Side effects of Depo?

I went on it twenty years ago, I ended up with osteopina, my advice would be to stay away from it, as I thins your bones x

Shot is great only downside i had was put alot of weight on. I had it for year & half

I’ve heard bad things with the shot, the implant worked well for me the first time, the replacement made me bleed constantly
Now have the mireena coil and I can’t reccomend it enough. Was uncomfortable getting placed but no issues since. Due my replacement in 2025 and will be happily renewing it as it helps my pcos and endo symptoms (v slightly)

Never got pregnant on it no periods, got off of it for four mths then got pregnant bc was no longer on it

I always use the shot . I love it no periods and you go every three mths. To me I had no side effects

I used the depo before 19, it caused permanent nerve damage in my left leg along with problems with the right, my period was non-stop I had to take iron pills just to not pass out because I am also anemic. I also took two different birth control pills and had unfavorable harsh periods and some side effects.Talk with an obgyn about the best options for not only your body type but your health as well. There are so many birth controls out there and some work well for women while others don’t. I have the implant now after the birth of my first child and absolutely love it. Seriously talk with an obgyn and find what best suits you is the best thing to do in my opinion.

I can’t prove it but when I was on it I was fine coming off of it my periods were heavy for years found out I had uterine cancer had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and I’m pretty sure it caused me to never been able to get pregnant again

Got it years ago made me gain almost 100 pounds im still trying to loss it I was only on it for a year

I had it for 6-9 months - I bled constantly and gained 40-50 pounds. In order to stop the bleeding I was doubling dosing (gyn supervised) on bcp to stop the bleeding. Eventually the bleeding stopped. The pounds never really came off. I hated it.

I fell pregnant!! It even masked the pregnancy tests as negative and as it tuned out i was 19 weeks with a blood test to confirm :roll_eyes:

I had no period for 3 years then bled for 2 months straight almost died. I have the mirania and I love it nothing to think about dr calls when due in 6 years

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I had it 10 years before having first children and then a bug break had another one. Back on it no period no issues never had any trouble with depo. No mood swings don’t feel any different ti when not on it to being on it . It’s been another 7 years since I started taking it again. Had 4 children all up and naturally Conceived twins so no issues falling pregnant when off it

It ruined my body … I gained alot of weight… Had so much problems with pap smears\etc … Was on it for 11 years… If u do get on it only do it for 2 or 3 years… Depo is not meant for long term… Which i did not know til i had problems and I prob can’t have anymore kids … I wont suggest the depo if u want it longer than 2 or 3 yrs… Not having a period for years can lessen ur chance of getting preg again. I did my research and i have been off of it for 5 yrs now n lost the weight n stopped going to those drs… They did not give me info they should have given.

if you want more children id say dont have it…i had it after my 1st and took me 7 years to then concieve again and really messed up my cycle xxx

It made me gain weight after a couple years but I didn’t get pregnant

I used to take the shot and it stopped my periods but also got pregnant on the shot with my first child.

Had horrible weight gain and both my boys were conceived while I was on it.

I had it twice. The second time I didn’t stop bleeding for weeks. Mirena iud was awesome for me though. No side effects at all but everybody is different.

My daughter is the prize I got for being on the depo. I also met a mum Who had triplets while on depo.

I had the shot when it was first available- I hated it. I bled for 6 weeks.

My granddaughter was on it and had to get off, she had a bone density test and it was not good.

I never had a period for two years after getting just two doses of the depo. Horrible weight gain. And inability to loose weight. Also caused issues with mental health conditions.

No periods but you get weight gain that you can’t loose on it.

Had my period almost nonstop for 9 months on the depo. Had to get off of it.

My daughter gained weight really fast as soon as she stopped She lost it he was under 20

I had it and gained over 15kg and so moody never again I have the rod in my arm now

On Depo the only time in my life I would describe knowing what depression really felt like. Erratic mood swings. Irregular bleeding. I don’t trust it. But none of them are really great. I mean all forms of birth control have side effects. I know only if people on the internet and doctors act like the side effects are rare I don’t personally know another woman in my life that HASNT had some sort of side effect from BC that has had an impact on their life. I personally chose natural family planning which IF DONE CORRECTLY is almost as effective as many forms of birth control. But it’s obviously not for everyone. Good luck.

Been on depo injection for 9 years. Periods stopped and no side effects :slightly_smiling_face:

Nothing bad with the shot just random light spotting for about a year

I was on it. I didn’t have any periods but had serious weight gain. Once I came off it it took 10 months for my periods to return and I bled for 3 months. Have a think first as it can be a pain as when I was on it there were often shortages xx

Been on it for 14 years and not had one issue and a bonus is no bleeding

Gosh babe, sounds like a hard “don’t do it” judging by the comments. I heard success with the mirena, but I’ve also heard of alot of horror stories or miscarrying the first year you have it out to try for more children. Maybe condoms is the go? I know for my partner and I it’s, a joint effort, mainly on his shoulders, he takes that responsibility.

I didn’t get my monthly ever… But spotted and still ended up pregnant anyway… I had been on it for 2 years when it happened… The only 100% real birth control is abstinence. I got pregnant on pills and condoms…

I’ve been on Depo for 25 years with absolutely no bad side affects. The only thing my doctor ever warned me about is that Depo depletes calcium. I’m not a milk drinker, nor do I consume any real calcium besides what’s in my multivitamin and veggies. Because of that I’ve had to have bone density tests every so often over the years.

Stops your period but if you want another you’ll have to plan atleast 6 months to a year out. Currently coming off the depo and it’s been 4 months and my period just regulated. There is more of a possibility that the depo can make you sterile over the pill. And if you do come off the depo the periods are way worse the first few months. I would literally sweat bullets as I cramped it hurt so bad. When your next shot is due your emotions are all over. My poor husband tried so hard to keep up with me and there were days he would hide from me. In all honesty it could have just been my experience and you could be completely opposite but since you asked for experiences, that’s mine.

Also I was advised against it from GP as it now thins your bones. X

Pregnacy… my grandson was conceived on depo

Have you thought about the contraceptive patch instead?

I know some of my family had it and they all gained a lot of Weight

I didn’t like it. Felt like I had raging hormones.

I got pregnant with my son on the shot. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

I got it after my 3rd and bled for 6 months straight I never went back for the others :no_good_woman:t3:

I got pregnant on the depo shot

Lead me to Vitamin D deficiency

I gained alot of weight…

Not as reliable as people think. Take for example…my daughter. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I got pregnant on it :slightly_smiling_face:

You will have your period all the time! It was a horrible

Hated it!!! Made me suicidal

I had depo for 9 years straight no periods a little weight gain not massive tho I had the top up shots at 9/10 weeks instead off 11/12and it was perfect protection until I found out I was pregnant with twins

I gained so much weight and kinda went crazy on it.

Depo affected my mental health badly. I have a copper iud now instead.

Been on the depo for 14 years. Am anemic and have never had an issue with it affecting my iron. I also didn’t suffer the weight gain most people experience as well as that pertains to your metabolism. I was also after giving birth and released to go home was able to get my injection without having to wait for my period to start.

Don’t get the shot right away if your breastfeeding, it slows your production. I learned the hard way

I hated it,bled for the three months I was on it

I was on it for years and loved it. Only got my period every 3 months and no side effects.

It’s been the answer to my prayers! A little tenderness on the injection spot but that’s all.

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Literally the worst option. Look into an implant or an IUD.

Get the mirena! No hormones to gain weight, no forgetting, no period… gets replaced every 5 years.

No no no no no. Please take anything but that, it caused me irreparable damage.

Im on it love it!!
No weight gain
No mood problems
Did have breakthrough bleeding but the doctor gave me pills to stop the bleeding
I just get the shots every 10 weeks
I think its great and extremely cost effective.

Now everyone is different so you can only try and see how you go!

Weight gain galore for me, and risk of osteoporosis if used long term

I had spotting for an entire year!

It Stoped my period but I gained weight

Stopped period, thinning hair, some weight loss.

I bled for 6 months. I HATED it. It is also not easily reversible like a pill or implanon. I wish I had known that before I started it.

I got it after my last and dryed my milk up😥

Do not do it I got pregnant on it when my doctor said it was fine

My mom did it and gained a lot of weight do not recommend

Gained hella weight…

Worst thing I’ve ever taken in my life. Was on it for 6 months and decided to get an IUD instead

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I had a terrible experience, but I know every woman can be different. It was too many hormones for me. Made me a little crazy :sweat_smile:

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I had my period the entire time i was on depo. Never again

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I’ve been anemic for most of my adult life been on depo for decades no issues at all except I don’t have my period which is great ! Lol

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When I was on the shot I would spot literally every day the entire year I was on it. But it could be different for everyone

I have never usedit,used it, everyone I know gained massive wonders it!!!

I was on it for 6 years! Never got a period! And it took me 2 1/2 years after i stopped taking it for me to get pregnant! Than after that pregnancy i got the shot again but I was constantly bleeding! So i stopped taking it

I love the depo. I’ve had it for years. I gained a little weight but I never get my period

I had extreme weight gain, hair loss, terrible acne, permanent hormonal imbalance

Hella weight gain and took me a long time to get my periods regular after being on it

Had no problem with it besides got pregnant on it lol

I had absolutely no issues!! Still lost the baby weight… well within 8lbs of pre-baby weight. Breast fed my babies just fine and pumped. I had light spotting instead of periods then after a few shots no period at all. And no extra weight gain. Got pregnant right away after we decided it was my last shot.

I got it right after my son,the worst ever,my son was 9months old I was still bleeding and I was crazy,I got the iud,I’d, love it

Everyone is seriously different and just because it happened to someone doesn’t mean it will happen to you. I was on the depo for like 5 years and had a wonderful experience with it. No period… Maybe just light acne and bloating around that time of month. I ended up getting an iud 6m PP though because I started losing a lot of weight and it threw my hormones off. I really like the IUD though.

ETA- I went off the depo Oct. 2018 and found out I was pregnant Jan. 2019 as well.

I was on it for 16 years with no side effects and no periods. Took about 2 years after I went off it to get my period back then got pregnant shortly after!!!

Nothing is 100 percent…

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Run. I had the depo twice between my first and my second. It made my periods so irregular and heavy, made me gain 30 pounds (and no, I didn’t change my diet or exercise routine), I broke out in really bad acne. I turned into a raging bitch due to the hormones. I also had a miserable time trying to conceive again, with one miscarriage I do blame on the depo. I will never, ever again get it or allow my children to.

I have the Mirena now, on my second one. Aside from having to have a hysteroscopy to remove the first due to my incompetent doctor cutting the strings too short. I would recommend that over and over. Good for 7 years. No period

I liked it until I changed pharmacies and finally recieved the insert and read it and how it can create bone loss in women of childbearing age, my vitamin d levels had already been low so I asked dr for a bone density scan and they said I had osteopenia which is the precursor to osteoporosis. I stopped taking it and thankfully when I had another scan a couple years after my son was born my levels were normal again. So use at your own risk but yes it can create bone loss while using and for a period of time after…most ppl still dont know this, my doctor(s) even had to look it up and read ab it at my normal dr and gynecologist when I brought it up…

I did not like it messed with my monthly’s…it was a pain in the butt. But I have. Also heard other ladies say they love it. Depends on your body. Congrats on the new babe.

I have been on it since my son was 3 months he is now 2, my side effects are just weight gain, I was on it 5 years before I had my son, since having my son I produce a very small amount of milk for about a day or 2 after getting my shot but all in all no bad side effects, no period, just a small weight gain

I have been on the Depo shot for 26 years. I have not had a period or gained weight…it’s one thing I have been thankful for in my life

I had it and never got my period which was awesome but I did gain weight on it

i would not suggest the shot if u want more children in the future because it can take a while to get pregnant after or even get a regular period…also many people complain of weight gain. I would highly suggest the mirena or another iud

DON’T DO IT. My daughter is still battling the awful side effects 2 years later. Do your research. There are better options out there.

I chose not to do it because it weakens bones over time, causing osteoporosis. The risks of long term use weren’t worth it to me.

I spotted almost every single day that I was on the depo :pleading_face:

It is abosolute hell!!!
I believe that caused my pcos.