The guy I was sleeping with wants nothing to do with my baby...what do I do?

You’ve said all you can at this point. At this point it’s only going to create more stress for you and you don’t need that right now. I’d leave the ball in his court. I understand wanting support but he’s not the one love. Lean on those you can rely on. Everything works out the way it’s meant to in the end :heart:

I would let him. He chose to do the deed. You did everything you could but in the end it didn’t work so you decided to keep the baby. He needs to decide if he wants to sign over his rights. Or if he cuts off contact and you can’t reach him I’d at least put him on any applications to get him started on child support asap. Even if you don’t get it right away it adds up. He doesn’t want children he needs to wrap it as well or get a vasectomy, it’s not all your job to make sure he doesn’t get anyone he’s not serious with pregnant.


Get child support but stop contacting him.


I lost interest at he wants nothing to do with your baby :roll_eyes:
You know what to do


I’d leave it alone for now. He may come around when the baby is here. Best of luck ma. 🫶🏼

Someone wants nothing to do with your child, kick their ass to the curb!!

Get that child support fuck his dumbass :joy:

You are going to need to stop reaching out to hi,. He has said doesn’t want more children. You haven’t been able to persuade him otherwise and his desire for you to have an abortion is tearing you up. Send him a photo of the ultrasound and a photo when the baby is born. I don’t know what state you live in but perhaps the agency that helps with benefits for your other children while you are unemployed can help you force him to get a paternity test. You might see if there is someone who can talk to you about what you need to do to protect the child’s rights such as whether or not to put him on the birth certificate. I wish you all the best here.

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Ma’am?? Are you serious. If you don’t want to have a baby, then no one can force you to do so. You were a jump off and he used you for sex. You both were irresponsible and didn’t protect yourselves from unexpected pregnancy. Once you give birth, establish paternity and go from there. He has made it clear that he doesn’t want you or to be involved with the child you are carrying. Move on. Make better choices.

It sounds like he’s made it very clear that he wants nothing to do with the pregnancy or baby. That’s sad, but it’s fact. Leave him alone, have your baby, and go get child support. Begging him is probably not going to change his mind.


You cant force someone to be your support or be there for the baby. It’s been a few days of him not talking to you, give him time to process. The more you push him, the less likely he will be to come around. Give it time if he’s going to be there for the baby it needs to be on his own free will.

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You can’t tell him anything. Leave him be. He may or may not come around but if you keep texting or calling you will push him away more.

Hun God did this for a reason. That man is trash! Keep your head up beautiful and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You got this! Once baby is born you can file for child support. Just remember there are men out that will love you and your two children. God bless you and your family!

Sounds like he has made his intentions very clear. You can respect his wishes or you can try 1 last attempt to make you feel better. Then maybe on the day before delivery. Other then. That let it be. Goodluck


I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13656 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.


Oh man get on birth control and learn that getting pregnant doesn’t make anything work and men won’t stay or care just because you are pregnant. Don’t force anything. If he wants to be there he will if you guilt him and he bails then the kid will suffer because of this. I personally would be done. If this guy thinks the shitty stuff he said about you then why would you want to be with him. Stop sleeping with him or being a booty call. If you’re done be done. Good luck. Men can be just aholes.

I’d you don’t want tp share ur baby a d can find a way financial with out him any way possible I’d just cut contact and save info for when kid is older…

Girl … he told you he didn’t want it ! Its not fair for him at alll YOU choose to keep it YOU should take care of it …… i know he helped making it but HE told you several times he didn’t want it


You keep referring to him as ‘the guy I was sleeping with.’ That says a lot. If all he wanted from you was sex, it’s doubtful he’ll become interested in this baby. You can’t force somebody to care.

Why would you want someone around your baby if he doesn’t want to. He is a first degree jerk. I would definitely get child support from him once the baby is here. You are not the only one in this. Stay away from him and find someone that will love you and not use you.


It takes 2 to tango !!! He needs to be a man and accept his responsibility!! She is!! These comments are outrageous!!! Leave that guy alone and sue him for child support!! If he doesn’t pay he will go to jail!! All you people acting like he’s your brother or something.


Quit sleeping with him.

Not worry about him please keep ypur baby God will provide i wish someone had told me that

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Cut him off, he doesn’t want to be involved you can’t force him he will just be a crappy parent. I would still go along with the test though to prove it’s his so he can actually come to reality it’s his.


He doesn’t want the baby. You do end of story to me…

Move on. Or you’ll hurt yourself forcing what he’s already made clear. Your worth too much to keep trying.

Getting pregnant and having children don’t keep all men around. My friend did this got pregnant thinking he choose to be there. Jokes on her. Now she’s always stressed out as a single mother. She always says she don’t regret her baby but she regrets who she choose to have it with and learned babies don’t always make relationships they break them too.

Just cut him off,I had the same with my daughter and her father. I married someone else and has never been in her life. Don’t need him you’re better off without him :two_hearts:


l get paid over $140 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17948 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Uhm yess be done with him girl!!! It’s clearly he only wants one thing, and if you continue to give it he’ll take it! He doesn’t want to “father”your other child in no such way. You need to either come to terms that it’s just sex or move on to someone that doesn’t!!

I don’t get the line… “I don’t want a dna test just to prove it’s his” if that’s what he wants for his own security why not get it? It doesn’t hurt the baby in any way and he gets the comfort in knowing he’s not caring for a baby that ain’t his… sounds kinda shady on your part. If he’s trying to claim it ain’t his you should be pushing to prove dna… unless you aren’t even sure…

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Cut him off and get child support… either way he has to take care of not being responsible in the first place as well!

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Keep your baby I was in a similar situation I just walked away from him I gave birth with a friends support and 3-4 months later on when my son was 3 months old he realized he wanted to know his son he’s involved now and their bond is amazing I look at him every night that I was able to pick my son over a man

Cut him off. That’s his choice it’s obvious he wants no part if it. But do get a DNA test and make him pay his part. He chose not to use protection as well it’s not all on you.


Not going to lie. If he doesn’t want to be there don’t just “cut him off” have him sign over all parental rights. That way you never have to worry about him every again.

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If he doesn’t want to get a dna in person you can use things he use later on for a DNA result sample

Wow that is alot. I would just cut him out and raise the baby yourself. Why would you want him to be involved with the baby if he doesn’t want to? The baby is better off with no father in his/her life then to have a father in his/her life that doesn’t want to be a father. Just raise the baby yourself and give the baby your last name. Believe me it’s better for both of you. My oldest child and only son (almost 15) has my maiden name and his biological father has never been in his life or even has ever met him. I ended up meeting and started dating my husband when he was 4 years old and my husband is his dad. My husband actually ended up legally adopting my son when he was 9 years old.


Why are you still there, you will never change him and your life will be very very hard if you do

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First of all it’s not all your fault. He didn’t use protection and neither did you. Cut him off for being a douche and pressuring your to get an abortion. When you confirm paternity submit the papers for child support and let the court take care of it.


I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13670 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.


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Cut him off and keep him cut off forever.


Tell him to kiss his own ass

I mean…he did tell he did not want the baby and it seems like you may be trying to force him. You keep the baby and do what you need to do.
And let’s be honest, you know when and if he does seriously tell you he doesn’t want to have the baby or be in its life, your gonna file for the child support. Soo…:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:
Definitely just keep him away.

Poor kid.


i feel srry for the baby - but it sounds to me that just because u wanted this baby and he didn’t -u are forcing him to pay for this child when u clearly didn’t want this child to begin with ! well now u are stuck , what i would do is move out and get your 2-kids that u already have and put them on baby bonus to your new address this new one the same ! but i feel to be honest with u it’s more your fault really than his

Drop him like a rock. God will bless you with a real man someday. You will be fine doing it yourself.


He i snot a man he is a little boy that just wsants to play. He wanst to do the big man thing but does not want the responsibility of the repercussions

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It is NOT your fault. He didnt want to use protection. He did nothing to protect this from happening to the BOTH of you.drop him, not worth it


You know the answer? He pushed for the abortion? He doesn’t want to be involved? He doesn’t want another child! He doesn’t want a child with you. But it’s not all your fault though! He consented to the child when he didn’t cover his sperm? It’s very confusing for us women? Be happy with your baby and pregnancy! Your doing this alone! You can do this without him? I hope that for you! Nobody can tell you what to do! You will be the primary caretaker for the baby regardless! Congratulations on your 3rd? You said your not after the father’s money? So he has money? Good for the baby? I never received child support for any of my kids! I wish they did! Good luck! Seriously? Good luck to you! I love kids and wish I had more? You’re brave! :blue_heart::heart::heart::sunflower::rose::tulip:

I hope your baby is going to be okay since you did take plan b. you need to have your doctor monitor the baby very closely.that can cause problems to an unborn fetus if it didn’t work at the time you took it .

For starters it takes two to make a baby, he should have worn a condom. Keep him away, he is not someone you would want to leave with your kids. You are the one who has to live with what ever you decide to do no one else. Give him the flick he’s not interested only in what you have for sex.

Both are wrong for not using protection , but im curious did you tell him that you were on the pill or he knew you weren’t?

You take plan b after having unprotected sex not after finding out your pregnant so either you’re full of it and wanted the kid or you’re an idiot, but from the sounds of the rest of the story you wanted the kid (which is your choice and valid) but expected him to warm up to the idea or want the kid too which isn’t fair to assume or expect. Get child support from him but you can’t force him to be involved in your or the baby’s life nor would you want to because forcing an unwanted child on a parent is a good way to lead to neglect or abuse

The lack of common sense here is concerning for the kids. He obviously doesn’t want the baby and he was just using you for sex, hence not supporting you during this time. Either put the baby up for adoption if YOU want to or keep the baby. Sounds like you might regret an abortion, even though that’s a viable option. As far as this fool, break it off girl.

You my deary little miss fertile Mertile shouldn’t want to see any peen. You already have two babies and No job. Dude may be the reason you and that baby come up missing. You’re trying to force things and it’s not cool. He’s just going to resent you and the baby too. Learn to let things burn stop trying to make it out to be something it will never be.

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Sorry for your situation :sob: have your baby and Tie your tubes! I hope you have help from your family :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
He is No good for you! Forget Him!!! Focus on you a job and your children Come first Period!!! He’s a loser! Please don’t be a loser too​:sob:If there’s a Will there’s a way you can do it!!:pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

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I would just not get a DNA test. You’re choosing to have a baby who you know is unwanted by the father. You want the baby, you take care of the baby. It’s not like he supported you through a pregnancy and then took off.

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I duno but if i had an 8 month old i recall hating men at that point🤣

Cut him off you shouldn’t have to beg it’s his baby too

Only you can decide what’s right for your situation. You could not put him on the birth certificate and get more help in food stamps, medicaid and such. If you do put him, you can let the courts go for support for you. Either way, it’s a fucked up place to be. Good luck.

Cut all ties… crap situation to be in but yous BOTH should of being taking precautions to prevent pregnancy. He’s been upfront and honest not wanting any more kids atm, and to be fair don’t blame him hes got no job to provide for one. Concentrate on getting yourself happy again with your two soon to be 3 babies. Is there no women refuge or something to help ladies in your situation?
I’d also be prepared to be solely responsible for the upbringing/keep of baby - not fair to the man doing that when he’s asked you to terminate.

First off, shame on the both of you. If neither of you wanted a baby, why were you having sex with no protection or birth control? Plan b only works if you weigh less than 165lbs. It says it right on the box. You are both responsible for this baby because you both made the poor choices that brought it into this world. It’s ridiculous. It amazes me that when someone is honest with you and tells you they don’t want a baby; that you wouldn’t take steps to prevent it. Just because he wanted to have sex without protection doesn’t mean you have to abide by that. Remember that whole slogan that most women just love to use when it fits their narrative, “My body my choice?” He doesn’t want to use protection, then no sex. It’s pretty simple. Now, you have a baby that you are bringing into this world, that doesn’t have a father that wants to be apart of it’s life and you are surprised? You both have a lot of growing up to do and I hope you figure it out for your children’s sake. They didn’t ask to be brought into this world, but they are here now and you better focus on taking care of them rather than just sleeping with people all raw dog style because “they didn’t want to use protection” or you are going to be back in this boat next year asking the same questions.

Now is the time to stop having sex out of wedlock. Stop sleeping with guys you are not married to. Since you have the kid and you are a single mom, you need financial support and the jerk needs a lesson in the consequences of committing adultery with out using a rubber. So get the DNA test and get into court to get child support. Most importantly stop sleeping with men you are not married to.

Let it go . You and your baby are better off .

It is NOT your fault. You BOTH should have taken responsibility to make sure you did NOT get pregnant. I would let him know you can do this the easy way or the hard way, it’s up to him.(DNA testing, his name on birth certificate, have the courts pull out the child support - quite an effective method, works wonders :wink:

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Learn to keep ya legs shut!


It is not fair of him to ask her to terminate the baby while he had fun having sex with her all of that time and refusing to wear a condom and now she is pregnant with his child and that is no excuse for him to not have to pay child support to her for the baby. It is his baby but she should have been smart enough to be on birth control because you can’t trust men to do anything so women wouldn’t get pregnant.

You have a right to not want a baby, so does he.


Only you can make an informed decision about whether to keep your baby. Good luck with your descision

Have the baby without him, but it takes 2 so please remember that when you file for child support. BECAUSE YOU SHOULD!!! If you both knew you weren’t on birth control and he insisted on not using a condom, that’s his fault too. Not just yours. Abortion isn’t a birth control method, that’s why they are trying to manage a woman’s body now.

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Plan b can also fail if you’re over 150 lbs

No you don;t need him and neither does your precious blessing.

He doesn’t want the baby. He was clear on that. Let him go. Be a good mom

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Dear Mrs Shaggalot, I have no advice