The guy I was sleeping with wants nothing to do with my baby...what do I do?

So I have been seeing this guy I know for couple months but known him for 3 years we used to work together until they laid us off. We have been sleeping together until I found out I’m pregnant I did took a plan b within 6 hours but I guess somehow it didn’t work. I did told him about it but he freaked out and wanted me to get a abortion right away. I have tried 2 times but I couldn’t go through it it was too hard. I did decided to keep the baby also I do have a 8 month old baby. He was very disappointed that I wanted to keep the baby. He does have 3 kids & I have 2. He kept pressuring me to get it done but I have tried so many times to talk to him about the baby just for him to be involved with the baby since I decided to keep the baby but I haven’t heard anything from him for a couple days now. I just feel like I got my answer since he hasn’t responded.At first he thinks the baby is not his because the timing is off but he’s the only guy I’ve been sleeping with the whole time I do want to do a DNA test done just to prove it is his. He believes that I didn’t take the plan b even tho I showed him poof of receipt that I did took it. He also thinks I plan this whole thing to pregnant. I never wanted to get pregnant or even plan to because i have a 5 year old & a 8 month old baby. I know its my fault also because I wasn’t on birth control and he didn’t want to use protection. He thinks im gonna use the baby to get money from him. Never did I think im after his money nor never would I used any of my kids for money.Im only asking just for him to be there for me during the whole pregnancy & be my support but im feeling a bit sad that I think he doesn’t want to be involved. I am 4 months pregnant. Do I keep trying to tell him to be involved with his baby or do I just cut him off completely?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. The guy I was sleeping with wants nothing to do with my baby...what do I do?

Stop sleeping with him!! I mean that’s your baby


You take care of your baby. Duh…


Run run run than end up at child support court


At this point you have both made it very clear what each of you want. Those wants don’t match and likely never will. Time to end things and focus on you and your children.


Child support and leave that man alone


You take care of you and that baby.


End the relationship. Get DNA test when baby is born. Child support through the courts. If a baby wasn’t wanted, protection should have been used. Since none was, you both need to take responsibility.


If he told you that he didn’t want a child with you, and you continued the pregnancy, that’s on you. He also should never be expected to pay you child support either.


He didn’t wanna be involved and you made th choice to proceed anyways. I don’t blame him. Just cut your losses and move on.


If you need help, Abby Johnson has an organization to help women in your exact situation.

That’s YOUR choice to keep it, is also HIS choice weather to be involved or not. If he’s expressed already that he does not want a child and tou keep the baby, you have to respect his choice, same as he has to respect yours.


He made it clear from the very beginning he did not want another child. You can’t make him be involved if he doesn’t want to be. Its best to cut him off completely.


Move on he doesn’t want a baby with you.


No. He told you from the get go he doesn’t want to be. Pushing it only stresses you out. Take your blessing and walk away.


Stop sleeping with him

DNA test


You don’t wanna hear what I have to say…


Sleeping with him?? Not married!! What do expect??


Bro get a abortion pill, not worth the trouble.


Leave him out of it. No child support, no trying to communicate, none of that because he made his intentions clear he didn’t want the baby. You tried to abort, you failed. Plan B failed. Now you get to be the best single mother to your children.


I did it on my own with 2 little girls, I’m sure you can too. :blush::two_hearts:

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Move on take care of you and your kids. Like you didn’t want an abortion. He doesn’t want a baby. That’s his right. No child support. He made his decision and so did you


He didn’t want to be involved at all by the looks of it, don’t force someone into something they made clear of they didn’t want. Child support won’t be the answer either. Just worry about you and your kids


Seems like you wanted to be a single mother , he clearly stated he did not want a baby many times and you knew the risk of fucking without any protection . Leave that man alone

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Seriously? Why ask us? He gave you his answer


I wouldn’t want to live a murderer!!!


At the end of the day you’ve made the decision to keep babe. You’ve told him about it and by the sound of it he’s made his intention clear. Ild leave him be if he doesn’t want to be in baby’s life .

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Put him on child support. It’s his choice rather or not to be involved in his this child’s life, but it’s his legal duty to financially support his child


I have to say men shouldn’t be forced to be fathers if they don’t want to be. Yes, it took both of you to make this baby but this is on you like another poster said. He has said he does not want the baby and made it clear . It’s no different than the woman not wanting the baby and having an abortion when the fathers wants the baby .


Cut him off. When baby is born go after child support, DNA test.


They making these story’s up at this point


What should you do? This post screams run

It’s your baby. He told you he did not want the child. Harsh as it is he told you from day one he did not want another child.

Leave him alone.


Just let him go, He didn’t want another child so your stuck


You made the choice the keep the baby. That is always YOUR choice. However, he didn’t want the baby, and made that clear. That is HIS choice. Now you proceed with your life and care for that child. Leave that man alone. You can’t force someone to feel the same way you do.


You can’t force him to be involved but he’s responsible for child support at least.


Say goodbye your child is more important


I mean, did he know you weren’t on birth control ? He’s in charge of his penis. He should’ve wrapped it up and you should’ve been on birth control. It takes two to make a baby.
He told you right away he didn’t want a baby. You chose to keep it, cut your loses and raise your kids on your own.

You also decided not to use protection. Plan stupid.


He told you how he feels about this situation. If he doesn’t want to be involved you can’t force him so move on with your decision. I could say more but I am going to stop at this.


I hate seeing posts like this. This man is already telling and showing you he’s not going to be there. It is your choice not to get an abortion, but unfortunately you’re going to be a single mother. I’m not saying this to be mean, but read what you just wrote. We as women have to stop being in denial and look at things for what they are sometimes.


Men have a choice too you decided to keep the baby after he made his intentions clear now you have to be prepared to raise it on your own


Uh. Plan B prevents you from ovulating, it does not work after you are already pregnant. It says that on the packaging.
Just cut him off. Don’t waste your time. And don’t sleep around anymore either, wtf?


Why would you sleep with anyone without some sort of protection in place?


You choose your child end of

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This sounds like you were sleeping with my newly-ex husband. Girl, I know morals, and religious beliefs, and everything else; but, I would not want to bring a baby into this situation. Sounds messy. If his name is Chris RUN!


If we have to right to choose whether or not we want to be parents, men should be granted the same right.
Enjoy your blessing and leave that man alone.


How old are you? I know you said you have 2 kids already but the way you talk to sound like a kid yourself!?


Men should have a say too if they dont want a kid. Pressuring someone into something they made clear they didnt want a part of isnt smart. At all.


Oh gosh… getting pregnant when your baby is 4month old with another guy no wonder he thinks you planned it… leave him to it, it’s now down to you to raise those babies.

You’ll have to let it go. If he wants to be part of the kid’s life he knows where to find you

I would say let it be maybe he will come around but adding pressure to the situation may not be a good idea stop messaging and see if he comes aroind

STOP AND THINK OF YOUR CHILDREN FOR GOD’S SAKE. Get a DNA test done and then take him to court for child support if the child is his. Do NOT expect anyone else to pay for that child.


Walk away. File for child support once baby is born. If you think he’d fight for custody, don’t bother with child support, and move. Move now.

How about not have unprotected sex when you’re both not commited to a child. What did you think would happen, a goldfish comes out of your ass!

You should kindly exit the relationship. Your kid is number 1. And the fact you have to ask… well… Good luck.

Holy , not to be a jerk but you need birth control stat. Abortions & plan b is not birth control. Your poor body will not appreciate this pregnancy, and your poor baby is only a baby ! About the dude, he’s gotta go. Im not 100 % team child support if he wants nothing to do with the kid but then youve let him little options here but takes 2 to tango so it is what it is. But still sleeping together should be a no. He isnt going to help you along here & it won’t get better. Time to just be a mom.


If he originally wanted you to get an abortion then he probably won’t be there for the child’s life, At least that’s what happened in my case I raised my child alone

If a man doesnt want more children, but chooses to sleep with a woman without protecting himself or getting snipped, thats on him. Stop living in the datk ages people, thinking its always on the woman if she gets pregnant


Cut him off. Her clearly does not want the baby. He needs to grow up.

Don’t bother trying to be part of his life,even for the child’s sake. Get the paternity test as soon as baby is born,and take it to child support.

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You literally are choosing this. He told you he wants no part in this, and you refuse to get an abortion yet expect him to be apart of the child’s life? No.


I don’t know how people think any of this is funny.


He knew you weren’t on birth control but didn’t want to use contraception? He is as much to blame as you are. Use contraception people!


Raise your children guess if you get a DNA test you can go for child support .

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You can 1. Have the baby and raise it 2. Have the baby and give it up for adoption or 3. Not have the baby. It seems like option 3 is not an option for you so you have 2 options left. Do whatever you feel in your heart is best for the baby, your kids and you.

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Why would you even tell him about the baby since he wants you to abort a living baby? Just stop texting him altogether. It’s easier said then done but it’ll save you heartache!


You have your answer cut him off

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Just leave him alone

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First off, it gave me a headache trying to read wtf you were saying. Second, he made it very clear to you that he did not want another child and you decided to keep the baby on your own. It kinda sounds to me like you got pregnant purposely to try and trap this man. I hope that’s not what you did but he made his feelings clear beforehand so everything now is on you.


Stop entertaining these men and get fixed or get on birth control


Cut him off completly

Walk away he asked you to get an abortion that should have been enough for you to know he didnt wanna be involved in this clearly hes not interested in being a parent and you cant force him to

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I see lots of people on here saying well he didn’t want a baby leave him alone… Um No! When he chose to sleep with her and not use protection or find out if she is on birth control he is just as responsible for the outcome. If it had been one time maybe different. It takes two to tango and he knew what could happen. But if he doesn’t want to be apart of the child’s life it’s time to move on and find a man who is interested in you and your family. Don’t waste time trying to get him involved.


You “think” he doesn’t want to be involved?
He’s flat out told you doesn’t HOWEVER… BOTH of you decided it would be smart to have unprotected sex so BOTH of you will now have a baby
Don’t let him off the hook, file for support
As for support during the pregnancy just let it go, you don’t want to be around someone that resents you

Why are people laughing at this post smh.


He’s made it abundantly clear that he wants no part of this pregnancy or the baby, and you can’t force him to.


this isn’t at all funny no idea why people think it is. you can’t make someone be involved I wouldn’t keep trying

I think you are brave for deciding to keep your baby :muscle:.


You are being responsible.

It will be hard but YOU CAN DO IT !

I’m not sure what State you are in but see what services are available for you and just put one foot in front of the other and make good choices from here forward and you and your kids will be ok :heart:


If he didn’t want another kid he should have wrapped it up. Same with you. But it’s too late now, time to start thinking about moving on and creating a life with your kids.


Looks like you are on your own since you made the decision to keep the baby

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He told you! Why force something on someone one, they made clear to you they don’t want. My question is, who will support this child that you want to keep. Are you employed, skilled and financial to do this on your own for 18 years, keep your word and not go after child support?


If he didn’t want a baby he should hv worn protection and you should hv been on pills. He is just much in it as you are. You can’t force someone to be a part of their child’s life but I would definitely get child support and leave it at that. He should hv worn protection that was not smart especially bc you both already hv children and you both didn’t want another one.


I know everyone is saying he made his decision clear that he didn’t want anymore kids from the beginning well he could have very easily wore a condom just like she should have been on birth control. They are both at fault. I would stop pushing but I would go for child support only because on his end he done nothing to prevent her from getting pregnant. He should have wrapped it. Simple as that.


If he didn’t want a child and knew you were not on birth control he should have used a condom. Many women cant use birth control and it takes 2…you didn’t rape him.
Personally id want nothing more to do with him. Have your baby and make a good life for yourself and your children. Hes pushing for a DNA test…fine. get it done. Once you’ve proof hes the Dad start claiming child support

He should have wore protection to ensure this didn’t happen! Two to tango…both irresponsible but have to live with the consequences.


This whole post makes my heart sad…


Men have the right to choose too. If he doesnt want a child, he can sign his rights away and wont be obligated to provide support. Not everyone wants to be, or should be parents.


FYI it is not your fault! you used plan b but he also knew the risks to not use any protection


Your problem! He very clearly told you that he wanted no parts of a baby!

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He doesn’t have to be involved with your pregnancy. Lots of men wait for the kid is born first

Maaan a lot of these comments are srsly what is wrong w this world :roll_eyes::laughing::face_vomiting:. I hope he comes around and man’s the fuck up. It took two of you :100: … also, BiRTH CoNTRoL.

If a man isn’t going to wear protection during intercourse, he better step up on the off chance he gets someone pregnant.

Do not beg him to be in your child’s life. You’re going to have to find your mama strength, raise your baby, and take his selfish ass to court for child support.

He had unprotected sex. He better realize he’s responsible for his actions.

I wish you the best of luck, being a single mom is absolutely exhausting. I’m with you. I hope everything works out. :heart:

Have him sign his rights away or put him on child support. If he doesn’t want it, it’s not a choice and he will sign his rights away. Or he can pay.

And this lady and gentlemen is why YOU ALWAYS USE PROTECTION IF YOUR NOT IN A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP OR TRYING TO CONCEIVE :woman_facepalming: seriously tho what did yall think would happen having unprotected sex

Get child support and custody and leave him alone

I got nothing positive to say about this so ima shut up. But ya kids come before any “ man “

Girl let that boy go. He is not worth the stress. It’s sad you’re going through what you are, but he’s clearly not going to be involved.

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