Son wakes up screaming that his feet are hot, what is going on?

Can children get gout

always keep the fan on when he sleeping

Sounds like athletes foot

Take him to the doctor!

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Check into diabetes.My feet never got hot till I was diabetic.My feet was my first clue.

You should take him to the doctor. Bcoz if he complaines about something than better show a doctor.

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Have him checked for diabetes.

Growing Pains. It’s heartbreaking bc you can’t really do anything but comfort them.

My only suggestion is put his feet on a large pillow so they’re slightly raised above his body see if that changes it. I used to get strange feelings in my legs when I slept I did this and it took care of my problem

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Could be diabetes or neuropathy. Please have him checked.

You should take him to a Dr.

Put a fan on him at night and go see a dr

Ive had this problem for years

Also sign of possible diabetes

Circulation issue. Dr right away.

Some people can’t stand their feet to be covered up in bed and they have the same complaint, it’s hot. Try not tucking the foot of the bed and see how he does.

Did you take him to the DOCTOR.

Put a fan at the foot of his bed and leave it on. It may help!

I second the Demon Possession theory.


yes take him to dr. if no help take him to another one

I suffer with restless leg syndrome and get hot feet at night (usually wake up with it) I find it’s worse when my iron levels are low.

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Take him to the doctor’s do not shrug this off…

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I’m unsure why people turn to the internet with these questions when I’d bring my child to the doctor for evaluation asap.


It could be hes just one of those people whose feet get hot during sleep.

Only worry if it starts happening during other times of the day. My god daughter would scream her feet were burning and it was because she has a missing disk in her spine and also scoliosis plus had a fatty tissue around her spine that tangled and encapsulated her nerves

Sounds like a nerve issue or maybe he crosses his feet while sleeping and they “fall asleep”

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Bring him to the pediatrician. It may be something neurological or nothing at all

I did this as a kid and so does my son. He can’t stand his feet being covered. Does he hate socks? Does he tend to kick his shoes off even though he needs to wear them? Does he fight when u clip his toenails or wash his feet? I bet if u make sure to tuck his blanket to his feet stick out, the problem stops.

Have had this many times with my youngest daughter. I just help with cool cloth or she keeps her feet out of the covers, I figure it’s neurological and it goes away so nothing serious just strange.

Growing pains or maybe get him checked for MS? My dad had a form of MS that made all the nerves in your hands and feet die but you can still feel burning shooting pains/ pins and needles type feeling. Hope he’s okay!

At one time I had the same problem, can you believe it was actually the leather insoles of my shoes. Whatever they used to tan the leather caused me grief

Yep. I have extremely low heat tolerance. The reason you feel it in the feet, and usually head and underarms, is because that’s where several arteries are clustered, and these areas have a high concentration of nerve endings. The hotter it gets, the worse these areas will feel. (Ultimately resulting in fainting episodes) Out of these areas, the feet have the most nerve endings.

I had really bad anemia when I was younger and had “burning feet” all of the time, my parents used to tell me it was “growing pains” but it was actually from my anemia.

Also fun fact, my dad literally SLAPPED my feet on purpose while they were burning because he’s a physco :upside_down_face:

There’s actually A LOT of different things that could be from this so like someone else said, just take him to a doctor, it can be a sign of diabetes, anemia, nerve pain in general, etc

Take him to the doctor it could be a nerve ending problem. that’s a common complaint with nerve pain is feeling like somethings on fire

Is he diabetic? Thats a really strong symptom of diabetic neuropathy

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Growing pains or night terrors would be my guess

Take him to the doctor to evaluate for diabetes. Might be neuropathy

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Probably having restless legs or growing pains

Probably pins and needles feeling he might be a bunched up sleeper and his legs fall asleep

Rub his feet and take off socks when sleeping the air moving over the feet is a calming feel like rubbing

Feet can’t hurt if he has none :hocho:

Maybe pins and needles? Can he walk ok when they’re ‘hot’?

I am 78 years old and I still remember my growing pains terrible!!

Sounds a bit like a night terror

Probably growing pains

growth spurt- check in with your peditrican ~

I had hot feet after my Covid shot, just at night

Any fb doctors stat!

Get him checked by the dr

Take him to a neurologist.

I used to have this same exact problem when I was a kid. I would wake up with the bottoms of my feet miserably hot and feeling like they were on fire (not to touch though). It would help if I put a light (not thick or heavy as that would make it worse) lotion on them and keep them out of the blankets. Looking back I think they were being dried out from the carpet that was throughout my home. Wearing socks or slippers on the carpet from then on helped and lotion before bed.

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Maybe growing pains?

UM Take him to the doctors

Could it be covid toes

Need to talk to pediatrician.

Dr. This is your child

Take him to the doctor

Take him to a doctor!

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Take him to see a neurologist

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Low iron can cause burning feet!

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So let him sleep with a fan on………………


I used to do that with my hands when I was little I’m convinced that I was sleeping in a position that made them fall asleep. I used to wake up in the middle of the night and cry to my parents and run my hands under cold water. Does he sleep with his legs tucked on him tummy? His feet may be falling asleep.

Might be a number of things but the first thing that pops into my head is it may be a sensory thing (like some people can’t sleep with socks and shoes on), especially since he calms down after the fan is turned on. But definitely advise going to a doctor and getting a professional, medical opinion.

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He need to go to doctor it sounds like neuropathy!! Also it could be a sign of diabetes and unstable blood sugars please take him in ASAP just to be checked


Mine do that. Its neuropathy from diabetes.

When I had growing pains as a child my feet would get hot, it was so uncomfortable, I’d have to put them on the cold wall to get some comfort.


I would talk to his pediatrician first and foremost. Just doing a quick google search, I found this…


Sounds like it could possibly be eurythromyalgia, aka, burning man syndrome. My sister has it, the absolute most painful thing to see someone you love so dearly, suffer from this horrific disease.

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DOCTOR , very concerned!

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Talk with the pediatrician ASAP!!

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check for bed bugs at the foot of his bed too, their bits will creat a burn feeling at first

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It could be diabetes, that is one of the signs. Get him checked out asap


Really??? Take him to a doctor immediately. Geez how did you come to Facebook before going to a doctor come on… I’m so sorry that I had to be so blunt but at this point me reading this was just ridiculous.


As has been said many times this requires the doctor sooner rather than later , even if you don’t know , a very quick google search shows you how dangerous this warning symptom may be , hopefully not , but certainly needs investigating , hope he is okay :sparkling_heart:

Check him for diabetes

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This used to happen to me as a child but it was my arm. It was nerve damage but it healed itself. X

Take him to doc . Check for diabetes or anything that causes nerve pain


what did his doctor say?

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Have you had him checked by his doctor??

I’ve never been checked for it I suggest talking to his doctor but until then put his feet in some cold water that’s what I do and it helps so much

Could it maybe be pins n needles he is feeling? My girl always used to say her feet were hot when she had them x

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one of my boys did that at around that age. he had hit a growth spurt. once it wa over, the hot feet stopped

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Sounds like neuropathy or even a mild form of restless leg. Take to pediatrician for proper diagnosis. There are some topical creams and lotions, as well as some different vitamins and minerals that are used OTC that are said to relieve symptoms of those types of neurological diagnoses, but I ended up requiring prescription strength medication in my twenties bc I couldn’t handle the feeling anymore! Best to start with natural remedies and then graduate to prescription, if needed. My RLS started when I was about 6 or 7 and I was told it was growing pains…good luck!

My son got that he use to complain about hot feet he had a sezure from it…it’s I forgot the name but it’s when the joints get inflamed …it’s anther form of growing pain.

Is this a thing? Cause I had hot feet and so did my daughter it was a symptom of covid! And we are grown women and it felt horrible so I sympathize with your boy!

Maybe athletes foot? Are they itchy at all too?

Take him to his doctor

First thing I would do is see how he’s sleeping. Is he curled in the fetal position with knees bent and butt in the air? If so, it’s just temporary loss of circulation. But aside from that I would definitely still make a pediatrician appointment. Then go more intensive after that

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I have fibromyalgia and that’s one of the symptoms. The pain is horrible and your feet feel like they’re on fire. I hope his pediatrician is able to figure out what’s wrong with him and it’s nothing serious.


I use to have restless leg and would get it worse bc of anxiety or waiting when I was a kid. I still get it some now. Massage his legs and feet regularly, it can help relieve any tension he’s holding and help blood flow he may have less of that feeling. Not sure if that is what it is. Mine never felt hot but felt achy and hurt me

Don’t have children but this happened to me as a child from the ages of 9-12. Turns out I was hitting my growth spurt and the pain was literally my bones growing. Was 5ft 7” at 9 years old. 6ft 1in at age of 12. 6ft 3in now as a 25year old adult. Not a doctor or anything, just an anecdote.

Why don’t you try putting his feet in two thermos flasks? They can help to keep things hot and cold things cold.

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I do have fibro but it started from undiagnosed Lyme disease. It probably is growpains but I would ask for a full blood work

I have neuropathy in both feet (and both legs) and it sounds exactly like the pain I experience. Hopefully it’s nothing more than growing pains but I’d defo get an appointment with your GP to have it checked.

I read somewhere that icey feet or firey feet was connected to Covid or a side effect. It sounds to me like a call to the Dr if not a trip to hosp/Dr is in order.

My mom had neuropathy from diabetes and She woke up in the early morning with burning feet. Please have him checked out.

Could it be Covid Feet, some people with Covid have issues with their Feet!

Probably restless leg syndrome
Putting coldness on feet and legs when rls is acting up relieves it

My whole life I slept with my feet out from under the covers and a fan blowing on them now that I’m closing in on 70 it’s finally stopped

Could be nerve pain, could be type 1 diabetes could be bad circulation. See a doctor.