Should you give a 6 week old rice cereal?

She is cluster feeding I just went through this with my 7 1/2 week old. He was desperately eating every two hours and I never gave more than 4 oz at a time the pediatrics told me his stomach is the size of his fist and not to feed more than that to him that’s why they spit up but this week he’s back to normal

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Sounds like growth spurt as sum comments have stated jst feed her more my midwife always said breastfed babies can eat every hr if need b as it is gd 4 ur milk as it cn make it stronger and better if tht doesnt work u may need to mix feed with formula bt i personally wouldnt recommend baby rice until well older, i have 6 children all breastfed 3 formula fed as well, the other 3 were breast thn milk after 12mths my now 19 yr old was my youngest eating at 2mths old he was a hungry baby, my 3 younger ones never had food until after 11 12mths coz they jst werent interested they r growing and thriving, all 6 nw aged from 21 dwn to 6yrs old

No, please no. Way too little her tummy isn’t properly formed yet. Even 4 months would be a little early, it was for my daughter anyway


I breast fed all 5 of mine, I would feed the baby on one side then change their diaper to wake the baby up, then let them nurse the other breast, they would sleep 4 hours. otherwise , if I changed their diaper and then let them nurse, they would just nurse on one side and then sleep for 2 hours. I did not feed my babies cereal until they were about 9 months old.

She needs the baby check to see if she or he has a hole in their esophagus. This happen to you Arieal

Thats normal. Cereal in the bottle won’t do anything except increase the chances of constipation and permanent stomach issues. There are only a very very few medical reasons anything other than breast milk or formula should be given before 6 months old. If you are considerably concerned then trust your gut and bring her in to get checked by a pediatrician.

I’m sorry your baby isn’t sleeping. Its difficult. But remember its normal and it will pass. Stay strong mama

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No way, do not give your baby rice cereal yet. Cluster feeding and/or growth spurt, it happens and then things will get better. Sleep issues are tough. Do you have a baby carrier or wrap? It’ll help a lot. Sometimes my son just has a little bit of gas after an hour or so, he’ll burp and go back to sleep. I’m on my fifth baby, I pump and bottle feed breastmilk. I have milk ready and if he wants to eat more than normal I’m ready and I know he’ll probably spit up. At 6 weeks, you are still learning and getting a routine built. Best of luck to you.


I gave all my children rice cereal by four weeks. They are all adults now and extremely healthy. It helped them not get bloated and sleep better. Two each is own. I’m all for it. If it doesn’t agree with the baby you’ll know.


Moons ago (20 years say) we were told to put baby rice in to formula milk to thinken it up so baby was fuller on a night feed to help sleeping habits , as early as 3/4 weeks if you had a hungry baby …. They’re not weened and there was no other food just a couple of scoops in the Bedtime feed to thinken up the milk a little and not in every bottle……… things change over time and I’ll probably get loads of shit for posting this but it has been a thing since time , hungry baby’s need a full tummy , speak to your health visitor ( hope you have an older person who knows how it was done back in the day ) or the doctor, they will advise best , not Facebook opinions…. It’s your baby and only you know how your baby is and what they need … good luck

No cereal for a 6 week old. 6 weeks is also the crying peak for babies. They may sleep less and cry more around this time. If she wants to nurse more she could be comfort nursing, which will cause over eating and spit up. If she sleeps a longer period of time she may want to cluster feed in order to get the amount of calories she needs in one day. Which means sleeping less between feeds.

Her digestive system needs to develop first. 6 weeks is too early.

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No way, they are most likely having a growth spurt, just feed them more!

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I always did. A half of a teaspoon and a little Karo syrup in the bottle. They always slept through the night before they were a month old


Many years ago this was accepted and the norm, but more recently research says babies should not be fed anything but breast milk or formula until at least 4 months. It’s really not good for their digestion.

Absolutely not. I really don’t recommend using rice cereal at all because of arsenic, but if you do start cereal it should wait until 6 months. 5oz is A LOT for a 6 week old if it’s breastmilk and in a bottle. Make sure you educate yourself on pace feeding BUT also realize that at that age they are still cluster feeding so want to eat often which is completely normal but if you pump and bottle feed you really need to learn about pace feeding.


Nope. 6 weeks old is way too young because their digestive systems are not even close to developed. Breastfeed or formula for a few months. Cereals and that stuff can’t happen untill way later on, if you do it that early at 6 weeks it will cause a lot more harm than good. When my son was 6 weeks I ended up breastfeeding him and then topping him off with formula because he was more full after formula and slept like a champ after. My son is 2 now and has always had bowel movement issues, we used gripe water to help with the gas pain and it helped so much. Move babies leg around up and down bending the knee caps and it will help with the gas as well. You got this momma! Message me if you have questions

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No you can cause serious damage to their gut and bowel health later in life if you start before 6months without doctors recommendation. All a baby needs before 6months is formula or breatmilk. If your baby had reflux or an actual problem a gp maybe prescribe a formula thickener but unless advised definitely don’t.


I guess… if your sleep is worth more than her health… but in my opinion … no bc it could hurt her digestive system… :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

Talk to your pediatrician…but they would highly not recommend that… She’s 6 weeks of course she’s going to feed irregular

Definitely not. It sounds like you’re over feeding your baby. Breastfed babies don’t usually eat that much at a time. Are you burping her after she eats? Even breastfed babies need burped sometimes. If she’s spitting up a lot it’s because she needs to be burped or she’s overeating. At that age babies often clusterfeed. Read up an pace feeding if you’re bottle feeding to avoid over feeding. It’s also not uncommon for breastfed babies to not have bowel movements every day.

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I personally will never give my baby cereal. It has no nutritional value whatsoever.

No 6 weeks is far to early she’s far to young

Recommendations are no but my son was only 6 weeks when his doctor told me to add just a tablespoon to his bottles to help it be a little thicker and easier to keep down. Now they make thickener in a powder form to help with this if reflux is an issue. However if she’s spitting up a lot it’s probably a formula issue. Some babies do better with other brands or soy formula etc.

I personally think it’s rather strange all these women saying not to give a baby rice cereal until 6 months old. My first child who is now 22 had it when she was about 6 weeks starting in the evening, and she is totally healthy, as is my 11 year old who was born with acid reflux. Her doctor ended up having me give her formula that has rice cereal in it in every bottle as it’s the only way she could keep it down, starting around 5 or 6 weeks old. By the way my oldest slept through the night at eight weeks, youngest at 6.


Don’t forget babies need a drink of cooled boiled water too, milk is food they get thirsty and will get constipated, also if breastfeeding u need to eat lots of good nutritional food, scroggin, fruit, veges, and keep yrself well hydrated, I used a lil farex in bottle to thicken it abit at about 3 months old, but shouldn’t need to at 6 wks, mayb u could top bubs up with a lil formula.


Breast is enough unless you want to ween off

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feed that baby cream tatoers and sweet tators…that baby is hongry!!!


i started feedin mine at 2 weeks…


Call your Pediatrician and a lactation consultant—sounds like baby is going through a growing spurt

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No babies don’t need cereal unless otherwise directed by a pediatrician. It is just empty calories and cause there little bellies to stretch. She is probably cluster feeding right now which is common for this age especially with breastfed babies.


Switch to a premie or ultra premie nipple on dr browns bottles. Look up pace feeding so she’s not eating it as fast. I say no to cereal, Sleep is developmental and it’s not normal for a 6 week old to sleep all night. If struggling with poop you can try cutting back or cutting all dairy out

So she may be cluster feeding because of a growth spurt. It helps build your milk supply. My kids where exclusively breast fed for the first 6 month. Then I introduced rice cereal. Also being exclusively breast fed there were times that they pooped only 1 a week. Pediatrician checked them and said they are just using everything in the breast milk so they have less waste. Not to worry


I raised 6 and I gave them cereal and in a bottle I would put for lunch a baby spoon of cereal a baby spoon of baby meat and some greens add milk to it make it fine and they would drink it out of a bottle


Yes I did it with all 3 of my babies. They’re now teenagers, healthy, active and normal.

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Way to young if baby needs feeding add extra ounce and maybe have to feed bed re 3/4 hours she stil a baby baby … Make sure she is burping and it could b reflux … Or something in milk or BM n need a special milk recommendation is 6 Ms I fed my baby girl week before 4M but she was havin 10/12 Oz in 4/5 hr period and was stil hungry na oppersite she eats nothing hard to get her eat anythin

Babies cannot process rice in their little tummies yet, and it can cause a lot of issues with trapped gas etc. I would suggest oatmeal rather than the rice.

Just keep nursing. It’s called cluster feeding. As you baby grows, they need more food. If you’re exclusively breastfeeding, there will be times when it seems like all you’re doing is nursing. And it’s completely normal and healthy for breastfed babies to a week without a BM. I went thru it with my youngest. I knew nothing about breastfeeding and had soooo many questions. Thank God I had my sister to help. If you have anymore questions I would definitely call a lactation consultant.


My son who is now 1 and my daughter who is 13 both had oatmeal (our pedi recommended oatmeal vs rice cereal) starting it 4 weeks. And are both healthy and fine. It helped them sleep longer and helped so much with acid reflux when we tried everything and nothing else would help. Cluster feeding helps your body prepare for the increased intake your little one will need after their growth spurt!! I know its exhausting though. Honestly talk to your pediatrician and discuss a solution that works best for you and your family.

Also the bowl movement once a week is totally okay when exclusively breast feeding. If your little one seems to be in pain or struggling thats a different story.

The body is not developed enough and can cause further stomach issues. Sounds like a regression…bf babies go through several,I do believe this may be the case

Never give a baby that young cereal! It will create life long health issues.

Absolutely not! How is this even a question :flushed: nothing but formula or breast milk until 6 months. Tf……


Cluster feeding. It happens for a period of time while growing it is completely Normal!


We, as in myself and 3 sisters and 3 sister in laws, fed our babies milk with a little rice cereal in it after about 6-8 weeks. All of our children are healthy. None of our kids have any issues with bowels or stomachs.


I gave all my kids (5) cereal at 6 weeks. These doctors now days are so obsessed with restricting foods early. For one they sleep better, and so do you, they are happier because they are sleeping and getting the rest they need for healthy growth and this is what parents have done for a hundred years. A babies body needs much more than milk for healthy growth. With the “new” ideas these doctors have about early food we see so many kids starting school with many more problems than ever seen before. Do what you feels best about early feeding, you are the one raising your child, not the doctor.


Talk to your Pediatrician. What may have worked for some babies may not work for yours. And there could be other issues going on.

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Why are moms shaming this mom for asking? At least she asked. Y’all are bitter and hateful. The ones who didn’t shame passed the vibe check. We’ve all been new moms before. Educate - don’t belittle.


You should ask your babies pediatrician

Six weeks is a little young maybe look in to changing to a milk that’s more filling
What ever you decide hope it works

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Each mom says something different. My baby’s came home from the hospital and they both had cereal that night the slept through the night from then on with no health problems.

In all sincerity, NO!

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You are this baby’s mother. You know your child best. While suggest speaking with doc (who can also be wrong, push own personal beliefs/feelings onto handle issues such as this), trust your instincts cuz sometimes breast milk and/or formula isn’t enough.


i wouldn’t give it. sounds like she is going through a growth spurt and if you are breastfeeding, she may need to eat more which will increase your milk supply. babies are smart


I’d discuss doctor about other options but a small runny tablespoon at bedtime I gave my babies at about 8 wks old watch what type bc rice can cause constipation my daughter had to have barley

Both of my kids got up every 1 1/2 hours at some point.

I would just be falling asleep and they would be hungry again.

For my sanity…I added a little rice cereal to thicken it up a bit at night and used nipples that had little larger opening.

They slept enough for me to function.

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I did with all 3 of my kids…just about a tablespoon…


Remember fat baby’s make fat adults. The reason you don’t give a lot to a baby b4 six months is for the sake of their stomach and digestion. My oldest is 47 she has had weight problems her whole life ( had the surgery) Dr started her on food at two months. I went to a pediatrician after her, that was also concerned about allergies.

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No definitely not. Wait until at least 4 months

I’ve exclusively breastfeed all my kids and am currently doing it with my 5mo old.

No… no… no… breast is best and babies know how to get what they need from you. Just offer the breastfeed more frequently and stay hydrated!

Go to a doctor please, this is not the place to ask

You will get mixed answers no matter what you ask for; we all have our own thoughts on this.

With my girls we gave them rice cereal based on our pediatricians recommendation but he was also old-fashioned. My youngest her Ped. told me not to but I did anyways. It helped both my girls sleep thru the night. My girls never had any issue.

It’s going to be more of your own personal decision. Do what you feel is best and please do not listen to the negative people.

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I have 5 children 25,15,14,11&8yrs old…let me start by saying every baby is different. Some sleep well some dont. Some eat more than others. My oldest was on baby cereal at 6weeks. The others ranged from 8 weeks to 3mths. Let me say they are all perfectly healthy children now. Its common sense. Women have been having babies since for ever. Good luck muma🥰

Both my babes weighed just under 10 ibs and at 6 weeks were having baby rice and rusk They were both so unsatisfied with just milk saw my dr and he said to give them the solids I didnt look back after that. I believe a lot depends on the size of the baby. Speak to your dr

Best to speak to a doctor or paediatrician :heart: