Should you give a 6 week old rice cereal?

My Mom did and I did.

All these people saying “I did and they were fine”, just because they survived, doesn’t mean they’re fine. Feeding your baby too young leads to digestive issues later in life (among other things). If they now struggle with weight and poor gut health, that’s likely because of you. 4-6 months is the minimum recommend age to start introducing solids because their poor little tummies aren’t developed enough to process it before then.

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I did I gave my baby at 2 weeks old because they were not being satisfied

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NO way! Talk to the babies pediatrician. It is normal for a new baby to eat every hour and a half and especially if she is spitting up.

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Absolutely NOT ok! No solids before 6 months.

Yes. Put it in their bottle.

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Yes.Start with a teaspoon. Did it with all mine ,as well as many others.Makes for some content babies.Healthy.Not blown up on milk fat.

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No, she is having growth spurts. She is growing and will want to feed more frequently. Infrequent bowel movements are also common. Cereal does not have great nutritional value. I never gave it to mine.

No don’t do it. It has no nutritional value at all. Why do people try to rush things all the time. Talk to the babies doctor not people on social media. If still hungry then feed more or use hungry baby milk.

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Both my daughters had reflux bad, so I was instructed by doctor to add some infant rice cereal to milk when feeding to help. So its perfectly safe in my opinion

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No need to. She’s too young.

6 weeks is too soon for anything other than breastmilk or formula. 3 months minimum before introducing solids.

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I have a 10 year old a 5 year old and a 5 month old. Which all of them I started a small amount of rice cereal in a bottle at a month n half 2 months old. Hell my daughter grandmother was mashing up eggs n grits n stuff like that at 2 month ( try n tell an 75 yr old woman no to her grand baby it doesn’t work) no digestive problems nothing like that. We are the only mamals that think they’re kids shld drink nothing but milk until 6 months. It’s bs. Too much milk equals spit up a lil substance and theyre ok with normal spit up. Just not every bottle. Once a day shld be more thank fine. Bby girl call ur grandmother I garuntee u she’ll have answers that you’ll trust


6 weeks is way way to soon for anything other than breast milk or formula. I would suggest getting baby on formula. When babies go through growth spurts thy eat more.

Don’t, Give her boob and formula if you need to.

Absolutely not. Do not listen to those saying yes! Horrible advice

It sounds more like reflux, check with a dr first but theres gaviscon sachets that can be used for breast fed babies… you just mix with 5mls of warm water and use a syringe to give it to them before feeds.
If she’s got reflux it will appear as not satisfied and especially if it’s silent she won’t be spewy

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I have children in their 20’s and 30’s. This was normal, and it’s completely fine!!

Not yet. If she is still hungry breastfeed her more. It will help bring in the more milk she is needing. It happens when baby has a growth spurt

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No. She may have acid reflux. Call her Dr

It could just be a growth spurt. Babies go through waves of eating more and sleeping less. If you’re concerned talk to a paediatrician.

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Maybe a little bit early. Try mixing the rice cereal with your breast milk. Easier to digest. Good luck.

I’d find out why she’s spitting up bc mine rarely did.
If she doesn’t have reflux issues, you can.
One teaspoon per 4 ozs is what my Dr had me do Mine was hungry every HR, even after 5ozs. I was so tired I could barely go to the bathroom without falling over. She said 1 for 4 was good until 8-10 weeks and then I could adjust, so then try 1.5 per 4-5 ozs. Never make a thicker bottle for any baby unter 6 months.
Shake well to ensure it sorta dissolves.
It was nice when I slept for 3hrs at once.

U can start feeding them whenever u want especially if it’s a hungry baby don’t follow all the stifflers who go by book do what you feel is right but could be reflux mine 14 now never follow the sheep

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I wouldn’t recommend cereal for baby yet, I’m not a professional by any means but have raised 4 babies (one of them was NICU)… at about 6 weeks old may be hitting a growth spurt (eating more in a sitting, eating more frequently, not sleeping as long between feedings, etc.)… I would suggest breastfeeding more frequently and maybe longer in a sitting, if you can’t keep up with demand you could add some formula if you want to… have you talked to a lactation consultant and/or pediatrician? I would suggest reaching out to a professional who is knowledgeable and likely to have the best answers for you… best of luck!

3 months before cereal. Don’t put it in a bottle as it can be a choking hazard. Use formula or breast milk - whichever she’s used to, and mix a tiny bit into the liquid so that it’s still runny but has the littlest bit of cereal in it.


My kids were eating baby rice at 6 weeks. I had hungry kids. They were also on formula for hungrier babies. My brother was eating weetbix at 6 weeks because he was a hungry baby too


Heidi Moore Can you provide some insight to this post since you have been breastfeeding 6+months?

Cluster feeding mumma … shes growning and building ur supply … roll with iy feed on demand xx

Not a doctor or professional but that’s such a choking hazard feeding a baby before 4-6 months can cause many problems in later life if ur breastfeeding try mixing with formula a get everybody gets excited and wants to feed their baby but seriously not worth the health risks baby can’t even drink cold milk at that age never mind swallow food

No. Yikes… 6 weeks old their tummy is not developed enough to even try to start rices. Smh. Also why are you asking random strangers instead of your baby’s doctor?

If your baby is breast fed, then you produce more than enough naturally to feed baby. They start going through growth spurts, sleep regressions, as well as teething at random times, too. Just something to consider instead of just “filling” baby up with rice cereal…

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Our Dr. said for us to only give formula until 1 yr. old, that their digestive system needs to be more “mature”… We did however begin to feed some baby food and yogurt around 10 to 11 months…

I gave all of my kids cereal and before they were 6 wks old. Make sure it is diluted down so is very thin! Seem to calm them and they weren’t hungry 2 hours after you feed them! Will NOT hurt the baby at all and don’t let anyone tell you different!


That’s too soon rather not wait till 6 months

It is just a filler. If you burp the baby more then there should be no reason to use a no nutritional value food to expand their bellies.

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No. And pace feeding.

Just a pinch in bottle should be fine. Had to start both of mine on it after only a week bc just formula wasnt cutting it. They were starting to want to be fed every hour…if not every 30 minutes. Fills them up more even with small pinch added to bottle. Both mine had reflux as well and this helped lessen spitup

Oh my gosh. I feed mine cereal at 4 weeks. Made it very liquid. Only gave at bed time. Now adults and they had always been very healthy. Your child is hungry for Pete sake.


Depends on the baby, both of mine started on baby food at 6 weeks as instructed by my baby dr.
Said it was ok for them to be given egg yoke, mashed potatoes ocassionally…

Unless your doctor has said to then no. I’ve seen doctors suggest rice cereal if baby has an issue with spitting up every bottle but technically you’re supposed to wait until 6 months for any kind of solids.


No… unless your Dr recommends it due to reflux or other issues. Babies aren’t supposed to sleep all night at 6 weeks old. It is normal for them to wake every 3-4 hrs at that age to eat.

I started giving my son a little rice cereal mixed with his formula when he was 10 days old . He started sleeping all night. He had no problems with it. When he was 1 month old I started mixing the cereal with applesauce and milk and it never bothered him.

No, but you can switch to formula. My son was like that when he was a baby and I couldn’t give him enough breast milk.

Clearly you should ask your pediatrician…who will most likely say no. The minimum recommendation for a healthy child is to wait on cereal for AT LEAST 4 months and preferably 6 months. Breast milk has ALL of the nutrition they need and is specifically designed for your baby. Adding cereal is like just adding empty calories without nutrition. Your baby is probably going through a growth spurt and it will pass. But your pediatrician knows your child and situation best.

Doctors have to say what they’re trained! I’d put money on most doctors not following their own advice. What do you think parents did for years and years before AAP gave the most recent recommendations??? They went by what their babies needed. I fed each of my 6 children rice cereal or baby oatmeal with their milk starting at around 3 months… by 4 months I introduced watered down apple & pear juice and bananas, apple, and pear purée shortly after along with carrots & peas, meats and potatoes around 6 months, by a year they were munching on just about everything. The only issue I ever had with food with my children was my daughter being allergic to something in similac formila and in orange cheese (they never figured out exactly what it was - it wasn’t whey or lactose).

Now I have a grandbaby who is almost 3 months and mom is about to try cereal soon since baby doesn’t stay satisfied off of milk for longer than 2 hours

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Jesus no way their tummys are so tiny and sensitive 4 months would be better

No u should not to soon

4 months old only even six months I’d breastfed x

So many people on this thread giving dangerous advice :woman_facepalming:t2: please do not feed your baby anything other than breast milk or formula until they are at least 6 months old. You can cause your baby to have digestive issues when they’re older by weaning them/introducing solids too early. I cannot believe what I’m reading in some of these comments!


JFC! No! Nothing but formula/breast milk before 6 months. Anyone telling you otherwise apparently disregards the severe CHOKING HAZARD that this is. Also, good luck with hard poops and ruined gut as an adult

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I put a little bit of rice cereal in my bby bottles all 3 of my kiddos were good


Babies are meant to wake up! :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


4-6 months is the approximate age to introduce
Rice cereal into breast milk or formula.

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No. She wakes bc she’s hungry. Feed her.

It sounds like she’s cluster feeding. That’s normal. She’s not old enough for rice cereal.

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What I did with all 4 of my children is I put rice cereal in their bottle as soon as they started eating at least 4 ounces in a sitting. I put a teaspoon in

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No! She’s hungry, she’s also probably cluster feeding and building your supply up - all completely normal

No! Babies are supposed to wake up. At 9 weeks old she’s probably having a growth spurt! Or she’s cluster feeding to increase your supply

I read this as six months and was wondering why people were losing their minds, 6 WEEKS no freaking way, not a chace.


No this sounds like classic cluster feeding it sucks but you’ll get through it. This is why I don’t understand maternity leave only being 6-8 weeks.

Nooooo. No food before 6 months old. She is experiencing a growth spurt and this is totally normal. Feeding solids too early is linked to health issues later in life. Things like IBS, diabetes, weight problems among other things.

No 6 weeks is too soon

Definitely take this up with your pediatrician not fb. It’s crazy though how they change the rules I’m 52 and when I was a baby we had cereal in our bottle by a month old. Now it’s 6 months. Follow your doctors orders

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Not at 6 weeks but at 4 and half months my doctor recommended as my daughter was not staying full on just formula. I would talk to a doctor first everyone’s child/ren are different with different medical needs so what’s good for one may not be good for all :heart:

That’s a month and a half old. No.

Just at night a bit of cereal

The doctor can give you medicine or figure out what is going on. My son had acid reflux …I had to feed him and lay him on his side for 30 minutes after he ate.

My babies always fed that often. My current baby is 9 months and he eats breast milk every hour or less. Its normal, Theyre growing. I didnt know any better and gave my first cereal but I never gave my other 2 cereal. They don’t need fillers, just baby food and milk until they start eating regular foods we eat.

They recommend 6 months but I know some whose kids have had baby food from 4months, with the guidance of a health visitor. Sounds like a growth spurt though mine used be same n would breast feed for hours at a time or when I expressed drink loads

Wait until 4 months. This is when WIc starts providing it. Seems to be best practice for most pediatrician.

Please no. My ped suggested at 4m but I waited til 5months.

Rice has traces are arsenic. Nope.

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Absolutely not. Babies can’t properly digest anything but the milk/formula. Their little bellies don’t make the enzymes necessary to break down solid foods or even cows milk yet. Food is just for fun and learning until about a year old or so. Stick with the milk and try smaller feeds more frequently.

Start with a lighter cereal like baby oatmeal I had two big babies were very hungry they gave both a little cereal to fill them little

Just start them out with a table poon full see how they do than go from there years ago we did things different than today

No. No no no no. No. No. Please no. Baby tummy is not developed enough for solid food. No. Do not, it will only cause pooping issues.

In short, no.


It’s a growth spurt. They suck, but that doesn’t mean you should feed inappropriate foods. Breastmilk or formula only til at least 4 months.

…this level of stupid is what happens when you marry your cousin.

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I would try pace feeding. 5 oz of breastmilk is a lot for that age. Or maybe feeding more often but less ounces. Like 3 oz every 2 1/2 hrs

Nope nope nope. Please don’t damage your child’s gut by doing this stupid outdated thing.

If your child is feeding more frequently and drinking more, it’s because they need more. They’re growing and may be going through a spurt. They need to be nourished not “satisfied”. Her body knows how much milk it needs and tricking it into thinking it’s getting it is only stunting her growth.


Noooooononononononono. This is cluster feeding. Formula or breastfeed baby more often. Waking a bazillion times through the night is developmentally healthy and normal. Please don’t think filling your baby up will help them sleep longer. No foods aside from formula or breast milk until 6months.

I gave all 3 of my kids rice cereal at a month old. My oldest is now 18. I didn’t put it in the bottle but made it very runny mixed with formula and fed um. They all slept through the night, a good 6 hours. My mom taught me to do that but it was my choice. My kids pediatrician did not recommend it until my daughter because she had very bad acid reflux and wasn’t gaining weight. Her pediatrician said to mix it in the bottle because along with medicine it helped her reflux. I won’t argue whether it’s right or wrong because as I said I have 3 kids all growing n thriving but each parent will parent feed bathe sleep train etc their kids differently.

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Absolutely Not!!! Don’t listen to oh I did with my kids and their fine….with my oldest we did the cereal at cpl weeks old because of acid reflux and now we have stomach issue. So please don’t

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I would definetly recommed waiting. Babies cluster feed thats normal especially at this age. Rice cereal is actually not even recommended at all anymore.

Baby pablum mixed in with ur milk

Yes make it very runny mixed with your milk & only a very small amount to start with. Had to do that with my 4 as my milk didn’t satisfy them

Wayyyyy tooooooo young

We started rice cereal at a week with all 4 of my children and 2 of my grandchildren


Rice cereal has arsenic in it. Do some googling.

No! Good grief. I’m glad you asked but no. Feed on demand. They hit lots of growth spurts and need more than normal. Cluster feeding is awful. Lol

i gave mine cereal at six wks with dr Roby s aproval fhey did fine made real runny and fed eith
spoon NOT in bottle

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I think this is a conversation meant for the pediatrician. :slight_smile: not for facebook.


My son started on cereal at 2 weeks…my daughter was a year. Each had different needs to satisfy their hunger.

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Talk to your pediatrician about this.

It sounds like she’s just growing and needs more milk. She is WAY too young for rice cereal, but if she needs more than what you’re able to produce you should supplement with formula.

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No rice cereal until baby can sit up independently. It will mess with her GI track. It’s completely normal to do cluster feeding. It will get better

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She is breastfed. Breast milk digest quickly. So baby will not sleep through the night. Also at six weeks, she is likely cluster feeding. Meaning she is preparing your breast to produce more milk so she will have enough and grow. Please do not give her rice cereal to sleep. Yes it may satiate her, but if you plan on going the distance in breastfeeding it will start you on an uphill battle to keep up with her growing demands. Also, ask your pediatrician and discuss what your feeding goals are and the well being of your child.


No. Just ask a pedi and they will tell you the same(if they are a good pedi)


Please don’t. It’s super dangerous. Also, overfeeding doesn’t make them sleep more. That’s a myth. She’s going through a growth spurt. Babies are not supposed to sleep very long.


We began cereal at 4 months. Rice cereal can make constipation worse, my pediatrician recommend oatmeal cereal instead for my little bc he was also prone to constipation.

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