The guy I was seeing wants me to get an abortion: Advice?

Then don’t get one. Just make sure not to sign his name anywhere. I’m sure he just financially doesn’t want one. Keep your miracle. Throw him away and never look back.


I would KEEP the baby!! I was in a similar situation 28 years ago. My son was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. I had my son on my own an got back with my sons dad when my son was 3!!! I also was married an could not have children with my husband at the time. We divorced. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Keep the Baby you always wanted. I did!!:heart: Good Luck!!:pray:


Please keep the baby.

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Um, no. Keep that beautiful blessing


He is not thinking of you so let him go. You can raise the baby yourself.


If you want the baby, keep the baby. You did the right thing and told him you were pregnant. Now it’s up to him, once all the emotions subside, to decide if he wants to be part of the child’s life. I would not lie about having an abortion. Honestly, I understand he’s wrong for yelling at you etc. but let’s also not just trash talk him for thinking there wasn’t a possibility of you getting pregnant. Now you are. Granted I know you thought the same, but I’m sure he’s very surprised and overwhelmed as well. You both need to be sensitive and understanding towards each other.

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I struggled for years conceiving and I ended up having ivf. You have wanted a baby for so long. If it were me I would keep the baby and if the man doesnt want any part so be it.

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Get rid of the man and keep the baby just put father unknown if he doesn’t want thus blessing

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Fuck him (excuse my language) but he can kiss booty and get over iy!!!

If he doesnt wanna be a real father to HIS baby then DONT put him on the certificate .
you and baby will do just fine on your own :sunflower: sending you all the love and support that i virtually can :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


If you have any doubt, DON’T do it. Enjoy this blessing and forget the father. He’s useless.

Please don’t have a abortion.

Forget the guy— God gave you the baby you always prayed for. :two_hearts:


Keep it. It may be your only chance. If he doesn’t want it, let him go. He will have no responsibility to it whatsoever.

If he doesn’t want the baby, just raise the baby yourself without him. If you want a baby, keep the baby!

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If you dont want one don’t get one. It’s your body and your choice. You aren’t responsible for a man’s inability to wear a condom so he doesn’t need to be pissy with you. If you dont want a kid have the abortion. God killed every first born male, he committed mass genocide, there’s a passage about an elixir to get rid of a pregnancy. So with all that I doubt he would be angry with you for having one.

Do what you want.he obvious doesnt care for anyone other then hisself. Keep your will be okay.God will help you because you did the right thing. Im praying for you :pray:

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Cut ties with him & never ask him for anything

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Keep the baby, throw away the man! That baby is a blessing!


Get rid of that jerk and keep your miracle baby! Block him on everything if you have to, you don’t need him and his negativity. Be happy. You finally have your baby that you went through hell trying to conceive and now you have a little miracle pop up, do not take that for granted, keep your baby.


First of all baby you probably weren’t meant to have a baby with your husband that baby meant to be here regardless of who the father is have your bundle of blessings raise your baby in your own love and get your baby a stepdad it’s stepdaddy season anyway

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If you want a baby and he doesn’t, keep it and he doesn’t have to be a part of it. Raise the baby on your own, the baby doesn’t need a dad that doesn’t even want him/her and neither do you, plus you may end up meeting someone else later on who will be a perfect dad for your baby.

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You took a chance when you had unprotected sex. You should have the baby.

Keep your baby ditch his ass

Keep the baby, get rid of the guy‼️


Your body, your choice.

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Keep the baby get rid of the guy

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If you want the baby, keep the baby! If he doesn’t want the responsibility and ur okay with raising your child on your own then tell him he can have no ties. It’s YOUR body your CHOICE.

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Keep the baby! Don’t let him pressure you into gettin an abortion! I went the through the same thing with a guy tellin me to get one and I told him no that I wasn’t happening! I have a child from a different relationship

Who do you want most?Your precious baby or a man who wants to kill your baby? Shows a lot about his character.


Your body your choice.

Your body your choice. I would keep my baby.

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Keep the baby and lose contact with him. If her wants to be there, he’ll come around eventually but don’t force him. It’s hard being a single parent, but it gets easier and is worth it.


If he didn’t want a baby that badly he should have used protection.
Keep the baby, ditch the man child.

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I personally don’t believe in abortion unless it’s medically necessary but to each their own. This may be your one and only chance to have a baby so you have to decide if you want to keep it or the boyfriend who may or may not stick around long. If he doesn’t want the baby then tell him when the baby is born to sign off on all rights to the child and move on. Best of luck to you


If you want that baby, keep that baby girl.

Don’t do it!! God blessed you w this pregnancy :heart: Don’t listen to this arrogant ‘man’ He sounds AWFUL​:disappointed: I’m sorry for your pain,trust God :pray::kissing_heart::pray:

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Keep baby throw whole man/boy to the curb give baby your last name and don’t put him on birth certificate and don’t ask him for anything he already gave you your best blessing


Keep the baby! Don’t kill your precious baby!


So not have an abortion just because the guy wants it. My son’s father wanted me to have an abortion and I said ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! MY BODY, MY BABY. He was sooo angry!!! We didn’t speak for weeks. He finally said he couldn’t have a child in the world and not be a part of that child’s life and eventually came around. They have a great relationship now. I could never live with myself if I had an abortion, babies are a blessing. Just soul search and do what is best for YOU, NOT HIM!! Good luck♥️

Keep your child don’t put him on the birth certificate

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Keep the baby if that’s wat u want dude knew the consequences of not pulling out regardless eff himmm

This is your body and your choice! Please do not let this man talk you into an abortion! He really doesn’t have a say! I guess men should be more careful if they don’t want babies!

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Have your baby do what’s best for you

You can have this baby and leave the father out of it completely. Being a single parent isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but it can be done. No one needs to push you into doing anything you don’t want to do. Let the guy off the hook and be a mom. Best of luck

Its 100% your choice!!! Only do what your comfortable with.

Keep it. Baby is a blessing, maybe that baby is unexpected but it is a gift from god. Love your child more than you love your boyfriend.


I most definitely would not get an abortion. Regardless of the Father, that is and always will be YOUR baby. He sounds like an asshole tbh. Let him go, not your baby.

You being pregnant after all you have been through is a blessing!! That baby will always love you when no one else does and that’s why I would have my baby. You can do it by yourself with god’s help :white_check_mark::heart::pray:t3:

Ultimately it’s YOUR body, YOUR choice. Do what you feel YOU want & need to do, regardless of the guy’s opinion. You don’t need his permission for either choice. Just be prepared to raise the child alone without his help. But you can do it with or without him or anyone’s help for that matter. Good luck in whatever you do decide.

Keep the baby, ditch the man.


You were meant to have this baby!! If he doesn’t like it, then he doesn’t have to be part of the child’s life.


Keep your baby, u don’t need him.


Leave him! Sorry not sorry. He obviously is so self absorbed and not thinking about your feelings at all either. You dont care about what he wants??? You’re the one who is pregnant. Go tell him to get his junk removed then if this isnt what he wants.(petty remark in response to him wanting you to get an abortion.) He should have used protection. Bye boy, HELLLLOOOO bebe!


Keep the baby, no matter what anyone says.


Screw him and keep this maracle baby! That’s what I’d do anyways!! Plus it’s your body. You get to do what you want to do period.


God gave you this baby for you to become a mom. Isnt that what you prayed for. Its here now enjoy Gods gift


Dont get an abortion. Just tell him you wont hold him accountable. Dont put him on the birth certificate and anytime you’re legally asked, say you don’t know who the father is. Honestly if he’s that against it then do it on your own. It sounds as though you portrayed to him you couldnt have children so protection wasnt needed. He didnt feel as though this was a risk. There are some cases the father should be held responsible and times when it was an honest mistake but he truly doesnt want it so dont make everyone miserable. Just do you & have your miracle baby. It’s so rewarding doing it on your own.

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This is the miracle you have prayed for. God answered your prayer, have your baby and if the guy wants to participate great. If not, that’s his choice. Don’t have an abortion because of his feelings. God’s timing and plan are both perfect.

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Keep baby don’t put his name on anything


Keep this baby and run from this man child

Keep the baby. Let him walk away from all responsibility. He’s made it clear he doesn’t want the child. You do and you will love that baby with all your heart!

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Keep the baby. It’s not his choice.


Do not have an abortion, this baby was meant to be. After years of wanting and struggling the universe has decided to be kind. This is a blessing. Plus you don’t really owe this man nothing, he is not your boyfriend or partner he is just a guy who was happy for a shag. Shut the door on his ass and enjoy motherhood. It sounds like your time has come. Good luck x

That is Gods gift to you. A blessing. You will never forgive yourself if you go through with it. Have your baby. Leave the man alone.

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God gave you a child you wanted. Don’t throw your chance away. You can do it on your own. Many mom’s have.

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He kind of sounds married or in a relationship. Keep the baby though considering the infertility issue.

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You don’t need him if you want this baby and can support the baby then keep it if not think before you do anything permanent

If you want your baby, keep your baby. Just understand that this man does NOT want to be involved. So you will probably be raising this baby by yourself. There’s no need to keep contacting him/answering his calls because you know where he stands.:woman_shrugging:t4:


Keep the baby, tell him to get lost and sign over his rights


You do what you think you should do. Just be prepared to do it alone. You have to understand his views also. If he doesn’t want kids and was under the impression that you couldn’t then it is what it is. Yeah it’s shitty on his end. Just tell him to give up his rights as the father and raise your child on your own. You can’t hold him responsible.

You already accepted the responsibility of being irresponsible so good for you. But YOU want the baby and that is all that matters. He can step out if he truly wants to and I personally wouldn’t force him to stay around if that’s how he really feels. Tell him that he will need to sign over all rights once the baby is born and he won’t have to worry about it. It’s definitely not fair to you nor the child but sadly he won’t care nor get judged has harshly as you will for either choice you make. YOU follow whatever your heart is telling you and it’s telling you to keep it. Keep the baby and enjoy your life with them. If you are worried about financial things start looking into them now bc being single and pregnant you already qualify for so much (I suppose depending what state you live in) but get the help you need, build your life and the right man will step up for not only you but your baby. Good luck mama.

Keep the baby if that is what you want. You dont need him to help you raise a child. My youngest childs dad wanted me to have an abortion cause we were both done have children. However we didnt use anything and ended up pregnant. I knew i would never do an abortion. I told him i was keeping the baby and that he could stay out of the picture if he wanted to. Well he is 5 now and im glad he is here. I thank God everyday for him.

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I think they have as much right to make the decision as to wanting or not to be a parent, we as women say our body our choice, which is completely correct, but I think men should get the same option of making a choice during the first months of pregnancy to decide if they want to be fathers or not, obviously it doesn’t apply when you’ve been married and you already had kids and split up, there you have a responsibility and can not go back, so if he’s saying he doesn’t want to be a dad, then he can bounce, now the decision is yours, do you want to be a mother? Are you willing to raise a child on your own? If the answer and yes then go ahead and have it

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I would have the baby and raise it myself!


I would keep it and never bother with him again. You want it U take care of it….


Keep the baby. Have him sign away his rights, legally. Be happy with your little miracle :heart:


Keep your baby and tell him to piss off.

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I’m going thru this for the 3rd. time… KEEP YOUR BABY !! let him walk t’F away, better yet, tell his ass to RUN !! if I can do this 110% ALONE with THREE, you can surely do it with one… Congrats on YOUR MIRACLE BABY mama !!

You’re choice. Don’t have an abortion. Just don’t force him to be apart of the child’s life because that is his choice.

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Keep the baby. You can always tell him you got it done. Just don’t see him ever again. Easier said than done, I know. Or maybe even a bit childish. But there’s a reason you were blessed with this blessing! What he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him. Maybe not the best advice, but that’s what I would do if I were in your situation. Good luck!


You so clearly want this baby he’s out of the picture either way. You finally can have your child and I wouldn’t let anyone take them away from you :heartpulse:

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Keep the baby my youngest father told me to get an abortion cuz he only wanted a son and we were having a girl. I kept her was a single mom and things were hard at times but I found a man who loves me and my daughter so much and I’m forever grateful I made the decision I did

Your body your choice!

Why would you even consider choosing the man who can’t step up to be a father over your baby you’ve always prayed for. Trust me, when your baby’s born weather he chooses to be there or not, that baby’s going to be 100 percent worth it and you’ll see!

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How can you even question it? You’ve wanted a baby for so long, your love that that child will b like anythg you’ve ever had. He will support you, if he truly loves you, if not, move on. Prayers for you, reach out to your friends and family to support you. Obviously, you want a child, you will find that someone to love you and love that baby!!

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I would keep the baby and kick the guy to the side and then when the baby ask where’s my dad tell the baby the truth. And he is forcing you to have an abortion which is illegal. You can actually press charges on him for that I do believe as long as you have the proof

Your body your choice. You can terminate his paternal rights. Follow your heart. This could very well be a miracle for you. Be prepared to raise it on your own.

This baby is a blessing an if i had gone through all you did I’d be keeping that little bundle who cares what he thinks

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He was under the impression you couldn’t get pregnant. Keep the baby, but give him an out if he wants nothing to do with it.

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Let me just say when I was 17 my boyfriend at the time begged me to get an abortion, now I have an amazing almost 13 year old. I don’t believe in abortions, so I raised my son without his father in his life. Just know you can raise a baby without this man being there. I took my pregnancy as a blessing. You don’t have to put the man on the birth certificate, you also don’t have to abort your baby, it’s your choice and no one can take that from you. :heart:

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Have the baby and have him sign his rights over since he doesn’t want the baby.

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Keep the baby, ditch the man.

He’s only thinking about himself now. I personally would leave him and raise the child on my own. Have no contact with him.

I would keep the baby and say goodbye to that boy. You can get him for child support if you really need it, but I would personally ask him to sign away any rights and just go it alone.

Keep your baby …you don’t need a man to raise one …hell plenty of strong woman out here raising more then one on they own … Fuck him n his feelings ,he wasn’t worrying about yours … block his number n do you and keep your baby… Later in life there’s STEP DADDY headed your way LOL I promise you … Best wishes to you …& happy n safe delivery … God bless

Don’t do it!!! Keep that baby girl forget about him!!!

I wouldn’t get one. Especially after how hard you tried to have one before. He will eventually calm down. Especially after the baby’s there. If he doesn’t then move on and raise your baby on your own

You already know what you want to do. Don’t let him bully you.