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"I am a single mom and a friend was going through a divorce his wife kicked him out. He needed this for a new apartment this was almost 6 months ago. He borrowed money approx $400 and has still yet to pay me back but he goes out all the time, has a good job, randomly hooks up and takes girls out he’s not responsible and has completely dropped me as a friend. What should I do?? I’ve asked for it back nicely he says he hasn’t forgotten but I’m sick of waiting."
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"The fact that you say he’s basically no longer a friend already says what he intends on doing. He’s gonna choose not to pay you back and lose the friendship if need be."
"If he dropped you as a friend then it’s ok to get rude and demand the money back"
"Take that $400 as a lesson learned on exactly how much he valued your friendship, and to see the real him while getting a fake friend out of your life for good."
"Set up weekly or monthly payments get it in writing or even text. If needed you can go to small claims court but that would most likely end the friendship. You basically have to decided if you want your money or “friend”."
"Tell him you need it now and he has 30 days to pay it. Leave it simple as that"
"Consider it gone. Let this be a lesson you never let family or friends borrow money. It’s not worth the headaches. And this is the best way to ruin any friendship. I would try asking again and this time saying, “I need it by this date” Hope you get your money back."
"My parents taught me to only loan money if I’m ok with not getting it back. You have to decide weather it’s worth losing a friendship over."
"Consider yourself lucky that he does not talk to you anymore. He doesn’t seem like a good person he sounds like a user. You probably save yourself a lot of grief 400$ is a nice chunk of change but it a small price to pay to get rid of a jerk."
"I’d wrap it up as a lesson learned. I had to learn the hard way also with $ 1000. If he has already gave your friendship up don’t plan on it. It sucks and hurts people would do that but it’s reality."
"Demand your money back. Tell him you’ve given him more than enough time to pay it back and you need it. Also, next time he’s in a bind, tell him no."
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