Question is i recently bought a product for my baby due( im 34 weeks) iv used with my kids in the past…the rock and play…it recently was recalled due to infant deaths …i never had a problem with this item my kids loved it…but im getting some heat from a family member for still wanting to use it. Should i reconsider using it since i personally havent had issues or use it but do as i have with proper supervision and understanding when the baby is ready to be out of it??
Im feel like im being judged as a bad parent for still wanting to use it…but iv never had any issues before and its still the same thing…i feel i shouldnt give up something i think i can use safely but im second guessing my decision with heat from elders in the family and it being ‘unsafe’.
It was recalled because parents couldn’t be bothered to be parents and watch their baby
I feel the same way when we wanna have another debating on keeping it to
I would see which ones are recalled, they have so many different brands… and I agree they are safe, some people just don’t watch their little ones… I think you are good to go. Congrats on your little one!
What Makaylee said
I actually used this very recently used from birth till 7 months no issues he just got to big and we loved it. They were recalled because parents were not paying attention and their baby would roll over in it
I’m getting one for my baby due in June. The deaths happened because parents aren’t strapping them in or using it correctly so babies are getting hurt/killed.
Its recalled because of user error. The recall is bs. People putting thier own children at risk. Ignorance.
It’s being recalled … just have them replace it
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I bought a rock n play to use with baby girl who’s due in july. I still plan on using it while she’s supervised
Please don’t, I’ve read today about a rock and play cutting off a baby’s air supply and killing them.
It said it’s fine for the first 3 months but when they can roll over that’s when it’s dangerous
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It’s safe when you use it properly… just naps… no sleeping for long periods of time
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Just be careful. They can cause deaths by positional asphyxiation as well. No, this isnt the reason they were recalled BUT it seems as if a lot of people are not aware that even if the child is properly strapped in, they can still cut off their breathing on accident.
They are being recalled because parents didnt use the product correctly. Use it the right way, strap your child in, & stop using once they start trying to rolling over
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Buckle baby in and stop using it once they begin rolling. Otherwise its fine and tell your fam to do their research. Its 32 deaths over 10 years.
Go ahead and use it. Just use it correctly 
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People are letting their babies sleep in it that’s when things go bad. I’m sure it will be fine supervised.
I have 10 days old and have not use it yet. I used one other 2 and loved them
No it is not… It was recalled because it can cause positional asfixiation… Where the babies head is bent to far forward and the baby airway is blocked. As Well as parents not buckling their child in and them being able to roll over and suffocating themselves
They will give you a new one if you contact the company
I have 2 month old twin girls and im keeping my rock n plays I use them correctly and infant carseats have been known to cause positional asphyxiation but we still have to use them. I have three other kids and used rock and plays for 2 of them and never had a problem
It’s recalled, the risk is not worth it
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My daughter loved hers but when she was more mobile I stopped using it…I think it’s ok until they get bigger and can roll and scoot
Maybe it is the newer products. Those of the past was probably good. The recent recall would be for those they would have a number for. Check and see which model they are recalling.
32 babies died in 10yrs. And most of those deaths could have been avoided by following the manual warnings and instructions.
Meanwhile 3500 babies (US) die ANNUALLY due to unsafe sleeping conditions in their crib.
I don’t see a problem with doing what you feel is safe I was told by doctors not to put my child to sleep on their tummy I am pregnant with baby number six and all my babies slept in there tummy because I was more worried about them choking on spit up
User error. I used it with all 4 of my kids as it is supposed to be used and no issues. Use it correctly and it’s fine.
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Its cause parents are using it way after them turning over in it and not using the straps even with the straps once they can turn over and climb out they no longer need to be in it. I used it with my twins and took them out when they started pulling their legs out of the straps to get out and turn over. Some ppl dont use common sense.
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That’s what I’ve always used for my daughter. She refused to sleep in a bassinet &’ I liked her to sleep close, so that’s what I used. Never had an issue, never had a scary moment. Honestly ? A n y t h I n g you use could be dangerous if used incorrectly. Trust your instincts.
If you’re comfortable using it then use it. The recall isn’t just because babies rolled over in it though. It’s also because of the incline and asphyxiation. The AAP also ststes that if you have to buckle tour baby into something to sleep, then it’s not safe. Me personally, the risk isn’t worth it when it comes to my baby’s life and the fact that there’s hundreds of other bassinets you can buy.
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Dont let baby sleep in it that’s one of the biggest dangers with it its not meant for sleep
The whole point of the recall is people dont know when enough is enough when your child can roll over they dont want the baby in the rock in play it says on the box and people leaving kids unsupervised
While we were moving I actually use this for a couple months with my daughter. Maybe less than that but she would sleep in it at night, I’m so grateful nothing ever happened to her . She was 6 and 7 months when I use this
Thanks for the feedback…i used it for my 2 kids but they are 4 and 5 now…i researched and it said 32 deaths since 2011 but mostly from suffocation or falling out due to the baby rolling out or rolling over…i dont plan on using it long i stopped using it with my other kids once they were able to roll or turn over so they didnt turn over and be face down…its brand new…havent been out of the box. I agreed it was safe as long as used properly but im getting the you never know and what ifs and better safe then sorry comments. I feel my baby will be fine…i will be watching her closely when she is in it.
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The rock and play is not the issue. The fact that parents do not need safety warnings and use the product correctly is the issue.
I used one with my son, who is now 3, but he never slept in it unsupervised and I stopped using it when he could move around bc it scared me. But I don’t know honestly how I’d feel if it were a recalled item…
We used it until my daughter was 3 months and we realized she was starting to pull herself up and try to roll over. It’s not like the rock and play is gonna come alive and strangle your child. Everything has potential risks but your baby will be safe if things are used properly.
There is not a problem with the rock n play. There is a problem with parents being idiots and or following instructions or common sense.
The concern is not only babies rolling out from parents not buckling, but also positional asphyxiation. The angle the baby rests at is not safe for sleep and brings their chin to their chest, and they can stop breathing. This can happen even when it is being used properly.
The infants that died WERE NOT strapped in
You know you can still use it right.
The babies that died were because their parents weren’t using them correctly. I think it’s an amazing product to have and don’t think it should of been recalled when all were due to parents not using it right.
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Just because it wasn’t unsafe before when in use doesn’t mean that it cannot be unsafe. There’s a reason it’s recalled. It may be from misuse, it may be from a product defect. Children have died. Enough children have died that the company deemed their product unsafe and issued a recall. Your choice if you choose to use it.
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So, the risk is the angle causing positional asphyxiation and the sitting position causing oxygen deprivation, are in risks for weak necks and flat heads if used too much. They shouldn’t nap in it, over 700 were injured, many very young, just weeks old.
Personally I wouldn’t take the risk, but if you use it as a seat, never leave them alone, limit time while young, never let them nap, I suppose it likely will be fine. The question is why take the risk? Just get a bassinet or laying flat stroller and use that, if they call asleep they can stay in it.
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Im expecting my first baby and i received one as a gift on my registry. My gift giver told me to return it. 
It wasn’t only recalled due to user error. It was recalled because baby’s under 3 months that were not rolling over had dies due to the incline positioning or the padding of the rock n play.
I loved this item but after the recall I’m no longer using it.
I have used a rock n play for 3 children and still am if baby is watched buckeled and directions are fallowed I don’t see a big deal
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Once your child can roll or sit just stop using it, it’s not really intended for use after that.
I used it for my premature daughter at 5 pounds til she was a momth. As long as you keep an eye on your baby it should be fine
know better do better… i mean what if your infant suffocated from positional asphyxia (bc this can still happen even if theyre strapped in and used correctly ) you KNEW better then to use it and you still did that kind of guilt will kill someone
Just watch your baby while in use and don’t pile blankets in with them.

It was recalled FOR A REASON.
I used it I just make sure my son was strapped in
Babies only die in stuff like that because of negligent parents… Trust your institution your the mom you know best!
Babies are LITERALLY DYING. Using it at this point shouldn’t be an option. 
Use your judgement. Common sence …Just always watch your baby regardless of what you put them in…Good luck.
I would still use it. Just read the warning labels
Get rid of it, every baby is different. Why take a chance when it’s literally life and death 
I bet the moms that lost babies to it never ‘had issues’ with it either until the ‘issue’ is irreversible…
I used the rock n play religiously with my first son! Then we used it with my nephew. I just had my second son almost 2 months ago and I would still use the rock n play if I had one!
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I used one for my youngest with no problems.
Apparently no one was reading the articles even with proper use babies were still dying!
Sorry but tell your family to shut it. You know how to safely use it. If you feel comfortable using it, and know how to safely… it isn’t their business
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My son slept in one for 6 months or so when he was born in 2017 and had absolutely no issues with it.
It was recalled for a reason.
Whether you used one before or not, do you really want to risk it?
C’mon now.
Why is this even a question? Why would someone willingly use a product that is being recalled due to multiple infant deaths? Even when used properly? Wow.
Use it. My son’s 9 months old. I used it untill 5 months old. Mind you my son wasn’t rolling around or sitting up. He’s still not sitting up. He started rolling around at 6 months. In ur right supervision n strap.
NEGLIGENT PARENTS. I’d still use it. But I’d make sure it was used in the way its supposed to be used. 
Honestly why even risk it?
I used one with one of my daughters and have one now for my son. The issues I’ve read people having is due to then not strapping them in… that’s not really a manufacturing/product issue, but more of an issue with the parents
If it is recalled I would send back
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Its a 50/50 thing… Think about it as sad as it is to see about an infant passing away no matter where you put them or how you put them its always a 50/50 chance of happening.
It was recalled for a reason 30 known babies died because of it
**In many states, if you ignore a recall and something happens to your child, you can’t sue the company.
Personally, I wouldn’t riak my kids life to prove I can use it “correctly”.
They make new ones every 8 months. It’s not worth using the one that has a malfunction. Just because you used one in the past doesnt mean its safe.
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Would you drive a vehicle that was recalled? Just because you were fine, and never had an issue with it? No probably not, if there’s a risk of death due to the padding (not just user error) why bother?! There are tons of other contraptions to sit your baby in that are similar that have not been recalled.
It was recalled, don’t use it. Return it and get something safe
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I used a recalled bath seat for all three of my kids… Who are all very much alive because I am not an idiot and know to not leave a child unattended in the tub GOD FORBID the bath seat decided to break… Which is never did and has been used by 2 other children since mine used it lol. Not all things are recalled because the product is unsafe, it’s sometimes recalled because parents can’t use it properly.
My son would only sleep in it I loved it I plan on using it with my second now also. Do what feels right to you
Aside from the recall I think it elevates the babies head to high as well. I ended up with a basic hand me down bassinet but I really liked the graco dreamglider.
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I use a rock and play for my 3 month old. I strap her in and she can’t roll when she’s strapped it. Just use common sense.
Could you live with yourself if something happened?
It was recalled because idiot parents didn’t buckle their children in. Children who were already rolling over. Which on the box it clearly says it’s not for children who are already rolling over.
Just buckle your baby in and don’t use it when they start to roll over. That was the biggest issue. I used it with my son and when he started to roll I stopped.
It was recalled because people fail to use it properly. Buckle your baby in, supervise your baby when using it, and when your baby starts moving a lot stop using it. It’s simple, but, people fail to use things properly and then blame the product.
it’s not the product it’s the people using it!!
We are beyond having kids now but if we ever had a surprise baby at some point I’d totally use one again. It was the best baby accessory… I had only used it for a month or 2 each kid but it was so helpful to have
My son loved that he slept in that thing the first three months of his life
I used them with all 3 if my boys also but… #1 you’re supposed to strap them in #2 they are not ment to babysit your child
i used mine only when i needed to and that didnt mean taking my eyes off them and #3 its not ment to be used forever after the baby is rolling over/ sitting up it shouldnt need to be used as floor play is better for them. If i had another baby ( no chance lol) but if i did i would use it just the same
I didnt see any recalls…i could be wrong but i seen warnings…parents leaving older infants 3-4 months who are starting to roll are able to flip it over or get theur faces stuck n suffocate…i also used this until she was about 6 months…i had it between the wall and the sofa though so it couldn’t flip over (not because i thought of that…thats just where i had the space for it…personally i think youd be fine…but they have other type baby equipment that would serve the same purpose
It is officially recalled Recall & Safety Alerts
If you use it the way you’re supposed to, you’ll be fine. Blame the idiots that put rolling babies in theirs.
I received this email saying it was because the parents never buckled them in… I loved my rock and play and still swear by it!!
Welcome to motherhood. Where mothers judge each other for everything. Use your rock n play girl. Read the directions and don’t let baby sleep in it for long periods of time. 
I used mine with my daughter perfectly fine I just stopped when she started to get too big or move too much and shes 4 now sooo…
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So if its the original one you used its probably fine. If its a newer model maybe they mean that model was recalled. Do whatever feels right just be careful. I know the choices I make fall back on me your a smart lady you know the same. Maybe even try something different could work the same or better…
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Why risk it honestly. Everything that isn’t safe now at one point someone swore their baby did just fine, walkers, drop side cribs, expired carseats, … etc … I personally wouldn’t risk it but it’s not my baby.
See if you can find out more about the recall.
It wasn’t recalled, a warning was sent out
This comes down to personal opinion if something were to happen though you could get in more trouble for using a recalled item but 90% of items recalled are just because of a few stupid parents. Bumper pads are not suppose to be used but so many people still do.
I think if you know its safe because you know to use it properly then why not its your life and children just be catious and if you still get hell from family tell them to screw off or just dont tell thwm your using it.
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