Some kid on fortnite told my daughter to unalive herself: What can I do?

Praying for you …satans at work but our God is powerful!..


Okay first of all she’s 8. Why is she playing it? The main goal is to be the last person alive, should an 8 year old be doing that? Step one, fix that problem. That game is for 13+. There are a ton of adults who play who are not nice and don’t care how old you are, and there are a ton of crappy kids raised by crappy people saying crappy things on there.

And then second, that is the internet. You will NOT be able to shelter her from school bullies and you will not be able to shelter her from mean people online because both places give them platforms to be a-holes. Teach her a strong sense of self and teach her how to stand up with herself because the world will never be a nice place no matter how much your kid deserves kindness. No more online games is a good step - if the source of negativity isn’t available it can’t impact you


My daughter pays for her sons games every month. How about the parents stop paying for their kids creepy games and put the kids into some type of sports or better yet, get them playing outside with other kids.


My 12 year old has been playing games like fortnite for years and believe me when I say the comments get way worse. And it’s not just the kids they are playing with doing it grown adults rage when they lose and say all kinds of things. There definitely is a reason why they recommend younger kids not playing. My son has just ignores them or laughs at them. If you are worried about what people are saying to her you need to take the mic away or not allow her to play because it happens constantly. You will be making a police report every time she plays.


Parental controls. Make it so she CAN’T speak to other people online. That should be the first thing you do when setting up systems.


Discount the phone system they don’t need those hook up s

Focus on reinforcing your daughters sense of self worth and teach her the necessary skills required to know wright from wrong …we cant control our childrens day to day encounters best to focus on buildiñg her ability to establish healthy guidelines and a open Chanel for communication …also some Online activities aret suitable for all ages best to monitor het online interactions and set parental restrictions .

She’s EIGHT. WTF is she doing playing fort nite!!! Wow.


If she can’t take the heat , gotta stay out the kitchen :rofl: I’ve been told much worse by 8 year Olds on CoD :sob: tell her get her skills up or get her better at trash talk. Or take away the mic. online ain’t a place for sensitive creatures.

Too many kids are addicted to game units when they should be play with friends and being outside . I won’t allow my daughter to play fortnite . She can go outside and play and she’s in sports


Do the parental control and reporting stuff. The other day some teenagers were playing video games in my living room and talking like that. I confronted them and they were referring to their characters in the game being unalive. So that’s possibly what happened to your daughter.

I think they might have been referring to her to unalive her game character?

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So I googled unalive and Fortnite and it seems to be a game term. I’m by no means an expert at gaming. So I asked my husband who has played with my daughter. So it’s possible he meant the character.


I have my daughter’s Roblox locked down right. No chat, no adult like games and not pms. Explain to them that not every one in this world is nice. Unfortunately it’s better for her to learn it from you and not the hard way

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This is a violent game recommended for 13 and up. Why is an 8 year old even playing it.
Violence brings Violence. This how children are programed to kill. I wouldn’t want my grown children to play it. Enough said.


I don’t let my 8 year old play it, even though he has begged me to let him. It does have a rating of T. If you’re not prepared for all the :poop:, don’t let her play. Get her other age appropriate games.

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It’s part of the game. She’s most likely not mature enough to handle it…shes only 8…smh

Not just kids play Fortnite grown people play that shit too… and that’s a whole part of the live gaming thing people talk shit people get mad over a game and will talk dirt bad… if u are not ready for that she shouldn’t be playing… but if you want to let her play then you need to focus on teaching her not only to disregard players like that but if they are acting like that not to play with that person anymore and not to give out personal information also check her chats because not only can she talk to people over the headset she can chat with people

PARENTAL CONTROLS, your the parent so its you who sets the rules, it you dont like it keep the child off fortnite etc

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Only let her play games where she doesn’t go live and only plays the game cartridge like Minecraft on the non live version where it’s just the player and the computer.

We only let our daughter play minecraft and the only subscription that she uses that requires internet is the kids hulu. She isn’t even allowed on YouTube because she was watching stuff she shouldn’t. Put parental controls on the Switch and take away fortnite until she is old enough to play online. I was 8yrs old playing online games being told the same thing to randos but kids these days are built different I guess🤷‍♀️

When playing Fortnite if you click “don’t fill” when loading the game options (in squad mode) you can’t and won’t hear anyone you are playing with. Or even tell her to only play “solo mode”. It’ll be everyone against each other, no teams. Which means no talking or listening to any other players. I’m not going to tell you to not let her play or how to parent. I get it. Kids will be kids. And unfortunately, kids can be ruthless. She must have been winning for them to have been that mad. Lol. Explain to her some kids don’t know how to correctly express their feelings and lash out and she should never take something like that lightly. Hopefully she feels comfortable enough to keep coming to you about this stuff. I hope this helps momma.

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Were they talking about her actual self, or game character? Sorry if the question has been repeated, I haven’t read through many comments. I don’t play, so I am not entirely sure how it all works. And either way, its not cool. I would be freaking out to, really sucks you don’t have a name to the person that said it. I have no advice, I’m sorry. Really is a crappy/scary world we are living in :slightly_frowning_face:

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I wouldn’t allow her to talk to people she doesn’t know on a gaming system, especially at 8 years old. I had controls set up for my son on fortnite.

Maybe you shouldn’t let your 8year old play games that aren’t age appropriate and stick to things that an 8year old should be doing like playing with dolls or outside riding a bike or playing with chalk :woman_facepalming: that game is made for teens and adults not little kids


All games have parental controls try using them to solve any problems and if that doesn’t work get rid of the game

Well, I’m assuming that “unalives” means killing yourself & if she does that , she won’t be able to get the money.

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Turn chat setting off, then they can just play for fun. Also Roblox is better and has that feature to make it safe.


Teach your kids, sticks and stones may brake my bones but words can not hurt me! How do you not remember this? Words only have meaning if you let them have it! You just let a snot nosed brat get under your skin by saying a made up word! :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


What is the age rating on this game I’m pretty sure it’s not 8 yr old on up …that’s the thing about online interaction games you never know who the other players are

i didn’t allow my son to play fortnite online until he was 10. he only communicates with friends from school.

When Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 and 3 was the life back in the days. Who would of thought this​:man_shrugging::man_facepalming:


Set up the parental controls…my kids play and only have access to talk to people they know in real life.

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The police aren’t going to do anything for you allowing your 8 year old to play online unsupervised. I have 4 boys that play and stream. It amazes me how many kids are left unsupervised and talk about much worse than what your daughter experienced.


I think 8 is a little young for that game I say take it away till she old enough for it


Don’t let your kid on fortnight not much will be done sadly

In life were going to face situations as such to different degrees and I think it’s important we teach our kids first of all words do hurt but also just because someone else says something hurtful to us like that we don’t have to let it have power.

Get rid of game
She too young for that anyway
I forbid my 2 youngest 7 & 8 to play that game.
As matter of fact
It’s not allowed to be played period.
Not even by my 17 & 13 yr old. Nor my 26yr old ( yes she still lives at home )

No more Fortnite


Same!! Went from money to nothing and built myself back up. My kids father is amazing, but we weren’t amazing together and that’s very toxic for children to be around.

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Don’t be leading a child to temptation and then expect her to not be curious … what’s wrong with people??? SMH


Set up parental controls

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We had to remove the chat from playing for our kids. Kids on there are…yeah


Dont take her games away have a profecional set it up or shoot some cash to some gamer kid down the block to do it
let your baby know theres harsh people that will always say mean things and that shouldnt affect her
Just help her grow with it there instead of pretending it wont happen again.

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My son is not allowed to play with other people, only his daddy.
Or you can remove the chat future but I prefer my son play solo, unless I 100% know the person on the other end.
You can report the the account to Fortnite, and possibly even microsoft/Xbox.


Go to the police - even if they can’t do anything- it starts a paper trail. Chances are she isn’t the first. Keep her off that game. A life of a child isn’t worth the risk.

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Quite frankly this will happen if she’s playing online games it doesn’t matter what games or how she’s playing them. It’s the sad part about the internet. :woman_shrugging:t2: it doesn’t even have to be a game she’s playing. If you really want to shield her stop letting her on the internet. If you want to help her understand that what they said was bad talk to her or have a professional talk to her. There’s really not much you or any parent for that matter to completely protect their children on the internet :woman_shrugging:t2:


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Stop allowing young kids to play internet video games! Get the kid into a sport, or outside in general. Wow, that was easy!


8 seems too young to be playing online games with strangers :woman_shrugging:


Unfriend and block the gamer tag is all you can do, you can report the gamer tag, don’t know the gamer tag your out of luck. I play Fortnite among other games and if I ever heard that said to a kid they would be kicked from the party and blocked. There are good communities on discord but not for kids and In game party ups are anyone around the world or country playing fortnite. This game is rated teen for a reason, but thats online play, there are other free roam modes a kid can play.

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There is LEGIT an age limit in it??? My daughter is 7 soon no way would I let her play that… not online only creative mode on her own. And I sit with her. We take turns too but she doesn’t even have access to a headset. People online especially other kids are cruel.


If you dont like it dont let her play.

U sound nuts and u sound like one of those parents that don’t roll up their sleeves and get involved with ur child’s daily activities n use that computer as a babysitter :roll_eyes:


I absolutely would not allow her to play Fortnite. And she’s 8??? Get her off that game!!!
My kid turned into a monster lol. But for real tho!!
She too young to be on there!!

OK 1st off there’s some creepy 50 year old men playing fortnite… gross
Also how they gonna give her $1000 if she offs herself how she gonna spend that money… 100% no sound on fortnite or any game for that matter

The game is rated T for “Teen” - 13 and up! If you’re going to allow her to play you should join/supervise. And she got the switch taken away? Bc the parents weren’t being responsible? Poor kid. She did nothing wrong. Next time she’ll think twice before letting you know what happened. No point in filing a report, no threat was made. And you allowed and gave her access to all of this.


This is why I lock my daughter down. She doesn’t play any game online that she can play and talk to people. She’s only 11 but I don’t want her dealing with that until she’s older and can understand things more.

If I don’t like the game, my kid doesn’t play. If my child gets easily offended, they don’t play. Kids can be awful to each other. Suicide is real, I wish more people would realize that.

Get rid of the game she is 8 she shouldn’t be playing that


Stop her playing with strangers and only those she knows and keep check of it

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Turn off the setting that allows her to play with random people!


Why would you let your daughter play games like this

Maybe send her outside to play… :woman_shrugging:t3:


Take all devices/internet from her if shes not following your rules

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Um. Don’t let an 8 year old play Fornite?

I told my teenagers about this and they said yeah that sounds like Fortnite. There are a lot of bullies on there.


There’s a setting to where you can mute other players so she will not hear anyone while playing and she won’t be able to talk to anyone as well. For people saying she’s 8 and shouldn’t play you are the parent and that decision is yours alone not anyone on the internet.


So since you already decided it was okay for her to play Fortnite, here are my thoughts. Taking it away because she told you what a bully said is reinforcing a negative message that she can’t confide in you. I’d sit her down and educate her with more specifics about crazy and creepy people. She’s 8, she doesn’t have the experience we do with people. Talk about internet safety and maybe role play unsafe and safe scenarios when talking to people online. All we can do is the best to our ability to educate little ones on a level they can relate with. Moving forward maybe slowly put some restrictions on what you allow her to do but explain that it’s out of safety and not discipline. Maybe make a poster together with some safety online rules etc.


What you can do is send her outside to play and take away devices it’s that simple


Theres nothing you can do about public users on a public game. Taking away a game after you already allowed her to play it when she didnt break any of your rules is negative reinforcement and she will not come to you in the future when she needs someone to confide in. I would use this as an educational oppertunity and use positive affirmations to make her feel better as well. Take her outside. Get her mind off of the event. Remind her these people dont know her, and if she practices safe intenet use and precatutions they never will.

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You know you can block people right ? I only allow my daughter friends I know of and I don’t let her talk to anyone in messenger on any games.

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At that age I wouldnt allow her to play online


You want a honest answer i would have never let an eight year old child play a game like that, second i would never let a eighteen year old child play a game like that this day and time you can’t TRUST ANYONE MY CHILDS LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO ME THAN A GAME, you as a parent should take control and stop it now give her other things to do dance, lemonade stand in your view, YMCA swimming lessons, there are many things that a child can do . I’m praying for you and your daughter. Another thing Human trafficking is real very real please keep your child safe .


I think that kids are quickly influenced by games I would tell her if she was mine that the people telling her to unsliced is not for the real world that you don’t need to listen to them

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