Some kid on fortnite told my daughter to unalive herself: What can I do?

Hey so I have something serious that I really need advice on because I don’t know what to do if this is not aloud I understand. My 8 year old daughter plays fortnight and I had told her multiple times not to talk to people because there are creepy and crazy people in the world, do you think she listened? No, so she told me today that one of her friends on fortnight told her that they will give her $1000 if she unalives herself. I was completely stunned and of course we had a conversation about it but I don’t know if it did anything. I can’t sleep because I’m thinking about it. I don’t think she will ever do it but it’s still scary, she couldn’t give me the persons name because she didn’t know what it was. We did take away her switch but I don’t know where to go from here? Is there something else I can do? I want to file a policy report but with no name I don’t know if they can help me. Advice will be so much appreciated. Thank you!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Some kid on fortnite told my daughter to unalive herself: What can I do?

Get her off the internet


tell the police see if they can help

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Therapy? Maybe? Im not sure. That’s a tough one.

Well she’s 8 and playing unsupervised online so there’s that. . .


Stop letting your kids play games with adults on the internet. Gaming culture hasn’t changed in the 15 years I’ve been gaming. Don’t expect it to change anytime soon. Some is just toxic, and Fortnite is one of those I refuse to play because people just suck. Get Minecraft, play solo. There’s ways around this problem.

Get the gamertag and report it also turn over gamer tag and incident to the police they can find them.


Firstly, don’t let your 8 year old play Fortnite. Thank you for reminding me that I’m doing the right thing in not letting my kid play.


I would limit the game time & definitely take away any headsets or anything she can use to talk, she’ll just be able to listen to everything from the tv, poor girl definitely doesn’t need to be told that & going thru that, maybe keep her off for a few days so that person doesn’t come back and target her to bully again.

Ah mine plays as well kids say some crazy things. Just talk to her and let her know that it’s not ok to say or tell other people that. Also when my kids play I have them mute every one. And just listen to the game my kids are 9 and 7


She’s 8, take away the internet and access to that world. Get her counseling if you think mentally that she needs it. The online world is a very cruel and scary place. Keep her safe!


There’s so much here. Where to start. Why is an 8 year old unsupervised on the internet? Get her off the internet. Yes you take it away and don’t give it back.


Regulate who she’s playing with or make it where she can’t play with a head set. My daughter is only 8 but I’m always in the room and completely monitoring it

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I’m about getting rid of the game. She’ll be upset at first but find other things she likes. Worked for my kid
Fortnight is just bad news

This is exactly why my 8 year old doesn’t play games like that. Get her off the internet.

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Don’t let your 8 year old play unsupervised. There is a lot worse out there and an 8 year old is not equipped to deal with creeps.

Reason #181910174739 kids shouldn’t be on the internet.

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First of all that game isn’t age appropriate.

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At 8 I don’t think it’s wise for her to be on any game where she communicates with people

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Stop the fortnite. She isnt old enough to be playing without supervision. Look into a counselor or someone to talk to her about it if its causing her problems.

Why is your 8 year old playing Fortnite unsupervised?


Kids these days would’ve never survived in the og COD lobbies…


She’s too young to be playing Fortnite unsupervised


Voice communication restrictions? I’m not familiar with switch but you can restrict it on xbox


So, on fortnite there’s a list of people in the friends area, that is “recently played with”


Take her mic away! That way she can’t talk to other ppl


My son is only allowed to play creative by himself on fortnite. I’m an avid gamer and I know how bad the shit talk is on online gaming.


You took away her switch ? Why
She didn’t do anything wrong and your punishing her ….
Find another game or one we’re you can’t communicate on it. Simple


Turn off communication in the game, don’t take her switch away that’s punishing her and she didn’t do anything wrong


Who in heck laugh reacts a kid being told to harm themselves?


I would definitely limit the online gaming to certain people. I know that’s hard to do but it needs to be done. You can download the app for your device. help monitor the audience, and gaming time. We live in a different world nowadays. You’ll thank yourself later by setting these boundaries. :pray::two_hearts:

My son is 13 years old and I am in the same room or close by to hear everything.

Get her off any social media. Kids are cruel and exposing her at that age can cause psychological harm.


Take away the mic. Simple. Mute the tv as she plays.

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Why give her a mic if you don’t want her talking to people?! :woman_facepalming:


Take your kids off of social media


We deleted and blocked roblox, minecraft, YouTube and the internet from our sons devices… there are too many evil people in the world…


Wow there’s a whole lot of "perfect parents " in here.
Dont feel bad mama … my kids are 6,7,12 and 13 and they all play …just like almost every other kid they know.
You ca y shelter your kids from everything …nor should you …
Have a talk with her…explain why that isn’t okay for anyone to say to anyone ever .


Damn she probably should unalive herself

Make her get off Fortnite, or make it to where she can’t talk to people.


Worst game EVER! Specially for an 8yr female!


Everyone saying she’s 8 get her off the internetor why is she playing online at 8 i think you must live under a rock or in a bubble most children play online games like Fortnite as young as 5 now and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. In regards to the issue the best thing to do is not allowing her to use a microphone/headset to talk back that’s the safest way then you can hear everything going on ,


She shouldn’t even be in this game!!! Period!!!

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Turn your volume off and use no headphones!

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Don’t allow your child to play unsupervised & shut the chats off whenever she does play any video games. Also only allow her to play age approved games only, not ones rated mature.

Why is your 8 year old playing a game that’s rated for ages 13 and up? I wouldn’t allow any game with a chat function or talking capabilities or anything like that especially while not being supervised.


Tell her how can you spend 1000$ if your unalive


You’re going to come across this and so much more on pretty much all online multiplayer games. Especially shooters. There are a lot of fun single player games on the switch that are super fun that she can try. This way you don’t have to worry.

Why are people laughing at this ?


Why would you take away the switch you let an 8yo unsupervised on fortnite…someone should ground you lol that’s backwards?


When I was young I would play online games and the same stuff would be said, if she wants to play those games she has to understand that there are nasty people out there that say very nasty things and to not take any notice of them or stop playing if it afffecrs her but above all not to be nasty herself to anyone else


My older kids are 12 and 11. Don’t have phones, social media or Game Consoles. It’s just not needed for their ages.
8 years old and able to talk to others on socials is terrible. Get her off and give her some crafts to do lol


someone was bullying my grandson i got on there and played in his name and deleted him and add parental control on her switch


I dont allow my kid to use chat on these games. Didnt show her how. She just runs around having fun on them. No chat involved.


Lots of great suggestions already so I’ll ask this… how exactly would she collect $1000 after the fact?


The first thing to do is to supervise her when she is playing, a 8 year old should not be playing games that allows her to talk / text with other users ( a lot of phedo hide on those games pretending to be kids )

You can make a report to the police , if they think that is something serious they can track the users


Delete fortnight ,take away the switch for at least 6 months ,go to counseling and talk to her and monitor her !!!

Do not give kids access to games they should not play. It’s pretty simple and yet? My husband and I love to game, and have games for our kids. But you can bet that Kingdom Hearts and Crash Bandicoot are for them and Black Ops Cold War is for us. Put up games your littles shouldn’t play.


You can set it up to where she can only play with people she knows or to where people can’t talk to her and she can’t talk to other people
That’s how I have it set up for my kids


Um… Welcome to the damn world of Internet and online games. Police report? Just teach your kid to know better lmao.

Set the parental controls. You should be able to restrict who she talks to and filter text chat.


Those 6 people laughing should really grow tf up. There is 0 funny about this post! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: SMFH


I wouldn’t take the switch away because she will think she’s in trouble and did something wrong when I’m fact she did great by telling you. You don’t want to discourage her from sharing things with you. But you can turn off the voice chat. Does the kid go to her school? If so you could call and have the counselor speak to them about not saying things like that and how serious it is but it’s not grounds for a police report. Also they’re playing a game where they shoot and kill people so it could have been game related.


Your 8 year old shouldn’t be playing Fortnite. Sorry not sorry.


8 is def too young to have social media/online games. Log her out of all her accounts & give her a break from all that mess.


She’s 8? Lesson learned. Keep her off of it


Even if you don’t have a mic you can still hear others, it’s in the settings option on how to turn that off, if you don’t know how to do it just google it & It’ll walk you step by step. Also there is a sensitivity option on the game controls for it to signal items & ect. (It’s settings usually for someone whose deaf but helps a lot) we use it on ours. We play Fortnite about everyday I love it more than the kids haha but the voices are all turned off and we play with other trusted members. My children are ages 5 & 6. Not all parents are the same which is okay! Raise your children how you want them raised but this is mine & hope that advice can lead you to be knowledgeable on how to get those settings in control


Reporting accounts is usually an option. But my hubby will disable any chat/audio/microphone options on any of the games our kids play and if that’s not doable then we don’t let them play those games. Same age group 8-10. Games are always in the living room so the kids can be monitored, simply because of the things you pointed out…too many weirdos on the net and games. Go through all the settings and parental settings and take away any games you’re not comfortable with that can’t be set up as you’d like.

I had an issue with my son playing fornite as well I took it away from him back in December and he isn’t getting it any time soon, he will be 11 this year

My 8 year old daughter doesn’t play Fortnite, but she plays Roblox online. I turned off her chat, no one can chat to her, she can’t see chats, and she can’t chat. I would see if there is something like that in the settings for Fortnite, and if not, she shouldn’t be playing it. Just my opinion. Being told to u alive herself is just one out of millions of awful things people say in online gaming. As a gamer, I hear it all. I wouldn’t let my kids play online games like that till they’re like 16, because of the language and what you can come across online. Also, a lot of trafficking starts with unsupervised online gaming. Don’t believe me, Google it. I do know that on a Nintendo switch you can set parental controls though. I’m not a perfect parent, and I’m not judging you. If you aren’t a gamer, you probably didn’t know what to expect. But, honestly that is pretty mild for most things that are said in online games lol.
I don’t shelter my kids from much, but online gaming is something I don’t mess around with. Too dangerous for kids. Especially little ones.

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Just buy your child Dark souls (:

Go on line under your daughters account and keep an eye out on who talks to her, and find out if you can archive her conversations. Did it with both my girls and found the trolls

I had a classmate tell my daughter to kill herself. She did not want me to contact the school. So from that day on, every post and article I saw on bullying I would tag his name in the comments. This went on for months. He never said anything to her again. Hopefully it made him a better person but hard to say. What I really wanted to do was go to the school.

Keep her off of fortnite. She’s 8. She can be playing with anybody any age on there.


She is 8 years old and should be playing with dolls and not interacting with weirdos on the internet. I guess I am the horrible mom out there that limited my kids from social media. It makes me sad to see our precious children interacting with people they will never meet than have a play date with a friend at home and actually look at each other when they talk. :frowning:


Lmao wowwwwww. Welcome to the internet sweetheart. First day? All you wierdos on here crack me up. Clearly have never played online games before. Tell your daughter get better or learn to take it.


Keep her off of fortnite. She’s 8. She can be playing with anybody any age on there.


Why are you allowing your 8yro daughter to play such games unsupervised?


Before you get to tripping too hard, maybe ensure that’s not how they say to deactivate your account. 8 isn’t old enough for the game anyway, in my opinion. My 5 year old gets to play roblox at times, with no chat at all and close supervision. Even that’s a stretch for me sometimes.


You can set it up to where talking to others is blocked.


When my daughter plays fortnite she’s right next to me. We have had a few instances where I’ve taken over the headset and embarrassed the f$&k outta them. Right then and there you can report the player. So have her play next to you so you can keep better eye in her. No headset also means no talking when she shouldn’t be. You can play without one it’s just harder.

trun it into cop anyway they might know how to get him or her

Too young for multiplayer games definitely


She shouldn’t be on Fortnite for one but especially without you like actively sitting there. It’s rated T for a reason, moreso I’d say because of the other players you encounter not even the actual game but still.


Well she didn’t follow your rules so I say no fortnite til she earns it back :woman_shrugging:t2:


DO NOT ALLOW HER TO PLAY ONLINE GAMES EXCEPT WITH FAMILY MEMBERS OR CLOSE FRIENDS SHE ACTUALLY KNOWS.There is so many pedophiles on games like this plus just horrible people That’s so dangerous at that age to be online and not know who they actually talking to just because they say they a kid don’t mean they are and even kids can be so cruel.You are the one who can stop it you are the one in control of all of this.You can prevent this.


That’s the risk you take when giving your child access to internet gaming. Other kids are adults ate horrible. They have no duty to you or your child, so they don’t care how you or she feels. Grow thicker skin because they will definitely hear it again and alot worse.


Just another reason I don’t have internet in my house.

You can turn off the internet to the freaking game !! :woman_facepalming:t3::warning::no_entry::persevere: seriously turn that garbage off


This mom is just asking for advice and people seem to be bashing her for no reason yes everyone has their own opinions but damn take it easy on her for Christ’s sake

Why is an 8yr old playing that game??


To young. If she can’t listen when told not to talk to people then she shouldn’t have it. My kids have video games too but they’re video game mature if that makes sense and they only talk to their real life friends.

Also until you have played video games for about a month in these lobbies, dont let your kids go on them. You need to know the stuff that is regularly said. The other day I was playing cod (call of duty) and there was a 7 year old playing telling everyone to F themselves, jump in front of a bus, and used the N word more times than I could count. You need to experience these games before you decide how to deal with letting your kids on multiplayer games.

Also you need to explain why you took it way. If its because she was not to talk to people and did then explain. If its for her safety until you decide how to protect her then explain that. If you dont explain you may end up with a child thinking their being punished for confiding in you and will resist telling you things in the future.

Edited to add: By young I dont mean age. Certain things (video game lobbies, internet, cell phones) need to be discussed and the parents need to educate themselves before educating their children. Im not saying your a bad parent by any means so please don’t think that’s what I’m implying. Its difficult when children get into multifaceted things. But by young I just mean she isn’t prepared to let things like that roll off her back and honestly its not a horrible thing. But she does need to be prepared because in those lobbies she will hear many many things and she needs to know how to combat them, whether it be creepy people saying dirty things to her, or a holes just being mean to be mean.

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You’re her mother and I’m not going say a word about the fact that she’s playing fortnite at 8 years old you make decisions for your daughter and what is best for her you and your family and it’s for NO 1 to judge you. Anyways :slightly_smiling_face: you should be able to turn the chat feature OFF so that she can’t chat with anyone and no one can chat with her so if I were you I would look into that turn the chat feature OFF on her Nintendo switch

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Live video games are not for children and this is why my kids don’t have phones or play lives on there game systems adults suck and it one less way my kids have to deal with the sick cruel people in the world.

Whew guess I’m a bad mom for allowing my son to play fortnite at age 8. :upside_down_face: whatever, although yes you can just turn off the chat settings. I also had that talk with my son about taking to ppl, which he doesn’t even do nor acknowledges … he plays with his dad all the time. Just keep supervising it while she plays.


WTH I’d be surprised if my 8yr old would even know how to turn the console on let alone play it.
Just explain that it’s for older kids, take the game away and have a little chat with your child.


She is much too young to be on the internet with creepy people no matter how much she wants to, you have to tell her no…Please understand there are very scary people pretending to be children that will try to hurt her! Keep her away from these monsters and get her interested in something else…


Report the player. They will block them

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You cant control your kid, you definitely not controlling anyone else’s

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