Should you punish for bad grades?

Then tell her No. Unless she’s trying & failing. If it’s laziness, why is she going?
My children know, If you don’t do what’s required, you don’t get to do what you want.
Pretty simple.

I think you need to make a clear rule before punishment, if you didn’t have one. Like if she drops under 70 or 75 she’s getting tutoring, no option, then she has x number of weeks to improve or there’s a punishment.


I do punish. In my house there is a not going anywhere if grades are not a B or better. A 68 your not going anywhere until your next grades report comes out and the grades are acceptable. If you let her do all that you described your telling her that her social life is more important than an education and getting ahead.

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Honestly we are still in a pandemic and kids are still struggling to cope with school. I have a freshman in HS and I will punish him if I know its because he’s just being lazy, but I know things are tough for all kids right now so I don’t think its necessary, especially if its a 68.

I have a 13yo son.
I take away gadgets and gaming time when bad marks come home.
Works too.
He tries extra hard and doesn’t come home with anything less than 80…
Although I allow 70+ for second language cos I can’t help him with that🤦‍♀️

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My daughters only 6, so no lol, BUUUUUT my 16 year old niece lives with me, if she’s failing a class she stays home until she’s passing :woman_shrugging: help is available, tutors are available, I check with her multiple times a week to see if she needs help understanding something & check her assignments & grades every day. Maybe I do too much, but she moved in last summer, first semester of this year is the first time she’s passed every single one of her classes in yeeears & shes managed to get her credits caught up to graduate on time. Maybe I’m old school, but a kids only job to me is school. You can have all the fun & freedom reasonable for your age, but only if school comes first. She is flourishing & actually trying now. Do what you have to do, there’s only so many years to set them up for their entire future.

Is she trying ? Everyone learns differently she may be trying her best and struggling … I myself would only punish if her grades were down because of lack of effort