Some kid on fortnite told my daughter to unalive herself: What can I do?

Probably stop letting video games babysit your children and you wouldn’t have issues. Read a book with them instead.

Throwing an 8 year old into the world of multi-player games is on you, not others or the game itself.


I am assuming the term ‘unalive’ means kill!!! If that is the cast, your 8 yr old doesn’t’ need to be playing any games to begin with, & you did right by not allowing her to play it, Find out who runs this game, contract them & tell them what is going on


Do not allow her to use this game

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8 years old?! Take control mother. Take the phone and no phone.


Why are you punishing her for what someone else did??? Report the user.


First, what is your EIGHT Year Old CHILD doing be allowed to play a violent (though, not gory) video game that has a recommended age of 13 years and up.

Foul language and bullying is common and allowed.

What is surprising and/or bothersome to you?

That it is your child who is the victim of this incident of bullying?

And how sure are you that she, your child, is not the bully in other instances?

Again this video game is rated for children 13 years and up. Your child is only 8 years old.

You should be doing your job as a parent and monitoring what she is doing online.



Talk to your daughter about the situation and tell her you are proud of her for being honest and telling you.
Then, take the chat option off the game with parental control settings.


8 yr should should be reading and playing outside, not stuck on games meant for OLDER teens. Take away the game not the switch itself if you can. Educate her best you can and please take her to see a therapist as they can teach her more.


Unalive yourself in fortnite means remove yourself from this game and come back in. Sometimes you can get better features or things etc. i dont know if I would take away their set but remind them people use specific lingo in the game itself


Report it, see if you can take the chat off, and if you can’t and she still doesnt listen and continues to chat, then she doesn’t get to play that game anymore… Or has to be monitored when she does.

Granted, I have no idea what that even means in the game so I would look that up 1st but still she should have a consequence for chatting when you told her not to.

Don’t let an 8 year old play Fortnite maybe? Don’t give her a mic and turn down the volume. It will happen a lot.

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So wait your child was honest with you and you decided to punish your child by taking things away :thinking: your only going to make your child not tell you things because they are afraid of being punished over something they have no control over.


Get your daughter off the video games.


Take her headset away and mute the chat.


She shouldn’t be playing that in the first place.


simple solution shes to young for the game. sadly kids on video games have no respect.


Please don’t punish the child and make her angry by taking away a game some people abuse and you have allowed her to play :roll_eyes: - she trusted you enough to tell you and that’s an AMAZING thing so Instead TEACH your daughter , and TALK to your daughter . You can’t take things away and think that’s the answer to the problem - it’s not . Smh . It’s a scary world - and even things that are “meant for kids” have had some pretty messed up things found in them . You can’t shield your kids from anything which is why it’s our job to prepare them , teach them , talk to them and love them unconditionally .


My daughter can hear the conversations when my gson plays.

Fortnite is rated T for teen. Your 8 year old shouldn’t be playing it. For that matter, your 8 year old is too young to be playing any games where she interacts with other people online. It’s not safe and she isn’t old enough to fully appreciate the ramifications of giving out enough information for people to find her IRL.


You guys who are saying to take the phone and don’t let her play the game her mother already has allowed her to play AFTER she went to her mother and told her about it ?. You guys do understand you are essentially setting that little girl up to NOT tell her mother things like that . Smh . Y’all do not think anymore smh


Bullying, messed up convos, foul language are always going to happen on online gaming these are teens and adults. Not much u can do about it besides not letting her play online.

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I think she took away the switch bc she told her daughter NOT to talk to anyone and she did anyway. So I believe that’s why the switch was removed. Just saying.


Why are you letting her play online games after you told her not to talk to other people on them and you said she doesn’t listen to you about it? She’s 8 years old and if you can’t listen to your rules then why would you allow her on the games talking to people? She can play the game without talking to people on it just take those steps not just expect that an 8 year old will listen to you.


My 5 year old plays fortnite but he has no mic and if other people do, he knows to immediately mute them in the game. The only time I allow him to use a mic is when he’s playing with my best friends sons. Just tell her to mute other players with microphone access or she can’t play at all. And if she still doesn’t listen then sounds like you have a whole other problem right there.

No one should be playing online games at that age.


Very simply,
Take the game away.
Fortnite wasn’t made for 8 year olds.
It’s actually rated 13+


Either no game or just with friends she knows. I know exactly what you mean the things I have heard my son say :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I go in and unplug it despite him being 21 . If there all useless c&&ts ect I have done you a favour. I absolutely despise these machines :100:

To learn to ignore it or don’t play videogames online with people. Trash talking like that has been in video games since online gaming.

Report the gamer tag


Omg really? Teach her to not be a snowflake. Take the game away


I dont understand why yoi would let your kids that young to play online games. They are tooo young. Decipline is the key it would be too late when yoir kids do something horrible to themselves or anyone else. They dont know how to protect themselves. Seriously parents these days have no clue how to control their kids and decipline them. Thays why we have kids thay dont listen go off the rails and dont appreciate anything anymore. Im not talking about yelling and abusing kids. Im talking aboit from small age talking to them about what is right and wrong. Building a relationship that when you say say no or dont and explain the reason why they listen because they know its bad. If you 8 year old doesnt listen tjeres a huge problem awaiting in future. Its sad really. That we bring oir kids up this way give them what they want when they want dont teach respect then when something happens we dont know what to do and cannot control.


Parental controls? They do work!


I wouldn’t take the switch, she did what every parent wishes their child would do and gave you open communication. I would give her the switch and just keep it offline so she isn’t communicating with anyone and telling her it’s because sick people were talking to her and that’s not okay and you just want to keep her safe. Taking away something she enjoys for being honest isn’t fair and ANY child is going to go online if you have it hooked up to wifi.


Not fair the switch was taken. She is being punished for being up front and truthful with you. And she’ll never come to you again afraid of being punished. This is a mean sad world and you can either prepare her or shelter her from it and cause her a world of much more pain when she’s older. If I wasn’t prepared as a child ha I wouldn’t make it as an adult in todays world. I’ve had other stranger adults treat me terribly to points i cried in my car after work, if I wasn’t prepared as a kid tbh I probably wouldn’t be here today. Teach her how to mute those with microphones she can mute them so she can’t hear them.


Well explain to her that people are just like that and not to take them seriously. If she’s mature enough to play video games like that, she’s mature enough to know not to take people like that or what they say seriously

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Give her animal crossing or an actual game like mario… rated E. Delete the fartnight game… roblox is just as bad by the way.


Certain video games, in my opinion, are contributing to the demise of common sense and contributing to mental health issue.


So because she was honest you punish her by taking the switch away?


There’s not much you can do, unfortunately. That kind of language is common on game chat no matter the game. Have a conversation, block the person and don’t allow her to use a mic or hear other people using a mic.

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get on her device and act like her and see who tries to talk to you


I am not sure taking things away from her is the right move. Talk with her and explain that there are going to be people on games who just troll others. Some people are bullies because they can hide behind the screen. I taught my son that he can go on and play with his friends, just ignore all the other people and don’t take what they say to heart. There will be some kids online who say nasty things, but that is not just in games, it’s in real life as well. My son plays online in Minecraft as well as Roblox with friends, they all go into a Discord call together so they don’t have to type in chat and can keep the chat box closed if they want. Maybe open a Discord server just for her and “only friends” so they can all talk with each other instead of being in chat. The only way others can join her Discord is if she adds them. If it was one of her friends who had told to her off herself, maybe tell her that that friend isn’t a nice person to say something like that, she can unfriend that person as I am sure she probably has other nicer friends that she can play with. She will encounter nasty people in life whether it’s at school (I am sure she has heard similar things at school, maybe not towards her but…) or in game etc… Teach her that just because people say rude or nasty things doesn’t mean she needs to be around that, she can change games or move away from people like that.

Are you sure they didn’t mean her character in the game?
There are parental controls so she can’t talk to people and they can’t talk to her.


I wouldn’t have taken her stuff away. She did what any parent wants their kid to do she told you the the truth and asked. Just explain to her about it. My kid plays Fortnite but we don’t give her a headset

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Set the parental controls on it so she can’t talk to anybody and they can’t talk to her, and maybe go on the game and see if whoever it was talks to you. She didn’t do anything wrong so you really shouldn’t have taken the switch for telling you the truth

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There’s legally nothing you can do about it. She’s way too young to be playing online games and chatting with strangers… I would take away her mic so she can’t talk, theres also ways to silent the other ppl she’s playing with. But punishing her for coming to you and being honest isn’t the answer. Give her switch back and talk with her about safely online


Make her stop playing fortnite with ppl

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Well you just sent the way opposite message by punishing her for telling you what happened.

Unless you put actual controls on and turned off her ability to speak to others and for them to contact her then you set your kid up for failure here. They’re 8yo, they don’t make mature decisions.

But also for everyone that’s got kids out there on other gaming platforms make them a child acct. you can control this type of thing. Also if you don’t want randoms contacting your kid on a worldwide game don’t give them access.


My son says it means her character in the game idk if it’s true


It surprises me that so many are critical that she took away the switch. Of course it matters how she explains the fact to her child, but if someone is threatening my child’s safety through an electronic device, you can be sure I’m going to protect my child by removing the source of the threat, if only to enable the parental control options. It wasn’t taken away to punish the girl, but because someone who wanted to harm her was able to get to her through it, and until the device has the correct controls in place, it isn’t a safe toy for the child.


I know this will sound bad because it is bad but it’s a common truth.

She’s a girl playing a video game, if she’s great at it (doesn’t matter what game.) she’ll get a lot of guys telling her things like (and worst) this because she is a girl who is good at a game. Let’s be honest she doesn’t have to be good she just has to be better then a boy and they’ll attack her. It’s common in gaming culture. So the best advice it continue to talk to her about mental health importance and let her know what they are doing is wrong and there is no excuse, just block them and move on to the next friend. There are a lot of toxic gamers.

You have two choices here really take away all online gaming period or teach her how to handle toxic people. If you decide to let her continue then I’d go on to twitch and find some gamer girl streamers they are the best to give advice cause they deal with guys like this on the regular


Just make sure when she plays the voice talk is off…that’s what I do with me 7 and 8 yr old that plays too. My boys are teenagers and they’ll leave it on some times but they rarely use it unless they’re playing with each other

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They probably told her to unalive herself in the game. She did the right thing telling you, she doesn’t deserve her switch be taken away. Maybe ask her to play a different game.


I don’t think an 8 yr old should have been playing a video game unsupervised. The police, even if you knew a name, aren’t going to do anything about kids trash talking on video games.

I hate Fortnite. Really, there is nothing you can do about it. The harsh reality is over the Internet, people can say whatever they want and get away with it. The law won’t do anything about it. You will have to teach your daughter to have thick skin if she plays on these online games. It’s just a fact of the Internet.
What you CAN do is find some really good computer savy people to have them find out who they are by tracking their IP address. This is usually done by giving a hidden link to download a virus. Once you have their IP address, you can find out who this person is… Then you can post the information on forums, and let the internet warriors do their work. Plus, the virus will mess up their system. :slightly_smiling_face:
My daughter plays Roblox, and there have been pedophiles who try to groom her. I have taught my daughter what to look out for, and told her to never trust anyone over the Internet.
You have to fight fire with fire over the Internet.


At 8 she should not be on that. Take control !!


Dont let her on that kind of stuff you cant control.

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DO NOT take her switch away!!!
Be open and honest with her right now about your feel and you as a parent take control of electrics


Does Fortnite have a “recently played with” option? I know some games do but I am not familiar with Fortnite or its layout. My son plays it a lot and we don’t allow him to join random matches anymore because of the ignorance that we were hearing. He is only allowed to play with school friends now OR if he has his mic and headset turned off so he can’t hear what the other people are saying. We made this decision after some teenage kid started telling him that I should have aborted him.

Whoa!! The kids can get live chat on the switch on the games?? I know he plays on the computer and I set privacy levels…but the switch too!! OMG!! But to answer the question I would be honest 1 the kid probably does not have that kind of money! 2 never never take the suggestion of a stranger off the internet games who want you to self harm etc…3 I would definitely be watching the chat closely when shes on or blocking all forms of chat if possible…my son has a switch and I have to do a code for him to access the updates chats etc…dont stress momma and when her giver machine back just explain you where looking for chat history and protecting her from the ones that say inappropriate things…plus the weather is bueatiful so outdoor time is just as fun!

It’s a joke and very common game talk. It’s not meant literally. That’s why it’s worded that way.

We turn the voice talk off for my kiddos for this reason.

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Actually that’s slang talk for your character in the game


Its a reference to her character in the game. I think your over reacting just a little.

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Why is she allowed to be on line


We disabled the option to chat on my kids games


Wow. You just guaranteed that your daughter will never tell you anything again. Why did you punish her for something someone else said? That’s stupid.


Fortnite has a recently played with option, but she could of played with more than 1 so it might make it hard. I play with my friends and I was in a lobby with random kid’s and a boy told another boy he should go kill himself, I was shocked and for this reason my son who is also nearly 8 is to play with myself or his older brother that’s it. It honestly makes me sick to hear what some of the kids say over the headset’s. Its easy for them to get into a lobby with stranger’s, when my son wants to play “modes” with stranger’s he’s not aloud to have the sound on at all!

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Ok, unpopular opinion but why would you take her switch? She didn’t do anything wrong, she did the most grown up thing an 8 yr old could do was tell you…
It’s a video game, you cannot call the police bc someone said something that you didn’t like.

Don’t let her play fortnite?


Why is a game like that even being sold? We must protect our children! A parent can say no, it is your right! Monitor this, it is serious.


Uhh… so welcome to the internet. And your daughter should be bright enough to know she wouldn’t get a $1000 if she was dead. If she isnt… and too young… why is she on fortnight talking to people???

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Idk but this is one of the reasons why my kids aren’t allowed to play video games :person_shrugging: In China it’s illegal for children under the age of 18 to play video games except for 1 hour on Fridays and Saturdays, and even then there’s a minimum age for that. I think we need to take notes from China on this one.


The parental controls on fortnite allow you to turn off talking to people not on your friends list and things like that.

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Why use the mic you can play other games that don’t need it

too young to be on FN imo

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Prayers for your daughter

It’s a game refrence.
I get your “scared”, but you better start teaching her how to fight back instead of run.
That said, disable chat options.

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I love your desperation in wanting to solve this. We hear to often about child suicides and the problem with distant social interaction. This society lives in virtual reality and has no respect or value in human life. Contact your police department and see what they can do.

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I mean, it’s not her fault and she felt comfortable enough to tell you about it.

Why punish her by taking her switch? Fortnight is an online game, and unfortunately you can’t control people on the web or on games.

I remember people taking smack on CLUB PENGUIN. A child’s game.

Just don’t let her play that game? Or monitor the 8yo.


My immediate thought was that someone was asking her to purposely get killed in the game and they’d give her a $1000 in vbucks. She probably plays horribly, being only 8, and the player she was partnered with didn’t want her in the game. I could he wrong but that would be thought after hearing my teen boys yelling “kill yourself” to their friends when playing. It’s disgusting to hear them say it, irregardless if they are talking about the game.

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If you think that’s bad, you should have been in the 2000’s call of duty load screens! Shit was brutal. With that being said, 8 years old is way too young in my opinion to be on that game. There are too many adults on there for it to be a kids game

I don’t see why you punished her for telling you. You’ve basically guaranteed that she’s never going to come to you again. Also it’s literally just a game and doubt it was even a big deal to her. Blowing it out of proportion.


Your 8 year old child shouldn’t have access to talk to anyone online. You giving her access to it, and just telling her not to talk to anyone is a bit absurd. She’s 8. Of course she isn’t going to listen. Then you punished her, for something YOU gave her access to. She acted in the most responsible way an 8 year old can. She told you what happened. You most likely damaged her trust in you since you took her switch for something someone said to her. You have absolutely no basis for a police report. Try getting your CHILD off the internet. Then she won’t be able to talk to strangers online.


Take away the headphones so she can’t speak to anyone

Your 8 year old plays fortnight, hmmmm.


I let my 5 year old play that game occasionally the last season because of the spiderman character and web shooter … We don’t do a headset. And we mute the other online players. Every now and then a random come in and also has a mic. But all you can do is mute them each game if they are being inappropriate… If you don’t want your child being online. Don’t allow them to play online games.

Beings she didn’t do anything wrong really, If I were the parent I’d give her game back and explain to mute random people. Occasionally it is hard to mute them so don’t get too upset if you hear someone else talking at first just ask them to be muted. I do let my son talk to other kids that are on the game but if I start hearing bad language from the other kids I tell my son mute them or leave that particular game and restart a new one


Cut the game if she didnt listen.

I’m pretty sure with the switch the only way to talk is through the Nintendo switch app. That’s how their other online games work that I’ve played. So just make sure she doesn’t have her phone while playing.

Throw that console In the garage… get her a real hobby- not trying to being harsh but serious!!


Take the headset and turn off voice chat. Not old enough to communicate online. Shouldn’t have punished her for telling you though. You can report the player through Fortnite/epic games ,in game, if she knows the gamer tag.


I would not punish her. May send mixed signals and she won’t tell you next time. It isn’t her fault that person was being a jerk. I would just explain that everyone online isn’t nice and kids are being bullies. I would take away the mic and see if you can block chat?


Too young for Fortnite tbh


she knows the name. she just isn’t telling you
video games away for awhile. send her outside to play

So your daughter comes to you because some jerk online tells her something bad and you take the game away? Granted at 8 she shouldn’t be playing it to begin with as I don’t think its an E game. But if I was that 8 year old, you would have shown me I can’t come to you with my issues cause even if I didn’t do anything wrong, I get punished. Give her appropriate ways to respond. Reinforce her worth and remind her if she is unalive, she won’t have the $1000 anyway. Good luck.


Tbh an 8yr old shouldn’t be playing fortnite in random lobbies, there are Wayyy too many adults on that game. Best thing to do is get her an age appropriate games for an 8yr old girl. Always always supervise game time.


Don’t blame the game. Blame the people.
Kids don’t tell kids to do things like that. She’s more than likely talking to older kids like 15+ or maybe even adults who pretend to be kids. Which is a real thing. There’s a voice changer and they go around trolling people and kids and they can be very disrespectful such things like this.

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My husband and I started playing for two reasons.

One, my stepson’s mother lives three hours away so we don’t get to see him as often as we would like. Every other weekend simply isn’t enough and the little guy hates talking on the phone but he will will chatter away if we play together.

Two, we are all too aware that you can’t trust everyone on those games and some kids are simply little jerks. None of the kids are allowed to add friends unless we approve of them. That means we have to be in game with these kids and playing with them often enough to know how they behave. This has led to kind of a safety net because we have a select group of kids that we know are trustworthy for our children to play with. We’ve heard their voices and we know they are really kids. We’ve seen how they play with others and how they respond in stressful situations in the game.

Most important leave we have taught to all of the children about the dangers of strangers online and why it is so important that we follow these rules for parent approval when it comes to who you play with. I know sometimes it can feel like you are taking their innocence away when you tell them about things but how much more innocence do they lose when they are subjected to it the hardway because they didn’t know better?


She’s 8. She shouldn’t have access to online gaming. My 15 year old still isn’t allowed social media


You can set parental controls on Fortnite to ensure she isn’t speaking to people who aren’t kids or her friend online as well as who can join her party or send her friend requests. I play Fortnite with my little brother & son & some of the kids & teenagers on there are brutal.


Honestly, the best thing you can do from here, is limit screen time and supervise while she plays. I agree that completely taking away the console would feel like punishment for her…especially after she trusted you enough to come to you with this.

Parenting is freaking hard.