If he did this to her, the odds are that he will do it to you.
I’m thinking DNA 1st. Cause you said you two had been together for awhile now. But she’s almost 5 months already?
Is this a set up? Like seriously…you sound like a bad lifetime movie.
Okay and you have kids that aren’t his he’s supposed to be okay with that and be with you yet you can’t do that for him. Hmmmmm
But you already got biological kids toooo another dude and he cant have one with some one else
There is enough love in the world and your hearts to love an additional child. Imagine adding a beautiful ‘sibling’ to your lot. A wee bit selfish to be upset he is having his first child with someone else. That speaks of insecurities.
If you guys really love each other, an extra child should be joyous. You have your own biological kids, why can’t he? Why should it be an ugly choice?
I feel like a teenager wrote this. Hunni. He left his business and home etc. Left her, went to u. What if he knew she was pregnant and ran for the hills and is just telling u anything u want to hear. I don’t know what to make of this. I feel ur totally selfish for even saying shit already about him having a baby with his ex, yet u already have some. I think he should run!
Please leave for the sake of your babies, don’t put them through this. You’re moving really fast.
Please be more cautious when introducing them to men in the future. You don’t want to have different men frequently walk in and out of their lives.
Focus on them and their needs and maybe get therapy and work on yourself in the meantime.
Get over it. It’s not thst deep
Life happens. He wants to take responsibility for the child and THAT should set precedence. You will get over your feelings. Don’t let them fester! You have two beautiful children. We cannot help what God had planned. It’s not too late to have another child with him. Forgive him if you really love him and help him be responsible.
Girl you the sidepiece he used you while real wifey over there pulling boss moves and you just want another baby daddy by the sounds of it not a real home grow up. Get some real relationship goals/babydaddy goals. You just said he gave up everything to be with you why stay when she has everything he wants garunteed he be back with her you’ll be pregnant then you will have babies 9 months apart because you want him so bad honestly stop toxic cycle before it begins.
Ohhh the karma from this is gonna be bad bad
If you have to ask…
maaaaate!!! go lay down and then wake up!!! fml are you alright? nah honestly are you mentally okay? huh!!! ???
Jealous much? Grow up is my advice.
If it was before you n you love him what’s the issue ? Yes you love him but you can not control the before you. You can only control the controllable.
If you truly love him be the best bonus mom you can be n push through. This seems kinda petty to be honest.
As for the she can’t have kids it was either a trap or a doctor was talking out their ass. I was told the same n I got a 2 year old in the other room while switching Bc I conceived n I did it the medically recommended way. A few months after n endo surgery.
Get it together or get out they both need you
I feel like there’s a LOT you’re not telling us.
He only tells you HIS side of the story, which I’d bet a night of steamy sex with Jensen Ackles on, isn’t the truth. Of course he loved her! He planned a whole life with her, and I’d also bet that her ‘not being able to pregnant’ was his knee jerk reaction to you finding out.
I don’t understand how you have the actual AUDACITY to say you are ‘destroyed’ that you aren’t the first to have his child when you have 2 children yourself!
You are far too immature and insecure to be in any sort of relationship. Take some time to learn and grow before you go and have more children.
This post is a train wreck.
I stopped reading at he left her for me…. Because clearly someone’s drinking the kool aide of lies.
Time to let go of wanting his first baby.
Definitely be sure he has a DNA test done.
Question things on his moral compass DEEPLY. you say it’s amazing love there’s a deep connection- howd a man that built a comp a home with another just up n leaves for another so quick like that really actually truly feel to you if you were on the outside looking in?
… don’t get me wrong it does happen, just be weary.
If they not together then appts and the birth is obviously something they will need to decide if he’s even gonna be involved … and you have to love and encourage his involvement in this child. Don’t harness nor hinder a thing to that child! Love it and accept it!
Very good chance he’s going to crawl back to her tail between his legs once his baby is born, the honeymoon phase of your relationship will be over by then, it’s only been a while as you say so this guy should have no hand in raising your kids you sound super insecure and gullible stop trying to find a man to make you feel better and work on yourself.
Sounds like he was with her before he was with you…just because she’s pregnant doesn’t mean you should break up with him. Y’all could have an amazing relationship…just because his ex is having his child doesn’t mean y’all can’t be together.
Do you love him or are you in love with the idea of him? Or are you just infatuated with him? It’s only been a few months and he has thrown everything away for you already? I see red flags. If possible, I’d talk to the baby mama and get HER side of the story. He seems to be jump into things pretty quickly. BE CAREFUL.
How long was his longest relationship? He well do you really know him? I’d always things slowly, especially since you have two young children of your own.
Alarm bells ringing in my ears every sentence I read, they just got louder. Oh some people can be so naive
He left her for you and you’re heartbroken because she’s pregnant? Girl, shutup.
You sound needy, delusional, and toxic. And he probably didn’t give it all to her, it was probably all hers in the first place.
He gotta cake and gets to eat it tooo
U wanted that his first baby should be from u and u already had 2 babies from someone else before …u are not accepting his child but he accepted ur 2 children…
Uh. If you love him like you say… it wouldn’t even be a question. You’ve love that little baby for every drop of his blood that runs through it’s veins. I get it sucks for you or whatever…… but still it shouldn’t be a question.
Well, he wasn’t the father of your first child…sounds a lot like double standards to me. I think you need to grow up
Everyone has an opinion. I say run! Ur not a bad person for not wanting to be in that situation. U would be a bad person if u stayed and resented the kid. Get out while u still can.
So he isn’t allowed to have children prior to your relationship but he is?
You aren’t family until you are married, I think you need to relax and take a breath or seven cause it really sounds like you are a little jealous, insecure, and seriously overthinking everything, you can’t help that he has a child to another woman and as for you having his first baby I’m sure you’ll live, you can still have his baby if it happens but seriously chill the eff out
He left someone for you lol right theres no red flags at all.
Plus that last part is selfish as fuck he gave it all up for u and u cant get past the kid thing. U got kids urself that aint his so swallow that pill sis shine and keep bright
Um seriously? Sounds so jealous woman…
You gonna try to keep him from his first kid?
We’re not supposed to say it but it is super different for a man to have his own child vs someone else’s
It’s not life or death here and 5 months in is a little bit of time to be acting like this.
I seriously urge you to seek psychiatric help!!
You want his first baby, yet you already have 2 to another man? He’s left everything for you, yet your questioning whether you should be with him or not even tho he’s taken on you and your 2 babies that arnt his??? Hmm I’d be telling HIM to run! Far away from you. From the sounds of this post you are NEVER going to accept this child, you sound like your going to be the stepmother from hell
Wtf did I just read! So your telling me that your man excepts your kids? Right ? An you say you love him? Right? Then this child should not be a question. He had a past just like you. Now you did say you have kids, so flip the tables. That’s kinda selfish of you! Bc I will tell you one thing I am a package deal if you don’t like then go!!!
He’s playing a dad role after 5 months to your kids? Giiiiiiiiiirl
Well Honey, I’m gonna address the ELEPHANT on this feed. If his Wife is 5 months pregnant with thier first child, I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and assume she kicked his ass out when she found out about YOU. So in essence he didn’t give up jack shit to be with YOU he needed a place to go, further more it Dosent make a Rats ass How you feel about this man having a child with his Wife or HOW YOU will accept this child, What in the HELL makes you think she’s gonna hand thier baby over to YOU? SHACKING up with her childs Father Dosent give YOU rights to thier child. You should take a HUGE step back and think about your LIFE choices that has a Man you OBVIOUSLY barely know under the same roof with YOUR KIDS.
Just by all that verbal diarrhea you posted, I can tell that you will treat that baby like shit. Please just stay away from that child.
If your so madly in love with him and he gave everything up for you I don’t see what the issue is honestly besides your not the first woman to give him his first child I understand your feelings are hurt but that was before your time
You can’t hold that against him ( could be worse she could of came after you two met and got her pregnant, must I go on )
You said he supported you so why can’t you do the same for him ???
This baby can’t help it he/she is innocent and your wondering if you should stay and love the baby like he does yours like WOW
Let’s ditch him because he had a relationship before you BUT so did you and had 2 kids
You coming to the internet and asking for opinions is petty in my personal opinion
Your lucky because some men won’t accept another man’s babies BUT he did
You need to be supportive regardless unless your not really in love with him there shouldn’t be any questions to it
He left her for you, that sounds odd because apparently you knew about her before he left her
Let that sink in because maybe just maybe you broke up HER happy family
There is another side to this story …
You need to get her side of the story to saying this as the mom who was so in love and we were going to get married ect ect who now is 8 months pregnant with an extremely high risk and complicated pregnancy that the scum bag knew about but didn’t give a shit about. Sounds more like he was cheating on her and it was all her shiz to begin with but he’s telling you it was his to make himself look selfless. Y’all ain’t even been together half a year unless you were the other woman she kicked his ass to the curb because of. Respect yourself enough to ask her side of the story. Trust me I’d be able to save someone alot of heartache if they cared enough to ask.
Seriously, you need to take a chill pill. Just because you didn’t get to have his first child doesn’t mean you should break up with him. He’s accepted your 2 from a previous relationship, your turn to accept his child from a previous relationship. If you’re happy otherwise, just carry on with the relationship
She’s 5 months along… So y’all have been together 4-5 months tops…
You seem toxic
It’s never about the parents…it’s always about what’s best for the children. Always.
This all sounds very obsessional to me but while you wanted to be the first to have his child, and are debating whether to break up with him yet he’s with you taking care of someone else’s children?! You accept his child the same way as he’s accepted yours. You are both a package deal now and you are being very selfish to consider ending things because of a child, being born through no fault of its own, created before you were even together!!! If you love him as much as you claim then you will accept the child and be as full in its life as he is with yours. But. She is the mother of his child. You need to be ok and calm with all this as he is going to be spending more time with his ex now
I need you need to Take a Deep breathe… I dont really see a issue? U Love Him he loves you. Support him Though This! You allowed him to Play The role daddy to ur children u Can’t JUST pull that away now because he got someone else Pregnant before he got with you. (Everyone Has a past) I Would Support him Though this as at the end of the day he is gonna Need You To be supportive. he basically Dropped EVERYTHING for you. Ur Turn to Grow up And support the Man u Are Apparently so Madly in love with… If you Ask me if u was So Madly In love with him All of this Wouldnt be a question you wouldn’t feel the need to question It on a Facebook Page. so I would take a step back and think are u REALLY madly in love with him like u Say u are.
Madly in love, thinking and dreaming of having his baby’s and he helps you raise your kids after 5 months? He left her for you so your saying you were messing round with this man while they were still together? Whole load of nopes for me, you sound delusional
He didn’t cheat on you, and he didn’t plan this but here y’all are and yes I think you’re being silly for thinking of leaving him for this. If you love him as much as you say then this shouldn’t even be a thought. Get over yourself and support him in this like he has supported you.
This whole book says you’ll never be alright… as you see it’s a HARD PILL to swallow
I just can’t even! If someone is willing to take on a relationship that’s already got a family made then you need to step it up and do the same! Stop whining and crying over something that was in the past! But honestly I hope he leaves you
So it’s okay for you to have children from another relationship but not him?
If that’s the case then loads of women and men would stay single and not go onto have more kids. He wasn’t with you when he got this woman pregnant if he cheated it be a different story but he didn’t. Like you said you’ve previous kids with someone else and he takes them on like his own then why can’t you return the favour to him. I think it’s selfish of you to be like that when the man has been more than good to you
Do you think you can accept the child? Can you treat the child as if it was your own?
If you can truly say yes, be there for him.
If you both love each other you’ll get through this.
He left everything for you. From what it sounds like he’s kinda a dumb ass for leaving it all too her but whatever. Anyways, you can always have more babies with him.
Has he thought about a DNA test? I’m sure they can do a blood test while she’s pregnant and he can know for sure.
You need to think real hard if you can be a bonus mother too this baby if it’s his.
If you can’t, you need to walk away.
If ye love each other ye can get through it
Every life is valuable, Try and see the baby as a great thing, a new little life. As long as the lines are very clear between them and if it was me I’d need to be involved in everything, is that a possibility?
You can do this
Many women have blokes that already have kids to someone else, it’s a bitter pill to swallow but if ye are ment to be you can get through this
And it happened in his past, before he met you
So ….
That’s crazy… has he ever said he’s so hurt that you’ve had YOUR FIRST BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN with someone else?? - there’s no mention of it. This guy has given up everything to be with you and treats your babies like his own! He STILL wants to be with you, even with this other lady being pregnant. You said it’s hard to do. Don’t be a selfish moron and break his heart down the line. If you can’t get over yourself then let this man go and find a lady that deserves his love and dedication. You clearly don’t deserve it if you wanna throw him away because of this.
What if he thinks the same about not being the father to your first child? Would you give up your children to still be with him?
Umm Why is this even a question. Lord help me with some people.
the fact is he will have to pay child support and he doesnt have to be at all those appointment but that child will always be a part of your life to me it wouldnt be a big deal i have 5 children 2 of those are my partners 2 he had with another woman i have always treated them like my own
He left a relationship where they owned a home and business together (a marriage) to be with you…. And that didn’t send up some red flags? Then he’d helping you raise your kids leaving said woman alone while she is pregnant without support that she should have had but you basically took from her, and you’re worried about it you can handle him having a child by someone else? You both need to get away from each other and both figure your shit out before either of you get into any sort of relationship with anyone. That’s just fucked on both your parts.
So you already have children but want to leave him because his first child won’t be with you? Sounds rather hypocritical to me.
He gave up everything to be with you and now you’re questioning whether you should stand by him and support him through this? I’m sorry but you sound rather selfish, IMO.
Hes took on your kids and accepted them now you need to do the same, he got her pregnant before he got with you so you have no reason to be annoyed by it as he didn’t exactly get her pregnant via cheating, so seriously its time for you to do for him what he’s done for you and accept his baby when he or she is born or you will loose him as not all men choose the gf over child and he seems to want to be a great father to this baby
She’ll do what she wants in end anyway lol
Tell him go back with who’s pregnant
I think he should leave you.
You already have children of your own and are seriously saying all of that about his child?? How could you even ask if you should support him if you love him so much…??? I’m smh with this one.
This happened b4 u and he just found out and has been 100% honest in not hiding this from u. He sounds like a decent man so the question is can u handle supporting him thru this?
Girl you didn’t save yourself to be his first anything. And yet you are freaking out because he is having a baby with someone before you? If these are your current problems that may determine if you stay with this man who has done nothing bad towards you as you put in this whole post then you may have some for real big big real mental health issues. Also you said in this post that he left all these different things behind and changed for you? Including this girl that is pregnant. Like as in he was cheating on her with you? This whole post seems like something out of 16 and pregnant.
If you can’t be there for him 100% in what is a huge grown up milestone and something to be celebrated as he has created life with someone (something which you know all about as you have your own children)… then why are you even with him period. If you love him then prove that to him. Help him to enjoy what is to come. Don’t you want him to be a great father to your current children, his baby and your future babies with him???
Sorry but you sound toxic to me. BIG red flag. That’s a child. His child. You sound very selfish and immature
Well. You had your first biological baby with someone else!
So what’s the problem
The girl is 5 months pregnant and u 2 are so in love? So u have only been with him 5 months or less. He left her to be with you? So he was cheating on her with you? Sounds ridiculous.
4 months & You Seem Shit Crazy
5 months you’ve been together then? Surely it’s not that serious yet? And yes support him
He gave up his there business? I thought they weren’t together long?
I need to grab the popcorn because this sounds like an episode of car wreck TV. While I make light of your situation, I am truly Embarrassed by your behavior and your thinking. Point blank, you do not have the power to make his decisions. Trying to control and manipulate the situation because it upsets you is a classic narcissist move. I am sure he wasn’t PLANNING to impregnate this woman but sometimes unexpected things happen, especially when you take unprotected risks. However that part is moot because there now IS a child involved. Your come across pretty selfish because your feelings are hurt? Get over yourself. He didn’t intentionally do this to hurt you. If it was intentional, then you might have some reasons to be upset. He might want to consider the impact of being with you and trying to emotionally support the mother of his child. Maybe there was a reason she wanted this long to tell him. I am wondering if you should seek counseling.
If you gotta question it like this, I think you know
Um…you were pregnant before he met you.
It was obviously serious enough to have a house and business together. And obviously hasn’t been that long since you guys got together. I find it sus that you guys would have been talking while they were together, which given what you’s became, would be considered cheating. If you love him like you say, you will support him in whatever he wants to do.
Your with each other not even a wet day and your acting like this already. God love that poor man if he has a baby with you
This is going to turn in to a very toxic situation on your part I think. You already refer to baby as that child. Also they owned a business and home together there was obviously love between them at one point. How long have you known him? If ex is 5 month alone I’m guessing less than 5 month. Be careful with your own kids emotions, health and wellbeing. Maby speak to a councillor
Firstly you guys have only been together for 5 months, maybe you should slow it down a little and see how things go. He’s already living with you and raising your kids, you hardly know him. And he bailed on her and there business because he was cheating on her with you? And you have kids with someone else so what’s the big deal here. He has a past before you just like you have a past. Whole lot of red flags here.
Hmmm. So he had an established life and a pregnant partner (although he didn’t know) and he left it all for you? He will do the same to you. It’s not romantic and amazing…you two shattered someone else’s life and now the poor girl is pregnant to someone who abandoned her. Eventually that will catch up with him…you don’t share your life with someone and soon to be a child without an attachment. I think you should bow out because I almost guarantee if you do that child will have some form of a family reconciliation.
He wasnt the first to give you a baby… so I dont see the problem! Sounds like he’s a good man to me…
Nope, watch Virgin River and you’ll get a feel on how complicated it’s gonna be
If you have to ask this question, after everything he’s done to be with you, then you don’t deserve him.
However, it sounds like he was cheating on her with you and you’re the other woman.
God help that woman, this man, and you. This is toxic.
Also, why is someone you just fell in love with living with you and your children already? In less than 5 months? That’s a HUGE transition when you have kids, and not one that should be done quickly.
This has more red flags than a little bit.
OP has baby with other man.
OPs boyfriend has a pregent baby momma
I don’t see how your mad that someone else is giving birth to his first child… like you didn’t save yourself to be his first so like how can you complain?
I’d hate to think you would resent an innocent baby considering you will be a part of its life. Poor child. Obviously it’s meant to be. I hope someone is there for the mother to be, going through all that on her own and trying to grieve her relationship ending. Put yourself in her shoes, it could happen to you later. What goes around comes around.
Why wouldn’t you? You Literally have 2 kids with someone else but he can’t? Lol
He will be running right back to his home, his business and the mother of his child the minute baby is born if not before. You thought you could come in like a wrecking ball and personally I think you will be the mess left behind.
He’s supporting your kids from a previous relationship, no matter the age. This is his child from a previous relationship. If you love him then it’s only fair you support that child as well!
Seriously? If you love him like you say you do this shouldn’t even be a problem. You should be supporting him. Who he’s with before you isn’t really your business as long as he mans up and is willing to be a parent to the child he helped make. You have two kids with someone else before you were with him . You can’t exactly be mad at him for having a kid with someone else. He has every right to be there for the doctors appointments and birth of his child. If your gonna resent the child do him a huge favor and leave now. This baby is an innocent child it’s not fair to either of them.
I’m thinking he left that business and his own house to his ex for that baby he probably already knew about to chase your tail running from his responsibilities. Now you done took him in a are soooo in love you can’t see the rise before the fall. Do you know for sure he ain’t got other kids he ain’t taken care of? Sounds like he’s older than you to. Your fantasy dream of finding Prince Charming that was gonna come in and be a Great bonus dad to your kids and make a better life for y’all and treat you like a Queen got crushed because of a baby? And come on you have two kids already by the time you got two it’s like what the hell what’s one more. You better be listening for that phone to be going off at weird hours of night. And check with the ex and see what her story is. Maybe she threw him out and all that stuff was her’s he’s claiming to have had . Something smells fishy. On all y’all’s account.
Um… you moved a guy you have only been with for 5 months into your home? Thats a bit soon to have a stranger living with your children!! Also isn’t it better that he wants to support his baby? Rather that then he abandon his poor ex even more. You tore her world apart and now don’t want your stolen man to be involved in his child’s future? You sound toxic.
My oldest daughters father had a pregnant ex who kept changing her mind who the father was. They choose a name and everything then she said she wasn’t his and was her boyfriends. He did the math and swore there was no way the child was his. She changed her mind about 6 times after that. I got prepared for the baby bought clothes, diapers etc. He wouldn’t allow me to get anything big because he stood by that the baby wasn’t his. He told her to have the baby and let her boyfriend do the free DNA test they offered at birth and if it wasn’t his he’d pay to take one. The baby came out she named her the name her and her ex choose and he ended up being the father. I gave them the things I bought as a gift and that was that. It was a lot of strain and stress on our relationship for no reason. She just wasn’t happy that we were together so she fooled him into thinking he had a child coming trying to get him to leave me. When he didn’t/wouldn’t the story changed. He said she was so far off on the date which is why he felt so strongly the baby wasn’t his she was 19 weeks doing the gender ultrasound when she would be over 37 weeks ready to have the baby if she was his. I’m sure these dates are way closer than those ended up being but it did strain our relationship and took the excitement out of our first pregnancy together which I was pregnant when she started saying this other child was hers. It hurt more because we lost OUR child.
So woman up and prepare yourself mentally to accept this child or leave but you’ll regret leaving if this child doesn’t even turn out to be his.
He will be gone in a week or 2 so I’d hold your horses and maybe find a new series on Netflix to watch
So he can lose everything to be with you and you don’t know if you can be with him after this? Girl do him a favor and leave him.
Sounds like he was cheating on her with you. I hope you get what you deserve and I don’t mean that in a good way.
Big steups ppl really be asking some dumb shit yes