroke out hearing that. But it was necessary for her medical needs.
Probably just a growth spurt
No. Have you even read a book or spoken to her doctor?
If you’re not against formula they make a spitup formula in a green can made by Similac it was a life saver for our daughter she had a lot of tummy problems and spit up a lot and this was the only thing that helped it has tin tiny pcs of rice in it to make it a little thicker than reg milk
I used to crush a rusk biscuit in with my 6 wk old daughter’s food both of them ones 4 and ones 19 and they’re healthy growing kids I just use to crush it till it was like powder and mix it in with the milk…every mom is different so u will get allsorts of answers…ur the mom do what u feels best x
That is sooo dangerous !!
Is this for real? Why in the actual fuck would you be asking Facebook and not her pediatrician??? I can’t with the internet today.
This is something you should talk to your doctor about. Our doctor told us to add it when one of my kids was younger. Another kid took the formula with the rice added (Enfamil AR). Another kid had issues with spitting up a lot and popping constantly and was put on soy. Another ended up on Nutramigen. Not every child is the same and some require different things and don’t let other people shame you for that.
Every child is different and so are their needs. Your the mommy, do as you see fit
In the UK its not recommended to start solids/the weaning process until at least 6 months, and only if they have good head control and can sit unaided. Let your baby be a baby. Why would you replace tailor-made nourishment with a product that has no nutritional value? Trust your body Mama, it knows what to do
You NEVER give cereal unless DOCTOR RECOMMENDED. It’s a choking hazard. So no you shouldn’t unless doctor says otherwise.
Every baby if different and develops different. You are the mom and know what’s best for your baby.
My first baby was eating cereal before he left the hospital, and that was 61 years ago!! He’s pretty healthy today!! Didn’t kill him!!!
AAP and CDC recommend against this practice… if that holds any weight with you.
Breastfed babies should not be drinking more than an ounce an hour no matter how old they are.