Signs labor is near?

Back labor is definitely real. I had it with all 3.

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In September I delivered the neighbors baby…Mom thought sir had to poop.

I never had any in the front with either baby! All in my back! Go in!!

I had stomach labour with my first one. My second and third ones I had back contractions. Nothing in my stomach except for Braxton hicks with my third.

I only had back labor. I went in when they were 7-10’minutes apart and got admitted had my son the next day!

back labor is real believe me i know because ive had it go to the hospital

They are so wrong! Don’t wait!

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Oh yes it is mine was in my back & legs… If it’s constant go in.

I had bad back labor with my son go jn

I had back labor with my son. It was intense. You should go

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I would go in… can’t hurt

Go I had back labor…my child was almost born in the elevator…I went early morning hrs sent home…so didn’t go back until almost had her in elevator…

That’s bs I had back labor with my daughter

YES!!! GO!!! I experienced this and went in and was almost at a 8 dialated.

With my first one I only had back labor

Back labor is definitely real

Gooooooo… I had back labor never anything in the front not even discomfort … I had to hold my legs closed to keep him in while I was being rushed in from the ambulance …

I would go in I had mostly back labor it sucked

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I wish I had back labour front is killer😫

Go in, back labor is real. I can’t believe they told you that

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I had a nurse tell me if you can’t communicate through a contraction go in! Don’t worry about timing contractions etc.

Gooooooooo. And best wishes!

Your body is telling you there is something going on. Don’t waste time. GO.

Better to go and it be a false alarm than to NOT go and have that baby at home.

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Ummmm a friend of mine only ever had back labor. She went in to be checked and the front contractions were minimal so they sent her home. She ended up having him at home standing at her counter. It’s no joke and back labor is a real thing.

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I had only back labor!

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Jeez yes back labor is soooo real wtf?

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95% of my labor was in my back. 100% real.

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I have problems with my back and I only had back contractions I had none in the front! Mine went from 4-5 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart. Trust your instinct not the drs. The worst they will do if you go in is sendyou home

My labor was in my back

Back labor is real I would go in!

Back labor is real go to the Hospital

Go in anyway. Whoever answered your call is a moron.

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My daughter couldn’t even feel the contractions in her belly with one of my grandbabies. The nurse could feel them with her hand over her belly.

Never had my contractions in my belly it was always my back

Go in I had the same they told me that too glad I went it too late though baby was coming so no epidural

I dont get contractions when I go into labor until I’m just about ready to push, and when they do start, it’s always in my lower back, I didn’t know I was in labor with my middle daughter, when I went into the ER I was already 8cm! Had her 40 min later, same thing happened with my youngest, I started feeling back pressure and I had her 20 min after walking in

With my last one I only had back ones no front

Umm back labour is real!!! I had back labour and almost didnt go in but I was fully dilated when I go to the hospital. Go in to be assessed!!!

Back contractions first and then front contractions. But of course, better check the mucus plug, if you go for a wee and then you notice a pleghm like discharge, well contractions will continue :slight_smile: If you feel contractions in ypur back, front and you feel that the pressure goes downwards, might as well go to your hospital and they check if your on labor. (Vagina is swelling up to 2-6 cm is a sign of labor)

I had mostly back labor. They told me that could mean baby was facing wrong way (back vs. front or vice versa). I’d go get checked, better to be safe.

With my last little I only had back labor which is real but doesnt help thin your cervix or dilate you. If you think you should go go its your body you know it better then anyone

I had all back labor too never had any labor in the front. I would go get checked…

I had back labor,no pains felt in front,go to hospital

I had all back labor. Its definitely true. Go get looked at.

I had back labor with my son. Yes it is real! And mine was super intense! I would go in if it is consistent.

Um, back labor is a real thing! I was in back labor for 4 days with my first son. Pain got bad enough I couldn’t stand it. Went to the hospital and they called in the Dr. I would defiantly go in despite what they told you.

Go get checked. Trust your instincts especially with pain level at or close to 10.

Go in!! Back labor is totally a thing!!!

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I ONLY had back labor. So my contractions were only in the back. Go in and refuse to leave until youre seen.

I had back labor with my 4 yr old didn’t no I was in labor got to hospital was 8 cm and with my 9 month old also with her had front then called an was already 7 cm when I got to the hospital. So from my experience I would go to the hospital to be checked. Good luck I didn’t do to my lower back problems. Again good luck and go with your gut feeling.

I’ve only ever had back labour through all 4. Starts in the lower back and moves down to my thighs. I’d go in and at least get monitored to be sure

I only had back labor on my second! She was facing the wrong way and as soon as she turned everything went super quick :joy: go get checked

My labor pains with all 3 of mine started on one side of my back, crossed to the other side and then around to the front and moving to the back . They were so strong my ob thought the monitors were broken because the pains registered stronger than the top number on the machines

Go in back labor is a thing. Better safe than sorry

I had back labor with my 2nd son and it’s real

I had only back labor with my first

Back labor is def a thing. It’s called posterior labor. I had it. Check it out

A lot of women have back pains go in and be check best hope you have a easy delivery best wishes

Go! Trust your body and your instincts

With my second child I never felt front or back contractions. I had “lightening crotch” for 3 days til I got so bad I decided to go get checked. My contractions were 2-3 mins apart n within an hour of arrival, my water broke and I had my son 2 hours after that. Moral of the story: when in doubt, get checked out.

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I would go in for sure

Back labor is 1000% real go get checked

Wrong wrong wrong I only had back labor with my first…they sent me home too and she started crowning I almost had at home…get your butt to the hospital now

Back labor is a thing

Back labor is real. Had with all three kids and my miscarriage. Who ever you spoke was a moron! I am 58 and you need a better Doctor.

I only had back labor with both my babies. Go in! Screw them!

I had back labor then a c section

I had back labor all my pain was in my back

I had back labor with my second daughter, it is very real labor!!!

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Go in. When I had my daughter I had back labor

I had no front contractions with my daughter all back labor finally got forced by my sister in law and mother in law to go to hospital my daughter was born 4 hours later.

Go, my daughter had all back labor with her daughter.

My contractions started in the back and I didnt have them in front till about an HR before I had to push.

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Go my oldest son was breached and the biblical cord was around his neck, I had back.labor only go

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Back labor is real, yes, I would go get checked out!


My niece had back labor. Thinking she had to go to the bathroom she delivered alone in a bathroom. Go now!

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Back labor is definitely a real thing. I didn’t feel anything at all in my stomach. No pain. No tightening. Everything was in my lower back from the time my contractions started until the time I delivered…2 hours. Go to l&d if they’re consistent at 5 mins apart

Back labor is definitely a thing. I had it with 2 of my kids.

I had back labor with my first… That’s a load of crap. It’s just like contractions.

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Back laboris the only reason I knew my labor was real and too early with my twins. Had back labor with all my children.

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With my son that is all I had was back labor and yes it is real very much so

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Back labor is a very real thing. I know several people that had it and said it was unbearable. I would go in

Just go, they can only just say go home. It can be labor or pre labor. At least you’ll know how dilated you are and just maybe what to expect next. I had 4 kids. The last one had the chord wrapped around her neck. The pains never regulated. Each baby is different.

Go anyway. Just to get checked. Every labor is different with every pregnacy.

If you feel doubt. Always trust your gut!:heart: go in to ease your mind

I had 72 hours of back labor with my first child.

I had back labor that shit hurts and I don’t care what anyone says I went through it without drugs I wouldn’t wish that on any female…you’ll always have back pain and sometimes when I’m on my period it feels like back labor all over again please get the drugs I wish I would have

Back labor is real that was my labor pains until I got further in cm then I had pains in front n back…go to the hospital n get checked…

My entire labor was back labor, so lol

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Back labor is real i had it for 19.5 hours and you should go get checked out

If you haven’t already, you need to go into L&D now. With my first I never got contractions in my abdomen, I only had back labor and had my daughter 1 for after arriving to the hospital. Back labor is said to be worse and more intense

I had back labor…ease your mind and go get checked out. The worry is causing you stress!!

I had back labor only with first 3. Last one was in front and it hurt so much I wished it was in my back

Back labor is very real! Go in

With both my sons I only had back labor… I’m speechless.

Go in asap. Please. There can be back pain. Maybe the medical term isn’t labor, but that baby may want out!

I had only back labor with my son

Go in anyway and refuse to leave until, they have monitored you.

I’ve heard of tons of women feeling all of their labor in their back. Go get checked, worst thing that can happen is they send you home.