You’re the adult. Send them home and let their parents know they are not allowed in the pool unless you are there to supervise and with your permission.
You really need to report it to your local police so you have a “paper trail”. Also, post " No Trespassing " signs all around. Just incase, God forbid, some kids get hurt in your yard messing around in your pool when you aren’t there. Their family will try to sue you and that paper trail you made just might end up saving your butt!!
Talk to their parents. However, know that you will still be responsible if something happens to one of their children on your pool. Unfortunately.
If the kids are bullies the parents are bullies most likely and they will not be nice about it and your kids will reap the repercussion. Make it super difficult. Tell them they can swim one at a time but they must bring both their parents with. Guarentee that will never happen. Also send out a notice in email something tangible so if anything happens and u not there or u are not looking then u are covered and not liable.
It is a liability,if something happens to one of the children which is more important than a hole in the pool. The parents may not know their kids are wandering off and appreciate someone talking with them about their children’s safety.
More than worrying about it breaking, worry about lawsuits. Yes, even if they were trespassing, court will hold you liable. I am speaking from experience.
You need to protect yourself. Post a No Trespassing sign on every gate and even the back side of your fence if necessary. You are also liable for any death or injury unless you put up a secure fence around the pool, or simply drain it and put it out of sight. These kids obviously aren’t going to stop and their parents aren’t going to do anything about it. I know it’s a hassle but it’s worth the effort to keep you and your family safe.
Well if you have a fence up they should not be hopping the fence to get in the pool. Please put a sign up that says no trespassing. You also need to put a pool sign up as well if you’re going to leave water in the kiddie pool.
If a child dies in that pool, its legally your fault. Talk to the parents , if the parents won’t do anything you can always yell at the children to just get off your property
Get you a small boa constrictor 2 to 3 feet long They love to swim and people don’t hang around long when I take “Killer” for a swim!!
Are you aware that any pool even a kids one needs to be fenced and if it isn’t and a child drowns in it you may be charged with manslaughter? I’d hurry up and sort it before a child drowns and your held responsible… freak accidents happen frequently!
Go talk to their parents about being worried their kids might drown, they don’t have your permission to be on your yard, and that you will not be held responsible and that they need to correct their children.
Protect yourself from a potential lawsuit:
- Put up a “no trespassing” sign
- Put up a “pool rules” sign which includes getting prior approval of use of pool and a parent must be present
- Get a security camera that records facing the pool
- If it’s not fenced, get a cheap fence like snow fencing to enclose it
The kids:
- If you know their parents, talk to them and give them the copy of your “pool rules” you hung up
- Advise them that the next time you catch the kids in your pool you will be calling the police as you have to protect yourself from any future liability
- If the kids sneak in again, call the police
If parents are not parenting their kids, one of them is going to end up seriously hurt or worse on your property. Those are also the first parents who will sue you. You could lose your house, car, and anything else you have to your name. Even if you win in court, the attorney fees will bankrupt you!
That’s so rude and dangerous. Even if you are not responsible for their injury or God forbid worse, the parents have a duty to teach their children to respect other people’s property. I would put no trespassing signs out stating you are not responsible for injuries or death . The point is they are in it uninvited !
Empty it and put it away for when you are able to sit out with your child(ren). Risks are eliminated and the pool is preserved.
Please secure the pool area. If people can get into it when you’re not there then that’s a liability.
Toss a Baby Ruth in the water when no one is looking then ask who pooped. They’ll all get out. If not call the police and give the police their names and ask police to tell parents their children are not welcome.
I don’t know where you live but here that’s illegal weather its out the back or front anything deeper then 30cm is a drowning hazard and has to have a fence around it and yes that includes blow up pools
We only allowed neighbor kiddos if the parent came along. Neighbors never came.
Insurance requires that you have a fence around any pool.
Let the other neighbors know that the pool is for your family use. Not a public place. Explain to them, that if any injuries occur, you are not in a position to be held accountable.
If you have minors as guests, make sure they have a permission note from their parents. And a lifeguard is on duty. Otherwise, they can’t come over.
No buts about it.
Put a sign in your yard
Private Property
No Trespassing.
You warned the kids and the parents. This will protect you if something happens while you’re not around.
Be a mature charitable person: your kids can be the ones with the cool parent(s) or the jerk parent(s) [whose houses are so much more fun to ding dong ditch, Tp, etc.]
Its called deflating the kiddie pool and putting it away while your not using it, so your not creating a breeding ground for mosquitos. No pool, no problem…
Don’t you have a fence around it. It might a ordnance in your city
Send notes to parents that you do not want their children to be in the pool for heavens sake you do not need to call police on ten year old children has to be a better solution
May I suggest writing a letter handing out the letter to every house and posting it on your property. This god forbid can turn into a tragedy which you sadly could be liable for . When the pool is not in use put it away or get some security fence and cameras .
drain it when not in use set up cameras many other choices available
Talk to the kids parents and let them know what is going on. Tell the parents the pool is for your families use only. Lock the gate to your backyard. Put a no trespassing sign on the gate/fence as well.
I’d be more concerned with bullying kids. Kids are so vulnerable and can be talked into things so easily. Fences make good neighbors. You are the spoon that feeds them in all ways. Not to mention lack of chlorination in small pools like this and whatever comes with sharing a pool like that.
Cover it with a pool cover and tell them to get out of your yard call the police on trespassers then you won’t have to have possible conflict with a child or parent let the cops deal with them.
Put the pool in the backyard lol any of them get hurt on your property you could lose your house!
Go to the parents of these kids first. Tell them the kids are welcome to come swim, but only if your rules are followed. Put up a no trespassing sign. If the kids still come when there is no supervision, call the local police to help with the situation. If possible, put a tall gate or privacy fence around the pool to keep outsides outside.
Tell the parent to sign something saying they will supervise their kids while they are in your pool… that should cut down on them being over there. Just a thought.
tell them they are not allowed there and put a tarp over the pool. you can speak to the parents as well since it is a safety concern and you are not supervising them and they are on your property so if anything happens that can fall back to you. if nothing else works contact authorities or take it down and up as they use it
Put a sign up and have it know that no one is allowed in the pool but your kids for insurance reasons!
That’s a huge liability. What happens with your family and you because of someone else’s negligence? That’s like kids who get hurt going on someone else’s trampoline? I’d be filing a report for trespassing and such
The first thing I would do is get a camera so I know as soon as anybody is near the pool. And then I would go out there and talk to them telling them sternly that they are not to be in the pool ever without my/adult supervision. If I didn’t want them in the pool at all I would tell them that instead that if they want a pool they will have to tell their parents to get one… And tell them if they are caught by the camera again parents will be talked to and if again then the police would have to get involved. You have to set boundaries/rules and have consequences if the boundries/rules are broken.
Sorry, but you are responsible for things that happen in your property. Now that you are aware, it’s attractive nuisance. You might need to empty each day. It states that a landowner may be held liable for injuries to children trespassing on the land if the injury is caused by an object on the land that is likely to attract children.
Take your butt to their front door and tell their parents to keep the kids away from your shit or be prepared to pay for it when the mess it up
Dear lord how is this a dilemma? You bought a pool for YOUR kids. And its in YOUR back garden. If other kids are sneaking in and using it without your permission then thats trespassing. Find out where they live knock the door and explain to the parents that this is happening and that they need to make it stop. If they cant control their kids and stop them from trespassing then call the police. If you dont want to knock the door then type up a letter and post it round the street saying the same. Dont forget youre the adult here and what you say goes also its YOUR HOUSE its honestly mind boggling that this is how little respect for others kids are being brought up with
Just fill it when your kids are using it. “no water, no pool” simple
Tell them to puck off home! Its not your responsibility or problem. Talk to their parents, let them know they’re not welcome. Thats rude as shit
Put a fence around your backyard. On the west coast, no house is built without a backyard fence. Property line fencing, every house built.
Get a very large no trespassing sign get another large sign not responsible for any serious injuries regarding trespassing into the pool next sure they are very visible also try putting on motion lights that will wake you up or let you know or an alarm system that senses people there
Put up a fence!… keep it locked. Empty pool when kids are not outside!
Legally, should you not have a fence around it?? I know when we had ours it’s a law- plus we had to carry extra insurance for it!!
Thought all places made you by law have a fence around any pool that’s left alone?
It’s sa shallow pool so put up a fence or drain it daily. Which is a waste of water. Put up no trespassing signs. Only then can you legally do anything about it.
Learned that when someone came in my yard with a gun on my child. No signs. They can’t do much apparently
6 ft privacy fence with a gate that locks from the inside
I can’t believe we are looking over the bigger picture that this is trespassing on someones property!!! Since when did you just go on other people’s property and use there things? Kids dont go over and just ride someone eles bikes or just come sit on the patio furniture and have lunch, y are they using the pool? Especially a kiddie pool? I would speak to the parents and let them know you will be calling the police next time…this day and age its ridiculous what kids think is acceptable to do and how entitled they are… good luck with the neighbors
All pools no matter how deep must have a fence for this reason
Are you in Australia? It has to have a pool fence by law for that exact reason
So kids can’t get in and maybe drown
Do you have a fence? That, at least, helps. You have what is called in the insurance industry, an attractive nuisance, which opens you up to a liability suit should anything happen to the kids.
First I was going to say take pictures of the kids getting into your pool and let the parents of the kids know what they are doing…also you could say something like your kids help themselves to my pool, I’ve told them to stay out if they drown it’s on you, record your conversations with all the parents get them to say there names(Hi, I’m Suzie from down the street, I forgot your name what is it?] Or if you know the persons name Just say it) 2) you could empty the pool(I know that’s a hassel) and put it in the garage or house if your going to be gone and just refill it every time…3 put a better lock on your gate! No need for a dog, that’s to expensive! Lol you could put a bunch of mouse traps in the pool after use, no I’m just joking with that one!…Bullies were never allowed at my house! Just for the safety of your kids you can get some of that orange construction mesh fence and put post through it into the ground and latch it with zip ties everytime you and your kids are using it, you can cut the zip ties every time you go in and out…
I wouldn’t let anyone but my onw kids in there or if they have specific friends over…and call the cops…you are liable for those kids weather you like it or not cause the pool is on your property…its not fair but i think thats how the law is written…
Call the parents and if that don’t work call family and children services on the parents not watching their kids in a dangerous area
I would pick a day…and say this is the day you all may come and play in the pool…and then you all be out there and watch…from 2-4… one day per week…Make some cupcakes…and have some punch…and keep it fun…maybe they will not be bullies anymore but friends…It is all in how one handles it…Either that or set it up in our garage and keep the door down.
Talk to the parents if they doesnt work then go to the cops and let them no the parents are not watching their kids properly
They’re actually bullying you as well as your kids by going on your property and using the pool. See their parents or police. If you charge , all their mates will come, no room for yours.
I agree with you, the pool is for your children and at this present time with covid the parents of the other kids should know better.
Drain the pool at night. Fill it during the day. Be outside with them. Let the other childrens parents you don’t want them over in yuor yard. If the continue to come in the yard and get in the pool call the police. They should be able to get their own kids a pool. They don’t cost that much.
I would move to a more secure and more intelligent neighborhood. My opinion. It would be good for your kids.
If its just a small kiddie pool, maybe drain it when your not home
Here in Australia you’d be fined for not having a safety fence around the pool.
Fence an tell them NOT to come back in your yard or you will call the PD an the PD just might take there lil butts to juvenile if they don’t obey the rules of not trespassing
Watch out the window, when u seem them come scare the shit out of them scream at them to get the hell out. That’s what I’d do
Put up no trespassing signs and a camera. You can then report to police. Let the police talk to the parents.
Fill pool with bleach keep your kids out of pool and if other parents complain you were just cleaning pool lol
Put a privacy fence around it& put up no trespassing and has a PD called and cameras put up
Ask the local bank manager for some of the colored ink packets they put in large shipments of money and dye there butts
Empty and pack away the pool when its not being used.
Talk to the parents. When it continues, talk to the cops. I’m not saying call 911 and make it a total emergency but call the non emergency line and request for a cop to come and have a talk about trespassing.
Now, before you DO call them, you need to make sure you have video recording of you telling either parents OR the kids (nicely) not to come in your yard that it is your property and they are trespassing. Make sure you put up at least 1 no trespassing sign.
Empty the pool when your children are done and put it in the garage. Problem solved.
Is it possible to empty the pool when your done? I’d fill the pool with dye let them go hone and explain it to their parents
Tell them if they cannot follow the rules then they are not welcome to come back. Then go to parents if they still refuse.
Fill the pool with scalding hot water. It’ll teach them not to use something that isn’t theirs without permission. Or, fill it with bleach. Just inform the police ahead of time.
Talk to there parents ask them to keep there kids out of your garden
Empty it when they aren’t using it. I know its a pain but its better than something happening to a neighbor kid and you being at fault.
take it down use a sprinkler for your kids
Why don’t you have a pool fence with lock…a pool 30cm or more is lawfully required a fence to follow legally set council rules
Put up signs say no trespassing,or it could come back to your insurance.
Right put a camera up and a no trespassing sign
It’s a liability issue, speak to parents.
Go to their parents and tell their parents what is going on and that you don’t want their kids around especially since they bully your kid. If that doesn’t work the. Go to the cops
Being nice works way better than shouting or threatening, has always worked very well for me.
Put up private property signs for legality purposes
Put it in the back yard , then they trespassing
Buy an alligator to patroll your pool
Tell them to go home, have their mom to buy them one
Do you have a fence??? If not you need one. If any child drowns you can be sued, plus you want these children safe.
Could try some food dye to turn the water a harmless disgusting color
They can only go in if their mom calls you and sets up a play date, and comes and sits by the pool with her child. You are not a babysitter, or life guard.
Blue food coloring for a day then refill before your kids go back in.
Take it down or put it in the back yard with a fence
Put an electric fence around it
It’s been 1 day. Also are you in an apartment complex or a house?
If you don’t have a privacy fence, there isn’t much you can do. Do you live in an aparrtment?
Well I’m guessing it’s fenced can you put a padlock on the gate at all ?
Empty pool when not in use.
Put some blue dye in it.
Cover it when you aren’t there