Some kid on fortnite told my daughter to unalive herself: What can I do?

I let my child play at this age, just wouldn’t let him have a headset to talk to anyone


Welcome to the internet, it sounds like its your 1st day here.

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Wait… 8??? To young for online games in my opinion. Chat rooms in online games have always been disturbing and rough, it’s online, you never know who you’re playing with.


Sounds like something a kid said. A kid that rages out playing games and that’s already been in trouble for telling someone to kill themselves. I think your kid will be just fine :snowflake:

I remember at 8 I was playing outside…

I’m 33 now… Times have changed so much…butttt at 8 she should be outside riding her bike etc… GET RID OF FORTNITE she’s WAY TO YOUNG as Fortnite is 13+

I banned that game from my house about 3-4 years ago.

If you punish your child for telling you things, your child will stop telling you things. Report the player and they will probably be suspended from the game.


I’ve recently started playing ARK on Xbox. The things that are said on the game are insane.

Mute the mic, report, and block the kid.

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Mmmmk then… you said 8, like as in E I G H T yrs old correct?


Ask her what friend then go to the profile and click report then completely block that profile. It’s definitely not your fault that this happened and your not a bad parent for letting your children play online games. I suggest you muting the talking and not give them a headset for gaming.


You shouldnt allow her on there if shes gonna play something like that should be like roblox its more age appropriate for her

My daughter is 9 and plays Fortnite but she doesn’t have a headset so she can’t talk to anyone.


Wow. I don’t know anything about online games, but it sounds like some of them are pretty rough. And if anyone can play on them you never know who your child is playing against. Could an adult be on the 13+ games? And if it was a kid, I hate to think what kind of family he’s from (or she). You said your daughter is 8. Maybe she shouldn’t play till she’s older, or until you’re not busy and can monitor what games she’s playing. I’m guessing there are games for her age group. Can you block certain online games? I think I would go through and review as many games as possible and rate them for myself. I would block the ones I found unsuitable and tell my daughter not to play the ones I haven’t checked yet, regardless of their rating. It’s a shame things are like that in this world.

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A kid at my sons school told him the same thing and I have NO idea what to!

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That and roblox is banned at our house

If you’re that worried about it you shouldn’t of let her play it. If she does play it let her play in front of you. Once there was a kid who was saying things to my son. Well the kids profile was connected to his dads name. So I searched the dads name and found out which city and state they were in and told them I’d let the dad know what was said because I had it recorded. Kid about shit his pants. Never said anything messed up again lol

Find out who she recently played with in settings, fill out a report on their gamertag with what was said and happened. It’s not allowed. They’ll end up being suspended, muted or profile deleted.

Also, your daughter could mute other players or only talk to friends/family or party members.

Depends on the game console and online rules. Check into it and see your options. If any messages were sent, get screenshots for a report. Do not send any messages directly to the person, as it is counted as instigation and harassment, continuing the incident further.


No mic/no sound, is how we do it… Mine love Sea of Thieves and those mf on there are ruthless!! I haven’t had 1 problem since I said that my younger ones can only play with no sound on/muted and no mic…

I don’t have young kids anymore so forgive me, but what is unalives?

You as a parent have the right to let your child play those games or you could choose not to. I myself have a 13-year-old I see nothing wrong with her playing the games but I do not allow her to have a headset and chat with anybody regardless of their age. If she wants to play the game then I would advise this as a solution. If you’re okay with her playing fortnite Roblox Minecraft whatever game she wants to play that as a parent is your decision but due to her age I would definitely put some restrictions on chatting either play the game or chat don’t do both if she wants to chat with people there are other other ways to do so that are safer. You’re not a bad parent for allowing your child to play that game that’s your decision so ignore the negative comments.

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Block them and set setting to private. Unfortunately allowing your child to play on public platforms comes with cautions. As a pretty frequent Fortnite player and whose kids join along, I’m big on kicking strangers and/or blocking people who are “mean”


Get her off Fortnight!


I let my kids play if it’s muted for any online play. People say some really bad stuff so I just don’t let them talk UNLESS they’re playing with family and I know who they are.

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Sorry but I’m not sure what unalive means

This is why i dont let my kids play online games without me watching

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Aged 8!! You say you don’t know what to do in this situation??? GET THE CHILD OFF online games that are inappropriate!!!:rage:


Anyone who she has become friends with
Will have their user profile come up during a chat or private message

The police should be able to trace that

Also turn off and disable the chat function

Also close her account and block the site with a parental lock

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My son is 8 and plays fortnite on the switch. He doesn’t use headphones and doesn’t have chat on. I don’t even think you can do chat without headphones. Don’t let her use headphones and turn off the chat. Tell her since she is doing chat when told not to she can only play when you are in the room.

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Tanika Knoetze Tracy Nell

I game online and I’m 42 and I don’t get on no chats, I don’t like to hear the bullshit people gotta say, there’s parental settings you should’ve done it before she started playing… very irresponsable of you lady… there’s many creeps out there…

Both my daughters (9&10) play Fortnite on their switches and my husband and I play on our PS4s so as a gamer myself knowing the setting of the game you can turn down the voice chat volume to 0 so she can’t hear anyone trying to talk to her. With Fortnite you kinda need to be able to hear the game for player footsteps, knowing what direction people are shooting from, where chests are, ext so the game volume is important. There’s also a parental control setting as well that would be worth looking into as well. I would email Epic and explain what happened because they are pretty strict and do ban people for that kinda thing, especially if you go to the recently played and get the player’s name. Hope this helps :blush: and if you want to drop me a message I can walk you through the settings if you have any trouble.


Why let her go online have you got NO control over her .


Are you not punishing her for others behaviours? Unfortunately we cannot protect them from evwrything no it shouldn’t of been said. But you can also block people on fortnite so she only has her friends…


Also any online shooting games have 30 or 40 year olds playing and shouting silly insults that to us mean nothing… me and my friends have accidently roasted an 8 year old before… once we realise we quickly apologised of course but trust me the kids give as good as they get :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


I wouldn’t allow a child of that age to play a video game if,

  1. I couldn’t hear everything happening in the game.
  2. If the game isn’t age appropriate.
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What was the context of the message? Was it go kill yourself, or kill yourself in game.

I have it muted where my son can’t hear people talk on there thankfully. But not all games automatically have that option unfortunately.

My grand kids don’t have Fb, tiktok or any other sm platform, they’re kids, it’s time to play out, get dirty, build forts


Kids are horrible nowdays.

Unfortunately this kind of comment is thrown about very casually in the online world.


Direct her to something called “Bee Swarm Simulator” the chat is very strict about bullies and she could play much safer game. Or teach her to defend herself in the chat on Fartnite… Like the old response books… Say back, “I can’t unalive myself because I don’t know how… Show me how it’s done slick!”

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What I learned is gaming isn’t a safe space for children. You can’t control what happens. Turn her mic off and mute others if possible.


While I understand the intention behind evrryone insisting you locking your kid away so they don’t have to deal with kids like this…it’s not helpful to them at all. Your job is to teach her how to handle people like that. She would encounter them even if she wasn’t on fortnight. My son had a kid throw a chair at him in the middle of class at school and another insist he sport bloods. He goes to a magnet school for smart kids. You can’t shelter them from negative situations and expect them to gain the life skills to deal with those situations by magic. Talk to her. Tell her they were being disrespectful. Tell her how to handle people like that. Show her how to block them and report them. Give her more than “don’t do this cuz I said bad” cuz that only works so long.


I know likely been said, before, Fortnite can be very dangerous to younger kids, my son has had his fair share of bullies on that, and they have said nasty horrible things. You can report the users to Fortnite too and get they banned.

My 10 and 8 year old play. But they are only allowed to talk with people they know. If they are playing with people they don’t know like on duo matchmaking, they aren’t allowed the headsets.
I also play. But because of how nasty people can be I don’t talk with anyone I don’t know either.

The amount of people that think fortnite isn’t appropriate is wild to me. There’s no blood, no guts, no cussing etc.
it is totally appropriate for kids as long as you mute their mics and don’t allow them to chat with people online. That’s where supervision comes in. Any game a kid is playing online should be 100% supervised. Control who they add and who they play with. It’s not rocket science.


I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21353 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

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Turn off the chat. Also take away the headset/mic she has. She shouldnt be able to talk to people on chat unless she has a headset with a mic of has a mic specifically hooked up to it or etc. (I’m not sure about the mini switches but I have a regular switch and I’d have to go out and specifically purchase a Bluetooth connecter of a specific headset or etc to be able to chat on Fortnite or any live games)

I’d explain to her how people are horrible and talk to her about how it made her feel. Don’t scare her or threaten or etc as then she won’t want to come to you anymore and she’ll bottle up those emotions which will eventually be a bad outcome with her showing it in unhealthy ways. Be vigilant aswell- see if you notice a change in her everyday routine and etc. And make sure your child has an open and safe communication stance with you.
Whatever you do- DO NOT make her feel like poop or get in trouble for talking to you about how she feels.

I personally wouldn’t of took the switch as I’ve heard stories of children having their games as their only way of coping, and then they get in trouble and the child commits :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

I would download an app or put simple parental controls on the switch tho

You can mute the chat on fortnite, I do it for my 6 year old


At least she told you maybe you could let her play with no head set or only while being supervised let her know people say crazy things online to not let it get to her.

Do not give her the switch back, you can check the people she played with last or recently but if she keeps playing then it will refresh. If it’s the last person she played with it should be there. I’d contact the police to find out who’s telling her to do that. I also agree with suggested comments to turn on the mute settings for the future games as well.

Just talk to her with common sense! Ask her “how are you going to collect your $1000. if you’re UNALIVE”??? Then proceed to report this incident to the police! Do take that switch away from her!

If you told her not to speak to people why did you allow her to have a microphone


Take it away. Like really? She is 8.


Don’t let her play fornite anymore… ?? :woman_shrugging:


Unalive meaning suicide?
I would be brutally honest. You already knew the crazies were out there and she did exactly what you advised against. You can’t change the crazies, maybe share some reality of what others experienced due to the crazies.
Remind her that $1000 can’t be spent by a dead person.


Ummm the game is for teens 13+ not for 8yr olds… Probably for a reason like this​:woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::roll_eyes: Not sure what to do… Be a parent and take the game til she is responsible and can listen, not hard​:woman_shrugging:t3:


Kristi Gibson Kersh David Kersh

l get paid over $185 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18798 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

I’m not mom shaming here, but from what I’m reading: Your child came to you, confided in you… then you took her gaming console away? That’s not the recipe for a good relationship when she’s a teenager, friend. I have five kids, all of which are gamers. My kids are not permitted to chat either. They have friends from school they can jump on servers with, but I do periodic checks and they and 100% know the clear expectation. If caught violating that they do lose privileges. However, you didn’t catch her… she confided in you. Violating her trust means that next time she won’t. My husband tells me (because I’m quick to fly off the handle) You’re not resolving the issue, you’re just making a better liar, or a better sneak. You can’t protect them forever, but clear and open communication really does help. Because with the internet so easily at the tips of their fingers she’s going to be exposed to far more than you could be ready for and very quickly. My kids come home from school with new information every day, not related to math or English. Lol No matter how much you monitor your child, there’s someone else out there who isn’t. Communication. Keep those doors open for her. :white_heart: Best of luck to you.


People think guns are the problem :roll_eyes:


I’d give her back the switch, but I’d take off any games that she can talk to anyone on!!

Don’t punish her, tell her she’s doing such a good job for telling you about it!! Make it known how important it is that she told you and that although she shouldn’t be talking to people online, she’s only 8 and really doesn’t have that kind of impulse control if the access is there, so it needs to be restricted.

Keep talking about safety and mental health openly :heart: good job!!


Take away the headset then. Easy fix. She can play the game without it. She’s 8 why would you let her on the chat?


You can block and unfriend that person on there I had to do that for my son who is 7 and was friends with a quite older guy and talking to my son explained to him not to talk to any older guys kids are who you can play with.


Do they mean in the game? Or take her own life?

I’m sorry if this offended anyone.
But I’m a little concerned and confused…
And curious as to why this said 8yr old would have headset and be able to speak with others


As a gamer myself, I know that not all games are age appropriate for kids. Your child should have a separate kids profile with restrictions set up for any game console they are given. I know it’s not always within people’s field of knowledge, which is totally understandable! But Google is a great help & resource.
The reason why that’s so important is so you can block them from playing certain games (because even if they don’t buy it, there are free games available each month), as well as set up restrictions like not being able to talk to other people online.
That being said, don’t punish your kiddo, because they did come to you, & were honest about what’s going on. Definitely talk to her & continue to logically explain things (like you have been). Sometimes it just takes a little bit for it to really click.
I would definitely take away any age inappropriate games & explain, or at the very least set up better restrictions.


Who lets their 8 yr old play Fortnite anyway.She’s obviously playing and talking to much older kids and apparently is doing her harm.She came to you and told you and you punished her!!!


Stop letting her play with strangers online


I think there are settings where she can’t talk to other people. I went through a very similar situation and I was able to turn it of

A police report for what? Because you let your 8 year old talk to strangers online?


This is just me and my style of parenting but in the world this stuff is going to happen we can’t prevent it or shield them from it it’s our jobs to prepare them, teach them & education them check in on their mental health and make sure we do best to prepare our children on how to deal with the evil people in the world. My son was also told to do the same thing this year via social media the first thing he said was mom you don’t have to worry I am not depressed and that isn’t something I would do. He didn’t lose his social media but I asked him how he wanted to handle it and he had already blocked the child. My son is 14 & older thou.


Give the switch back but cancel the online account. She came to you and thats big. She did break a rule and due to that she does lose the privilege of using the online feature.


Take the game away. She is to young to be playing it. She did tell you however that does not mean she is old enough. She may get upset if you take it away but she will get over it.

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Get your child off Fortnite.


I’m a gamer and the amount of times I get matched with kids or children who shouldn’t be playing the game is unreal. In that situation I’d turn off my microphone. Not really sure how I’d handle this :thinking::pensive:


There’s an option where your kids can not hear or talk to others :flushed:


Way to young to be talking to people they don’t know. I am 62 and i don’t talk to people i don’t know. Wtf


You can not let your daughter on Fortnite… You can tell her how people suck and you can’t control the mean things people say but you can control the way you respond. These online chatting games are dangerous and not kid friendly…

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People say all kinds of crazy shit when gaming online, sadly it’s way worse for girls gaming online. Set up her device with parental controls that are password protected so she can’t talk to people.

This can be a local, national or even international issue.

My first question is what does the player mean by “unalive herself”? You say the player told your daughter she would give her $1000 if she did it. She can’t give your daughter the money if the player is telling her to kill herself in real life. Is it possible that the other player is asking your daughter to kill off her avatar in the game itself which would eliminate competition for the other player? From what you’ve said, it’s hard to know just what the other player was intending. That said, in the absence of clarity, I would assume that the other player is coaching your daughter to take her life.

These games on the internet have players from all around the world. So, interventions may be limited. I agree with the person on here who said to get the gamertag (player name) off the game and go to the police. Police have internet units these days to investigate just this kind of thing. If the person is local and/or in the same state/country then the police can investigate and intervene, you can also take out a restraining order against this person. The the other player is from somewhere else in the globe, the police may be able to help but it will be more difficult.

You may want to think about what your daughter is doing on the computer and consider more supervision of the sites she is visiting and games she is playing. Remember, there are parental controls you can put on a computer.

Mama, she is welcomed to play with me anytime and just me. And she doesn’t have to talk on a mic. She can always message me through the kids messenger or however to play or you can message me so she can play. People can be so cruel and ugly. We can just play duos and have fun.

Why did you take away her switch? She can’t help that someone said that to her. Even if you had a name there is nothing they would do bc its online. If anything I would not let my daughter play fortnite. She would be playing animal crossing or some other age appropriate game. Fortnite is for teens anyways


Did they mean the character?
It’s a tough one.
Punishing her for coming to you about something someone said seems like it might make her second guess coming to you in the future for fear of punishment.
I’d talk to her about what steps you can take for her to enjoy the game without the harassment.
For example, choosing filters together, playing without chat enabled etc.


Turn off fortnight and engage with your kid yourself.

Thank you for sharing! How many other children aren’t telling their parents what’s going on. Thank her for trusting you!!! What to Do If Your Child’s Safety Is Threatened Online

If your child is threatened or runs into illegal activity online, you should report it to local or federal law enforcement immediately. You can call your local police department for threats directed personally at your child.

You should call the nearest office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for certain threats or crimes your child may see online.
When to Call the FBI About Online Threats

Posts about possible terrorist acts, including violence or recruitment
Posts sympathetic to terrorists or terrorist organizations
Posts boasting of racial or hate crimes
Internet fraud schemes they may receive in emails, texts or through apps

If your child is approached by an online predator or comes across an illegal website targeting children and teens, you can report it to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s website at The center will forward your information to the proper law enforcement agency.
Internet Safety for Kids | Parents' Guide to Keeping Kids Safe Online

report this ; this kid is cree[y and needs to be blocked on this game before someone really gets hurt by this

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When my daughter turned ten, we got her a phone. In the world today, it seemed like a good idea. But she wouldn’t stop downloading apps where she could talk to strangers. Now she doesn’t have a phone :woman_shrugging:


I took the headphones and mics away from my 10 yr old. Not only are people crazy but he starts to get mouthy and talk crap to people as well. So it all got taken away till he can talk without being an ass. I’d look into the parental controls on it. Also I think you can see who you’ve played with recently from the switch profile page so that might help narrow down who said it

You might consider taking her to counseling to ensure she won’t listen to that bad person’s advice. They also could help her understand why these sights can be dangerous. While our children love us, they sometimes don’t listen to the advice we give, as she didn’t heed your warnings.


Tell her to tell them “you first”. She is old enough to understand bullying and stand up for herself. And nothing will be done about a report. It will be passed off as a joke at worst.


You can report players on the game


Numbering to keep thoughts in order:
I play Fortnite myself and am part of a group on Facebook 18+ (foul language mostly) and I cannot tell you how many adults have complained about getting paired with kids who are quite frankly AHOLES. I read a post a few weeks back that because this man wasn’t letting the kid boss him around the kid threatened to report him to epic as a predator. While we as parents wouldn’t tolerate our children telling someone to unalive themselves or making threats like that…some parents don’t care.
Here’s my suggestions with the game specifically:

  1. Set ground rules. If/when my kid’s get to where they can play (it will be on a console in a main room in the house) the rules will be they cannot do duo, trio, or squads unless it’s with someone on their friends list and we need to approve. They will not be allowed to do randoms.
  2. Make sure that your child’s settings do not show her actual username but rather in gameplay have her listed as “anonymous” This will help prevent anyone from trying to add her as a friend at random.
  3. Tell he if there’s any issues to write the players username down so it can be reported if need be. Chances are, if they would say that to another child they would be inappropriate to anyone. If the parent’s aren’t going to monitor then let epic do the job. Sometimes you can report directly in game, but this option tends to be primarily if you think the person who elimed you is cheating.
  4. If you can…instead of taking the system away…maybe try playing with her…or if you know someone you trust who plays ask them to play with her? That way she’s not having to play alone but you know who she’s playing with.

Fortnite < Any Other Video Game

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You can block all the other people so they can’t hear them talking, they only can hear thier friends talking. My son started playing that and the number of children his age playing and saying the things they say was not okay with us. My husband founf a way he only can talk with his friends.


Fortnite is a T rating, 13 and up.


I feel like they probably meant in the game but you really do never know. My kids play FN also. I let them talk and listen but if I hear any craziness from either party the headset gets put up very quickly!

You can report the username they use

Don’t take away her things, punish her for something a stranger on the internet says? Report or block the player & turn the chat off completely, or you can teach her what it means when people say sh*t like that and how to respond. Either way, don’t punish her for it.


I feel that by taking away the switch you showed her that by coming to you with an issue she will lose it, which will prevent her from coming to you with future problems. I would instead reinforce to her that there are always going to be people in the world that mean harm. There are bad people in the world and teaching our children that there are bad people in the world is the best thing we can do. People always want to protect children but people rarely ever want to tell them the truth about the world. You can’t have both. Age appropriate discussions about how terrible the world can be had got to be one of the hardest but most important things about parenting.