Some kid on fortnite told my daughter to unalive herself: What can I do?

Just change the game settings to where she can play online only with her friends. My kid has been playing since he was 8 online but never with strangers only with people I go in and accept as his friends

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Put a block on her account to dent access to anyone you don’t approve

The internet is scary kids are going to be on it game chats etc
Behind our backs or let it happen but with rules and understanding
Teach her that ppl like that should be blocked and reported!
Put a Facebook post up and see if any of ur friends children play they can all be in a game together with chats etc but at least you know it’s safe
What ppl say on the internet is messed up but teach her they don’t know who you are they are trolls and to block

the game needs to go bye bye, i would get on it find out who they are and file a police report and better monitor my child on line especially at 8 years old


Turn the voice chat off. That’s what I do when my 4 year old step kid plays lol.

It sounds like it was game related but I wouldnt allow her to play it and didn’t at that age. My eldest is 12 and still not allowed to play Fortnight with or without the parental controls. She does play other online games but parental controls are on and she can’t chat to anyone. My husband set that up as I have zero clue about gaming.

The police can find out who it is. I’d file

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Well, you can start with unalive yourself like your character in the game? If she says I dunno then say I’m sure they meant the game but they have $1000 as true as you have $1000 which you don’t. I didn’t want you talking to people on there because they lie. If she thinks it’s in real life then it’s time to have the conversation how in real life we don’t respawn. You can have this conversation go every which way you want and could talk for hours. The important thing is that you have a FULL conversation of some sorts because as you’re preparing her for this crazy world, you are bonding at the same time. No cheap sentence or two and call it quits. You have the opportunity to guide your little love and protect her that you may not have had in another way where you didn’t get to be involved.


Fortinite is NOT for young kids


If I read right you said she has a Nintendo switch you should read the directions or talk to someone who knows but you should be able to turn the chat feature off so that she can’t talk to anyone and no one can talk to her

How about taking responsibility for your lack of supervision?
You want to report a kid for being on a game they shouldn’t be on, which YOUR kid shouldn’t be on, because you child heard something inappropriate?!
Wake up


My miss nearly 8 isn’t allowed on fortnite unless her man brothers allow her into have a quick game as they only play online with their friends and they all know each others baby siblings. So if outside the circle that’s a definite NO from all.

Yea… this is kind of on you for exposing the kid. If she cant respect the rules then she shouldnt play it. Its not rated for 8 year olds and you can turn off the chat.


She can play with people she knows only.
Also, no mic.
I remember playing cod and was told many horrible things when i was 8. I ignored it and annoyed them by singing the gummy bear song over and over.
And instead of violent games, get her games appropriate for her age. Like, mariocart or a Disney game, or an animal game.

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What happened to the days of kids actually going outside and using sticks like a pew pew? Am I the only one that do my kids this way? My kids are outside most of the day because they wanna be!! She’s 8, don’t let her get sucked into video games.


Don’t let an 8 yr old play fortnite


If she is on a PS3, 4 etc. you can turn them in and Sony will do something about it. My som did that on a game and I don’t remember what they did since it was a few years ago but they do not tolerate stuff like that.


Definitely set boundaries with the game. Go into her setting and change it to where she can only play with approved people. Have a heart to heart about how strangers can be harmful and scary. If she doesn’t respect the boundaries then take the game and replace it with something you can both agree on.


Give the information to the police and disconnect her from the game.


You can not connect a mic and mute players and have her only do solos…thats it.

I play that game just for fun. And you’d be surprised the number of little kids on there with their potty mouths. Smh. My child plays in battle lab on “create a game”. There’s nobody else in there, so I don’t have to worry about any of that. If she wants to kill people, than she can use the “enemy bot generator” things.

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Don’t let her play, or block that person. She also can’t speak to anyone if you take her mic away. There are so many horrible people in the world


My daughter also 8 plays Fortnite but she is always supervised and limited amount of time and if she’s on her own she isn’t allowed head peace in u can report the person and Thier account will be closed down

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Y’all some judgy heifers


I’m pretty sure you can report it to the game platform for bullying. Now a 8yrs old kid should not be playing online without supervision …Also fornite is for 13 and older for a reason and if you allow her to play online games without you being close by you might want to turn off chat and remove headset to avoid that or any weirdo coming at her.


I’m pretty sure there are ways to play those kinds of games where communication/chat is disabled.
Do that.

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Don’t let your child play games like that. 8 years old should be playing aged approved games.


Report the person. They’ll get their account taken down

Disable setting. That ways she can’t talk to anyone. Look up parental settings. Even if you found out the kids name, the cops won’t do anything unless something really happens.


Do 't let her on Fortnite, for starters??


Thats what kids on those games do. Like im all for video games and stuff but why are people letting young kids play shooting games like call of duty and fortnite and gta. Like in our generation we just had come backs and didnt think nothing of it. Today’s society is all sensitive about everything. I say block the little asshole who said it to her and monitor whose talking on there to her and disable the setting with parental locks if you have too. But also it’s summer make your kids go outside. Our rule in our house is if its nice you go outside winter I don’t mind so much bc I hate the cold too.

You could not let an 8 year old play online with strangers unsupervised on a game where you have to be 13+ to even make an account :woman_shrugging:


TALK to your child and Make sure they understand the lingo, the actual and the fictional of a conversation.
Mine will use KMS just as some use FML… Just be sure she’s knows the difference and let her know that nothing is literal.

Easy 1V1 the little kid and just destroy the kid, feel like that’s the best way to deal with kids on Fortnite :rofl:

take away her access to the game ? take the computer away

Don’t let her play the game. No games with chat availability. Kids are outrageously disgusting, rude, hurtful and down right f’ed up. The things I’ve seen kids say online is appalling. Or if you are going to let her play then supervised and limited. If you aren’t willing to do that then you can’t really complain about what happens. As for the other kid I don’t think there is really anything you can do that anyone will do anything about unfortunately. Kids these days don’t understand and don’t have the capability to understand what words can do.

You can’t do anything … that’s ( unfortunately) part of the gaming world. Like it or not it’s the truth. Don’t allow her to use the mic if it affects you so much. Not blaming you

Tell her she can’t collect $1000 if she’s dead - seriously but she is too young and there are way too many crazies - the other kid sounds like a moron


Put some parent guides on the electronics, I don’t agree w anyone under the age of 13 talking online w/o parental guidance or really at all to anyone. Yes, I’d take away the headset and explain until she’s older she doesn’t need one, if it’s for music and videos, get her headphones w/o the mouth piece. We gotta try our best to keep our babies safe and the internet is just as bad as being out in the real world.

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I mean Fortnite is aimed for playing ages 15+ so she would be mixing with a lot of older people on there and it’s not really an 8yr olds game from what I’ve heard. My daughter plays minecraft but have disabled the chats for this very reason. I think you need to find more age appropriate games for her to be honest.


This is where we are at! This is the root cause of so much violence. Less video games. More quality time

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What in the world is this about?

I mean Fortnite is aimed for playing ages 15+ so she would be mixing with a lot of older people on there and it’s not really an 8yr olds game from what I’ve heard. My daughter plays minecraft but have disabled the chats for this very reason. I think you need to find more age appropriate games for her to be honest.

Believe it or not but that’s not the worst of it. . If you don’t want her exposed then she plays with you monitoring or not at all.

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This is why I always tell my kids to mute everyone in the chat whatever it’s called unless we play with friends.

Nothing is wrong with letting your child play fortnite. It’s a game. Just restrict and manage her online settings so she can’t communicate with other if that’s what you prefer. Some of you act like you never played games at a young age before and are very judgy.


Seems like a few things missing here, nonetheless, IMO 8 year olds should be doing something more productive and age appropriate than Fortnite. Does she understand that it’s not realistic to think someone her age has $1,000 to unalive? (which I’m guessing is to take her own life) I am very anti gaming for children under 16 unless the games are academic based where they are learning something or age appropriate according to the package. I am “that mom” I’ll say that before someone else does. If she wasn’t entertaining herself on a game like this which also includes engaging in conversation with strangers via the internet, she wouldn’t even have to be dealing with this. I’d also be afraid of what information she’s given out that to an 8 year old seems harmless, yet could be helpful for finding her location, there are some really creepy, crazy people in this world.

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Honestly turn off her chat

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Take her head set and don’t let her talk to people

There’s absolutely nothing the cops can do.

Your job is to #1 - make sure she is fine emotionally and stable mentally.

And #2 - to either disable the chat feature in the future, or to personally monitor her play time, or to just not let her play games at all when they aren’t age appropriate.

Gaming is completely fine, don’t let other moms shit on you for screen time. But you do need to be responsible about it.

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There are grown men who play Fortnite. She shouldnt be playing on it period. That is geared towards the older crowd. You little girl is candy to these guys. Get her off.

It’s stupid to let children play this game it’s for older kids, 15+ not children. It’s a video game and someone else’s kid or even an adult. Control your kids screen time and make them play age appropriate games. By no means was that ok but still as a parent you need to look into things before letting children play something like that

There’s a parental control setting to turn chat off entirely. Also, maybe do research into games, ESPECIALLY ones with online capabilities BEFORE letting an 8 year old play them.

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I don’t know why people are laughing at this. Just hope y’all know you’re disgusting humans. As some people have killed themselves ive people telling them too.

I would simply just explains to your daughter some people just aren’t raised right and aren’t happy with themselves so they say mean things which shouldn’t be taken literal. Explain to her that she should kill then with kindness and ignore those types of people but also tell her you’re glad she came to you.

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Do yourself a favour and take the game console away completely!!

My son did the exact same thing with Fortnite and ended up playing with some really horrible people who were beyond mean and some of the discussion were not for kids. Worst part was he was playing with older kids who you could hear were from all different parts of the world and not even local kids.

I’ve taken my sons PS4 away completely and after 2 weeks he calmed down and became a different kid who actually listened and stopped with the attitude.

As per my son “unalive” means the person who is playing with your kids wants her dead.

Damn these comments are not it. I allow my son to play Fortnite but he also knows to mute the other players and doesn’t use mic… It’s just a game he enjoys playing it’s not that serious

They say anything on there. I mean anything.

8 year olds shouldnt have access to online apps, games, etc.


Why are you letting your 8 year old little girl have a headset where she could just talk to anyone?? YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! BE A PARENT FFS!!


You can report it, but you probably won’t get anything from it without a name. That said, don’t let her play it anymore if she isn’t going to be responsible. Take it away until she’s older. I’m a gamer mom and I will not let my girls have free access to any game that has other people (strangers) in it or any form of chat until they are much older.

Not have her on that game or playing online period. :woman_shrugging:t3:


You can go to home page, then tap on friend list then tap users played with or the y button to view the player history. It should give you a list of people she has played with in the last 12-24 hrs. I would suggest having her look through it and seeing if she recognizes any of the usernames. If she can’t the best I can suggest would be to reach out to an online gamer and ask them to find out if any of the players on the list have a history of this sort of behavior.

It might have been an adult talking to her :woman_shrugging:t4:

And this is why games have a limit. And here’s a crazy thought. Turn off the chat.


I don’t think you should punish her by taking away her switch. That could hinder her from coming to you in the future. She was not at fault. We should want and encourage our kids to come to us whenever something doesn’t feel right or if they have questions. I work with kids/teens/young adults and many of them experience cyber bullying, bullying at school, teen dating violence, exploitation, and they choose not to reach out to their parents for help because they’re afraid they will be punished or shamed. Usually that is the messaging they received from their parents early on. I’m not sure how much the police can do with limited info/proof. I think a discussion about cyber bullying and monitoring her game/internet play will be key. I personally haven’t provided my son with a headset because I know I can’t always control the comments of others. I also keep an eye on his game play by approaching it from an angle that I’m just interested in his game/him/his progress etc so that the monitoring aspect doesn’t feel so awkward or forced. Not to mention it makes him happy that mom is showing interest in his interest even if I’m not a gamer lol I’m sure your daughter would be on board for it too. Maybe you guys can also work together to find her a different game if that one makes you uncomfortable.


My kids play Fortnite but they have to have the volume down and no headset !


I don’t know why parents let their kids play that game it’s nothing but trouble. Anyway, not much you can do except take away her head set and turn down the game volume. Wackos like to say sensational stuff just to get a rise out of people. I had some kids ask for help on a difficult board and then tell me they were going to R me that was a 10 year old. Then I had some 16 year old joking about R-ing girls and his friends. So yeah her being online is only going to draw Wackos. If they would say that to an adult, what do you think they will say to a little kid? How about picking games that don’t have in game chats. Or block the chats.

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Thats why I don’t even let my girls (7 & 8 almost 8 & 9) play Roblox anymore cuz there are creepy people in this world. Their dad (my husband) was looking through their tablets one time and saw some weird things some of these so called kids were saying so we made them delete the game. We just monitor what they download now on their tablets. I bet you half of the kids that play games like that are not even kids and just creepy people trying to talk to kids. Don’t let her play it anymore.

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Mute the players and don’t let her use a mic. Y’all are not ready for the gamer chat rooms

My adult neighbor has told my autistic 7yo to kill himself. This was an in person altercation. I had a real talk with him about how some people hurt so bad they get joy out of causing others pain. I explained that his life is worth living because he doesn’t have to make others hurt to feel joy.

As far as the video game my kids now 8&10 aren’t allowed to talk to people online. I’m real with them. I’ve told them how you don’t know who’s behind the keyboard & they aren’t your friends.

I wouldn’t have taken the switch from her. She came to you. That’s big. Then you punished her for telling her about a problem. She’s not going to come to you when she has problems in the future. You have years, decades left of your little girl needing to talk to her mom about problems. You’re going to wish she does when she’s 15 & her friends are offering her alcohol or drugs, when she’s 25 & her bf is abusive etc. Instead of taking it away tell her you were wrong for letting her play a game meant for older kids. You’ve realized it’s too dangerous for her because of others playing them.


kids should not play that game, my friends son went from getting all a’s to all F’s and he wont listen to anyone any more tonight he is in the hospital because someone told him to hurt himself


She came to you in confidence, taking her switch away WILL ONLY INSURE SHE NEVER COMES TO YOU ever. Give that girl her switch back , just maybe a break from Fortnite or no Fortnite at all. My 8 year old is not allowed games that you communicate with others except Roblox but I’m about done with that too


I’d just take the game away and if it’s online stop :stop_sign: paying for it take all her online and video games away until you feel like she’s ready for it.


Ouch, my son plays FORTNITE as well. Got to report this kind of thing fast. Since she doesn’t know who…you will have to play or make sure she doesn’t have a headset.

My son is 16. He’s never online at all, without my husband or myself being in the room with him.

Pretty simple take the headset away


Probably should not be letting her play if she does not follow your rules


Have you thought about giving her switch back? She didn’t do anything wrong.
Maybe she can play without using the headset?

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This is why young kids shouldn’t play adult games simple


It’s super simple to avoid.
Take the headsets away.


Best thing to do is not let them play it and if she said it was her friend on there sorry but if you go in the game by your self then it just you but if they go in Duos is you and someone you don’t know just like squads is you and 3 different people and just to like you know that there is people that play this game the are all different ages if they are there friend take all the friends off the PlayStation that would be no one on there and then if you get a friend request you will know who it is

There are so many video games out there and just no need for online play with others at that age. It’s also rated 13 and older so shouldn’t be playing that at all, period.


Where do you go from here?? Shes 8 and can only access internet on a device you provide as well as the wifi. Take her stuff away and educate yourself on these games. You can make it so it’s not online and just the downloaded game.


Everyone keeps saying she didn’t do anything wrong but she did by not listening to her mom about not talking to people.


Parental controls work wonder on electronics


Why punish her for something someone else says? Set boundaries to the game. Not playing with people she doesn’t know or just no mic at all. I would make my son have the mic open at times and I could hear the other players. Letting them know an adult is listening is often enough to make them behave as they would at a school function or similar. This term “unalive” yourself is beyond annoying. Everyone accepts it as politically correct while kill yourself is taboo. :roll_eyes:


They used to do to my son too. I remember him crying.

You should take the game away, she is just 8, even cannot handle the such dastardly instrutions.
Have good talk with her.

Just take the headset away. Show her how to block a user as well. I wouldn’t punish her because someone else was rude. Tell her to play creative mode so she won’t be bothered by people.

Don’t let her play the game. What’s wrong with some of yall

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Kids on Fortnite are toxic as hell. Screaming, whining, bossy and cuss worse than a sailor. I mute the mic and party chat. Can’t stand them :roll_eyes:


At eight she shouldn’t be online.


Look up the ‘cyber safety lady’ on fb, just seen a post today on parental controls for fortnite

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The 16 people who thinks that this is funny need professional help.


I wouldn’t say take the game away from her? Someone said something awful to her and she actually came to you, which is something kids don’t normally do. That player needs to be reported and blocked. Also, you can just take away the ability to talk to other players online. Limit game play hours. Parent controls. Maybe just play different games…without online options.


The fact that you asher parent are coming to an online forum on how to parent concerns me. You are her mother. You make the rules. She disobeyed you. You make the consequences. The game is rated 13+ anyways.

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Cyber bullying if you have proof call the law

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Hmmm Fortnite is 13+ and she’s 8. I’m no genius but it’s your fault for allowing her to okay take the 13+ age game away from an 8 year old. Plain and simple


My kids play. I have the chat turned off on it so situations like that don’t happen and I’m always in the room with the younger kids when they play. If they turn chat on then they don’t get to play for a week. If they do it again they don’t get to play for longer.

I’m sorry this happened to her. There are some rather shitty people out there. But You, as the parent, need to be monitoring her online play and making sure that she can’t be talking to random strangers online, especially in the world we live in today. It isn’t easy being a parent in a technological world. So you have to be right on top of it all. Make sure parental controls are set, monitor what she is playing, make sure it’s age appropriate and give her consequences if she breaks the rules you set. And follow through with the consequences too. Don’t cave and give her her stuff back right away. Also have a massive talk with her about stranger danger online. A lot of people tell their kids about strangers in real life and forget to talk to them about online dangers as well. You need to make it age appropriate so she understands what you’re saying and that you’re just trying to keep her safe.
Best of luck to you mama. I hope you can get it all sorted out.

Lmao welcome to the gaming world

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