Should you stay in a marriage for the kids sake if you aren't unhappy?

I can’t forget how Dr Gabriel helped me restore my marriage after 4 months of separating from my husband because of a fight and he left and never came back to me, I did a lot to get him back but nothing worked until I saw a comment online when someone was testifying about how Dr Gabriel helped her get her husband back and that is how I contacted him through his WhatsApp and after writing my problem he assured me that he will help me get my husband back. in 12 hours after casting the love spell, and after he did the spell, my husband came back home and begged that he was so sorry he left me, today I am back with my husband and both of us are happy and living together again. I know that there are many people who want to get their love back or whatever problem you have, contact Dr. Gabriel because he is the perfect answer to your problem. contact him :l
Call him/WhatsApp: +234 8133 240147

Follow your heart but in saying that you are not doing him any favours by staying there when he could be lucky enough to find someone else that will love him. As long as both parents are happy then the kids will be happy.

If you get on great and don’t fight, I think you still love him. It maybe feels as if its just you like him, but the distance between the liking and loving isn’t as great as people make out. Maybe the fizzy bits aren’t fizzing atm, but its hard to live with a bloke you don’t love. Its hard enough to do that when you do love em lol