Should you give a 6 week old rice cereal?

No but you can use the formula that has added rice. Only bc it’s much much thinner. I had a friend whose baby almost died from adding cereal. If you really need to get like enfamil AR

No. I would recommend taking to the pediatrician. She may need a different formula or some gas drops. It could be stomach pains and not hunger pains

No. Your babies gut isn’t fully developed and strong enough to hold anything other than breastmilk or formula. Babies that small will eat every 1.5-2 hours if you’re feeding on demand. And they can go a week without a bowel movement when nursing aswell. I would look into joining some breastfeeding support groups to help you with things that may pop up and concern you or just over all tips. Goodluck on your journey.


No do not mix anything in her bottle unless it is discussed with her Dr. She’s most likely hitting a growth spurt and is cluster feeding. If you pump after she feeds and give it to her it may help or try formula

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Ask the doctor first

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there are going to be a small percentage of people that do say yes. Please don’t look at those few yeses and allow them to validate what you’re looking for. They are also wrong.
If you were more knowledgeable in this, you would not even consider it, at that age.


NO. She is in a normal growth spurt. Her wanting to eat more often is helping your body raise its supply.


No. You should never give a child any textured or thick food unless under the supervision and suggestion of a pediatrician until they are able to sit up and hold their head up independently.
The baby has no tongue control for this and would most likely push it all out of their mouth anyway.
Rice will only cause further bowel issues.
Your child’s digestive system is not at all ready for anything other than either formula or breast milk.
There are other formula options out there with higher calories if your child is not gaining weight.
Please please please consult with your pediatrician.


Talk to their doctor!

Talk to the ped first. I mean I give my son formula that has added rice in it already, but if you’re breastfeeding it’s a little more complicated to just “add” it

No, wait till at least 3 months then dilute rice cereal with breast milk or formula.

No please no, it could be something in your diet but please talk to your babies doctor

No and u should speak with your child’s pediatrician :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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You should definitely take the advice of internet strangers and not consult your educated medical professional.

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Rice cereal has no nutritional value and baby is young

I gave my son rice cereal at 8 weeks. Not in the bottle! Spoon fed. He was wanting to eat every hour . We would do 4 to 5 Oz formula and 1 ounce spoon fed cereal. He did great! Was a lot more satisfied. Stopped spitting up and even slept for 6 hrs at night. Unlike before, up every hour or 2 to eat. He’s now 6 and doing just fine


Absolutely too young!!

No! Your child’s digestive system isn’t fully developed til 6 months old.

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Rice cereal is basically filler garbage that has no nutritional value… That’s what our pediatrician told me years ago. They also recommended waiting until at least 6 months old to feed anything besides breast milk or formula… Why not call your baby’s pediatrician instead of consulting us?


No! Babies can aspirate rice cereal and it’s not recommended until Al least 6 months now

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My second born we gave rice cereal at 8 weeks he was never satisfied and the doctor finally agreed to let us do it. Saying that he’s now 18 so it’s been many years ago for him he’s healthy. With our six-year-old we did not start giving her anything until 3 months old when the doctor was concerned with her weight gain. To give a little bit of perspective she was born in April at 7 lb 4 oz and at her 3-month visit if she was barely over 8 and 1/2 lbs but she had acid reflux so she had a hard time keeping stuff down. For her it helped but it also caused her to become constipated which caused a whole other slew of problems.
Before you do anything please speak to your pediatrician about it. :blush:


In Canada your supposed to wait till 6 months to introduce food now but when my kids were little it was 4 weeks and I gave them mixed pablum cause the rice bunged them up. Talk to your pediatrician beforehand


Go talk to your pediatrician. They will guide you properly.

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I gave both of my boys rice in there bottle never had a problem and it seemed to help a lot and I did it right after they came home from the hospital but its all up to u


My grandson is 4 months and the doctor JUST NOW buy him on cereal. They should not have any of that until you get the go ahead to give it to them. Because they can’t digest it.

6 weeks still little, wait at least he/she turned 4/5 months

Yes. I fed all mine cereal at four weeks. It helped them sleep better. It’s given in the NICU to help the baby stay full and grow faster.


Way to early. You will mess up the babies stomach bad. Do people not realize newborns eat every hour to 4 hours. Jeez

It has zero nutritional value and any dr who recommends that especially before 6 months, needs to get out of that profession.

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I did but I made it fairly thin and ALWAYS fed with a spoon. I did not put it in a bottle.

Talk to your pediatrician. While it isn’t reccomended before 6months some babies need it before then for various issues. I had to start mine on cereal at 4 weeks. Due to severe gerd. I also had to have him sit upright/inclined for 30 minutes after feeding. My son was dealing with projectile vomiting from birth and needed the filler

No the dr would tell you their little intestines are still developing that could cause major problems

Talk to your pediatrician

I started feeding my son rice mixed with breastmilk around 2-3 months old per Dr. bc his metabolism is high

No, 6 months with all signs of readiness. Never put anything in a bottle except formula or breast milk.

Ask your pediatrician. We did our son on her advice early because even in the hospital he was sucking down 6oz and wanting more. He was a big boy and milk just wasn’t enough for him.

No. Cluster feeding is completely normal

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Never ever ever… noooo.
That’s WAY too early for any solid, and yes cereal is a solid no matter how much you liquify it. 5oz of milk is also way too much for such a young baby. She’s being overfed. It is NOT given in the NICU, it is not recommended by anyone up to date on science. It’s a myth that it helps them sleep longer. If some say it does, it was just a coincidence.

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Look up gut development of babies. The tongue reflex isn’t ready for anything other than your milk or formula. Zero nutrition value in the rice cereal. Your basically filling the stomach with nothing the body can use.

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Speak to your pediatrician I had to give it to both of mine because they had reflux and had projectile vomiting

Sounds like she’s cluster feeding. Breastfed babies done HAVE to :poop: as often as you’d think.

I fed all 5 of mine rice cereal that young. They’re all thriving and healthy 16-20 yr olds now.


Sound like baby is cluster feeding, and getting ready to go through a growth spurt. My 7 month old did this at 5 weeks and again at 4 months now she’s doing it again at 7 months. I breast feed but also supplement.

I gave all 3 of my babies cereal the first day they came from the hospital. Very thin and fed with a spoon. Kept them satisfied with a full tummy! The doctors always say NO, but you have to listen to you, the doctors aren’t there, you are. Only give them a little!


6 weeks? No way. Way too early


It’s called cluster feeding. Also if you’re add rice or oatmeal to a bottle it can be a choking hazard so it’s not recommended as it also has no nutritional value.


6 weeks no way. That’s way to early. We started introducing food at 5 months!

No ofcourse not too young

No. At my daughters 4 month appointment her doctor said she could
Start having rice cereal.

Never give rice cereal. It’s a zero nutrition filler food meant to stuff them up but provides no nutritional value to them.

No, that’s too young. More like 4-6 months.

Rice at 6 weeks? No…
feed her more formula or breast milk

you shouldn’t be doing anything not recommended by a pediatrician or doctor. if you’re worried baby isn’t getting enough, feed them more. still worried, tell your doctor and ask what they suggest you do. parents playing doctor has harmed so many children.

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not until at least 3 months

3 months mine all started! Xx

No. Their systems arent developed enough for cereal

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Speak with your child’s pediatrician before anything decision is made, but if you feel your child needs a little more to fill her belly, then I would suggest a very small amount. My youngest’s pediatrician told me it was it was fine to do so because he struggled with gaining weight. All my children were introduced to food around 3 months. They’re all fat asses now and have an amazing immune system and a very healthy digestive system. But like I said, speak to her pediatrician first.

Is this a typo, I’m sure you meant 6 months? 6 weeks?? That’s definitely a heck no.


NOPE. Way too young for foods. Your baby can be growth spurting and requires more BM. Rice cereal is empty calories, no nutritional value. You’re actually depriving your Child from the nutrients they need to grow by giving them rice cereal to make them feel full. Studies are showing that foods too soon are leading causes of digestive issues as adults. Feed your baby more. Adding rice cereal to bottles is also a choking hazard. I know fresh babies are exhausting but it’s not forever.

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No they are not ready for that yet

No no no please don’t your babies belly isn’t up to taking anything but breast milk or formula.

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No way she’s way to young. She probably cluster feeding and having a growth spurt


Nope! I weaned at 3 months, due to a milk allergy with doctors guidance and that was early!!! 6 weeks babe will not have a mature enough bowel to cope and could make her sick


Way to young and cereal in bottle is a choking hazard

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6 months do baby led weaning.
6 weeks do only milk.

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I don’t even have kids and I know the answer to this :woman_facepalming:

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Facebook is not your pediatrician. Please call your childs doctor :woman_health_worker:t2:


Maybe try formula milk, don’t give any foods until at least 4 months. She might be a hungrier baby and breast isn’t enough for her. Also speak to health visitor xx


Ask your babys doctor but that seems extremly too early!-

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No never give any child rice cereal. Especially not that young. And ESPECIALLY not in a bottle omg.


The earliest I was recommended was 15wks that was to help with reflux
Prior to that it was never suggested or recommend

Sounds more like a growth spurt increase feeding aswell if you are concerned you should always chat to your doctor and seek advice
Some mother’s do introduce formula aswell

Sounds like a growth spurt hun. I’d refrain until at least 3 months. Especially if she was already having issues with BM. If it continues I’d speak to the pediatrician. If her metabolism is high she may have to a supplement added to her diet.

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No cereal or solid foods till 6months
I agree with others, your baby is cluster feeding, you’ll feel like your little one is constantly feeding, And its because they are.
Keep feeding on demand,
breast feeding/pumping is a job on its own, apart from new baby, you’re doing great!


No, she’s going through a growth spurt. She can have rice cereal when she can hold her head up correctly. The earliest I believe they like them to start is 4 months old. Call your pediatrician to be sure

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Call your pediatrician for that answer…

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Cluster feeding is normal for a baby this young and it will continue to happen with every growth spurt as long as you’re breastfeeding. If this is something that is putting too much stress on you you can always switch to formula but please do not give baby cereal this young


Way too young, they slowly increase how much they take in as they grow and will hit growing spurts where they take in more food and sleep less, babies do get growing pains which make it harder to sleep.

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Not at this age also rice is bad it can have high levels or arsenic. Very unhealthy for baby. Oatmeal is better


Years ago the magic weight for introducing solids was 22lbs…now its all age related .
If you give solids she wont take as much milk…and the milk is what she needs most at that age. Id try for a hungry baby formula first tbh…although mine did have rusk dissolved in formula at that age but thats all frowned upon now . We started weaning around 3 months with very small tastes of food …like puried veg or dissolved rusk …but milk was still the main diet.

My daughter has to see a children’s specialist and they put her on rice in her bottle at 5 days old

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Too young. I sadly listen to my pedi and gave cereal for reflux. He had tummy issues for a very long time.

They never need rice cereal. But usually the pediatrician green lights solids by 5-6 months. 6 weeks is too early for any food choice, because they lack the enzymes necessary to digest. Maybe it’s a growth spurt or digestive issues. In any case, rice doesn’t help bowel movements even in adults; people use rice to “dry” themselves if they’re having diarrhea :poop:

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I didn’t use cereal at that age. Plain yogurt thickens it’s but smooth no clumps and has the love cultures they need for their immune system

Not rice it settles in their stomach then explodes

NO! You shouldn’t start feeding babies any food until 6 months theirs bellies just arnt ready even if the dr oks it at 4 months. Food before 1 is just for fun

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I would suggest talking to your doctor if you want to start doing anything other than formula or breast milk

Breast fed babies can go a couple without pooping. Its normal.

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Growth spurt! Babies typically have a spurt at 6 weeks. Never start cereal in bottles or solids until at least 4 months. Unless told otherwise by a doc


No!! Absolutely not. Six weeks should only have breast milk or formula. Baby is having a growth spurt and just needs to be fed on demand. Don’t go by a schedule, go by baby’s hungry cues and feed more.


No no no not until they are 4-6 months old can you start to introduce cereal first and juice then you can slowly do baby food. Just keep going up in ounce of formula.

No. And for everyone saying their child is “perfectly healthy” - you realise that for many, the damage of early feeding doesn’t actually show up until much much later - many in adulthood etc. unless a medical professional has stated, there is never a need for food at 6 weeks.

No. There’s ALOT of reasons not to…so I’ll just keep it simple at no you should not give a 6 week old rice cereal

6 weeks old? Have you talked to the pediatrician? There may be a reason the baby is not satisfied for very long. Social media will give you 200 different answers and reasons for what is going on. Seek advice from the baby’s doctor.

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No definitely not that young…my dr okayed it 4 months

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Rice cereal won’t help her poop any better, absolutely no rice cereal, especially at 6 weeks. You should honestly as your pediatrician, but babies do this kinda ish I mean shes only 6 weeks old…

I gave my daughter rice cereal at 5 weeks old, she was hungry once I done that she started sleeping thru the night. I also so gave the cereal to her in a bottle, it had a nipple with a larger hole to be able to handle the thickness when mixed with her milk. So many standards today, and oh you shouldn’t do this or that. I decided all on my own to feed her rice cereal mixed with milk to fill her up, she was a happy baby. I gave her cereal in the morning and in the early evening.


When my daughter was 6weeks, she was drinking 8oz+ bottles way too close together. So I started putting rice in her bottles and 2weeks later when dhe went to her Dr I let him know and he said it was fine🤷🏻‍♀️ She also started eating baby food at 3 months with her Dr’s approval. Each baby is different, and you do what you feel is right for your child.


Yes it is ok just put a tea spoon or table spoon of Karo syrup in with it but my grand baby was put on rice cereal when he was 3 or 4 weeks old because he had a bad reflux problem I think it will be ok but use your on judgment it’s your baby and you the mama knows what is best

My daughter is 6 weeks old and I put a tiny bit in her bottle because she is just never satisfied. She drinks about 4 oz of just formula. Doc said it was fine as long as it wasn’t every bottle and to start off with oatmeal cereal as opposed to rice because it’s not as heavy on the tummy. She loves it and it keeps her satisfied until her next 3 hour feeding.


I do not recommend it! #Mamato7babes

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