The guy I was seeing wants me to get an abortion: Advice?

Lose contact with that man and keep the baby

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Cut all ties with him. Change your number. Have the baby and list the father as unknown and carry on with life. never mention his name again. He said he doesnt want the responsibility & you take care of the child you are deciding to bring into the world…Not ideal by any means but It is what I would do.


Just keep the baby and make him sign over his rights so he doesn’t have to pay child support and doesn’t have to be involved at all. If you have wanted a baby your whole life I say this is a sign.

This is your rainbow keep your baby, ditch the guy.


Have the baby,
But tell him ur choice (if u do go ahead) then tell him if that’s how he feels then he loses all rights. U don’t ask him for anything.
An raise bubs yourself.

He may even change his mind

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Have the baby and raise it without him.

Tell him to sign over his rights and that’s that.

Keep the baby and then don’t put him on the birth certificate. You can have a baby and he doesn’t have to be involved.

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You could give birth to a President or a Doctor. Keep the Baby…
Abort him…

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Keep the baby and stop talking to him I would never get an abortion Because a little ass boy said too

It sounds like you want the baby. If I were you, I’d keep the baby.

I would advise you to keep the child. I think you know in your heart what a blessing this baby is. If you are unsure for other reasons like support of financial, look up your local family services and ask for resources. You sound like you already love this child. I would also encourage you to think about the custody issues and child support. Seek the help of a lawyer so you know your rights.

Seriously, you really didn’t need to share the fact that he finished in you. Just saying your pregnant pretty much tells us that… geez. And after years of infertility why would you even ask people what they would do? Your going to have the baby. And hopefully take care of it and love it, without that piece of crap who wants you to end your pregnancy.


Ditch the guy keep the baby. God knew your child before it was conceived as he is forming it in your womb. Trust me you would never be able to live with yourself if you have an abortion. You will be an amazing mom.

Keep the baby!!! Every man knows the risk of having unprotected sex.

Keep this miracle it happened because it was time for you! Unfortunately he sounds like he isn’t mentally prepared for a family and that is ok. Pray that he comes around if not you have your miracle :revolving_hearts::raised_hands:t2:

Keep the sweet innocent baby

You can do it on your own. My daughters dad didn’t want her either. But if that was the case, he should’ve worn a rubber. My daughter is my biggest blessing! Cuz I too thought I couldn’t have kids either, and it happened with him. When I was married previously to someone that I was with for 7 years. Go figure! It’s a blessing in disguise! We don’t need him, we’re doing just fine💗 #YouGotThis

You’ve wanted a baby, prayed for a baby and went thru fertility treatments to conceive a baby. Dude knew your struggles and how much a baby means to you. He sounds like the selfish one to me. Do NOT let him talk you into something you do not want and feel is fundamentally wrong for you. Plenty of single moms have raised babies by themselves. To hell with him. Have your much wanted baby. You can do this without him.

You should not have an abortion! God doesn’t make mistakes, and He made this baby of yours! :two_hearts:

The only thing this piece of crap cares about us himself. Ditch the loser and keep your child. Stay clear of him he sounds like he could do something stupid.

Screw him , do you sis

Have that baby, girl!! That’s a gift from God for YOU! :heart:

Keep YOUR baby girl.

Keep your baby if that’s what you want he holds no autonomy over your body he can’t make you do anything you tried to have a baby and were told you couldn’t this is your Miracle your Joy don’t let him take that from you just because he thinks he had that right tell him that y’all can go to court and he can relinquish his rights if he must and keep your precious jewel because you may never get that chance again and you deserve your dream

That’s your baby, your body, your choice. Having an abortion can decrease your chances of having a baby. Since you already had problems, I wouldn’t chance it. You will never forgive yourself if you can’t have another. You don’t need the father.

It’s your body you definitely do not need to do an abortion if u don’t want to. Your body your choice n tell him to kick rocks

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If you want the baby, keep your baby. Much love to you :heart:

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Keep the baby! That is a gift from God, no one can take that away. If he were mature and half human he would not want you to abort a miracle! Praying for you and your heart for peace and understanding!


He sounds like a jerk. Be done with him and keep your baby.

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Tell him to Fuck off and then you just keep your baby. :tipping_hand_woman:

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keep the baby and let his ass go! tell him you don’t want anything from him and go about your life with your beautiful baby

Your body…your choice. He doesn’t have to be involved.

Please do not have an abortion. You will love that sweet baby more then you could ever ever imagine.


As long as you don’t expect him to pay and raise it based on YOUR choice. You have every right to keep the baby and raise it alone.
You just don’t have the right to demand he helps…
He made it clear what he wants, or doesn’t want…
Now the rest is on you.
Personally I see it as a blessing. It was ment to be and I’d have him sign his rights away and create a beautiful life for the baby and I.
Congrats. Not everything happens at the right time, doesn’t mean it’s not a blessing. :heart:


This is your chance…keep the baby and have him terminate his rights!


Your body, your baby

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Your body!!! Not his!!!

And most importantly- YOUR BABY!!!

F*** him!!!

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Your body, your choice. His choice was to not use a condom.

Just don’t list him on the birth certificate if he don’t want to be a parent then he dont have to…

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Tell him he can sign over his rights and your keeping it


We women are strong get rid of him don’t put him on the birth. Papers you CAN do it it may be hard but the love an happiness is unbelievably good luck an remember God is the only man you really need


Have the baby! It’s the happy ending you have been waiting for!

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I wouldn’t do it this sounds like a miracle baby… he can sign his rights over if he doesn’t want to be in the child’s life…this is your gift cherish it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You wanted a baby, now you get a baby…be grateful and thankful for this miracle. This man was put in your life at this moment for a reason and I don’t believe in coincidences. Have your baby and enjoy every minute. Guy or no guy, you got this. It’s a GIFT and it’s AMAZING!


You do have a choice if you want to keep it keep it
If he gets nasty than cut him off
Block him in every way because you
Abusing you in an attempt to get you to have an abortion is wrong.
Celebrate your baby and enjoy your pregnancy loving your baby is the right thing to do.
And remember he’s made his choice
And his choice has nothing to do with you
You do you and be happy


KEEP THE BABY HAVE THE A**HOLE SIGN RIGHTS AWAY if he’s so worried about it… that is awful and with your background you probably would never forgive yourself.


God forgives no matter what. But, he did bless you with a child. If your heart wants this baby, keep it. I was a single mom for the first 10yrs of my daughters life and it was hard but so rewarding. She was my everything. Saved my life. You’ve prayed for a baby and God gave you one. If he doesn’t agree with you, tell him to kick rocks. It 100% can be done by you. Dont let anyone tell u what to do with your body. If YOU want that baby, then keep it. Its not his decision.


My ex wanted me to have an abortion and I said hell no. I kept my daughter and got rid of him. She is almost 12 years old and healthy. If you want the baby, keep the baby.


If you know you are going to regret it, don’t. Ditch the boyfriend.


Can you legally write him out of the picture and just have the baby you’ve always dreamed of? Just go ahead and get him to sign over his parental rights, no strings attached.


God works on his own time. The situation isn’t great, but if you really truly want this baby do so you don’t need the approval of a “man”.

It’s murder the Bible says.


Having an abortion makes you even less likely to have a baby!! so keep that in mind!! If you are having a hard time having a baby now the abortion could cause you to be unable to ever carry a baby again I know two girls this happened to facts

Girl he is not the man for you. Keep your baby.


If you want the baby you should keep the baby don’t need a guy to tell you what to do it’s your choice

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Your body, your choice. Just follow your heart!

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Have the baby and leave his ass be. I would give the baby your last name not his due to fact he really don’t want you to have it. Raise the baby without him and then wait to see if he decides to be apart of the child’s life on his own. If not then explain what is needed to be know to the child as age sees fit.

Have baby alone you don’t need him.


Cut him out of your life and have the baby without him. He’s worried about child support so don’t name him on the birth certificate. It’s not his choice it’s yours.


Keep the baby and if it’s that big of a deal he can always sign over his parental rights. He can’t make you do anything you don’t want to.


I’d keep the baby and tell him to fuck off

Have the baby. Raise the baby. Love the baby. This baby sounds like a miracle gift from God. Ditch the guy.

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Sounds like you really want to be a mom, my opinion is that you should keep they baby. Tell him if he doesn’t want it than put him out of your life and do not involve him if this is how he feels. As much as you have struggled this is your miracle baby. Ultimately it’s your choice your body. If you are able and capable of doing this than I think you should. You will have support and meet someone that will love you and your baby. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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Keep the baby if you’re able to hun. He doesn’t have to be involved in anyway. I would not expect child support or help from him but you may never get another chance. God gave you this baby for a reason

After all this time you wanted a baby and finally got pregnant, its a blessing. Tell him to sign over his rights then he has no obligation

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I see both sides. You assured him you couldnt get pregnant. So i feel like he is right as well. Id have a long sit down n be serious and understanding on both sides

Keep the baby. Lose the man.

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Keep your little miracle baby!!! God has a reason this baby was put on this earth and that he choose you to carry this little one!! He is blessing you and your baby!


KEEP THE BABY!! You can do it on your own! You will completely regret it if you terminate this pregnancy. You have prayed for this. God knows you are strong enough to be a single mother. I am a single mother of 2 and they are the best part of my life!!!


Get rid of the man! Tell him you did and never talk to him again. Abortion is murder. Keep the baby!

Keep that baby he don’t need to be around you got this. He wants to be selfish then he’s not the man you need…

First of all, you need to decide if YOU want the baby. If he decides to leave you, you need to make sure you’re ready to be a single mother. Second, the compromise could be giving the baby up for adoption. Not sure how he would feel about it, and he could end up leaving you but this needs to be YOUR choice and he can decide what to do with it.

If YOU don’t want to get one don’t get one it’s not his say on your body and you don’t have to list a father

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KEEP UR MIRACLE BABY!!! He doesn’t have to be in the life of the baby u raise him r her alone

Tell him sign over his rights!!! Id always keep my baby no matter what

If you want the baby, have the baby, but also respect his choice in not wanting to be apart of its life.

Don’t be petty and go after child support either. You told him that you couldn’t get pregnant. You also chose to have unprotected sex. You guys barely knew each other and he told you that he didn’t want the baby. Respect his choice and raise the baby on your own.

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It’s up to you.

You have every right to feel everything your feeling. And it’s very hateful of him to try to make you feel bad for wanting to maybe keep it just because he dodoesn’t.

Best advice I could give you is to pretend he doesn’t exist for a minute. Just focus on what you want.

He can figure out how he wants to fit into your decision later.

Definitely keep the baby and lose the manchild

Keep the baby. If he really doesn’t want a part in it, thats on him.

He has no say in it…give the baby your last name and move on with your life

Have him sign away his rights to the child and be an awesome mom!!! Find you a real man, hon.

Keep your baby ! It will be the best blessing ever in ur life ! :heart:

Absolutely not. You prayed for this baby. Whether it was then or now, you prayed for this baby and God gave you this baby for a reason. You know you want this baby, now it’s time to buckle down and get your ducks in a row and have this baby. Just because he screams at you and doesn’t want it, doesnt mean that you should have an abortion. It’s not his place. Cut all contact with him, just let him know you’re gonna have it, ask him to terminate his rights, and move on WITH BABY. Abortion, in my eyes, in this situation, is absolutely not necessary. Go on, have the baby.


Keep the baby and love him… ditch the boy… and have a beautiful life :heartpulse::heartpulse:

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What do you want? Know he will not be there for you! He is not worthy of you two.

Hun i am forever against it. But this is your life and your babies. There is always adoption. But if you want the baby regardless of him being in Y’alls life then keep the baby. If he wants nothing to do with yall then so be it. You can do this on your own you don’t need him in it. He can also sign over his rights then be done with it. That baby didn’t ask to have him as a dad. You can do this!

Keep your child…:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Keep the baby if you want to keep the baby. Have him sign his rights over and he has no obligation. That baby is a miracle.

Toss the man in the trash and keep the baby. Just my opinion I’m a little blunt


Don’t do it screw him

Have the baby if you want too but be prepared to be a single mom…also you cant get mad later if he does not want to be in this kids life…bc he said from the beginning that he did not want a child…so if you can handle both of those things…then go ahead & be happy…


If you want to be a momma, then sweetheart you do what your heart feels. As you said, you have prayed for a baby. Take that blessing honey.

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Do not let anyone pressure you into not doing what you want to do. You can very well raise that baby without him. You’re right, it could be your only chance, you never know, God made it happen for you for a reason. This is your chance girl, be the mother you always wanted to be.


Keep the baby I have had a horrible fertility journey as well and I kno if this was my situation i would keep it and he can just sign his rights away!!! U can do this without him!!! Don’t give up somethn u have prayed and wished for!!! Good luck hope all works out for u

The baby is innocent, this baby is part of you & is meant to be part of this world with you , regardless of the what the father says or wants. The baby needs you💕

Get rid of the man…have the baby…get paternity proven …get child support and if he chooses not to have anything to do with baby his loss…move on


It’s your body not his therefore it’s your decision

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Your body, your choice!! If he didn’t want to take a chance of having a child, then he should have wrapped it🤷🏼‍♀


Blessing in disguise. Please keep the baby.

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