The neighborhood kids keep sneaking into my pool: Advice?

Fill it with water snakes

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Tell them your kids pee in the water…it worked when two older kids were being rough in the baby pool…they got out quickly

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just tell them no one is allowed in it.?

My advice based on the information provided: Do not leave the pool unattended at all anymore until you talk to a lawyer first. Find out what the laws are for your own protection. Then if a lawyer suggests it talk to the parents.

People saying get a pool cover:
That could end up far more dangerous than the children just getting in the pool without permission. Pool covers should only ever be used when there is a 100% secure gate/fence (that can not be climbed over) around the pool. A pool cover will not stop all children. Some children may just think it’s ok to try and remove the cover and possibly get trapped, get on top of the cover playing around and get trapped or even go under the cover and get trapped. Either way it’s just not safe at all.

And those saying drain it after each use:
Do y’all not pay water bills?
If her children use it several times a day (it’s summertime and not all kids swim once a day) she could end up refilling it dozens of times just in a week. It’s not a large pool as she stated above it may not even be 2ft deep but still in this economy the money she would waste constantly refilling it plus the wasted water? No way would that make sense.

Also storing it somewhere other than outdoors where it is intended may not be an option for her.

Clearly we would need more information to make an actual useful suggestion.

What City/State is she in? So we know what the laws are regarding pools on private property.
Is she part of a Home Owners Association? And if so what are the rules regarding pools on your private property?

Not saying what you have done so far is wrong but for future issues always check what the laws are in your area first before doing anything that could end up in a tragedy. Especially if you’re not sure how to prevent or handle serious issues.


I’d turn our security camera towards it then confront them, and if they still don’t listen, tell the parents. Parents don’t make their kids listen? Get trespassing signs and call the cops!

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Empty your pool if you are not out supervising, if someone’s kid drowns in your unattended pool you could be held accountable for that.

Big mean dog
Lock fence
Cops and press charges

What kind of feral kids do that? I’m sorry, I’ve got no advice.


Turn over a little dirt so it’s about a two by five area and then a wooden cross …tell the kids that’s where the last kid that didn’t listen is buried…


Get a pool cover and make sure it’s covered. When you’re not using it you can also get a pool arm to it sounds. The biggest issue is liability if something did happen to another child he would be responsible because on your property and that’s not Something you want to deal with. Even if a child swallowed water and coughed and was fine at that moment to go home and have secondary drowning situation it’s not good so I always have a covered alarmed and tell the parents did not have them on your property like that

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. The neighborhood kids keep sneaking into my pool: Advice?

Are they picking the lock or climbing your fence and swimming in your drained pool? Be a responsible parent! Cross your t’s and dot your it’s.

It’s considered an “attractive nuisance” and you could be held liable for any injury to those children. I realize it’s a smaller pool but it should be in a locked gated area. If it isn’t, I’d empty it when not in use. Also, you said you spoke to the kids, but have you spoken to the parents?


It definitely puts you liable if it’s in your yard and they are playing. I would put keep out signs up and if they keep coming. day something and if they don’t stop. Have the local police come and make them. It’s not a safe situation and could lead to something bad happening

Set up a camera that live streams to your phone, i have multiple cameras i got from amazon to watch via livestream and some have motion detection and when they go into your pool call the cops, they are trespassing on your property and if they were to get hurt you’d be the one responsible


Go to their parents. I’m over the I can’t have nice things because others ruin it. Do they go in when they think you’re gone? If so I would purposely let them think I’m gone and bust them.

Put a no trespassing sign in your yard. It’s YOUR yard. YOUR house. Do what you need to do keep them out…

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Go to their parents and talk with them, also drain and empty it when it’s not in use. I know it’s a pain the butt(having to drain and re-fill) but if a kid drowns in the pool you can be held liable

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I was gonna say call the cops :woman_shrugging:t2: because like someone else said if they drown in your pool it’s your fault even tho they were trespassing on your property which I think is so ridiculous


You’d definitely be held liable if something happened. Seek out their parents. Tell them as many times as it takes that they cannot be in your pool lol.

Get some no trespassing signs post! Then I would tell the parents of these kids they are trespassing on your property! Ask them nicely to please talk to there children! It’s your pool and your responsible for anything that happens, unfortunately! If needed then I would let the police know about the situation!

You need to start knocking on mamas doors and raising hell. If that doesn’t work contact the police department and have them go door to door and explain to the mamas. That is ridiculous and a lawsuit waiting to happen to you! If it were me I’d be watching and waiting. I’d get them disrespectful little $#!+$ somehow. Waterhose, shaving cream, water balloons, dog on a leash…possibilities are endless. :thinking::sweat_smile::wink:But seriously I cant believe they have been told and still do it. Do not tolerate it.

Speak to the parents. Do not let them swim regardless if you’re there or not. Report them to the police if they sneak onto the property. Build a fence if possible.
Unfortunately, people are sue happy so reporting incidents like this could help protect you if anything should happen.

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Um. Empty the pool when your kids are done and fill it again when they use it. Usually its against the law to leave a pool unattended when it’s not fenced in. Someone’s child could die in it and then itll be your fault.


Sorry but I would call the cops. It’s irresponsible of their parents to think that it’s okay to allow them to go on someone else’s property without asking and then risking a lawsuit if heaven forbids someone drowns.


Go to their parents. Nine other trespassing children are not your responsibility if they are there without their knowledge.


I had the same problem one time. The neighborhood kids was sneaking on my daughter’s trampoline and her swing set. You have to get bold and tell them to get the heck off your property and if that don’t work you need to call the law. Have the law tell these children and their parents that those children cannot go on your property without permission. Because you are definitely liable if something happens. I know this because a buddy of mine has a 14 foot deep inground pool and a child actually climbed over the fence and got into his pool while he was not home. When he arrived home the child was in the pool. He marched right over to the child’s house with the child and told the parents the police was currently on the way. Also anytime you have any kind of a pool you have to have a fence around it. I’ve been through this where I live. Code enforcement said it don’t matter if it’s a baby, pool a above ground pool or an inground pool. Also you have to have no trespassing signs because once you Place those no trespassing signs and your yard you can actually have the children arrested. I’ve been through that also. Nobody likes to do that but if it comes down to it you know it is what it is and Life Is Life consequences happen

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That’s a liability just waiting to happen. If one of those kids gets hurt or drowns you will be responsible whether you knew they were in there or not. Our neighborhood rules are you can put it up but it has to be emptied at the end of the day or i would strap a cover over top or something to keep others out unless you are out there supervising. You could also tell the parents but lets be honest not all parents really care or will do anything.

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There are many good solutions here. But do not resort to calling the cops on kids. Especially if they’re kids of color. It’s traumatizing and dangerous.


Most states require pools to be fenced in or emptied when not in use or attended, I would at least talk to their parents and if that don’t work time to talk to the police.

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Is your pool fenced in? Because if a child drowns, you may have a problem. Speak to these kids parents.

You should 1. Get a fence and 2. NEVER leave water in it unattended.

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I agree. I’d even go a step further and have each child’s parents sign a form that releases you from liability. That way they can’t sue you for an attractive new sense. If they don’t sign them they can’t go in while your gone

I’d probably just put a cover on it and see if that would keep the neighborhood kids away.

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talk to the parents of the kids and let them know u don’t want that liability on you bc their kids snuck in your pool and got hurt or even drowned, put up a camera and a sign saying its there and in use (whether its a working camera or not), empty the pool when not using it the rest of the day, get a no trespassing sign as a hint to stay out of it, sit out there all day to let them know u are aware of them doing it, wait for them to get in the pool and walk over and kindly ask them not to use the pool or put a tarp on top of it and something heavy to hold it down.

Being a parent, I would want to be told if my kids are doing this so I could deal with them myself. I can’t do anything if I don’t know about it! That being said, if it continues after speaking to the parents then call the police!


These kids are breaking the law period. If there not taught repect and manners from there own parents yes call the cops and thats of any race.

Nope. No kids in my yard unless their parents come over as well and stay to supervise their kids. I am no baby sitter and also the parents could sue you or report you if anything happens in your yard.

Put it away when you’re not using it.

Empty it at the end of every day.

See im petty id put blue dye in it and let them run around like a smurf for a few weeks and you would know who the culprits are too :woman_shrugging::rofl:

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Put up a no trespassing sign. Also tell them to GET OUT and GO HOME. You do not have to be nice about it.

How do you know the owner isn’t of color nobody said anything about color

Try throwing a tarp over it when not in use and tie it with a rope.

Have you got a lock on your back garden gate

Seriously? Tell them no, talk to the parents. Problem solved.

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Install camers, inform the parents, and if that doesn’t work get the police involved.

Throw water balloons at them :sweat_smile:

Electric fence around it :innocent::rofl:

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If it’s fenced call the popos their trespassing

Go talk to the parents put signs up then call the cops

Get a camera and go to the parents now. If it happens again show the parents the footage and threaten to call police. I have similar issue with kids coming into my yard and shed smh. I’m scared to even get a baby pool. Technically you should have a fence if it’s over a certain depth. But honestly how hard is it to tell your kids to not go in someone’s yard. I never did that stuff as a kid!!! Be the grouchy old neighbor lady, yell at them if you have too. It ain’t illegal to tell kids to get the hell off your yard.

You’ve had it for one day I don’t think we should jump on here right away until it’s an issue. Drain the pool when you’re not using it, problem solved :woman_shrugging: if this is really an issue don’t ever leave enough water for anyone to get hurt or drown.

Just put it in the backyard if you can

Try putting a fitted sheet over the top. Maybe it will stop them from going in.

Put a sign up saying warning live piranhas

Umm take it down after it’s being used. That’s what I did. Not just because kids could break it ir drown but 2 ft of water gets dirty quickly. Do you really let them swim in the same water after a day?

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Tell them no.

Teach your child. That children that act like this. Mean one minute next minute they be hurting you upset you but the minute you doing well for yourself they come back.

Guard it off you no those things for beaches for privacy get few them.

See me I would tell them x

Call the police let them deal with it

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. The neighborhood kids keep sneaking into my pool: Advice?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. The neighborhood kids keep sneaking into my pool: Advice?


Put a camera out first and foremost, if something happens, you are liable. Secondly, go talk to said parents of kids and inform them of behavior. If it doesn’t stop, go ahead and charge each parent a ‘rental’ fee to use the pool for wear, tear, and maintenance.$1 a day sounds good.


Set up camera that notifies you of movement on your phone. When you see the children in your pool, call the local police. They all can get charged for trespassing


Inform their parents that you’ve asked their children not to trespass on your property and the next time it happens you will be phoning the police.

It’s way too big a liability that these children help themselves to the pool without consent or supervision by you. Also, buying a guard dog to guard the yard will help.


I’ve read some of the responses.
#1 do you have a fence?
#2 do you live where having an unfenced pool is allowed?
#3 I’d try and get pictures of the children going into your pool without permission.
#4 after that I’d notify the parents by registered mail that you are putting them on notice to keep their children out of your pool.
I’m sorry in this day and age you have to protect yourself. And even at that I wouldn’t be surprised if your pool doesn’t get vandalized. Good luck.


Just tell them they’re not allowed to use your pool at all, even with your kids there. If they can’t respect your wishes and what you tell them they can and cannot do than nobody deserves the right to use your pool except for you and your family. If you catch them on your property again after telling them they can’t use it and you’ve told the parents they can’t use it and the kids still come, call the cops because they are trespassing at that point.
I look at this way if they’re bullies, their parents don’t listen and they’re being little shits they deserve it. :woman_shrugging:


I’d just tell the kids “sorry, we’re having family time today, maybe Johnny can play another day. ”
Say it every day until they stop asking lol
I hate conflict and i hate speaking to children that aren’t mine especially if I don’t know their parents.
And sometimes I don’t know which is worse. The neighbor kids or their parents :joy::joy::joy::thinking::woman_facepalming:t2:


Talk to the parents. But if the parents don’t do anything call the cops when you see the kids in the pool and tell the cops to come without sirens on. The kids wil be taken home and parents given a fine.

Though! You are supposed to have a locked fence around a pool to prevent this from happening , if you do then they are clearly deserving of karma


What happened to the days of not going where you’re not invited? I don’t just go to my neighbor’s house when I feel like it and use their tools or their hoses. I would speak with their parents if you know who they are. Tell them to please keep their kids off your property when you are not at home. If it continues, I’d call the police and tell them that people are coming onto your property when you are not home. I say go to the police so that there’s a record of the kids sneaking onto your property in case one of them gets hurt. If you’re uncomfortable with that for fear of repercussion, I’d empty the pool and lock it up after each use. Don’t leave anything out where the kids can get to it.


Tell them and their parents that your pool is not for neighborhood use. You bought for your family aline. If tgey wish to swim you si
Urgent them buying their own pool. If you still have problems you may have to get nasty and call authorities. It is a shame people can’t respect each other’s property.


It is absolutely ABSURD to me that neighborhood people are just, coming onto your property and USING your stuff…and you’re telling me this has become such a thing that it actually warrants being -discussed-!? How about you have two seconds to get off my property or I’m coming at you with a baseball bat! Zero discussion and ZERO if ands or butts. I truly respect ya’lls answers, and I get where you guys are coming from… But like, this new culture genuinely scares me :fearful: this is NOT NORMAL


Talk to their parents. Drowning can happen so fast. We don’t even let other kids swim at our house. Liability is too high.


Empty the pool and take it inside. Easy. All children need to be supervised around water, so when the neighbours arrive, just shoo them away.


What the hell? You should call P.D it’s a liability. Have them talk to the parents of these kids. Is your home gated? If you know who the parents are warn them if they go by again you will be calling p.d to handle it


Talk to the parents. Explain they are not welcome. Have parents sign a paper stating they understand the rules. Maybe the parents have to be present and that you are not responsible for their children. Voice your concerns.


I had this problem. Took the water hose and took the water out the pool and put it up side down.


We had a pool growing up and if any of the neighborhood kids wanted to swim their parents had to sign a paper stating that their kids knew how to swim ad that my parents were not liable for any injury that happened to their child. That might be a start.


Just take photos and videos, and call the police whenever they come by. They are trespassing.

Their parents will eventually force them to stop coming over.


If you can get tall locking gates for around the pool. No child should be swimming without adult supervision anyways.


When I had a pool, I told the neighborhood kids that they could only go in it if my kids were swimming AND if one of their parents came with them. It was amazing how “busy” these parents were. My pool was also fenced in which made it less accessible when I was not home.

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Put a couple rubber snakes in the pool. Lol I’d run fishing line to the snakes and really scare them. Lmao
Sorry, all jokes aside, if a child could drown in your pool, you need to secure it. Some children don’t mind, and liability would on you. Good luck.

Empty the pool when not it use.
Lock the gate so they can’t get in. (If there isn’t a fence around it then :grimacing::flushed:)
Send a letter around saying no kids allowed in without asking permission first and need parents watching at all times.


I’m sorry. Why is nobody saying it? Lose. The. Pool. Or build a fence. I didn’t read that they were jumping a fence. And…your babes shouldn’t be in it without you right there. Sounds like that’s not happening and now that’s out on social media. What are you thinking, mom? It’s not worth it! And If you own your home, that’s a liability. YOU will be responsible for another child. They will sue when their kids are injured or worse. Negligence=jail…for you. 6 ft fence should be around a pool. Kids in a pool should be closely watched.

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In NY, only a fence high enough to be a deterrence is going to let you escape responsibility. No sign, no warning, is going to keep you from a lawsuit if something happens. A small pool would be called an attractive nuisance and a child is therefore not immune to it. The only way you can stop the whole thing from becoming trouble is to supervise every time you have it out for your children. Empty it and secure it in between times. You may even need to protect it from vandalism from the sound of the behavior of your neighbor children.


Some of these questions that appear on this site really did lead me to believe some of y’all probably should not be raising kids. Where do you think our parents got their Common Sense from when social media wasn’t around? A pool has to be gated inbox.


If you don’t have a fence up with signs and and one drowns you are held liable for it. My neighbors had to gate in their backyard when they put in their in-ground pool even though we have a lake with no fence right behind our houses


If they are over the age of 10 they are trespassing and that is punishable by law. Inform the parents of this fact and tell them to keep their kids out of your garden. You don’t actually have to call the police, but these parents need to do their job and watch their damb kids


Maybe I’m just rude, but no kids are allowed over unless they are invited. Not just for pool reasons, but sometimes for peace and quiet. You knock and ask to stay if I say no they go home. If rules are broken then they don’t come back


Obviously you’re too nice it would only happen once at my house just once if the kids don’t have no respect for you obviously the parents of the kids don’t have no respect for you either


Talk to the parents and kids both, at the same time and tell them you do not wish for them to be coming over. And if they continue to do so, the police will be called. Hang a no trespassing sign on your property. Install a camera overlooking the pool so you have proof to show both the parents and the police if they continue to do this.


Get a medium size crocodile and put it in.


Can’t you just take the water out the pool and put your pool up and only take it out when your kids are ready to swim and maybe do it in your backyard so they don’t know that you have a pool seems pretty simple


You have recognised the risk of drowning occurring. Do you have any commonsense at all ?!
Put the pool in a fenced area where intruders (and your own children!) can’t reach it when they are not supervised.
Supervise children at all times when they have access to the pool.

Your questions about the social aspects are insignificant until you have dealt with your obligations regarding safety.


Since it is a small pool when your kids are done playing drain it everyday


Speak with the parents. Set the ground rules ASAP since they are already abusing the privilege.


Tell them their on camera…say calling cops…you need to protect in case someone drown…if their bullies they might hurt your kids. get a cheap camera You might need it


When I was about 13 years old our neighbor right behind us and mind you there was an 8-foot fence wooden fence in between our yard me and my girlfriend jumped that fence in the middle of the night to play in their pool.I went underwater and came up to a shotgun in my face, trust me I never trespassed on somebody’s property ever again to swim in their pool and the police were called and they took me around the block and woke my mother up boy howdy I tell you I never trespass on somebody’s property again after that! scared me. I’m 54 now…lol


Contact parents. Can you move it to a fenced area? Post signs no trespassing. Contact non emergency police and ask for suggestions and your liability


Fence your pool and lock the gate. All of these children are at risk of drowning if sneaking in unsupervised.


Go talk to the parents if this does not work contact the authorities and they can have a talk with the trespassers


Find the parents and tell them point blank NO … it’s ur property ur pool ur liability … unless u say yes and u are physically there watching over


Again where are their parents that they just allow their kids to do whatever