Should you give a 6 week old rice cereal?

Unless your pediatrician has specifically advised you to give rice/cereal, I wouldn’t. She’s only 6 weeks old. I know you’re tired, but her sleep schedule is gonna vary for a while and her waking up in the middle of the night doesn’t necessarily mean she’s hungry.

I would definitely consult your pediatrician before introducing rice/cereal.

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Mine started around 4 months from a spoon

Hi, I am a childbirth education + lactation counseling student. I am also a mom to a 17 mo where I have researched this topic using credible sources. We have discussed this topic. So rice cereal or rice oatmeal have absolutely no nutritional value for babies. It is just empty calories. As well as rice cereal and/or oatmeal have no been proven to make babies sleep through the night. They are wired to wake up + they should. When they are newborns, they should be waking up that much at night. If they go past a certain amount of hours, their blood sugar can drop when breastfed. In addition when you do (if you do choose to use rice cereal or oatmeal), it is recommended to give on a spoon instead of in a bottle. There are additionally aspiration risks you will want to look at. It is common for babies to spit it here and there as the esophagus is not “fully functioning” until about six months old. Our daughter was this way - but I had to eliminate dairy out of my diet. Anything that you consume can impact your breastmilk and then bother your LO as well!

I would speak to your pediatrician before introducing it (the “old school” pediatricians are fine with it, “newer school” pediatricians aren’t so much, and some pediatricians are okay if your child truly does have reflux issues) and doing your own research through credible sources because a lot of people here will say they did x, y, and Z with their children and their children “turned out fine” type of thing. Definitely look at all angles of this topic, research it, talk to your pediatrician, and make the decision that you feel is best :heart:


Nothing but breast milk or formula until 6 months.
If your pediatrician advises otherwise without a real medical need and prescription for the special thicker formula then either they aren’t up to date one their continued education or they simply don’t care what the AAP and WHO (the people they are supposed to be listening to) recommends and you should get a new ped. Rice and oatmeal cereal is empty calories and not beneficial to the child at all.


6 weeks is too young. It could cause stomach problems.

Don’t give ANYTHING other than breast milk or formula (or medication if needed) to a baby under 6 months!! Massive choking hazard plus their guts are so immature!! And on top of that rice cereal has next to no nutritional value so it’s never really needed not even at 6 months.


When our daughter was about 2 months old, we started putting a small amount in her bottle, she started sleeping thru the night. It was just enough to keep her full

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My kids all had rice cereal. My Dr suggested it because they weren’t getting full off breastfeeding and formula mix.


At six weeks… No no no that could really harm her. My daughter only drinks 3 oz every 3 hours and barely spits up. But if I give her more than 3 oz then she spits up. I honestly feel like you’re overfeeding

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NO!! Too hard on their systems, will cause constipation, babies go through phases. Patience, keep baby close at night to avoid having to get up.

There is no nutritional value in rice cereal or baby cereal. I would not give my children any of that. You may talk to your Dr about your child spitting up all of a sudden.

Nobody has seemed to say this yet but around 6 weeks there is a giant growth spurt where they cluster nurse for hours at a time. Your doing great mama just keep putting her to your breast


Way too early!!! Go see a doctor.

Babies digestive system isn’t ready for food yet at all. Breastfed babies tend to feed more as milk is something like 80% water, plus baby will have a big growth spurt every few weeks at this age. It’s completely normal for baby to need feeding every hour or two. My boys 10 months and only stopped feeding every 2-3 hours a couple months ago


Please don’t, it’s just a growth spurt at this age and baby will drink non stop for a while. You’ve got this! :yellow_heart:


It doesn’t hurt them but start out with a teaspoon in with the formula.but if you want talk to your doctor first.

No, this honestly sounds like cluster feeding which is normal for this age

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Our pediatrician actually said it was ok for us with our 2 week old just to thicken it a little because he was spitting up so bad and Zantac wasn’t helping. It stopped him from spitting up and he loved it with no problems

Shes cluster feeding, growth spurt. First one seems to be the hardest, just keep latching her as much as possible, and no cereal.


All my kids were exclusively BF … I started them all on the rice & oat baby cereals at 6 weeks - mixed it with breast milk … Only gave a few bites a few times per day …

Prune juice mixed with some warm water will get her bowels moving if she ever has a problem with that again :+1:

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No. Cluster feeding is normal. Continue to feed on demand. That’s the good thing about breastfeeding is you cant over feed, the baby dictates your supply. I was feeding every hour when my baby went through their cluster feeding.


I would say no but honestly I would ask my doctor and not Facebook🥴

If you put alittle in with her mike it full the belly and she will sleep

Too early. Please don’t do the cereal

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Doctor stuck my daughter on rice cereal at 4 weeks old she’s now almost 8 weeks. She takes a flat tsp in hers. That’s what our doctor suggested. She was not getting full at all an she needed it to be a little thicker she had a hard time with it normal she was always spitting up chocking really easy etc… Sense changing she stays full and doesn’t spit up or choke on it. But for warn you it does start causing constipation. Our doctor had us start sticking a little karo in with it. Said it will keep everything moving.

I’d prob ask my paediatrician rather than fb

How about you ask her PEDIATRICIAN? :roll_eyes:

No it sounds like she’s cluster feeding. It’s a pain but it’s totally normal. Rice cereal isn’t really good for their tummies at that age. Hang in there, cluster feeding does end :slightly_smiling_face:


I with all my kids to make them full I gave them a formula bottle then a lil bottle with formula and baby cereal they wasn’t so hungry but I did that at night for longer sleep

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Needs to get used to formula before u hurt her belly. I only put a tad maybe 1/4 of a scoop to a half a scoop of rice in formula bottle at bedtime. I only did that with my babies that were formula fed. 2 of my kids i breastfed and they didn’t eat any rice til 6 mo or so

A little late syrup will help with bowel and I starting putting cereal in bottle with mine at a month old

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The pediatrician with both my kids said 3 to 3 1/2 months is when it can start being introduced.

I meen everyone gonna say different stuff and get smart my experiences I have given my baby’s rice cereal in a bottle just a teaspoon and it will help with spit up and keep he or her a little more full. Make sure you burp her good

No. They literally don’t have the enzymes in their gut to break it down yet.

NO!!! That will cause more bowel problems she’s to little.
This sounds like a typical sleep regression/growth spurt.

No her little digestion system can’t handle it yet. Go by what your doctor says.

No. Around 7 weeks they go through a growth spurt, and your supply has to catch up. The only way for this to happen is more nursing. Remember: supply is dependent upon demand. For a few days it will feel like all you do all day, all night is feed your baby. It’s exhausting, but it only lasts a few days. It happens again around 3 months and 4 months old. Remember to have proper nutrition at these times, and drink lots of water too. You got this, Mama!!

Ask your pediatrician, not facebook.

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No she’s cluster feeding it sounds like. Totally normal

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No I would not do that

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My son’s pediatrician had me giving him a teaspoon of rice cereal in 2 bottles a day. But that was 16 years ago and the pediatrician was like 80 :joy:

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No she too young for solid foods…she nursing more to increase your supply


Six weeks old is early for any type of cereal. Wait a while.

Sounds like she is cluster feeding. She is to young for rice cereal. And will give her more tummy issues.

Ask a doctor not Facebook! :woman_facepalming:


Absolutely not!!! Not at 6wks old. That is way to young.

No. Baby could be nursing more because of a growth spurt. It’s normal for breastfed babies to not poop as often as formula fed babies. All concerns should be addressed with pediatrician and/or lactation consultant

Please don’t feed her anything but milk, especially until she’s six months old. “Good before one, is just for fun”

Absolutely not, way to young to handle that.

Definitely not tho.!:woozy_face::rofl:

Cluster feeding

Completely normal.

No way to early 6 months maybe no 6 weeks

What does the pediatrician say

Sounds typical for a nursing baby. No need to add cereal.

Talk to the pediatrician! There may be other options out there to help your child. You and your pediatrician can expkore those. I. Would NOT give your baby rice cereal especially not without pedi approval

I started all of mine on rice cereal at 2 weeks. Of course that was over 30 years ago and the dr was fine with it.

The baby is going through ether a mental growth spurt or physical. I would always get on a good routine then the baby would starts staying up or fussy. My sister told me about mental spurts and it made so much sense. (He had just started school) also don’t listen to anyone that says cereal in the bottle to fill them up. It’s extremely dangerous.

No! Do not give your six week old baby rice cereal to “fill her up”!! She is way to young for cereal/puree. It sounds like she is cluster feeding which is completely normal and will happen often, as she is growing. Your baby nursing more will only increase your supply so its a win win. For her lack of bowel movments and spit up if that’s still an issue I would strongly recommend talking with your pediatrician or family doc asap.

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Nah give her a roast with all the trimmings!! Don’t forget the gravy and cheese sauce!!


So she’s doing well and her tummy issues have improved but you want to force feed her something that will destroy all that and can possibly cause lifelong gut health issues?? Make this make sense. :person_facepalming: No. Do NOT give a 6 week old cereal. She is supposed to wake to feed frequently. She is probably having a growth spurt and cluster feeding. You getting a little more sleep is not a priority over her immature gut. Welcome to motherhood.

P.S. No solids until 6 months and even then skip the rice cereal. It’s loaded with arsenic and empty calories.

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Don’t give cereal unless the doctor okays it, I went through the same thing with my baby, just ask your babies doctor for advice. Everybody on here will always have different opinions. She could just have gas and need to be burped more or she could just be wanting to eat more because she’s a tiny growing bean :heart: but usually most doctors will advise against cereal until they’re at least 4 months old.

Wtf it’s a growth spurt period and only 6 weeks wow

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In the hospital they put a small amount of rice cereal into the babies milk to bulk them up. I’m talking a very small amount. Breat fed babies need more than bottle fed babies. Try coeliac bottles to help reduce the spilling or take breaks for 10 mins before feeding more as your baby might be drinking to fast. If your super concerned go to the doctor.

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Call your pediatrician and ask. I can’t believe this is even a question on fb…. :woman_facepalming:t3: your pediatrician would know more than fb docs. Js.

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You need to ask your child’s pediatrician questions like these but to answer your question, no, not yet. Maybe at 6 months but not 6 weeks. Their stomachs/guts are not developed enough for anything other than formula or breast milk. Especially to just “fill them up” unless their pediatrician has told you otherwise. They are going to eat more as they get older, completely normal. Best of luck momma.

Call your baby’s pediatrician and stop asking social media about something that could endanger your baby!


Try formula for sensitive tummies! I had to switch my son and it made a world of difference with digestion!

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6 weeks is a growth spurt she’ll nurse a lot for a short period of time then things will normalize don’t give her cereal she won’t need anything until about 6 months


If it’s stopping her up give her baby oatmeal cereal to make her poop.

I gave my kids rice cereal In there bottles at 8 weeks just a tab bit not much just enough to keep them full for a bit long


No you should definitely not do that. Your baby is probably going through a growth spurt. Do not give them anything without checking with your pediatrician. At six weeks old your baby’s stomach cannot handle anything other than breast milk or formula.


No you never introduce solids to a baby until 4 months old


I swear we just went through this, the spit up & potty problems. She would fuss and squirm like she was still hungry. Nope. She wanted to be put down so she could go to sleep. She’s 12 weeks now.

Do not give babies under 6 months old anything other than breast milk or formula. They do not need it and it damages their gut.

Growth spurts cause clutter feeding and that it totally normal. If you want or need to supplement because you feel like baby is not getting enough you can use formula.


Yes you can feed cereal as long as you feed whole grain, nothing with mixed…My daughter is 42 now but when she was 2 weeks old I started feeding her and she was so much more satisfied. She would take a bottle, burp, and start crying like she was hungry. I called her Dr and he told me that she was the only one who knew when she was hungry and to feed her dry whole cereal mixed with formula. I did that and she would nap 3-4 hours vs. hardly any sleep. It worked and she stopped taking so much unneeded formula.

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I’d talk to a doctor first.

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A lot of you slating this mum for asking a question but you realise the ballpark has moved many times with these paediatricians also. I grew up in a family where many generations gave rice cereal in bottles early so there is a high chance she has been advised outside of her peads but wanted to just throw it out there because probably all her aunts and uncles survived etc and there were no reported issues and in some cases it was recommended by paediatricians at that time.

Stop acting so shocked and like she’s endangering her child and give an answer if you have one respectfully.

Where’s all the fellow ‘mum’ support…


Sounds like she’s going through a growth spurt possibly. I would consult with a pediatrician or dietician about giving baby rice cereal.

Talk to the pediatrician they told me 1 tsp at that age

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All three of mine had runny rice cereal at 2 and 3 weeks old. And they never had any issues.


They digest breast milk faster and newborns eat that often.

Talk to your dr.or a lactation specialist. Your milk may not have enough substance. You need to ask someone

It’s not recommended to feed a baby rice cereal so early unless a paediatrician says it’s ok. Some paediatricians suggest using rice cereal to thicken breast milk to reduce reflux. I’m a nurse and suggest you talk to your Doctor first.

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THEIR DUODENUM IS UNDER DEVELOPED … YOU ARE POTENTIALLY GIVING HER COELIAC DISEASE … SPEAK TO YOUR GP OR HEALTH VISITOR BEFORE ADJUSTING A YOUNG BABYS DIET … FAR TOO YOUNG FOR WEANING ( Ive had 4 kids and 1 was a coeliac ) look up what ive mentioned n do your research ( sorry for caps, not shouting, too busy typing fast ).

do not give your 6 week old rice cereal. wth.

Please don’t, this is dangerous.

No absolutely not! Rice cereal and any other “solid” foods are choking hazards to babies that young. She’s probably going through a growth spurt. ALWAYS ask your pediatrician before trying anything new with your baby.

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I’ve never done it before but I know plenty of people who have and they’ve never had a problem

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I did with my oldest daughter, she wouldn’t sleep over 2 hours at night. After dealing with that every night for 8 weeks, I ended up getting her a cereal feeder bottle and would mix rice cereal with her formula at night. She started sleeping 6/7 hours at night. I didn’t have to use one with my 2 other children, just my first.

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1 Teaspoon in a 5 ounce bottle.

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No! If you have to top her up give her formula but way too early for food!!

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6week spurt, your baby will be getting all the nutrients it needs through his/her milk, if your thinking rice cereal id deff recommend try topping up with formula instead, seems to keep them fuller for longer. Dont stress! Would deff not recommend feeding before 3months though (at the earliest) you can cause some serious issues. All the best Mama, make sure to nap when babys down too if you can, makes for easier nights while they’re going through the spurts :grin:

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I gave mine farex, they were great , much more satisfied

Why are you asking here and not the pediatrician? :woman_facepalming:t2:


Not at 6 weeks
Your baby is going through a growth spurt and overloading her digestive system and constipating her is not the answer so you can have more rest

Add a little semolina to thicken it up just a flat teaspoon bub will feel full it won’t clog her up and everyone will get some sleep xxx

Not until at least 4 months as their digestive system can’t handle it
Also your baby will be at risk of choking

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Sounds like she’s going thru a typical growth spurt, increased nursing will increase your milk supply…

Oh gosh no momma!!! A 6 week old digestive system is nowhere near ready for anything that isnt formula or breast milk. You can unintentionally cause health issues in your child. To be fair, we all know babies sleep very little at night, please stop trying to force some unnatural expectations on your baby!

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You should be asking your pediatrician this question but I’m sure they will say no. Feed them more formula.