Signs labor is near?

I had back labor. And it was horrible but there definitely is such thing at back labor … go in

My labor pains was in the back

Go in to be checked. Back labor is real, and you’re far enough along for it to be happening

That nurse is nieve, and just doesn’t want another patient, well that’s to bad for her because back labor is very much a real thing, and you should go in and get checked out

Go in. I had back labor the day my son was induced. They even waited to induce me cause of how bad my back labor was. But I didn’t progress much so they ended up inducing me.

Back labor is definitely a thing… it’s all I had with either kid… go in

I had back labor with one of mine and he was face up and the Dr said that was way

Omg whomever told you that is an idiot. Hospital, nowsies.


I had back labor!! Don’t listen. If YOU feel like you’re in labor…GO!!!

I have 2 kids and have only ever had back labour!! Those sound like contractions to me and you need to go in :slight_smile:

That’s bullshit. I felt nothing in the front with my son. NOTHING! It was ALL in my back. Go in.

I never had pain in the front only my back I’d

I only had period cramps and back pain and i was in labor for 48 hrs and was sent home and almost had my son at home. I would go in and get on the monitor

I have only ever had back pain and period cramps with the 2 kids I already had. never any “front” contractions. that’s absurd. if you think you need to go in then you go in

I’m not backreading, just here to say my first was 1 week early with 100 percent back labor. No pain at all in my stomach.

I had back labor like that for days before my water broke. You can go in but they will probably send you home.
Good luck

Wow… I went to childbirth classes which were taught by a doula and yes back labor is a thing. Whoever told you that it isn’t clearly has no idea what they’re talking about. Go get checked

That’s all I had with my second never had a single front contraction ! Just a warning my epidural failed cause it didn’t numb the right parts being it was all back labor, my baby was hooked on my tailbone. They can give you something stronger if that happens so make sure to let them know if you’re still in pain :blush:

I had labor pains in my back with my third child. Thank goodness we only lived 5 blocks from the hospital. 15 minutes after I entered hospital.

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That nurse is an absolute idiot, yes it’s a real thing !

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Ok. Back labor is a thing. I only felt them there. Buuuut when I lifted my shirt I could see that my belly was contracting and feel with my finger tips that my belly was hard.

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Back labor is true I had it with all 4 of my kids If your water breads go to hospital praying for you and your baby and daddy

Get massages slowly moving down it worked for me

I had nothing but back labor with my youngest when she was born. Go in!!! I didn’t feel contractions the day either of my kids were born.

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It is a thing go now!

Had back labor with my daughter

Go in ! I was having contractions 2 minutes apart was told take panadol and call back in an hour, not even 10 minutes later my daughter was born

Back labor was what I had with both my children. It is very real!!

My labor was all in my back!

I only had back labor, never felt it in the front.

I never felt anything in the front. My sons placenta was in the front. I never felt moves or kicks. No contractions. Sometimes he head went under my ribs… but I’d go in.

I agree that nurse definitely doesn’t know what he or she is talking about I had back labor with my first baby never felt anything in the front at all went to the hospital and I was in active labor water broke a few minutes after that

Six kids. Back labor Everytime.

I would get a different dr

In our culture we believe contractions are determined by the gender of the baby…kkkkkk its my first time encountering the word back labour…its better just to go to the hosptal and get checked…

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Horse $#!%!!! Back labor IS labor! I have 4 kids and had back labor with them all! Even up to the point that the nurse told me I wasn’t steady enough with my contractions for her to check me. With that said, with my baby girl I had to push and she told me it was just pressure and I didn’t have to. Long story short, my Dr barely made it there to deliver her 10 minutes later! Good luck mama!

They are ass holes I want to slap that person who said that to you my first baby it was all back labour and if it was not real then how in the fuck did I have a baby in the 10 hours I was in the hospital in labour for…

I had lower back pain. And sharp pains and told me its only back spasm to go see a specialist

Omg. My first kid was back labor the entire freaking time. I had Braxton Hicks kn the front, but when true labor came in, it was in my back. Baby was born Sunny side up.

Yes. It’s untrue. You will get back pain if the baby has moved back to back position at the last minute which is very painful. Try to sit up rather than lie down its more painful lying down that way.

My labour was all in the back, who are you dealing with, the circus? Go straight in

I had back labor during my entire labor. :person_shrugging: the worst pain ever.

I for sure had 12 hours of back labor, felt my dudes nose down every vertebrae. But it wasn’t until afternoon the next day before I had him. My water never broke but I was 9cm ready to push when I got to the hospital. No time for meds. I wouldn’t recommend waiting that long, but honestly you will be more comfortable at home! Just follow your gut.

5 to 7 min is a lil far out…i would wait…i would hate to get sent home

No matter what if you feel the need go!!

Back labor is so REAL!!! Both of my oldest two were all back labor. Go get checked out.

Back labor is a real thing. Follow your instincts. Hey to hospital

With my first I never felt a single contraction in the front. My whole labor was back labor.

Yourv stomach wll be tighting as well if so go in and if u arnt sure go it nvr hurts

It is real. I had back labor with my oldest

I had only back labor one of the worst pains ive experinced and ive broken 10+ bones car crashes etc. Back labor is real and you will definitely know when you need to go

It can happen. You know your body better than they do. If you are that far alone with them being that close I would go to be safe. What do you have to lose a few hours if they send you back home??

Um back labor is real, I only had cramps in my back til I hit 8 cm dilated. Go in honey! Have that precious baby!

Who ever told you that needs to find a new profession


Back labor is awful! If it starts in your back and makes it all the way around to the front get in quickly. I know I couldnt stay still I flipped from one side to the other with every contraction.

All my labor was back labor. I though it was false then by the time i got to L&D i was 8cm will my water broke when i got there. She came 15 mins later. ALL BACK LABOR.

how irresponsible of that hospital. Back labour is a real thing, if your are concerned EVER, go in and get monitored.!! good luck !!

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I didn’t have any labor in my front at all and I was in labor 27 1/2 hours

I had back labor for 12hrs. So painful. Back labor is a real thing. I would go in.

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Yes it is real!! Both my sister and I had it.

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I think baby is coming! Congratulations! Always trust your gut mama and I’m sorry this “professional” told you it’s not real. It most definitely is, I reckon she doesn’t have kids of her own.

This is how ridiculous some hospitals can be. I went in at exactly 36 weeks after having gushes of blood and severe back labor went in and was told I wasn’t in labor and that it would be at least two more weeks till my lo came. I said I know my body I am having this baby before the end of the day. They kind of laughed like yeah your crazy lady and said well go home and come back if you start having more frequent contractions. I had my son not too much later that day. Their faces were priceless when I came back a couple hours later ready to have my son.

Back labour is absolutely real! I was in active labour for 16 hours with no pain anywhere but my lower back! Never felt anything in the front!
Go in girly!

Back labor is definitely a thing. That’s the only labor I’ve ever experienced. I would go in!

Back labor med name is Posterior birth, Google it. Both my deliverys were that way, never had a stomach contraction, painful

My first baby was all back labor!!! They said it would come to the front… NEVER DID. I had 2 more kids and labor in the front for both of them. I had years of back trouble after that. That was when I was 20. Back trouble till I was 40.( Back going out) Now I am 68.

When in doubt, check it out. Your most precious gift is worth a trip in. The relief you will gain is more than worth it. Go In!

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Go in and get checked!

I only had back labor

When in doubt, go in! Won’t hurt anything!

I had all back labor with Darion